Android Essays (Examples)

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Androids From Your Reading of Hasker and
Pages: 2 Words: 684

From your reading of Hasker, and using the categories he uses, what view of the mind/body problem do you think is exhibited by Picard? By Maddox? Support your answer.

When explaining the mind/body problem, Hasker points out that there are physical properties and mental properties of people that can enhance understanding of the Star Trek episode. Hasker also notes that the philosophical concept of dualism (between mind and body) and the psychological concept of behaviorism help us to conceptualize the mind/body problem.

In "The Measure of a Man," Picard and Maddox both understand that behaviorism alone cannot account for the totality of the human experience. Picard and Maddox agree that "intelligence, self-awareness and consciousness," which are abstract and immeasurable, can better define the life of a sentient being than can simple observations of behavior. Maddox assumes that Data is limited to the method by which he is created; this is an essentially…...

Android Tablet
Pages: 2 Words: 546

Android Tablet
General Marketing

The objective of this study is to describe the cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumers on purchasing an Android Tablet. This work will also discuss which aspects of consumer behavior the product or service should emphasize in their marketing plan and why.

Personal Use

The personal reason to purchase an Android Tablet may include the ability to read E-books using the Android Tablet or the ability to listen to music or watch movies using the Android Tablet. In addition, the Android Tablet can be used to surf the Internet and the Android Tablet can run tens of thousands of applications for all types of use. In fact, the Android Tablet can do just about anything a large computer can do at a fraction of the price.


Cultural reasons for purchasing the Android Tablet are the capability of the Android Tablet to run and connect in cohesion with just…...



Callwood, K. (2012) Psychological Factors that Influence Consumer Buying Behavior. eHow. Retrieved from:

McBride, E. (2012) 10 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Tablet. AndroidPIT. Retrieved from:

Android Tablet
Pages: 2 Words: 990

Android Tablet
In the hands of a consumer, seeing a tablet computer was a rare experience, just a few years ago. A niche between personal computers and smartphones is filled by the tablet computers. In compare to typical smartphone, tablets tend to have faster processors. This paper will address a marketing plan for the Android tablet, with an appropriate positioning statement, its positioning in the market place, the image to be constructed in the minds of non-customers and customers, its target market, and its discreet comparison with its competitors.

The Android Tablet

From a tablet, one can launch application, play games, read electronic documents, surf the Web, listen to music and watch videos (Felker, 2011). Geared specifically for the tablet from factor, many companies are working hard to create content, services and application.When the latest high tech device is considered by the people, Android seems to be more than a word. Since the…...



Felker, D. (2011). Android tablet application development for dummies. Wiley. com. Retrieved from: 

Griffey, J. (2012). Chapter 2: The Rise of the Tablet. Library Technology Reports, 48(3), 7-13. Retrieved from:

Android Tablet
Pages: 2 Words: 585

Android Tablet
The Ideos Android Tablet

The Android tablet is one of the contemporary electronic products that enables interactivity and communication with ease and at an affordable price as compared to its competing brands offering the same product like the Apple tablets. The Android tablet is liked by many customers due to the versatility and the numerous applications that it gives. Many people who have positive evaluation of it also peg their liking to the user friendly settings and accessibility of most of the programs and services that it gives.

Support services

There is need for this product to have accompanying services. One of the essential extra services that the Android tablet customers will need are the user optimization services that will equip them with thorough knowledge of the applications that are primarily installed in the tablet and even the additional applications that can be secondarily installed and used. This will give the customers…...



Apple Inc., (2013). Sales and Support. Retrieved August 3, 2013 from

Android and Smartphone Security
Pages: 8 Words: 2544

Review on Android and Smartphone Security Abstract
Currently, Android controls the largest market share among operating systems for smartphones. Smartphone users have woken up to the realization that security is an issue that must be kept in mind all the time. The enhancement of performance and increase in features also multiply in tandem with risk such as virus attacks. It is possible that Android could be the most secure operating system, compared to others, currently. There are limited restrictions for developers, however. Such a blank check allows for multiple security concerns for the end-user. This paper explores Android's security model; it is the level of application and the security concerns with the operating system for smartphones.
There is no doubt that Android has exhibited truly modern smartphone features and tweaks. It is a typical open-source program. Applications from Android can use a broad range of software programs, including server and local data, networks,…...



