Animal Abuse Essays (Examples)

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Animal Abuse and Crime Does
Pages: 15 Words: 4756

A study by the Chicago Police Department found that persons who had been arrested for animal cruelty often had a history of other crimes as well (Chicago Police Department 2008). These offenses included homicides, narcotics charges, battery, firearms charges, sex crimes, and gang related activities (Chicago Police Department 2008).
A similar study found that animal cruelty was more common among incarcerated individuals with aggressive tendencies, then for non-aggressive individuals (Keller and Felthous 1985). The study found nine distinct motivations for animal cruelty. It also found a higher incidence of family violence, particularly paternal abuse, and alcoholism (Keller and Felthous 1985). Merz-Perex, Heide, and Silverman, (2001) also found a relationship between childhood animal cruelty and later violence towards other human beings.

The graduation hypothesis contends that children who are cruel to animals progress, or "graduate," to more serious crimes towards humans (Wright and Hensley, 2003). This theory contends that animal cruelty is…...



Arluke, a., Levin, J., Luke, C., Ascione, F. (1999). The relationship of animal abuse to violence and other forms of antisocial behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 14, pp. 963- 975.

Ascione, F.R., Weber, C.V. Thompson, T.M., Heath, J., Maruyama, M., & Hayashi, K (2007). Battered pets and domestic violence: Animal abuse reported by women experiencing intimate violence and by non-abused women. Violence Against Women, 13: 354-373.

Carlisle-Frank, P., Frank, J., and Nielson, L. 2004. Selective battering of the family pet. www.ingentaconnect.comAnthrozoos:a Multidisciplinary Journal of the Interactions of People & Animals, 17 (1): 26-42.

Chicago Police Department (2008). Statistical Summary of Offenders Charged with Crimes against Companion Animals, July 2001-July 2004. Chicago Police Department, Chicago, IL.

Animal Abuse and Violent Criminal Behavior in
Pages: 3 Words: 1014

Animal Abuse and Violent Ciminal Behavio
In the pee eviewed aticle and liteay eview of Patteson-Kane and Pipe's aticle fom 2010 they did an aticle afte eseaching and investigating whethe thee ae alleged disageements involving animals that ae physically misteated and people who ae aggessive and cay out unlawful actions. Within the eview of Patteson-Kane and Pipe, they did a eseach using independent and dependent vaiables, and the independent ones ae the ones that ae used in an expeimentation which is being maneuveed in the eseach in categoizing to the outcome on the dependent vaiable which is the esponse vaiable which is also looked afte in the study that the independent ones causes the dependent one to change to help of the expeiment. The suvey was conducted to detemine if thee was pehaps violent intentions in ciminals fist begins with cuelty to animals and possibly also lead to them also…...


references are still not fixed or easy to read.

Last, if you look at the language usage in the review of the articles language, and the understanding the wording was actually quite easy to follow, however the vocabulary could have been a more interesting and catching theory and examination that got readers attention on these types of topics in criminology and animal cruelty. However, this article could have been more advanced in the grammar and choice of words because it was obvious that throughout the literary analysis there was many mistakes that were obvious within just the way it was wrote because of the vocabulary was misspelled, with mechanical errors, and infrequent sentence structures.

Abuse of Horses Boarding Horses
Pages: 4 Words: 1556

orks Cited

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "ASPCA Equine Program."

Retrieved April 6, 2007, at

Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "Neglected horsed die, more in danger." Retrieved April 6, 2007 at

Crawfurd, John. "On the Relation of the Domesticated Animals to Civilization." Transactions

Of the Ethnological Society of London Vol. 2 (1863): 387-468.

Flynn, Clifton P. "hy Family Professionals Can No Longer Ignore Violence toward Animals."

Family Relations 49.1 (2000): 87-95.

Hortness, Darci. "Neglected Horses Rescued by DoubleHP." Argus Leader Media. Retrieved April 7, 2007, at

United States Equine Rescue League, Inc. "Abuse & Neglect." Retrieved April 7, 2007, at


Works Cited

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "ASPCA Equine Program."

Retrieved April 6, 2007, at .

Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "Neglected horsed die, more in danger." Retrieved April 6, 2007 at

Crawfurd, John. "On the Relation of the Domesticated Animals to Civilization." Transactions

Animal Testing the Use of
Pages: 1 Words: 309

This is what makes drug testing on animals so very important in the pharmaceutical industry.

Cami, Jordi. (1991). Perspectives and future on testing for abuse liability in humans. British Journal of Addiction. 86(12), p1529-1531.

