Arab Spring Essays (Examples)

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Arab Spring Was a Revolution Started Mainly
Pages: 10 Words: 3132

Arab Spring was a revolution started mainly by youth and spread over the Arab and North African countries. The purpose was to attain change in the way the countries were run and in doing so attain better living conditions. Morocco was one of the nations involved in the revolution and it succeeded in attaining some form of change. The constitutional and parliament alterations limited the powers of the king along with giving more independence to the judiciary and the parliament. Despite the political distress, the country managed to have a stable and progressing economy. However, the unemployment still remains a crucial problem for many young people. The women in Morocco were specifically highlighted in this issue. Gender equality has been looked into and is making progress with positive reforms.
eview of literature

The literature used was mainly articles from magazines and newspapers as this was a major issue in the media. Many…...



Achy, L., Touhtou, R., & Hachimi, M.E. (2012). State and Civil Society in Morocco: Assessing the Arab Spring Effect. Retrieved from 

Bauer, M., & Schiller, T. (2012) the Arab Spring in 2012. Center for Applied Policy Research. 1.

Belhorma, Souad. (2011) The Impact of the Arab Spring: Spotlight on the Future of Moroccan Women. Retrieved from 

Norgaard, Ole. (2001). Democracy, Democratization and Institutional Theory. Retrieved from

Arab Spring in Syria the Middle East
Pages: 5 Words: 1726

Arab Spring in Syria
The Middle East is a region which has been rife with violence and political upheaval since its original inhabitation millennia ago. Peoples who desire power over others have used force and violence in order to subvert the civil rights of others and expand their dominion over more land. Throughout the latter half of the twentieth century advances in technology, including weapons technologies has only made the wars between factions even more deadly, leading to eradications of large numbers of the populations. Many countries in the Middle East have suffered because of leadership more interested in their own power than in the rights of the people. In each of these countries, there have also been groups dedicated to the spreading of democracy and the overthrowing of totalitarian regimes. These series of civil wars have become collectively known as the Arab Spring, since spring is the season traditionally associated…...


Works Cited

Barnard, A. & Myers, S. (2012). Battle for Aleppo intensifies, as world leaders pledge new support for rebels. The New York Times.

Daftari, L. (2012). Iranian general admits 'fighting every aspect of a war' in defending Syria's

Assad. Fox News.

Edwell, P. (2012). The perils of history and antiquity in Syria. The Conversation. The Conversation Media Group. Retrieved from

Arab Spring Specifically the Country of Jordan and Their Involvement
Pages: 15 Words: 4949

Arab Spring: Jordan
The Middle East is an area of the world that has always been prone to uprisings and political turmoil, but that can be said of almost any area of the world given a specific time period. In the Arab world, there has been a lot of political change over the last century because the major players have changed so many times. Originally, it was the British who held a great deal of the territory as a part of their extensive empire, but all of that land was returned after the Second orld ar. Then the governments were largely puppets of estern democracies like those in Egypt and Iran. But, the new trend (happening at least since the Shah was deposed) is that Islamist religious leaders are the true theocratic rulers of countries with a de facto head who is the face of the nation, but has little true…...


Works Cited

Blanche, Ed. "Arab Spring and the Mukhabarat Moment." The Middle East 427 (2011, Nov.): 31-34. Print.

Blanche, Ed. "The Club of Kings." The Middle East 425 (2011, Aug/Sept): 28-31. Print.

de Borchgrave, Arnaud. "Beware the Arab Spring; Long-Time Israeli Diplomat Warns that Democracy will Morph into Islamism." The Washington Times (2011, 14 Dec): 804. Print.

Cotelesse, Chris. "A Costly Chill in the Air." The Humanist 71.5 (2011): 40-41. Print.

Arab Spring the Revolutions That
Pages: 6 Words: 2017

That means the radicals and terrorists that follow al Qaeda might have new opportunities to plan attacks against the est, because in the past, the dictators in Egypt and Tunisia held tight control over any activities by radicals or others. That said, it should be noted that the U.S. still has "deep connections" among small but economically powerful "monarchies, emirates and sheikdoms" in the Persian Gulf. In fact the U.S. has its Navy 5th Fleet headquarters in Bahrain, and the U.S. needs those strategic allies notwithstanding the lack of democratic policies in those countries.

