Apprenticeship Essays (Examples)

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Apprenticeship Data Review
Pages: 8 Words: 2050

Apprenticeship Data eview: UK, France and USA
Why are apprenticeship contracts different now than in the past? There are differences in the average pay of French and English apprentices. Some of the difference is age, not just wage. Older students are denied training opportunities in the U.K., I respectfully submit. A new model may be in order for the English and the French -- the emerging American apprenticeship model.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, for every $1 the government invests in formal apprenticeship training programs, it receives $100 in taxes in return from the wages of working apprentices. Apprenticeship programs are run by both the public and private sectors. Apprenticeship sponsors, who are employers, trade associations and labor-management groups, register programs with federal and state government agencies. Sponsors furnish on-the-job learning and academic instruction to apprentices according to their industry standards and licensing requirements. This paper addresses the following research…...



1. Apprenticeship indenture. Cambridge University Library Archives (Luard 179/9). March 18, 1602.

2. Modern Apprenticeships: the way to work, The Report of the Modern Apprenticeship Advisory Committee, 2001

3. Apprenticeship in the British Training Market, Paul Ryan and Lorna Unwin, University of Cambridge and University of Leicester, 2001

4. Aldrich, Richard (2005) [1997 in A. Heikkinen and R. Sultana (eds), Vocational Education and Apprenticeships in Europe]. "13 - Apprenticeships in England." Lessons from History of Education. Routledge. pp. 195 -- 205. ISBN 0415358922.

Productive Teaching
Pages: 1 Words: 302

Culturally-Based Cognitive Apprenticeship

(Teaching African-American High School Students Skills in Literary Interpretation) by Carol D. Lee

The author observes that there is a distinct need for implementation of special strategies pertaining to reading comprehension skills in schools populated by students of African-American or other ethnic minority groups. Cultural orientation plays a crucial role in understanding and interpreting literature alongside general reading and task specific strategies. This automatically implies that the differences in cultural background and home language are important considerations that affect the comprehensive skills of the students in the study of literary texts. Researchers also vary widely in their opinion as to the kind of reading strategies that must be emphasized in view of the disparities in the community. For example 'signifying', use of double extendre and metaphoric statements are important aspects specific to African-American english. The author opines that since interpretations are largely based on the cultural context…...

Is a Bachelor's Degree Worthwhile
Pages: 7 Words: 2227

Value of a BA Degree
The Value of BA Degrees

Would you say this statement is "True" or "False"? Too many people are going to college these days. Many experts in business say that the statement is true. People once thought that college degrees were the most important advantage that people could attain through their own efforts (uiz 2011). But the situation is changing. A look at employees and entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley underscores a more pessimistic and sobering view of college education (uiz 2011). People who work in technical jobs without the benefit of formal coursework in higher education can be free to follow their interests and creativity (uiz 2011). These new technology experts don't need to get locked into boring corporate jobs that pay well in order to pay off enormous student loan debt burdens (uiz 2011). The cost of higher education keeps rising and there are those who…...



Baum, Sandy and Kathleen Payea. "The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society." Trends in Higher Education Series, Revised Edition. 2005.

Edsall, Thomas. "The Reproduction of Privilege." The New York Times. 12 March 2012. < >

Hill, Kent, Dennis Hoffman, and Tom R. Rex. "The Value of Higher Education: Individual and Societal Benefits (With Special Consideration for the State of Arizona). Productivity and Prosperity Project (P3). October 2004. Tempe, Arizona: L. William Seidman Research Institute W.P. Carey School of Business Arizona State University? (2004).

Table A-4. Employment status of the civilian population 25 years and over by educational attainment. Economic News Release, Bureau of Labor Statistics. United States Department of Labor. 2 November 2012.

Bias of Cognitive Assessments Which
Pages: 2 Words: 572

Therefore, it makes no sense to force companies to administer such tests.
2. On the topic of learning at work and having this knowledge assessed and recognized; "should there be a resurgence of traditional apprenticeships (construction trades, transportation, etc.); and a movement for apprenticeship programs that would apply to most occupations that do not presently recognize such training and education?" (Medicine, manufacturing, education, etc.)

