Apparel Essays (Examples)

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Apparel Industry on the First
Pages: 12 Words: 3585

"Social messages sent by clothing, accessories and decorations can invoke social status, occupation, ethnic and religious affiliation, marital status and sexual availability etc."
4.2 Product innovation and technological changes

The rapid rate of technological development set the course of development in numerous other domains, including apparel. In this order of ides, the technology adherent to the apparel production process is on its path from computer made designs to technologically improved materials' quality. For example, future directions in the apparel industry involve "more types of fiber developed using nanotechnology or smart clothes that incorporate electronics."

4.3 Marketing innovation

The main characteristic of current trade and production is that the items tend to focus more and more on the customers' needs and desires. Apparel producers are today faced with the difficult task of combining the publics' needs with a high quality of work and material as well as with the latest fashion trends. Aside from…...



October 2001, Contracts and Modifications by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes, Manufacturing NAICS Codes,

Fratto, M.G., Jones, M.R., Cassill, N.L., 2006, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Volume 10, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, October 2006, Apparel, article was last modified on October 26, 2006,   last accessed on October 31, 2006 ,

October 2006, Apparel Resources, Exim News, Sri Lanka: Apparel Exports to U.S. Show 9.5% Increase,   last accessed on October 31, 2006 ,

Apparel SWOT Strengths Increased Strengths
Pages: 2 Words: 545

While creating the potential for lessened morale and quality of the products produce by the industry, these technological advancements also allow designers and manufacturers to reach much broader consumer bases than was previously possible, expanding market reach and enabling both ore fine-tuned marketing techniques as well as more consumer-influenced design processes (Arthur 2010). This industry shift has also created room for niche markets that have purposefully reverted back to older methods of conducting business, with an almost artificially slowed pace of production and availability creating a great deal of anticipation for quality clothing without a hint of consumer-collaborative design (Foley 2010).

Designers have commented on the fashion immediacy created by new technologies "dangerous," seeing these technologies as a threat to the apparel industry as a whole (Foley 2010). The visions for a world where the industry itself seeks to matter except as a manufacturing sector for consumer designers is a…...



Arthur, R. (2010). "Social media in 2010: Steering the dialogue." WGSN.

Corcoran, C. & Lockwood, L. (2010). "Fashion world adapts to consumer immediacy." WWD 15 September 2010. Accessed 28 September 2010. 

Foley, B. (2010). "Tom Ford disses fashion world's cult of immediacy (Interview: Tom Ford)." WWD 14 September 2010. Accessed 28 September 2010.

Apparel Merchandise and Management
Pages: 8 Words: 2320

California Labor Laws
The state of California possesses some of the strictest labor laws and enforcement tactics in the United States - a factor that largely affects the business climate of the state. County health departments, such as the California Department of Industrial Relations - Occupational Safety & Health Administration (CAL-OSHA), enforce and protect California labor laws, acting against all businesses who violate the laws (West Group, 1999).

This essay will discuss some of California's most important and current labor laws, outlining how each law affects California's business climate. It will also determine whether these labor laws are beneficial or detrimental to the apparel industry.

California's Labor Laws

The following section outlines some of California's labor laws, which are considered some of the most stringent in the nation.

California's overtime laws hold that any employee who works more than eight hours per day must be paid at 1.5 times his or her usual rate of…...



Aspen Publishers Staff. 2002. California Employer's Guide: A Handbook of Employment Laws and Regulations. Aspen Publishers.

Bonacich, Edna. 2000. Behind the Label: Inequality in the Los Angeles Apparel Industry. University of California Press.

Eaton, Adrienne, Keefe, J. 2000. Employment Dispute Resolution and Worker Rights in the Changing WorkPlace. Industrial Relations Research Association.

Sessions, Don. 1998. Employee Rights in California. Pentium Press.

Naturewise Apparel -- Media Policy
Pages: 4 Words: 1021

Additionally, the 3rd party relationship that Naturewise has ostensibly agreed to is also critical. Naturewise is not directly affiliated with any organization to which CHICAE has maintained alliances to.
The decentralization of the departmental activity essentially means that the organization has decided to fund non-profits like CHICAE rather than to directly deal with the communities-based charities directly. Therefore, the lack of control Naturewise Apparel has over the oversight of the activities of any organization that will receive funding from their philanthropy is subject to the ability the outsourced solution, in this case, CHICAE.