In Egypt's revolution, dictator Mubarak was sent from power, but notwithstanding his brutal control over the population, he was an ally of the U.S. because he cooperated in the U.S. negotiations with Israel. And in fact Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1979, so Mubarak -- who went against public opinion in Egypt by…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Lisa. "Demystifying the Arab Spring." Foreign Affairs, 90.3 (2011): 1-7.

CBS News. "Arab Spring's uprisings reshape U.S. influence." Retrieved January 4, 2012, from   2011. .

Damon, Arwa. "Syrian defector says government has lost control of 'human monsters'." Retrieved January 5, 2012, from .

Arab Spring Since January 2011
Pages: 3 Words: 999

The differences were in the response from government officials and what tactics were used by protestors to place increasing amounts of pressure on these regimes. (Anderson, 2011) (Goldstone, 2011)
Depending upon the definition of a real revolution, there are certain characteristics that might not qualify some countries under this kind of status. For example, in Tunisia and Egypt there were continuing demonstrations along with general strikes that shut down both countries. This forced these regimes to give up power, in an effort to meet the demands of the general public. In this aspect, the underlying amounts of violence were less severe (which is making these revolutions appear as if they do not fully qualify). (Anderson, 2011) (Goldstone, 2011)

While at other times, there have been tremendous amounts of blood shed among the demonstrators and military units. That is supposed to be stopping these protests against the government. In many cases, (i.e.…...



IOC says Muammar Gaddafi Killing may be a War Crime. (2011). BBC. Retrieved from: 

Anderson, L. (2011). Demystifying the Arab Spring.

Goldstone, J. (2011). Understanding the Revolutions of 2011.

Arab Spring
Pages: 9 Words: 2727

Affecting the Rest of the World The Arab Spring can and will affect the rest of the world for the foreseeable future by acting as a representation of the will of the people over the tyranny of unpopular dictatorships. This spirit can already be seen in the populism sweeping through Europe and even in the U.S. Donald Trump (the billionaire candidate who embraced his “outsider” status by pledging to “drain the swamp” (Prupis, 2017) of Establishment politics in D.C.) won the election for president in 2016 over political mainstay Hillary Clinton, who represented both progressive liberalism and the status quo that had been carried on by Barack Obama for the 8 years prior. Trump’s victory was viewed as a moral victory for voters in the U.S. who wanted to send a message to D.C. that they wanted to see the bull let loose in the proverbial China shop: they wanted a…...



BBC. (2011). Tunisia suicide protester Mohammed Bouazizi dies. Retrieved from

Chikhi, L. (2011). Algeria army should quit politics: opposition. Retrieved from

Gobe, E. (2010). The Gafsa Mining Basin between Riots and a Social Movement: meaning and significance of a protest movement in Ben Ali\\\\'s Tunisia. Retrieved from

Prupis, N. (2017). United States: Report says Trump breaking pledge to\\\\'drain the swamp\\\\'. Green Left Weekly, (1131), 15.

Radsch, C. (2014). Digital dissidence & Political change: Cyberactivism and citizen journalism in Egypt. (Doctoral Dissertation, American University).

Rubinstein, D. (2018). Ocasio-Cortez takes on the Amazon fight in New York. Retrieved from

Scott, J. M., & Carter, R. G. (2015). From Cold War to Arab Spring: mapping the effects of paradigm shifts on the nature and dynamics of US democracy assistance to the Middle East and North Africa. Democratization, 22(4), 738-763.

VanGrasstek, C. (2016). What will happen to US trade policy when Trump runs the zoo? (No. 03/2016). ECIPE Occasional Paper.

Arab Spring and Terrorism
Pages: 3 Words: 1074

Arab Spring: the political movement
The overall incidents that have recently surfaced in the form of political revolts and instability within the Arab world have been termed as the 'Arab Spring'. This particular chain of events was lead primarily by the Jasmine revolution which began back in December 2010. The jasmine revolution basically meant to overrun the authoritative Tunisian administration which it was successful in doing and thus the revolution was then able to spread to the neighboring nations like Egypt, Syria and Libya. The Arab Spring has shown that there is an excessive and extensive need and demand for the rule of democracy as well as exercise of civil rights from within all the countries that have been included within the Arab Spring phenomenon and thus we see revolutions surfacing in all major regions like Tunisia, Libya, Egypt. This increased need and awareness has been the reason behind the…...



Aa. V. (2011), The New Arab Revolt: What Happened, What It Means, and What Comes Next, Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Affairs, Maggio-Giugno.