De Boer, Bonita. (2009). IV Drugs, Vaccines and Animal Testing. Retrieved March 19, 2010,

from Avert Web site:

Greaves, Peter, Williams, Andrew and Eve, Malcolm. (2004). First dose of potential new medicines to humans: how animals help. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. 3(3), p226-

oudebine, L.-M. (2005). Use of Transgenic Animals to Improve uman ealth and Animal

Production. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 40(4), p269-281.

Wanjek, Christopher. (2008). Why Lab Animals are Still Used. Retrieved March 19, 2010, from Live Science Web site:


Houdebine, L.-M. (2005). Use of Transgenic Animals to Improve Human Health and Animal

Production. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 40(4), p269-281.

Wanjek, Christopher. (2008). Why Lab Animals are Still Used. Retrieved March 19, 2010, from Live Science Web site:

Wicca Animal Use Shelley Rabinovitch Has Asserted
Pages: 6 Words: 2191

icca Animal Use
Shelley Rabinovitch has asserted that modern iccans see themselves as part of a world that includes all living beings in Nature (69), which generally prevents exploitative 'use.' This is not universal, but animal abuse would probably exclude a practitioner from the group "iccans." This has not been the case throughout history, and some modern Neo-Pagans include use of animals in ritual they claim falls within the harmonious balance of a non-dualistic participation in Nature (below). The result is a change in modern iccan relationship to animals compared to historical relationships as far as the available evidence shows. This requires defining the group "iccans," and also 'use' and 'animals,' because some groups typically classified alongside icca under the class "Neo-Pagans" are beginning to differentiate themselves through ritual animal use in ways iccans may perhaps want to dissociate themselves from.

"The language of self-identification to outsiders differs from that used when…...


Works Cited

Church Of The Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc., et al. v. City Of Hialeah No. 91-948. 508 U.S. 520

(1993).United States Supreme Court, 11 June, 1993. <>

Faculty of Oriental Studies, the University of Oxford. "Gilgames and Aga." The Electronic Text

Corpus of Sumerian Literature. n. pag. < >

Rights and Welfare of Animals
Pages: 2 Words: 754

Animal Advocacy Organizations
There are many local, national, and international organizations that advocate for the rights and welfare of animals, domestic and wild. Two of those organisations are PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). In this paper, the two will be compared and contrasted.


The ASPCA was the very first humane society to exist in North America, according to their website. Henry Bergh founded the ASPCA in 1866, who believed that animals have the right to be respected by humans, and to be treated kindly, and to be protected under the law. In fact the ASPCA was the first humane organization that has been granted "legal authority to investigate and make arrests for crimes against animals… [although the ASPCA] fulfills its mission through nonviolent approaches" (ASPCA).

PETA was founded in 1980, and their mission statement explains, "…animals…...


Works Cited

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). (2011). How to Recognize

Cruelty / About the ASPCA. Retrieved September 1, 2011, from .

Benz, Kathy, and McManus, Michael. (2005). PETA accuses lab of animal cruelty. Retrieved September 1, 2011, from

Zoo Animal Technology Program I Want to
Pages: 2 Words: 718

Zoo Animal Technology Program
I want to enter the Zoo Animal Technology Program at BLANK University for a number of reasons. First, I have always loved animals since I was very young, and I've always felt I wanted to help take care of them in some capacity as my career. In the past, I've had tropical fish, dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and other animals in my family for as long as I can remember. I have always been involved in training, maintaining, and caring for these animals, and I have loved every one of them. I would like to continue in my life.

I also strongly believe in animal conservation and husbandry, and the zoo technology program would allow me to learn more about these important areas of zookeeping. I know that many animals are endangered in the wild today, and the only way to help preserve many…...

Indictment of the Moral Offense of Animal
Pages: 5 Words: 1676

Indictment of the Moral Offense of Animal Cruelty
Animals think. Animals feel emotion. Animals experience pain. Yet there are members of our human society that find these facts irrelevant. In fact there are many people that have no problem disregarding these facts entirely as long as they are able to reap some type of personal reward or benefit from an animal. hether that benefit is in the form of food, clothing, or testing the latest new lipstick, it is always at the expense of the animal's well-being. In this paper I argue that the abuse of animals is morally wrong and therefore animals ought to be afforded rights which place the same consideration on their sentience as is placed on human beings.

Sentience is a term used to describe the fact that animals feel pain and emotions in much the same fashion as human beings. It is also used as a…...


Works Cited

Arluke, Arnold. Just a Dog: Understanding Animal Cruelty and Ourselves. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. 2006.

Cohn, Priscilla. In John M. Kistler's People Promoting and People Opposing Animal Rights: In Their Own Words. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 2002.