The resolution to this issue is best resolved by not hesitating with the press and to tackle the issue head on. The case study includes experts that rant about not speaking until the story is proven, etc. The resolution is to convey that, when pressed the acts of violence are deemed horrid by Naturewise Apparel and are in…...



Augustine, N.R., Thomas, R.J., Hill, L. Smith, N.C., & Quelch, J.A. (2000). Harvard Business Review on crisis management Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press

Nike Athletic Apparel Company
Pages: 7 Words: 2254

Nike apparel company is a steadfast company in the minds of most athletic gear and apparel consumers and in the industry as a whole, with substantial earnings growth even in the last few years of recession it has still managed to record substantial growth. The company has even coined household phrases like "Just Do It" a mark of American influence over the global market. Much of this success has long been attributed to the solid nature of its upper management, namely its long time CEO and co-founder Phillip H. Knight. Nike recently made international news when it announced the retirement of Knight to the press, which in the business world can mean at least short-term trouble. The announcement was made with less than sixty days to pass before what would call a revolutionary change for the company. Though Knight will stay on as Chairman of the board, his intention…...


Works Cited

Brown, Carolyn M. "Serena Williams Aces Nike Deal Worth Approximately $40 Million." Black Enterprise Apr. 2004: 26. Questia. 8 Dec. 2004 .

Dionne, E.J. "A Victory over Nike: And a Win for Sweatshop Workers." Commonweal 5 June 1998: 7. Questia. 8 Dec. 2004 .

Hage, J.T. "Organizational Innovation and Organizational Change." Annual Review of Sociology (1999): 597. Questia. 8 Dec. 2004 .

Haley, Eric. "Exploring the Construct of Organization as Source: Consumers' Understandings of Organizational Sponsorship of Advocacy Advertising." Journal of Advertising 25.2 (1996): 19+. Questia. 8 Dec. 2004 .

Sports Apparel Markets in the United States
Pages: 3 Words: 887

sports apparel markets in the United States and Kenya. The aim is to make a comparison between these markets in terms of how the youth perceives branded products within these markets. My population focus will specifically be young people and business owners to determine the interaction of these populations for the marketing of branded sportswear.
With this in mind the research purpose of the paper will be first to determine the attitudes of young people in the respective countries of investigation towards branded sportswear. This will include whether and why they would prefer to buy branded products as opposed to non-branded ones. Also, the popularity of existing brands will be determined, also in a comparative way, determine which is most popular among young people. In terms of this, the size of each market will be determined.

The practical purposes that will follow include recommending ways in which businesses can develop improved…...



Schram, T.H. (2006) - Chapters 1, 2

Trochim, W.M.K., & Donnelly, J. (2006) - Chapters 1, Sections 1-1f, Chapter 6

Marketing Online Apparel Company Focused Young Adults
Pages: 2 Words: 612

marketing, online apparel company focused young adults. The online apparel store a unique product like customize shirts, hats, foodies logos company customer create. The key areas marketing product, pricing strategies, place, customer relationships, promotion, technology
Key areas of marketing: Online apparel

Advertising and promotion strategy

Online advertising has the advantage of being extremely easy to segment. In this case, the company merchandise is specifically targeted towards the consumer demographic of young adults. The company can choose to advertise on popular websites amongst that age demographic, versus disseminating more general, generic advertisements on websites without such a specific readership. Using Google ads or Facebook advertisements that specifically target Internet users that have a search profile that suggests they are interested in youth-oriented clothing is yet another economical yet effective way to meet company sales projections by reaching its target audience.

Another effective advertisement can be the creation of online videos specifically targeted to a…...

Decathlon Company Manufacturer Apparels Equipment a
Pages: 2 Words: 586

Decathlon company ( Manufacturer apparels equipment a range sports France) Based understanding company's global business strategy key determinants success Anwser USA a suitable location overseas facility ? Discuss rational site company's future expansion.
There are several reasons why Decathlon could expand to the United States. First of all, the U.S. market is a large market, with over 300 million potential consumers. At the same time, this is also a market where the consumers that Decathlon would target are considerably important in volume and with the appropriate levels of revenue to justify accessing Decathlon products. First of all, let's determine what the Decathlon targeted group of consumers would be.