Apprenticeships offer opportunities that can never be acquired through formal education and training. One of the casualties of the industrial revolution, apprenticeship should come back into the fore of job training. Employees are empowered, supervisors enjoy improved and more personal communications with their apprentices, and learning takes place on an organic level. Apprenticing offers the opportunity to witness the real-world workings of a business, skill, or artisan trade.

The prevailing model of job training is also unfairly skewed toward those who can afford expensive education and training programs.…...

Lyondell Basell Industries Offers a Positon of
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Lyondell Basell Industries offers a positon of Machinist Apprentice in our Machinist Apprenticeship program. The program consists of 144 hours of classroom instruction and 2,520 hours or one year of on the job experience. Once training is complete, apprentices are called journey workers. Not only do you get much needed experience as a Machinist, but you also get benefits along with learning the ability to manufacture high precision "prototype" parts out of an assortment of materials, using all types of conventional or Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machine tools as well as the ability to estimate the work and plan the Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) processes from the Computer Aided Design (CAD). (, 2013, p. 1) You can work with a team, engineers, or by yourself as the choice is yours.
Here is the breakdown of the hours and skills you'll learn and complete in our program: 240 hours or 6 weeks…...


References (2013). Machinists Apprenticeship. Retrieved from 

Noe, R.A., & Noe, R.A. (2010). Employee training & development. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

British Jamaican History Political Relations Between
Pages: 9 Words: 2935

The original inhabitants of Jamaica are long forgotten, their name barely a footnote in Caribbean history. The main legacy of the Arawak Indians has been the word "Xamayca," meaning "land of wood and water," ("A Brief History of Jamaica"). Xamayca gradually became rendered as Jamaica, an island nation with a tumultuous but vibrant history. The first non-native settlers on Jamaica were the Spaniards. Christopher Columbus included it in Spain's territorial acquisitions in 1494. Soon thereafter, a small Spanish settlement existed on the island until 1655. The Spaniards killed every last Arawak, either via use of force or exposure to disease. Moreover, the Spaniards bought African slaves and brought them to Jamaica to work on the budding sugar plantations. Growing interest in sugar was fueling the Age of Imperialism. Britain was poised to strike the Caribbean.

In May 1655, a convoy of British ships arrived and startled the Spanish settlement. The Spaniards…...


Works Cited

"A Brief History of Jamaica." Retrieved online:

"Brief History of Jamaica." Retrieved online: 

Draper, N. The Price of Emancipation: Slave-ownership, compensation and British society at the end of slavery. Cambridge studies in economic history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Holt, Thomas C. The Problem of Freedom. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.

Organizational Health Educational Institutions Generally Approach Organizational
Pages: 8 Words: 2709

Organizational Health
Educational institutions generally approach organizational improvement by addressing the performance standards to which students, educators, and administrators are held. The standards movement has been a dominant theme in educational policy arenas and in the public eye. With roots in the 1950s Cold War mentality, the thrust of educational improvement has been prodded by perceptions of international industrial and scientific competition. If the rigor of educational standards in the nation -- according to the logic of this argument -- falls below that of other countries, our economy will falter and the balance of trade will be compromised, perhaps beyond the point of recovery.

Fears for the future of the country and our citizens run deep; these fears propel a course of action that is not particularly based on rational thinking and lacks a base of evidence. The course of action adopted by educational policy makers and educational leaders in the country…...



Barth, P. (1997, November 26). Want to keep American jobs and avert class division? Try high school trig. Education Week, 30,33.

Bosch, G. (2000). The Dual System of Vocational Training in Germany. In Tremblay, D.-G. And Doray, P. (2000). Vers de nouveaux modes de formation professionnelle? Le role des acteurs et des collaborations. Quebec: Presses de l'Universite du Quebec.

____. (1998). Business Coalition for Education Reform. The Formula for Success: A Business Leader's Guide to Supporting Math and Science Achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.

Hacker, A. (2012, July 20). Is algebra necessary? The New York Times [national ed.], SR1, SR6.

