Ancient Chinese Essays (Examples)

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Ancient Chinese Contributions
Pages: 4 Words: 1313

Chinese Inventions
The ancient Chinese were an innovative people who were able to independently develop the ideas for many of the things we take for granted today. Even though these ideas originated in the East they have proven valuable throughout the world, disseminated by such explorers as Marco Polo and others who realized the importance of the things they had seen. Francis Bacon viewed many of these Chinese inventions as crucial to the development and transformation of European society during the 16th and 17th centuries (Selin, 1997, p.261). These inventions changed the world as we know it and not always for the better. However, the myriad inventions continue to influence the way that people all over the world live their lives every day.

Overview of Chinese Inventions

The ancient Chinese have been credited with inventions ranging from the mundane to supreme technological innovations in many different fields. For example, in the field of…...



Deng, Y. (2011). Ancient Chinese inventions. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Gunergun, F. (2011). Science between Europe and Asia. New York: Springer Science.

Haven, K. (2006). 100 greatest science inventions of all time. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.

Krebs, C.A. & Krebs, R.E. (2003). Groundbreaking scientific experiments, inventions, and Discoveries of the ancient world. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Chinese and Japanese Art
Pages: 6 Words: 1738

Chinese Art
By the fifth millennium BCE, China had developed the basic elements that were to identify it as a civilization, such as social structure, agricultural skills and the domestication of animals (Schmidt pp). It was also developing concepts related to the order of the natural environment, to life, death, and life after death (Schmidt pp). China's cultural identity, as it is known today, can be traced to the endeavors of the Neolithic village communities of the Yangshao culture that flourished during this time (Schmidt pp). Ancient Chinese communities produced numerous vessels and objects from various mediums for use in both utility and religious purposes.

Only fragments and traces of items created in ephemeral materials remain from the prehistoric and early historic periods, yet numerous ancient Chinese objects of jade, earthenware, and metal have survived in fairly good condition, most of which were found preserved in ancient burial sites (Schmidt pp). These…...


Work Cited

Schmidt, Carolyn Woodford. "Early Societies and the Arts: The Foundations of A


The Art of Chinese Bronzes - ancient Chinese bronze artwork.

Chinese Calligraphy or Chinese Weddings
Pages: 3 Words: 783

Chinese eddings
Ancient Chinese weddings began with elaborate preparation, including the proposal and acceptance. However, the wedding itself was rather simple, and generally comprised of the bride and groom paying homage to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and the Kitchen God, Tsao-Chun, at the family altar, after which they drank tea offered by the groom's parents, and then bowed to each other (Chinese pp). This completed the marriage ceremony. Although the marriage ceremony itself was simply, there were numerous customs that were required both before and after, many of which are still observed today.

Today, many Chinese-Americans choose to combine their traditional culture with modern estern traditions. Traditionally, the color red is the symbol of happiness and joy, and is used throughout Chinese celebrations, including weddings (Traditions pp). The wedding invitations and reception menus are a deep red with black or gold calligraphy, and the guest book is always made of…...


Work Cited

Chinese Wedding Traditions. Chinese Historical and Cultural Project.

Traditions and Wedding Customs: Chinese Weddings. Japanese Wedding

Chinese Opera Kung Fu and
Pages: 4 Words: 1258

That is, the notion of rivalry and envy is not inherently connected to rational ideas about good and evil. These ethical value judgments are quite secondary to the matter of human conflict and its role in the affairs of both love and power. As Giovetti (2012) points out, "Feng Yi Ting (running until June 7 and stopping in New York at the Lincoln Center Festival, also under Redden's directorship, in July) is characterised by an emotional neutrality that leaves the audiences to decide for themselves how they feel." (Giovetti, p. 1)
In many ways, this is a distinctly eastern way of approaching conflict, providing its details as a history rather than an allegory. And once again, as with the kung fu movies that made so great an impression on me as a child, the play would using certain visual strategies to supplement these themes. They demonstrate the same spare simplicity…...


Works Cited:

Giovetti, O. (2012). Spoleto Festival continues to provoke with Glass and Guo Wenjing. Gramophone.

Johnson, a. (2012). Atom Egoyan talks about directing Spoleto Festival's 'Feng Yi Ting'. Post and Courier.