Decathlon aims towards individuals who are interested in sports, who have an average to high income, and who place an important focus in their lifestyle on exercising, on physical activities and on improving the way they live. In the United States, especially in the…...

Shopping for Apparel Online Advantages
Pages: 3 Words: 921

Technology vendors that specialize in online security continually are augmenting online verification and validation technologies to overcome this threat, yet there is still the issue of how to generate and sustain trust over time with customers online. A second disadvantage is the lack of accuracy in sizes and colors, despite advances in this area technologically there is still the problem of "Extra Large" having different meanings to different people. The challenge when purchasing online is to interpret what an online retailer is saying on their website relative to the consumers' requirements. Third, many online retailers do not have a returns policy that is realistic, meaning they in many cases will not accept returns that may not fit correctly as portrayed on their website, or require customers to pay for shipping and restocking charges. Fourth, it's often up to the consumer to make sure the package is insured, as many…...



Neil Buckley (2004, November 29). Internet shopping - the sequel: Four years after the bubble burst, e- tailing is back. But this time the stars are not start-ups but traditional retailers::[LONDON 1ST EDITION]. Financial Times, p. 10. Retrieved December 12, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 748330821).

Ronald E. Goldsmith, Elizabeth B. Goldsmith. (2002). Buying apparel over the Internet. The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 11(2/3), 89. Retrieved December 13, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 252455661).

Ronald E. Goldsmith, Leisa R. Flynn. (2005). Bricks, clicks, and pix: apparel buyers' use of stores, internet, and catalogs compared. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 33(4), 271-283. Retrieved December 16, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 862987661).

Jung-Hwan Kim, Minjeong Kim, Jay Kandampully. (2007). The Impact of Buying Environment Characteristics of Retail Websites. The Service Industries Journal, 27(7), 865. Retrieved December 15, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1343723261).

North Face Apparel Company Promotional
Pages: 6 Words: 1991

As the former approaches have proven to be ineffective in the recession, the reliance on social networking needs to be pervasively focused on. Second, there is also the need to create more excitement over the brand, and this needs to include the sponsoring of extreme sports events and the support of independent (indie) artists that typify they high energy and risk taking the brand wants to associate with itself. These events must focus women artists who are breaking stereotypes of women athletes by being strong and self-sufficient. As the women's sporting goods market is the high growth segment today, that is a critical focus for the North Face to concentrate on.
The need to embrace social networking and make it a core part of the P, direct marketing and sales promotion strategies of the North Face is evident by the rapid growth of Facebook, Friendfeed, Twitter and many other sites…...



Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Linda L. Briggs. (2007, January). In Retail BI, One Size Doesn't Fit All. Business Intelligence Journal, 12(1), 41-43.

Kathryn Kelly, Arthur Andersen. (2000, March). Apparel e-commerce: Online and kicking. Apparel Industry Magazine, 61(3), 48-50.

Kusterbeck, S. (2008, November). Knowledge is Power for the North Face. Apparel Magazine, 50(3), 22-24.

Increasing Sales of Vet Life Apparel
Pages: 3 Words: 1232

Marketing and Increasing Profits / Marketing Plan: Vet Life Apparel





Customer Service

The Price


Sales and Profits


Direct Competition

Indirect Competition

Vet Life Apparel

Vet Life Apparel, based in the Wilmington NC is owned and run by two Marine veterans Corey and Kevin, who after completing their active duty service and having participated in a number of combats decided to venture into the private sector. Vet Life is creative and full of purpose. This is why it will always give you something to wear and give the veterans community something to be proud of. Vet-Life raises awareness about PTSD, helps the homeless veterans get off the street, and helps the disabled have access to living conditions through nonprofit charities (Vet Life 2016).

The objective of this report is to discuss a marketing plan that can help the company increase its overall sales.