Brownlee, J.,Masoud, T. And Reynolds, A. (2013). The Arab Spring: the politics of transformation in North Africa and the Middle East. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lutterbeck, D. (2013). Arab Uprisings, Armed Forces, and Civil-Military Relations. Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 39, No. 1 (pp. 28 -- 52)

Did the Arab Spring Reduce Terrorism
Pages: 3 Words: 960

Arab Spring has shifted the political landscape of North Africa and the Middle East. Starting in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, the Arab Spring has often been described as a pro-democracy movement. It was characterized by massive political protests, organized largely by the use of social media, and led to a pan-regional revolution of sorts. Political leaders were overthrown, leading to disparate governments in each of the affected nations. The Arab Spring spread, partly due to social media but also due to more traditional methods of communication and information sharing, to the Middle East. Countries that have been impacted in one way or another include Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia (Angel, n.d.).
Undoubtedly, the Arab Spring has also altered the nature, focus, character, and goals of terrorism in the region. The types of changes that the Arab Spring has instigated, however, remain largely unknown.…...



Angel, D. (n.d.). The Arab Spring and terrorism. Retrieved online:,%20Danielle-%20Fall%2011.pdf?sequence=1

Boghardt, L.P. (2013). Saudi Arabia: Outlawing terrorism and the Arab Spring. The Washington Institute. Dec 27, 2013. Retrieved online: 

Cruickshank, P. (2011). Analysis: Why Arab Spring could be Al Qa'ida's fall. CNN. 21 Feb, 2011. Retrieved online:  

Women in the Arab Spring Role of
Pages: 10 Words: 3156

Women in the Arab Spring
ole of Women in the Arab Spring

History of Women in the Arab World

Tunisian Example and Women's ole in the evolt

Egyptian Example and Women's ole in the evolt

Yemeni Example and Women's ole in the evolt

Libyan Example and Women's ole in the evolt

Common-ground of the Eminent Female Workers

The Arab Spring was a rude awakening for the world. It brought to light how simmering discontent among the masses can erupt into a volcano on the pretext of a seemingly insignificant event. Countries that were ruled by autocratic governments for decades, realized that they had had enough of oppression and that the time had come for them to change their lives.

While these countries have generally been considered conservative with regards to women's rights, it should be noted here that Islam is actually a religion of moderation and the values that are associated with Islam by the fundamentalists in these…...



Cozzens, L. The Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965. 1998. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from African-American History: 

Crawford, J. Despite Arab Spring, women's rights tenuous, Senate panel told . 2011. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from CNN National Security Producer:

D'Amour, R. As Arab Spring Turns to Winter, Women Fear Pushback. IPS. 2011

Kelly, M. Civil War - History of the Civil War. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from

Syria the Arab Spring Has
Pages: 11 Words: 3807

The presence of the Iranian nuclear problem on the agenda of the Security Council and as a topic for all discussions between heads of states has determined a reluctant attitude in terms of the way in which Iran conducts both its foreign and internal affairs. Despite the fact that Turkey is reluctant to create a situation in which Syria would eventually depend on the support of the Iranian side, given all the above, Turkey cannot afford to invest diplomatic and political efforts that would attract sufficient visibility both internal and external into a Syrian project that cannot rely on the strength and desire of the Asad regime to impose certain reforms that would reduce both the pressure and the expectations of the international community. Therefore, seeing that on the one hand, Syria is reluctant to undergo internal massive reforms and on the other hand is vulnerable to outside influence…...



Aydintasbas, Asli. Turkey's New Policy on Syria ? "Washington Institute for Near East Policy ." 5 Oct 2011. . 17 Dec 2911 .

AlJazeera. National coordination committee Live Blog. 2011. 16 Dec 2011 .

Cagaptay, Soner. "Under the Influence: Syria's Unique Relationship with Turkey." The Washington Institute for Near East Studies (2011).

Ghalioun, Burhan. Syria Opposition Leader Interview Transcript The Wall Street Journal. 2 Dec 2011.

The Revolts of the Arab Spring
Pages: 6 Words: 1838

Uprisings are a part of history. From the Greeks against the Persians to Americans against the British, revolutions are won and lost just as quickly as they are started. The Arab Spring region experienced several revolutions in 2010-2011. Some of these revolutions were somewhat successful (Tunisia and Yemen) while others were not (Egypt and Syria). What is clear about the Arab Spring uprisings is that many people needed things to change and they were willing to sacrifice it all, including their very lives to see it done.
The Arab revolts became a major source of news in 2011. What sparked the tragic and turbulent series of events began in 2010 with the self-immolation of a young fruit vendor by the nameof Mohamed Bouazizi. This singular event sparked a series of unparalleled demonstrations and protests in Tunisia. The success of which led to another wave of unrest in Egypt, spreading to Algeria…...