Kolber, Adam. "Upright: The Moral and Legal Standing of Humans and Other Apes." Stanford Law Review, 54.1 (2001): 163-204.

Economics of Alchohol Abuse Alcohol for Consumption
Pages: 4 Words: 1853

Economics of Alchohol Abuse
Alcohol for consumption is not a necessary food item, but for some has become a standard part of adult culture. Increasing the level of alcohol consumption, however, moves from an economic paradigm to a social issue due to the ancillary health and behavioral effects from alcohol abuse. In turn, this becomes part of economics in that it requires fiscal resources to treat societal issues caused by alcoholism: domestic abuse, crime, traffic or driving issues, etc. The economic effects of alcohol are undebatable, and are pervasive in the overt and covert areas of the economy (short- and long-term) (Fogarty, 2006).

In the economic sphere of political and social policy, alcohol, like tobacco and gambling, are considered a "sin" tax that is ostensibly designed to reduce transactions for issues society considers dangerous or undesirable. However, when it comes to alcohol, many see that this type of a sumptuary taxation policy…...



Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems. (2011). Ensuring Solutions. Retrieved from: 

Profit-Maximization in the Long Run. (2010). Welker'sWikinomics. Retrieved from:

Tobacco, Alcohol Industries Reject New Sin Tax Bill. (February 22, 2012). ABS/CBN News. Com. Retrieved from: 

Avorn, J. (2004). Powerful Medicines: The Benefits, Risks, and Costs of Prescription Drugs. New York: Random House.

Tom Regan Animal Rights
Pages: 2 Words: 744

To be an “experiencing subject of a life” means to be something that is here, now, alive, in this world, being part of the grand mystery that is life. So basically anything that exists has life—from people to birds to trees to grass to even water and rocks. There is a grace and power and beauty and soul that is woven through all of it. To disregard something as not worth our concern or as something that can be annihilated or abused is to be disconnected from this grand harmony. However, I do not think that being the subject of a life means that one has equal inherent value. As a human being, I feel that we can derive a sense of our value from religious teachings—particularly the traditional Christian teachings that hold that we are created in the image and likeness of God. This teaching points to a special relationship…...

Child Abuse The Issues of Child Abuse
Pages: 8 Words: 2331

Child Abuse?
The issues of child abuse in the larger society are often unnoticed until it is too late. Unfortunately, public perceptions of the precursors to abuse are limited, and the unfortunate reality of 'out of sight, out of mind' is prevalent in a society which moves as quickly as ours, and in which individuals are completely engaged in their own lives, expressing little ability to watch out for, or concern for the well being of others. The following studies look into the well-being of children, the impact of foster care on the well being of children, and the community's overall involvement in the problem of child abuse.

In order to construct a viable policy regarding what to do about the problem of child abuse, researchers must first accurately perceive the problems which exist in the larger society, and make sure that they have accurately measured the important factors. Since must…...



Calvert JF and Munsie-Benson M. Public opinion and knowledge about childhood sexual abuse in a rural community. Child Abuse Negl 1999; 23:671-682.

Clewell, B.C., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Benasich, A.A. (1989). Evaluating childrelated outcomes of teenage parenting programs. Family Relations, 38, 201-209.

Cooper, R, and Sutton, K. (1999)

The Effects of Child Abuse on Preschool Children's Play Australian Journal of Early Childhood, Vol. 24.

Man's Ability to Treat Humans Like Animals
Pages: 13 Words: 4278

Man's Ability To Treat Humans Like Animals
It is a vivid fact that the feelings of cruelty, discrimination and racial distribution are embedded well in to human nature since its very inception. This world depicts several cases where humans treat other humans like animals and ignore their right of living peacefully and according to their own will. This article highlights the work of several writers who have depicted the different ways in which humans have been treated brutally by other humans. Majority of the cases deal with racial discrimination and poverty-based cruelty issues encountered by humans. The article presents an in depth analysis of the works of seven different writers and how their works represent the ill treatment encountered by the human race.

Charles Chestnutt's "Po Sandy" and its Linkage to Human Cruelty

"Po' Sandy" written by Charles Chestnutt is basically the story of Sandy, who is made the slave of his master's…...


Works Cited

Chestnutt, Charles. Charles W. Chesnutt: Stories, Novels, and Essays, USA: Library of America,


Esposito, Scott, "The Changeling by Kenzaburo Oe," Los Angeles Times,468, 7 March 2010.