To manufacture more than patriotic apparel, i.e. giving back to those who give more (Vet Life 2016)




Glass door. (2015). Companies in Wilimgton, NC, U.S.. Retrieved from on 6th January, 2016,10_IM932.htm?&countryRedirect=true

Howard, J. (2015). Top 5 Trends in Apparel Retail for 2015. Digital marketing Magazine. Retrieved from   on 6th January, 2016. 

Inc. (2012). Top Retail Companies on the 2011 Inc. 5000. Retrieved from   / on 6th January, 2016. 

MBASkool. (2015). Zodiac Clothing SWOT Analysis, USP & Competitors. Retrieved from   on 6th January, 2015. 

Ll Bean and Land's End Internet Sales Have Impacted Their Apparel Market
Pages: 6 Words: 2060

Bean and Land's End: The Impact Of Internet Sales
In 1911, when Leon Leonwood Bean grew tired of wet, leaky boots, he experimented with various remedies and came up with the Maine Hunting Shoe, a boot with rubber soles and feet and leather uppers. To sell his new product, he opened a mail-order store, L.L. Bean, in 1912, targeting recreational hunters in Maine identified via a mailing list supplied by Maine's hunting license bureau. Little did Mr. Bean realize or dream that some 90 years later, his famous boots would be selling in Japan via something called the Internet. In 1995, the descendents of Mr. Bean established a web presence for the traditional retail mail order company. Similarly, Lands' End, another traditional catalogue apparel company launched its business on the web in 1995. It is the thesis of this paper that L.L. Bean and Lands' End internet sales have impacted their…...



Cooper, L. (1996). Webbing for dollar. Communications Week Interactive (13 January 1996). [Online]. Found at

Cullen, L. & Szczesny, J. (2002). Have it your way. Time (12/23/2002), Vol. 160, Issue 26, 42-44.

Hill, K. (2002). Customer satisfaction paves way for E-tail success. CRM Daily (3 December 2002). [Online].

Found at .

Sports Apparel
Pages: 10 Words: 3353

business world, many strategies have been devised to gain and retain customers. Phenomena such as globalization, market saturation, and better information technology have driven strategies such as customer awareness and long-term customer relationships to be favored above relatively short-term strategies to gain new customers, such as product price and quality (Kinuthai et al., 2012, p. 223). Indeed, creating brand loyalty in order to retain customers in the long-term has played a key role in long-term business success. To accomplish this, brands such as those operating within sportswear have emphasized strategies to appeal to consumers responding to products at the individual level. As such, customer loyalty is a significant determinant in the amount of product being bought and the frequency of repeat purchases.
On the basis of this, the dissertation will aim to examine brand loyalty among the youth of a developing country (Kenya) as compared to the same phenomenon in…...



Aspara, J. (2009). Stock ownership as a motivation of brand-loyal and brand-supportive behaviors. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 26(6). Pp. 427-436. Retrieved from: 

Ayuk, A. And Nyaseda, C. (2008, Spring). CFC Model. The Appropriateness of Celebrity Endorsement in Developing African Nations: A study of Cameroon and Kenya. IBA 8010. Retrieved from:

Baker, M., Sterenberg, G., and Taylor, E. (n.d.) Managing Global Brands to Meet Consumer Expectations. Retrieved from:

Haig, M. (2004). Brand Royalty: How the World's Top 100 Brands Thrive and Survive. London and Sterling VA: Kogan Page Ltd. Retrieved from:

Sports Apparel
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Aspara, J. (2009). Stock ownership as a motivation of brand-loyal and brand-supportive behaviors. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 26(6). Pp. 427-436. Retrieved from:
In this work, Aspara investigates the psychological motivations underlying stock ownership and its influence on brand loyalty as well as finding empirical evidence to support the explication of these motivations. The author points out that, although consumption and investment psychologies, respectively, have been seen as separate realms, the study reveals that they can have a significant mutual influence. Indeed, the author has found that many individuals who become stockowners in a company also experience a positive and increased motivation towards brand loyalty for that company. Positive word-of-mouth has also been found among individuals becoming stock owners in a company.

What this means for the study to be conducted on brand loyalty among the youth in the United States and Kenya may not be considered in terms of stock ownership…...