Metal Workers Employment Law Case Review One
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

Metal Workers Employment Law Case eview
One of the primary functions of the judiciary is to clearly define the parameters of legislative intent, as the passage of any law necessarily creates parties with a vested interest in bypassing or overturning the statute, and in the case of Local 28, Sheet Metal Workers v. EEOC 478 U.S. 421 (1986) the Supreme Court was again tasked with assessing the validity of a law via its method of application. This case of Sheet Metal Workers v. EEOC presented the high court with an opportunity to decisively delineate the remedies afforded to correct violations of Title VII of the Civil ights Act of 1964, which prohibited employers from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. When the New York State Commission for Human ights identified New York City's Local 28 Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC) as a gross violator of…...



142 U.S.C. § 2000e-2000e-17 (1982)

Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424, 429 (1971).

Moreno, P.D. (1999). From direct action to affirmative action: Fair employment law and policy in america 1933-1972. (3rd ed.). Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.

Napolitano, S. (1987). Interpreting the legislative history of section 706(g) of title vii. Boston College Third World Law Journal, 7(2), 263-276. Retrieved from

UK Decline How Many Times
Pages: 13 Words: 4091

Carrabine, Lee and South 193)

Industrial/Infrastructural Decline

As has been said before, the UK no longer makes anything, builds anything or sells anything tangible. The decline in industrial production has resulted in an overall decline in employment of industrial workers, who have not been aided by a failing system to transition to other work.

Some would say that the changes occurring in the UK, at this time with the increased importance of service industry work and intelligence rather than physical labor employment is a natural byproduct of globalization and an evolutionary product of the next phase as a "developed" nation.

They evidence this by observing that all developed nations are leaning in this direction. Yet, the transition has not and will not be easy, whether it is normal or not, a point which remains to be proven.


ith the education system in the UK in serious need of reform to reflect the changing needs of…...


Works Cited


Productive Teaching
Pages: 1 Words: 342

Productive Teaching
A Culturally-Based Cognitive Apprenticeship

The article puts forth the idea that those who teach literature in schools are giving students too much of their own interpretations and stating them to be correct, rather than allowing the students to think for themselves and find other ways to interpret the literature. Since this attitude toward telling the students what is right instead of letting them learn seems to be very prevalent in schools that have large minority populations, the author of the article chose to look at ways that this could be changed. Taking culture into account was very important, as was finding something that could stimulate the students intellectually. Otherwise, they would not learn. Theoretical arguments for using a cultural approach toward learning are also discussed by Lee as she works her way through the issues that surround and plague the teaching of minority cultures in many schools. The main idea…...

Federal and State Websites State Federal Research Project
Pages: 12 Words: 3989

Federal and State Websites
State/Federal Research Project

State Websites

Employment raining Panel

Employment training panel (EP) is a business and labor supported Californian State agency, which funds the vocational training costs. EP clearly outlines its programs, and can only involve in fund provision for training employers who are subject to the payment of Employment raining ax. he eligible entities in this case may include single employers who are subject to the UI (unemployment insurance tax), and holding a California Employment Account with a prefix number of 699 or below. Similarly, a group of employers may be eligible. Such groups include Joint Apprenticeship Committees, Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development Corporations and rade Associations. raining Agencies come in as the third group, including educational institutions such as university foundations, community colleges, adult schools, or the regional occupational programs. Additionally, workforce investment boards also contribute in the list of the primary audience to the EP website

Employment raining…...


This board was established under an Executive Order in response to the decree from the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. The board aids the Governor to set and guide policies within the field of workforce development. The governor appoints all the board members, representing the multifaceted workforce including labor, business, higher education, public education, youth activities, economic developments, training, employment, as well as the legislature. This website thereby addresses all members of the public from the entire nation as its audience. The Board conducts meetings on a regular basis, an event during which it encourages the public to attend workforce meetings, and to be positive towards every individual's line of career or work. Inclusively, the website encloses everyone, especially the adults within any area of workforce together with the youths within Youth Associations, which inspire and model them towards their lines of career.