Ahmed, O. & Sallow, A. B., 2019. Android Security: A Review. Academic Journal of Nawroz University.

Android Open Source Project. 2013. Android Security Overview.  

Android Open Source Project. Security and permissions. 2013. .

Android Open Source Project. 2013. Publishing on GooglePlay. .

Android Open Source Project. 2013. What is Android? 

Berger B.J., Bunke M., and Sohr K., 2011. An Android Security Case Study with Bauhaus, Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 179–183.

Dini G., Martinelli F., Saracino A. and Sgandurra D., 2012. MADAM: a multi-level anomaly detector for android malware,

Enck W., Octeau D., McDaniel P., and Chaudhuri S., 2011. A Study of Android Application Security, The 20th USENIX Conference on Security, 21-21. .

Android Tablet
Pages: 2 Words: 611

Google's Android
Bigger than McDonald's, Disney and General Motors put together, Google, Inc. is modeling the way in the smartphone industry with its Android mobile devices. Founded in 1998, Google Inc. (hereinafter alternatively "the company") is headquartered in Mountain View, California (Corporate profile, 2013). According to the company's profile, "Google Inc., a technology company, builds products and provides services to organize the information and make it universally accessible and useful" (Corporate profile, 2013, para. 2). The company provides a wide range of services, including: (a) Search (a service that delivers relevant search results in response to user queries); (b) Product Listing Ads (these offer product information); (c) Search plus Your World; (d) Google Now (a predictive search feature); Google Knowledge Graph (intended to enhance Search services) (e) AdWords (an auction-based advertising program); (f) AdSense (a program that enables Websites that are part of the Google Network to deliver ads); (g) Google…...



Corporate profile. (2013). Yahoo! Finance. Retrieved from   / pr?s=GOOG+Profile. 

Sherman, E. (2011, December 21). Android crushes iPhone, makes Google $5 billion. CBS

News. Retrieved from$5-billion/ .

Vericat, J. (2010, Fall-Winter), Is the Google world a better place? Journal of International

Android Tablet
Pages: 2 Words: 464

Consumer Market for the Android Tablet
The objective of this study is to analyze the consumer market for the Android Tablet. In a March 2013 IDC Press elease it is reported that, there is prediction of a "surge of smaller, lower-priced devices in the tablet market." (2013, p.1) The Worldwide Quarterly Tablet Tracker is reported to have stated, "one in every two tablets shipped this quarter was below 8 inches in screen size." (IDC Press elease, 2013) Expectations are stated that smaller tablets are expected to experience growth in 2013 and onward. (IDC Press elease, 2013, paraphrased) The market share of Android-based tablets expanded in 2012 significantly and it is expected that the trend in growth will continue with a forecast of the market share of Androids to "reach a peak of 48.8% in 2013 compared to 41.5% in IDC's previous forecast." (IDC Press elease, 2013)

Tablet Operating Systems, Forecast Market…...



Ankeny, J. (2013) Android Tablets to Overtake iPad Market Share This Year, IDC Forecasts. Retrieved from:

Gartner Says Worldwide PC, Tablet and Mobile Phone Combined Shipments to Reach 2.4 Billion Units in 2013 (2013) Garner News Release. Retrieved from: 

Low Cost Products Drive Forecast Increases in the Tablet Market, According to IDC (2013) IDC Press Release, 12 Mar 2013. Retrieved from:

Android Tablet
Pages: 2 Words: 563

Andriod Tablet
Android Tablet Promotion

Android refers to a modern operating system designed specifically for touch screen smart mobile phones and tablet computers. Tablets are new designs of internet-enabled computers that work in a similar way to mobile smart phones.

Integrated marketing communication (IMC) mix for Android tablet

Advertising: It communicates the required message to a targeted audience via means including electronic (TV and radio) and internet. Advertising helps to describe the product features, availability and explains the reason why customers should have the tablet (Hackley, 2005).

Sales promotion: It stimulates the market demand for the product and increase awareness about the value of the product. It helps to coordinate promotional activities of advertising and public relations. It is conducted in various ways such as consumer sales promotion, trade sales promotion or retail sales promotion. It delivers information to targeted groups for a pre-determined period (Hackley, 2005).