Money Bag Apparel Strategic Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1620

Mission The mission of Money Bag Apparel can be best understood in the company’s tag line: “Clothing you like Royalty.” The idea is to make every customer feel like a million dollars when he or she is wearing Money Bag Apparel without the customer having to spend a million dollars.
The vision of the company is to be making others smile while wearing affordable yet good quality clothing. Money Bag Apparel wants to be the premier clothing line for people who understand the need to look one’s finest. At the same time, people need to be able to buy clothing without spending all their money. Designer brands can run customers deep into debt. Money Bag Apparel’s vision is for everyone to feel great, look great, and not have to spend a great amount of money.
The strategy name for this new product launch is “Tell Your Story” and it is going to be…...



Buch, R., Thompson, G., & Kuvaas, B. (2016). Transactional leader–member exchange relationships and followers’ work performance: The moderating role of leaders’ political skill. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 23(4), 456-466.

Coetzer, M. F., Bussin, M., & Geldenhuys, M. (2017). The functions of a servant leader. Administrative Sciences, 7(1), 5.

Diebig, M., Poethke, U., & Rowold, J. (2017). Leader strain and follower burnout: Exploring the role of transformational leadership behaviour. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(4), 329-348.

Hamdani, M. R. (2018). Learning how to be a transformational leader through a skill-building, role-play exercise. The International Journal of Management Education, 16(1), 26-36.

Hunter, P. (2020). The growth of social media in science: Social media has evolved from a mere communication channel to an integral tool for discussion and research collaboration. EMBO reports, 21(5), e50550.

Oke, A. E., Ogunsemi, D. R., & Adeyelu, M. F. (2018). Quantity surveyors and skills required for procurement management. International Journal of Construction Management, 18(6), 507-516.

My teacher suggested focusing on adidas. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 393

1. The Evolution of Adidas: A Look at the Brand's History, Successes, and Challenges
2. The Impact of Adidas on Sports and Fashion: How the Brand Has Influenced Trends and Culture
3. Adidas vs. Competitors: A Comparative Analysis of Marketing Strategies and Successes
4. Sustainable Practices in the Adidas Supply Chain: How the Brand is Leading the Way in Corporate Social Responsibility
5. The Future of Adidas: Predictions and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Market
6. Athlete Endorsements and Partnerships: How Adidas Collaborates with Sports Stars to Drive Sales and Brand Awareness
7. The Influence of Technology on Adidas Products: How Innovation is Driving the....

How can a golf business attract a younger demographic to the sport?
Words: 295

1. Offer discounted rates or membership packages specifically for younger players to make the sport more accessible and affordable for them.

2. Host events or tournaments geared towards younger players, such as glow-in-the-dark night golf, themed costume contests, or music festivals.

3. Utilize social media platforms to promote the business and engage with younger audiences through creative and visually appealing content.

4. Partner with local schools or youth organizations to offer golf clinics or training programs for young players.

5. Offer innovative technology and amenities at the facility, such as virtual golf simulators, drone delivery services, or modern clubhouse amenities.

6. Create a welcoming and....

what is business level strategies?
Words: 650

Business Level Strategies

Business-level strategies are plans and approaches that companies adopt to gain a competitive advantage within their specific industry or market segments. They focus on optimizing operations, differentiating products or services, and targeting specific customer groups to achieve profitability and growth.

There are three main types of business-level strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.

1. Cost Leadership

Definition: Cost leadership is a strategy that aims to achieve the lowest possible production costs in an industry. Companies that pursue this strategy focus on maximizing efficiency, reducing expenses, and optimizing supply chain management.


Lower production costs lead to higher profit margins.
High market share....

\"How has Jay Z\'s background as an entrepreneur influenced his approach to business and success?\"
Words: 521

Jay Z's background as an entrepreneur has heavily influenced his approach to business and success in a multitude of ways. Firstly, coming from a disadvantaged background in Brooklyn, Jay Z learned early on the importance of resourcefulness, determination, and seizing opportunities to create his own path to success. This mindset instilled in him a strong work ethic, resilience, and the ability to think outside the box, which has greatly benefited him in his entrepreneurial endeavors.

Additionally, Jay Z's background as a successful music artist has also informed his approach to business. He has used his own experiences in the music industry....

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