Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor
The popular notion that the Puritans were wholly focused on their religion is not much of an exaggeration. Even a casual exploration of writing from the colonial period in America underscores this thematic dominance: Puritan authors felt duty-bound to use their writing to support believers to stay the righteous course. The Puritans believed that life on earth was test of faith in God and an opportunity to demonstrate an unalterable dedication to living righteous lives. The quotidian existence was a battle against evil, the victory of which required intimate knowledge of God's will and absolute avoidance of hazards to the spirit. Writers such as Anne Bradshaw and Edward Taylor used their talents to help their brethren stay on a very straight and narrow path, indeed.
The Puritans were a surprisingly well-educated group of people (owe). Edward Taylor was a teacher and studied at Harvard (owe, Edward Taylor).…...
Cowell, Pettie. "Anne Bradstreet 1612-1672." In The Heath Anthology of American Literature, vol. A., Paul Lauter, ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company, 2009.
Rowe, Karen E. Saint And Singer: Edward Taylor's Typology And The Poetics Of Meditation. Cambridge studies in American literature and culture. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
-."Edward Taylor." In The Heath Anthology of American Literature, 3rd Edition, Paul Lauter, editor Richard Yarborough, et. al., 2 vols., Boston, Houghton Mifflin (1998), vol. 1, pp. 366 -- 407.
Anne Bradstreet, Phillis Whatley, Emily Dickinson part a developing tradition American women poets. Discuss significant differences similarities . N.B.: The sources provided writing. One thing I'd simple original.
Anne Bradstreet, Phillis Whatley, and Emily Dickinson are some of the most representative female American writers that have had a significant contribution to American literature as we know it today. Despite their undisputed role in American literature, the three writers are bound by similarities as well as divided by differences in terms of style of writing, themes discussed, and means through which they dealt with their emotions and beliefs.
In terms of similarities, all three writers were well-educatedwomen, which for their time represented a great achievement. In this sense, Anne Bradstreet was educated in the spirit of the first feminist poetry and determined a wave of writing that reflected the first attempts of women writings. More precisely, "Bradstreet's refined verse conforms to and perfects…...
Gates, Henry Louis.The trials of Phillis Wheatley: America's First Black Poet and Her Encounters with the Founding Fathers. Perseus Books: New York, 2003.
Schlotterbeck, Marian. Modestly Appropriating Conventions:Anne Bradstreet, Phillis Wheatley and the Literary Sphere of Early America. 2002. Available online at
Bradstreet also wrote about her fear of death and whether her husband might remarry. "Through her dread of dying in childbirth lets us see that her deeper fear is a jealous one that her husband might remarry," (Hensley xxiii). Bradstreet's description of childbirth as being a shade away from death shows what life was like for women in the colonies. "The last month of pregnancy was not only a time for making 'pyes' but also a time of making peace with the idea of approaching death," (Gordon 135).
Motherhood is another prominent theme in Anne Bradstreet's poetry. Bradstreet's protective instinct is expressed in the verse, "great was my pain when I you bred, great was my care when you I fed, long did I kept you soft and warm, and with my wing kept off all harm," (cited by Gordon 151). Bradstreet continues the bird analogy: "I had eight birds…...
mlaWorks Cited
"Anne Bradstreet Biography." Retrieved May 2, 2010 from
Bradstreet, Anne. The Works of Anne Bradstreet. Ed. Jeannine Hensley. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1967. Print.
Gordon, Charlotte. Mistress Bradstreet: The Untold Life of American's First Poet. New York: Little Brown and Company, 2005. Print.
Nichols, Heidi. Anne Bradstreet: A Guided Tour of the Life and Thought of a Puritan Poet. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R publishing company, 2006. Print.
/My garments are not silk nor gold,/nor such like trash which Earth doth hold,/but Royal Robes I shall have on,/More glorious than the glist'ring Sun./My Crown not Diamonds, Pearls, and gold,/but such as Angels' heads infold./the City where I hope to dwell,/There's none on Earth can parallel./the stately alls both high and trong/Are made of precious Jasper stone,/the Gates of Pearl, both rich and clear,…/the Streets thereof transparent gold/Such as no Eye did e're behold./a Crystal River there doth run/hich doth proceed from the Lamb's Throne./of Life, there are the waters sure/hich shall remain forever pure./nor Sun nor Moon they have no need/for glory doth from God proceed. (Bradstreet)
Spirit develops the idea that the world of Flesh is shallow and piteous but then has no language, but gold, jade, crystal and silver to describe that which makes up the place in heaven she wishes to dwell. The work has the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bradstreet, Anne. "The Flesh and the Spirit" Retrieved, September, 5, 2008.
Jaskoski, Helen. "The Catacombs and the Debate Between the Flesh and the Spirit." Critique 35.3 (1994): 181-192.