Personal selling: it increases exposure of the product to…...



Hackley, C. (2005). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communication approach. London: Sage publications Ltd.

Analysis of the Android Box
Pages: 8 Words: 2312

Android Box Work?
Devices that offer TV streaming, access to popular website apps like Netflix, and Hulu through Ethernet or wireless connections already exist. oku, Amazon Fire Stick, and Chrome Box are just some of the innovative breakthroughs launches in recent years that help users merge TV watching with the internet. Some older options like the PS4 and Xbox One and its predecessors, have also provided wireless access to both Netflix, but also even web browsing so users had the option of accessing social media platforms like Twitter and Youtube.

However, there have not been any products that combined the use of social media with internet TV and regular TV. The Android Box works by using a wireless or Ethernet connection to connect online. It has an app store access via Android Marketplace that will allow users to download apps like Twitter, Instagram, and a joystick enabled controller with keypad that…...



Apple Inc.,. (2016). Apple Supplier List. Retrieved 27 June 2016, from

Ways Google Innovative Technologies Have Changed the World
Pages: 4 Words: 1164

Google Innovation
How Google's Innovative Technologies Have Changed the World

The Google founders deliberately designed and continually fuel a corporate culture that puts innovation at the center, acting as a highly effective catalyst for creating new products and services. One of the foundational elements of their culture is the ule of 20%, which gives engineers the flexibility of spending up to 20% of their time on projects they are interested in transforming from concept to finished product (Laffey, 2007). Since instituting this program at the launch of the company, products and services generated from its successful use has delivered 56% of total revenues to Google on an annual basis (MIT Sloan eview, 2006). Google Docs, Gmail, personal search, Google+, Android operating systems, Goggles (visual search) and Latitude are all the result of the ule of 20% Program (Manyika, 2009). Taken together, Google's technologies have made a major impact on the world, and…...



Brown, A.S. (2011). Google's autonomous car applies lessons learned from driverless races. Mechanical Engineering, 133(2), 31-31.

Cho, K. (2009). Powering the Google engine: Innovation is key. Fountainebleau, France, Fountainebleau: INSEAD.

Deegan, M. (2008). New products from google aimed at sparking innovation. SNL Kagan Media & Communications Report,, n/a.

Gopalakrishnan, S., Kessler, E.H., & Scillitoe, J.L. (2010). Navigating the innovation landscape: Past research, present practice, and future trends. Organization Management Journal, 7(4), 262-277.

Motorola Moto 360
Pages: 14 Words: 4728

Motorola (Moto 360)
Introduction to company

Motorola is one telecommunications company that has always been a leader in the development and launching of trendsetting innovative products. Its rich history is characterized by numerous achievements as the pioneer of several technologies. While several corporations subscribe to the notion that churning out ideas is the instrumental factor in coming up with revolutionary products, Motorola has always focused on the big picture - the essence of their business (Strategic Direction, 2010).

For close to eight decades, the company has spearheaded several innovations in the field of telecommunications and as a result achieved great successes like their feat of being the company that made the equipment through which the first words from the moon were transmitted. It was also the leader of the cell phone revolution having developed DynaTac, the first cell phone that was handheld. Motorola is also credited for being the first in delivering the…...



Competitive Analysis of Motorola (2014) Retrieved from http://www.***.com/view.asp?id=161863

Georgieva, et. al. (2010).Motorola- Integrated Company Analysis. Retrieved from 

GadgetzArena (2014). Motorola launched Moto 360 at IFA 2014. Retrieved from

Hyder, Z. Burrows, M. & MacKinnon, A. (2008). Strategic Report for Motorola, Inc. Retrieved from

Smart Phone Revolution and Its
Pages: 5 Words: 1843

NFC is going to revolutionize the smartphone as an e-commerce platform.

The proliferation of smartphones continues to lead to exceptional growth of application development across all platforms, with Android being the clear leader in the last six months of development. The decision to make the platform and source code both open have contributed to Google quickly overtaking Apple and their iPhone OS operating system in terms of market share. It has also need to more phones and devices supporting Android than any other operating system today. The growing competitive threat to the Apple iPad is also attributable to the Android operating system gaining critical mass in this segment of the market as well. Finally, the collaboration applications on smartphones continue to redefine how businesses use these from an enterprise standpoint. Sales force automation, CM, and customer service have all been made more efficient due to smartphone applications. The dominance of…...