The State Board (California Workforce Investment Board) assists the Governor to set and guide state policies within the workforce development area. The board is responsible for assisting the governor perform the required duties and responsibilities by the federal Workforce Investment Act-1998. The Board thereby formulates a strategic plan that directs its activities in the provision of guidance and support to the statewide system of workforce investment. The Board has got an executive branch agency known as the LWDA (Labor and Workforce Development Agency) that oversees seven main departments, panels, and boards that serve the Californian businesses and employees/workers. Moreover, the board ensures assistance and support to small businesses within California. It created a system of Small Business Liaison that assists business owners and employers through job trainings and hiring employees. The liaison responds to complaints from small businesses and reports the concerns of small businesses to the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Agency.

The California Workforce Investment Board accrues its funds from a number of sources including grants, tax credits, rebates and reimbursements. Grants come from diverse sources including the automotive industry of transportation and logistics. The hybrid bus and truck voucher incentive projects accelerates the deployment of firsthand hybrid and zero emission buses and trucks. As at October 2012, the program had fund approximation of $18 million. As well, it gets funds provided for the cleaner prerequisite engines, equipment as well as other pollution sources that address the reduction of extra or early emissions. Alternatively, funds from the tax credits equal the percentage of wage payments to the qualified employees.

Cultural and Construction History of
Pages: 17 Words: 8066

Thomas Aquinas led the move away from the Platonic and Augustinian and toward Aristotelianism and "developed a philosophy of mind by writing that the mind was at birth a tabula rasa ('blank slate') that was given the ability to think and recognize forms or ideas through a divine spark" (Haskins viii). y 1200 there were reasonably accurate Latin translations of the main works of Aristotle, Euclid, Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Galen, that is, of all the intellectually crucial ancient authors except Plato. Also, many of the medieval Arabic and Jewish key texts, such as the main works of Avicenna, Averroes and Maimonides now became available in Latin. During the 13th Century, scholastics expanded the natural philosophy of these texts by commentaries and independent treatises. Notable among these were the works of Robert Grosseteste, Roger acon, John of Sacrobosco, Albertus Magnus, and Duns Scotus. Precursors of the modern scientific method can…...



1. Cultural Environment

Atrisgerinko, V.A. Origins of the Romanesque. London: Lund, 2005. Print.

Benson, R.E. Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1982. Print.

Benson, Robert L. et al. (eds). Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century. Medieval Academy of America, 1991.

Facilitating Co-Learning in the Workplace
Pages: 2 Words: 701

Workplace Learning
In a recent study co-learning is categorized into two separate domains; the facilitator and the explorer. According to the study the facilitator of learning is the individual who "does not get in the way of learning by imposing information…a facilitator guides the process of student learning" (Brantmeier, 2010, p. 1) while the student, or learner, is defined as an empowered explorer who is an "independent or collective explorer of knowledge through disciplined means" (p. 1). Whether the student is one as defined in the traditional sense, or it is a co-worker seeking to gain knowledge of the business world, both facilitator and explorer learn by sharing knowledge through communication.

Oftentimes the facilitator is one that has had previous experience in the workforce with the specific subject at hand. The facilitator is therefore often the leader of the group or project. Being a leader requires experience but it also requires the…...



Brantmeier, E.J. (2010) Empowerment pedagogy: Co-learning and teaching, accessed at website: on April 25, 2011

Clarke, N. (2005) Workplace learning environment and its relationship with learning outcomes in healthcare organizations, Human Resource Development International, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 185 -- 205

Gratton, L. & Erickson, T.J.; (2007) 8 Ways to build collaborative teams, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 85, issue 11, pp. 100-109

Kitching, J. (2008) Rethinking UK small employer's skills policies and the role of workplace learning, International Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 100 -- 120

Cte Past to Present
Pages: 3 Words: 934

Career Technical Education (CTE) - Past to Present
This statement made in 1905 suggests that the education system is supposed to be focused on increasing the amount of time to commercial, industrial and technical training. However this is not the prevailing conditions and interests that are in existence today. Today most of the education systems mainly focus on ensuring that students from high school proceed to colleges or universities. Most people view college and university education as a peak when it comes to education is viewed as being educated if they have successfully gone through high school and straight to college or University. Therefore today very little or no focus is put on commercial, industrial or technical education.