Millier, Brett C., and Jay Parini, eds. The Columbia History of American Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
The Flesh attempts to tempt her sister, the pirit, with physical wealth and beauty. he argues that meditation alone is not enough to live on, and that earth cannot be divorced from the spirit. Bradstreet however demonstrates that there is a basic imbalance in this view. Flesh does not argue for a balance between the Flesh and the pirit, but rather suggests that the world of the Flesh is far more satisfying than the pirit, and therefore should take precedence over the latter. Indeed, the Flesh suggests that the spirit is "fancy-sick" or even a "ot" for believing in treasures beyond the fleshly world. The pirit answers in equally strong terms, arguing equally vehemently for the importance of the pirit world. The first words of the pirit's stanza "Be still, thou unregenerate part," suggest that the pirit and the Flesh are part of the same being. Anne Bradstreet therefore…...
Bradstreet, Anne. "To my Dear and Loving Husband"
The Flesh and the Spirit"
Taylor, Edward. "Huswifery"
The Joy of Church Fellowship Rightly Attended."
" This allusion to the Garden of Eden reminds the reader of how they should be suspicious of their own, base instincts, for that is how human beings fell in the garden -- by being disobedient and acting upon their base desires. Instead, they must appeal to God for guidance. Rather than seek success on earth, for the Spirit: "my ambition lies above." The Spirit replies to every temptation made by the Flesh with a reference to the world above.
Although the two are sisters within the same human family, the Spirit is confident that she will triumph over the Flesh. Perhaps the most powerful imagery of the poem is the reversal of the conventional image of humankind as slaves of fleshy desire. hen the Spirit triumphs: "hen I am victor over thee, / and Triumph shall, with laurel head, / hen thou my Captive shalt be led." Lest the reader…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bradstreet, Anne. "The Flesh and the Spirit." WebBooks e-text. [26 Oct 2006]
Woodlief, Ann. "Biography of Anne Bradstreet." The University of Toronto. [26 Oct 2006]
Strength Through ords:
Anne Bradstreet and Phillis heatley
hile their lives were vastly different in many ways, Anne Bradstreet and Phillis heatley are two poets that share the experience of writing through some of life's most difficult circumstances. Both women faced new beginnings in the New orld, although these experiences could not be more different. Bradstreet's experience was as a colonist thrust in to a new world facing hardships previously unknown. heatley was also thrust into the New orld but she was brought as a slave, with no rights and no hope. Each experience meant survival in some way and writing became a form of salvation for these women as they penned their thoughts and feelings for the world to see. Because they did take the time to express their thoughts, they contributed to the fabric of their society more than they could know. Bradstreet's poetry covers more that her struggles, she…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bradstreet, Anne. "To My Dear and Loving Husband." The Norton Anthology of American
Literature. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W.W Norton & Company, Inc., 2007.
-. "As Weary Pilgrim." The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W.W Norton & Company, Inc., 2007.
"Anne Bradstreet." Pilgrim New Media. ProQuest Resource Database. Information Retrieved
The literary techniques used in both poems help deliver the message of unending and perfect love.
The intended audience is different for each poem; in "To My Dear and Loving Husband," the poet is speaking directly to her husband as opposed to making a more declarative statement as we see in "How Do I Love Thee." Bradstreet is speaking directly to her husband and Browning is speaking to readers. This difference does not diminish the effect of either poem but it is significant when examining strategy. e can look at Bradstreet's poem as more personal in that she might not have intended this poem for public consumption and even if she did, she still chose to address her husband directly, giving him all of her attention. Bradstreet's poem is also composed with a mood and tone of humility, indicating that the love she shares with her husband is invaluable. Browning's…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bradstreet, Anne. "To My Dear and Loving Husband." Text. City: Publisher. Year.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. "How Do I Love Thee?" Text. City: Publisher. Year.
Anne Bradstreet: To My Dear and Loving HusbandAnne Bradstreet\\\'s poem To My Dear and Loving Husband is a simple yet very deep and very beautiful expression of love from a woman to a man, a wife to a husband, a lover to a lover. It exudes devotion that is rooted in a biblical idea of matrimonywhich is made apparent in the very first line: If ever two were one, then surely we (Bradstreet 1). The idea of two in one flesh is found in Scripture (Mark 10:8). This would have been well known to Bradstreet and her husband, since they were religious people of the Puritan faith. In a sense, Bradstreet is saying that she and her husband are the epitome of what the Bible is talking about when it talks about two becoming one in holy matrimony. They are the epitome of this bond because their bond is rooted…...
Puritan Woman
Puritan women in the New World of the United States were torn between belief that their "hope and treasure lies above" and their very real need to survive and create a loving community on earth. The Puritans were English Protestants, and they had very strong views on a variety of issues. For example, Puritans believed in the literal authority provided by the Bible, and that individuals who did things wrong in life would be punished by God (Coffey & Lim, 2008). There was also no guarantee of salvation for Puritans, and anything they would do for atonement was not enough to protect them from potential damnation in the future. The women in that society were not equal to men, and they were left to do what men wanted them to do and act a certain way in society, or they were not accepted (Coffey & Lim, 2008). Because the…...