Anderson, T.. (2009, November). What You Need to Know About Smart Phones 2.0.

Kiplinger's Personal Finance, 63(11), 79.

Andrew Johnson. (2011, February). In Apple Mobile Pay Plans, a Possible Opening for

Banks. Cardline, 11(5), 2.

Mobile Computing and Social Networks There Are
Pages: 10 Words: 3227

Mobile Computing and Social Networks
There are many mobile apps in the market that have been designed to cater for various tasks and processes. Mobile apps were initially designed for gaming but improvements have been made to ensure that they can be used for business purposes. Applications have been designed to improve efficiency of mobile devices. Users have been able to make use of mobile phones to replace devices such as desktop computers and cameras.

Effectiveness and efficiency mobile-based applications

Technological advancements in the field of communication have undergone numerous changes over the decade. Mobile phones conventionally used for basic communication can now be used to conduct more features. The software being used in the mobile devises have enabled the devises to be used for more application than communication. The mobile devices being sold in the market are considered smart phones due to the array of applications that they can undertake. Apple Inc.…...



B'Far, R. (2004). Mobile computing principles: Designing and developing mobile applications with UML and XML. New York: Cambridge University Press

Bohner, B. (2009). Disaster Recovery -- Extra Considerations for Extra Technologies. System Inews, (360), 13.

Hernack, B. (2006). Improving Bluetooth Security: What IT Managers and Mobile Device Users Can Do. Information Systems Security, 15(4), 39-42.

Sarno, T. (2010). Choosing the right mobile platform. Apc, 30(9), 100.

SLP Apples' Products and Brands
Pages: 5 Words: 1611

Marketing esearch: Products and Brands
In previous years, Apple Inc. has progressed from being an abstract participant in the computer market to a major player in the technology market. Through courageous advancement, they have developed items that have totally changed the technology market. As a result, their brand recognition has increased significantly, and they have added remarkably to their legion of dedicated supporters. The Apple Company is about design, their electronic items are fashionable, their advertising is trendy, their hardware and software are stylish, and like all factors fashionable, there is a substantial price tag. However, like all other factors of fashion, consumers are unpredictable and their tastes frequently change with the next big technology improvement. In addition, Apple company still dominates over every aspect of their item lines, this in previous times turned out to be a mistake that directed them to a specialized niche in the PC market. The…...



Bradley, T. (2013). Android Dominates Market Share, But Apple Makes all the Money. Forbes. Retrieved from: 

Deidu, H. (2012). The Value of the OS X Monopoly. Asymco. Retrieved from: 

Linzmayer, O. (2004). Apple Confidential 2.0. San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press

Satell, G. (2013). Why Apple's Future is Uncertain. Forbes. Retrieved from:

Smart Phone Technology Has Been Continually Innovating
Pages: 2 Words: 648

smart phone technology has been continually innovating. This is because many of the applications are more user-friendly and can offer everyone something that is of interest to them. At the heart of these changes, is the battle that is occurring between Google and Apple. In case of the Google Android, there are more free applications and the device is incredibly popular. Evidence of this can be seen with the fact that the 64% of all new programs and applications are designed for the Android. While the Apple I Phone is accounting for just 27% of the total mobile applications that are developed. This is significant, in showing how the markets are shifting with new technology becoming more mobile. (Tongbo, 2012)
However, there are major security risks associated with using the either device. This is because the firewall and traditional protections on various applications are weaker. As a result, hackers have…...



Tongbo, L. (2012). Attacks on Web View. CIS. Retrieved from:

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on utopia in science fiction novels. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 340

1. The concept of a perfect society in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"
2. The depiction of a utopian society in Ursula K. Le Guin's "The Dispossessed"
3. The exploration of a utopian future in Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End"
4. The challenges of maintaining a utopian society in Lois Lowry's "The Giver"
5. The consequences of striving for perfection in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale"
6. The exploration of different forms of utopia in Kim Stanley Robinson's "Mars Trilogy"
7. The contrast between dystopia and utopia in Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
8. The potential dangers of technology in creating a utopian....

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