Mackay, Marina. The Cambridge Companion to The Literature Of World War II, New York,

Child Abuse From All Angles
Pages: 15 Words: 4974

The victim is often put into situations where they are physically deprived of the things they need to make appropriate decisions. For instance they may be deprived of sleep or food so that they can be more easily manipulated. Mental abuse may also involve teasing or name calling. In many cases the perpetrator is very aware of the victim's weaknesses and uses them to humiliate or subjugate the victim.
Sexual Abuse

The sexual abuse of children is increasing throughout the world and has increased drastically in recent years. Sexual abuse can include the molestation and/or rape of a child. In many cases children are sexually abused by someone that they know, rather it be a neighbor, a parent or an acquaintance. Sexual abuse can also have lasting effects on the psyche of an individual. Studies have found that children who experience sexual abuse are more likely to become promiscuous as teenagers…...



Bolen, Rebecca M. 2003. Child Sexual Abuse: Prevention or Promotion?. Social Work 48, no. 2: 174+.

Cochrane, John, Gaynor Melville, and Ian Marsh. 2004. Criminal Justice: An Introduction to Philosophies, Theories and Practice. London: Routledge. Book online.

Child Abuse. National Institutes of Health. Available at 

Child Abuse Statistics. Available at

Medical Testing on Animals
Pages: 3 Words: 952

against experimentation on animals, and some are more compelling than others. Some people suggest that the practice is immoral because choosing to experiment upon animals is directly analogous to racial or sexual discrimination; or more closely related to discrimination on the basis of mental capacity. Others contend that it is wrong because, by their estimations, no clear advances in medical research have been made through animal experimentation, and alternative modes of research are emerging. Doubtlessly, animal experimentation is a delicate moral issue, but asserting that animals should enjoy the same rights as humans within a society is a weak claim. Arguments have been formed differentiating animals from humans depending upon both their moral status and biological status. Yet, the most obvious line of reasoning is associated with the fact that granting animals the same rights as humans within society leads to many logical contradictions.
One question that needs to be…...


Works Cited:

1. Dunbar, Daniel. "The Confinement and Use of Non-Human Animals in Scientific and Medical Experiments is Morally Unacceptable." Ithaca University, 2005. Available: .

2. Mitchell, Graham. "Guarding the Middle Ground: the Ethics of Experiments on Animals." African Journal of Science, Issue 85, May 1989. Available: .

Substance Abuse Clients and the
Pages: 4 Words: 1519

This is also a condition when a person does not think beyond what is observed in the surroundings. So children should be given exercise to create new thoughts which are devoid of substances in their surrounding or mentality. The most effective method of cognitive approach is to teach recovery techniques to a client that assist to overcome the condition, rather than find methods to change the mentality of a person directly. This is attained by self-monitoring, self-assessment and self consequation. Each step is followed by the other till the patient reach a significant point of recovery. Self consequation is the final stage when a person appreciates himself for the significant change in the behavior. (Mennuti; Arthur, 2006)

Blow, Frederic C. (1999) "Substance Abuse among Older Adults: Treatment Improvement

Protocol" Diane Publishing.

Mennuti, osemary B. Arthur, F. (2006) "Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Educational

Settings: A Handbook for..." outledge.

Onken, Lisa S; Blaine, Jack D. (1998) "Treatment…...



Blow, Frederic C. (1999) "Substance Abuse among Older Adults: Treatment Improvement

Protocol" Diane Publishing.

Mennuti, Rosemary B. Arthur, F. (2006) "Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Educational

Settings: A Handbook for..." Routledge.

Writing my essay on animal abuse?
Words: 201

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

What is a good essay title to put on a coffee essay?
Words: 182

Here are some suggested titles for your coffee essay, and if you do not like them, check out all of the slang terms for coffee for more ideas.

  1. Why We Want That Hit of C8H10N4O2 in the Morning
  2. Coffee: Caffeine and Comfort
  3. Smells Like Chocolate, Tastes Like Sadness: A Coffee Hater’s Guide to Coffee
  4. From a Cuppa Joe to an Iced Caramel Macchiato: How Coffee Plays a Role in Our Culture
  5. The Bean Wars: Is Coffee an Ethical Drink
  6. Go Juice: How Coffee Stimulates the Body and the Mind
  7. The Impact of Regular Coffee Consumption on Your Health: The Surprising Good News
  8. Coffee Flavors: How....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Animal Rights?
Words: 262

1. The ethical implications of using animals for cosmetic testing
2. The impact of factory farming on animal welfare and the environment
3. The role of animals in scientific research and the need for alternatives
4. The importance of protecting endangered species and their habitats
5. The relationship between animal abuse and human violence
6. The legal rights of animals and the need for stronger animal protection laws
7. The use of animals in entertainment and the ethics of captivity
8. The benefits of adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle for animal rights
9. The role of animal advocacy organizations in promoting animal welfare
10. The connection between animal....

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