How apprenticeship system impacted the development of Vocational Education

Vocational education involves training for a particular vocation industry, trade or agriculture. Vocational education policy in every nation concentrates on its traditional relationship between education/training…...

Adults With Learning Disabilities it Has Been
Pages: 53 Words: 14280

Adults ith Learning Disabilities
It has been estimated (Adult with Learning Disabilities) 1 that 50-80% of the students in Adult Basic Education and literacy programs are affected by learning disabilities (LD). Unfortunately, there has been little research on adults who have learning disabilities, leaving literacy practitioners with limited information on the unique manifestations of learning disabilities in adults.

One of the major goals of the (Adult with Learning Disabilities) 1 National

Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center (National ALLD Center) is to raise awareness among literacy practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and adult learners about the nature of learning disabilities and their impact on the provision of literacy services. This fact sheet provides: a definition of learning disabilities in adults; a list of common elements found in many useful LD definitions; and a list of areas in which LD may affect life situations of adults.


In 1963, the term "learning disability" (Adult with Learning Disabilities)…...


Works Cited

Author Unkown. Adult with Learning Disabilities

Corley, Mary Ann & Taymans, Juliana M. Adults with Learning Disabilities:A Review of Literature,0787960624%7Cexcerpt,00.pdf

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Career Exploration?
Words: 374

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with an attention-grabbing statement or anecdote related to career exploration.
B. Background: Provide a brief overview of the importance of career exploration and its benefits.
C. Thesis statement: State the main point or argument of the essay, which should focus on the structure and process of career exploration.

II. Body Paragraph 1: The Importance of Self-Assessment
A. Topic sentence: Introduce the significance of self-assessment in career exploration.
B. Discuss various self-assessment tools and methods, such as personality tests, skills inventories, and values assessments.
C. Explain how self-assessment helps individuals identify their interests, strengths, and weaknesses.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Industry and Occupation Research

How can companies become more actively involved in supporting and uplifting the communities they operate in?
Words: 637

## Corporate Social Responsibility: Actively Supporting and Uplifting Communities

Corporations have a significant role to play in the well-being of the communities they operate in. By going beyond traditional philanthropic efforts, companies can actively engage in initiatives that support and uplift local residents, fostering economic growth, social equity, and overall prosperity.

### 1. Engage with Local Stakeholders

Effective community involvement requires engaging with various stakeholders, such as community leaders, non-profit organizations, and residents. Through ongoing dialogue and collaboration, companies can identify the most pressing needs and tailor their initiatives accordingly. This ensures that their efforts are genuinely aligned with community priorities.

### 2. Create....

How can we bridge the gap between different social classes to create a more equitable society?
Words: 690

Bridging the Social Class Divide for a More Equitable Society

The chasm between different social classes poses a formidable obstacle to the creation of a just and equitable society. This divide perpetuates disparities in access to resources, opportunities, and societal influence, ultimately undermining the social fabric and the well-being of individuals. To effectively bridge this gap and foster a more inclusive society, a multifaceted approach is required, encompassing both top-down and bottom-up initiatives.

Governmental Policies

Progressive Taxation: Implementation of a tax system that requires higher-income individuals and corporations to contribute proportionally more to public revenue. This generates funds to invest in essential....

Why is the Adopt-A-School program essential for improving education quality?
Words: 689

1. The Adopt-A-School program is an essential pillar in the pursuit of enhancing educational quality. This program establishes a mutually beneficial partnership between schools and external organizations, fostering a collaborative environment that enriches the learning experience for students. By providing resources, expertise, and support, Adopt-A-School programs play a pivotal role in addressing educational disparities, empowering students to achieve academic success, and fostering a sense of community involvement in the educational process.

2. The Adopt-A-School program traces its origins to the 1980s, emerging as a response to the growing need for additional resources and support in under-resourced schools. Since its inception, the....

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