Bradstreet, Anne. (1666). "Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666"
Coffey, John and Paul C.H. Lim (2008). The Cambridge Companion to Puritanism, Cambridge University Press.
Cook, Faith (2010). Anne Bradstreet Pilgrim and Poet, EP Books: Darlington.
Rowlandson, Mary (1682). A true history of the captivity and restoration of Mary Rowlandson. Clorifts-Church Hospital.
Women Poets
Throughout American history, the work of American literary artists has helped shape how people think about America and its values. In the modern moment, American literary artists and those involved in other media tend to represent ideals of freedom, autonomy, and individuality. However, this is a perception which has only developed through centuries of artists trying to speak with a unique American voice. Artists who have been oppressed are most successful in their attempts to explain how difficult existence is for people who have to live with some character trait which allows the social setting to suppress. Women writers, in particular, have used their artistry to show the intelligence of females and to help carve a niche in a male-dominated society. Three female poetry writers from three distinct historical periods, Anne Bradstreet who lived in the colonial period, Phillis Wheatley who was a slave living during the first years…...
American Poetry
Michael igglesworth, Edward Taylor, and Anne Bradstreet can all be classified as American Puritan poets. God makes an appearance in nearly every poem penned by each of these three writers. Yet the poetry of igglesworth, Taylor, and Bradstreet differs significantly as well. Bradstreet exhibits neoclassical trends: especially in poems such as "The Prologue," in which the poet refers directly to the Greeks: "shure the ancient Greeks were far more mild." In "The Prologue," Bradstreet also mentions figures from Greek mythology and literature like Calliope. Edward Taylor's poetry is far more Christian in nature and imagery. The first line of "Upon edlock, and Death of Children" is "A Curious Knot God made in Paradise." Equally as religious are the poems of Michael igglesworth, who makes ample Biblical references in his poem "The Day of Doom." igglesworth, Taylor, and Bradstreet represent the common elements in Puritan writing, but each presents the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bradstreet, Anne. Poems from:
Taylor, Edward. "Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children." Retrieved online:
Wigglesworth, Michael. "The Day of Doom." Retrieved online:
First, his use of rhyme is incredibly heavy, and quickly becomes awkward and intrusive:
Ye sons of men that durst contemn the Threatnings of Gods ord,
How cheer you now? your hearts, I trow, are sthrill'd as with a sword.
(stanza 8)
The internal rhyme in the odd numbered lines of each stanza, especially when coupled with the end rhyme in the even numbered lines (this pattern repeats in the second half of the stanza), gives the poem a condescending feel as though it is an instruction for children, while at the same time hammering itself into the mind of the reader in an obsessive manner. The complete lack of enjambment strengthens this effect, especially when reading the poem out loud.
In comparison to this, Bradstreet's sometimes stilted rhyme comes out very favorably. In one of her most well-known poems, "To My Dear and Loving Husband," even her twelve straight lines of rhyming couplets…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bradstreet, Anne. "To My Dear and Loving Husband." Accessed 5 May 2009.
Bradstreet, Anne. "In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth." Accessed 5 May 2009.
Wigglesworth, Michael. "The Day of Doom." Accessed 5 May 2009.
Despite this hardship she still managed to publish the first volume of poetry written by a woman in the New orld. This volume of poetry marked a milestone and reflected her faith, as did her other works, in the goals of her Puritan faith, and are not without skepticism.
Martin 4)
God doth not afflict willingly, nor take delight in grieving the children of men: he hath no benefitt by my adversity, nor is he the better for my prosperity; but he doth it for my Advantage, and that I may bee a Gainer by it. And if he knowes that weaknes and a frail body is the best to make me a vessell fitt for his use, why should I not bare it, not only willingly but joyfully? (orks, 20)
Bradstreet's faith was essential to existence in her society and this struggle is the core of her works.
Martin 4) "Anne Bradstreet…...
mlaWorks Cited
Hensley, Jeannine, ed., the Works of Anne Bradstreet Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980.
Martin, Wendy. An American Triptych Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Adrienne Rich. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1984.
Burning of Our House -- July 10, 1666
The poem Upon the Burning of Our House -- July 10, 1666 was written by Anne Bradstreet. Bradstreet is considered by many to be America's first authentic poet was born and raised a Puritan. She and her husband, Simon, who she married at the age of eighteen, lived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Bradstreet composed her poetry while raising eight children and performing her other domestic duties. She only wrote for herself and only shared her writings with family and friends; however her brother-in-law took some of her poems back to England without her knowledge and had them published. In this poem Bradstreet speaks of the lessons she learned from the fire that destroyed her home and her devotion to a higher being.
One of the meanings Bradstreet takes from the fire is that all of her possessions that were burned she did…...
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