Gelvin, James L. The Arab Uprisings. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print.

The Guardian,. "The Arab Spring: Made in Tunisia, Broken in Egypt." the Guardian. N.p., 2014. Web. 10 May 2016.

Williamson, Scott and Caroline Abadeer. "Protest, Uprising & Regime Change in The Arab Spring." Muftah. N.p., 2014. Web. 10 May 2016.

Egypt After the Arab Spring
Pages: 6 Words: 2284

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 when Great Britain was still in control of Egypt. World War I had effectively ended the Muslim caliphate, and it was this entity that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood sought to restore. Even though there is broad recognition by the organization that this goal will not be quickly achieved with estimates considering several decades of effort will be needed to accomplish the objective.
A teacher from a middle class, educated family, Hasan al-Banna had participated in demonstrations against British colonial rule since he was a youth (Warner, 2013). Al-Banna was respected as both a preacher and an unorthodox thinker, attributes which led disgruntled workers from the Suez Canal zone to seek him out. Encouraged by their approach, al-Banna began a "pan-Islamic revival and solidarity movement" henceforth referred to as the Muslim Brotherhood (Warner, 2013).

According to Yasser El-Shimy, an Egypt and Middle East Analyst for the…...



Alterman, J. B and McCants, W. (2015). Egypt: The search for stability, In J.B. Alterman, (Ed.), Religious Radicalism After the Arab Uprisings. Center for Strategic & International Studies. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Retreived from 

Warner, A. (2013). An illustrated history of the Muslim Brotherhood: A half-century journey from the underground to the corridors of power. Slate. Retreived from 

____. (2014, December 6). Al-Qaeda's remaining leaders. New Asia, British Broadcasting Company (BBC). Retrieved from 

____. (2013, July 8). Muslim Brotherhood has long history in Egypt. [Robert Siegel Interviews Yasser El-Shimy, an Egypt and Middle East Analyst for the International Crisis Group and former diplomat of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs]. Special Series: Political Crisis in Egypt. National Public Radio (NPR). Retreived from /templates/story/story.php?storyId=200104641

Arabs Certain Words Must Be
Pages: 5 Words: 1655

S.-supported dictators.
Thus, while the term "Arab" is useful for describing a particular group of people with a shared language, culture, and history, one cannot readily assume that all Arabs subscribe to a pan-Arabist ideology, especially in light of the often overlapping "Muslim world," which many Arabs would identify themselves a part of (above and beyond any shared connection due to their Arab heritage). In reality, a shared linguistic and cultural background is really the only thing that unites Arabs, but because the world's largely white, Christian reigning powers have for so long actively disenfranchised and brutalized the Arab world, either through direct action or proxies, this shared linguistic and cultural background has been the only unifying feature which allows for any resistance. In many ways, one may see the emerging democratic movements of the Arab Spring as the successful replacement of both pan-Arabism and pan-Islamism, because the desire for social…...



Goldschmidt, A., & Davidson, L. (2006). A concise history of the middle east. Boulder:

Westview Press.

Kinninmont, J. (2008). The politics of chaos in the middle east. Middle East Policy, 15(4), 161-

Arabs in the United States
Pages: 6 Words: 1958

More than 80% of all Arabs in the U.S. are legal citizens, thus creating an Arab-American cultural foundation consisting of over 3.5 million Americans (AAI, 2009). This single clustered group in reality consists of people from 22 countries like Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, and Lebanon. Today, a third of this population lives in California, New York, or Michigan, with 94% of all Arab-Americans living in urban areas. Only 5% of Arab-Americans are unemployed, and 46% have college degrees. Of all countries represented, over a third of all Arab-Americans are of Lebanese descent (AAI, 2009).

The first wave of Arab immigrants coming into the U.S. were clumped together and known as Syrian-Lebanese (Hajar and Jones, 2011). The majority of them were indeed of Lebanese, Christian descent, and their immigration fluctuated for decades from the late 19th century until the 1920's. hat initially brought them to the U.S. were stories told by missionaries and…...


Works Cited:

Mamdani, Mahmood. Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: A Political Perspective on Culture and Terrorism. American Anthropologist, Vol. 104, No. 3 (Sept. 2002), pp. 766-775.

Leonard, Karen. American Muslims and Authority: Competing Discourses in a Non-Muslim State. Journal of American Ethnic History, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Fall 2005), pp. 5-30.

Salaita, Steven. Ethnic Identity and Imperative Patriotism: Arab-Americans before and after 9/11. College Literature, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Spring 2005), pp. 146-168.

Hajar, Paula, Jones, Sydney J. Lebanese Americans.   Advameg Inc. 2011. 

Arab- and African-Americans and Racial
Pages: 10 Words: 2860

(Davis, 2001) That number is sure to have risen dramatically since Davis did her research.
The debates surrounding both the efficacy and the morality of racial profiling have created a lot of disagreement from many communities of color. Kabzuag Vaj is an organizer with the Asian Freedom Project in Madison, Wisconsin. The Asian Freedom Project has garnered hundreds of accounts of racial profiling of Southeast Asian youth over the past year. (Davis, 2001)

"Talking to the mainstream about racial profiling is hard," says Vaj. "The excuse people give us is extreme times demand extreme measures, whatever is necessary to catch the terrorists." (Davis, 2001) Organizers at People United for a etter Oakland (PUELO) also face similar concerns. They understand that although they are on all levels a multiracial organization, their campaign against racial profiling and police misconduct is simply inadequate to address the current political and sociological situation. "The fact that…...



Nicole Davis. 2001. The slippery slope of racial profiling. Color Lines. December 2001.

St. Petersburg Times, June 8, 2003. Aschroft's America. Editorial.

Anthony Romero. 2001. Letter to Attorney General Ashcroft. American Civil Liberties Union, Oct. 17, 2001.

New York Times, Mar. 13, 2002. Hundreds of Arabs still detained in U.S. Jails. From Reuters.

What title best encapsulates the significance of the Spring uprising in the Middle East?
Words: 155

1. The Arab Spring: Catalyst for Change in the Middle East

2. Revolutions Blooming: Analyzing the Spring Uprising in the Middle East

3. A Wave of Protests: Understanding the Spring Uprising in the Arab World

4. From Tahrir Square to Beyond: Assessing the Impact of the Spring Uprising in the Middle East

5. Power to the People: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of the Middle East Spring Uprising

6. Hope and Struggle: Examining the Dynamics of the Arab Spring Revolutions

7. Winds of Change: Unraveling the Complexities of the Middle East Spring Uprising

8. Popular Movements and Political Transformations: The Spring Uprising in the Middle East

9. Revolution....

What title best encapsulates the significance of the Spring uprising in the Middle East?
Words: 535

The Spring Uprising: A Catalyst for Change in the Middle East


The Spring Uprising, also known as the Arab Spring, was a series of pro-democracy protests that swept across the Middle East and North Africa in 2011. These protests were sparked by a combination of factors, including economic inequality, political repression, and the rise of social media. The Spring Uprising led to the overthrow of several authoritarian regimes, and it continues to have a profound impact on the region today.

The Significance of the Spring Uprising

The Spring Uprising was a watershed moment for the Middle East. It marked the end of an....

How have modern conflicts influenced the titles given to wars in contemporary history?
Words: 517

1. The Effects of Modern Warfare on Civilian Populations

2. The Role of Technology in Shaping Contemporary Wars

3. The Changing Nature of Conflict in the 21st Century

4. The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion during Modern Wars

5. The Humanitarian Impact of War in Contemporary History

6. The Evolution of Guerrilla Warfare: Case Studies from the 21st Century

7. The Role of International Intervention in Modern Wars

8. The Impact of Cyber Warfare in Modern Conflict

9. The Changing Face of Terrorism in the Modern World

10. War Crimes and Accountability in Contemporary Conflicts
11. The Influence of Political Rhetoric on the Naming of Wars in Modern....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on effects of fake social media influence. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 509

Fake Social Media Influence: A Distortion of Reality and Its Impact on Society

In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It connects us with friends and family, informs us about current events, and provides a platform for entertainment. However, the rise of fake social media influence is casting a dark shadow over these benefits. This essay will explore the unique and alarming effects of fake social media influence on society, highlighting the distortion of reality, the erosion of trust, and the potential for societal manipulation.

Distortion of Reality:
One of the most insidious effects of fake....

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