Moore, R. (2012). Feng Yi Ting Spoleto After Party. Charleston

Poole, O. (2012). Spoleto Review: Feng Yi Ting Chinese Opera. Art Mag.

Chinese' Food and the Model Minority Study
Pages: 8 Words: 3511

Chinese' Food and the Model Minority study in ethnic cuisine and culture, marginalization and commercialization, and the paradox of exoticism.
The anthropological theme studied for this work was that of the ethnic compromises and paradoxes inherent in creating a "Chinese" restaurant in America, for Americans. In every English speaking country from England to Canada, Chinese food is a huge business. For many immigrants it is one of the only businesses ready and willing to take them in. Most Chinese restaurants strive to present themselves as cultural representations where the American connoisseur can have a legitimate cross-cultural experience. The more I researched the actual traditions of Chinese and Asian cuisine and the way in which Western prejudices and expectations shape the presentation of this experience, the more it became apparent that --like so many other cultural phenomena-- the cultural relevance of the Chinese-food experience is far from untainted. Repeated immersion at several…...



About, Inc. "Eating Patterns: You call this Progress?" What You Need To Know About.

2003. Accessed at

Hung-Youn, Cho. "Traditional Way of Life in East Asia." Korea Focus Vol.9 No.1. 2000.

Acessed at

Chinese Schools' of Thought Legalism
Pages: 4 Words: 1142

In spite of the fact that it never became as popular as Daoism, Confucianism was important because it was responsible for a series of reforms in the moral and political systems of China. It was only during the ruling of Dong Zhongshu that Confucianism became appreciated as China's main school of thought. The philosophy slowly but surely experienced progress and came to be one of the main systems guiding China's politics. In addition to assisting politics, society, and economics, Confucianism also provided the Chinese with the opportunity to adopt a new and improved way of life. ith the ru school being supported by the state, it became clear that Confucianism had become the principal philosophy in the territory.
Confucianism was particularly impressive because it brought together elements found in Legalism and in Daoism. The ideology emphasized the importance of morality and it also assisted the state in implementing its laws…...


Works cited:

Guo, X. (2002). The Ideal Chinese Political Leader: A Historical and Cultural Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Ivanhoe, P.J. And Van Norden, B.W. eds. (2001). Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy. New York: Seven Bridges Press.

Orts, E.W. "The Rule of Law in China," Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 34.1 (2001): 43

Pohl, K. And Muller, A.W. eds. (2002). Chinese Ethics in a Global Context: Moral Bases of Contemporary Societies. Boston: Brill.

Chinese Religion
Pages: 6 Words: 1839

Samantha Vargas
Chinese Religion

Intro to Cultural Anthropology

Ch'en, Kenneth K.S. Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey. New Jersey: Princeton University

Press, 1907-1964. In this text, Professor Kenneth Ch'en writes a historical account of the development of Buddhism and how it modified as it grew. Buddhism is a unique religion in that it has been adapted to incorporate the cultural attitudes of the various countries in which it is found. Within China, Buddhism took an especially strong hold because it was able to incorporate the philosophical ideas of people like Confucius.

Ch'en's main argument of the piece seems to be that Buddhism is different from other religions. This is what makes the book a useful tool for academic research. There is not one set of dogmatic rules that have to be accepted, but rather many different versions of the religion. In this text, Ch'en has identified all of the social, political, and cultural events that…...


Yuan, Haiwang. The Magic Lotus Lantern and Other Tales from the Han Chinese. USA: Green

Wood Publishing Book, 2006. This book is a collection of folktales from Chinese culture. Each of these stories is beautiful in its own right as a work of fiction, but also interesting in what the story tells about the culture of the period in which the story was written. Each story has some element of magic in it, but also an element of cultural historicity.

While not really about the religious beliefs that are held by Chinese people, they nonetheless tell about the value systems of the time period in which the stories were written. It is the beliefs that people already held that determined what religion they chose. These beliefs would also shape the unique form of that religion which would become popularized in the region.

Chinese Health Care System
Pages: 6 Words: 1940

Global Health Care and Culture
Traditional Health Care Concepts

Modern Health Care in China and its Affordability

The public health system in China has been able to make progress in many aspects owing to the economic growth of the country. Problems like child mortality and life expectancy have shown considerable improvements over the last 20 years in conjunction with the rising economy. With significantly more hospital beds in the country compared to about 10 years ago, China has made all efforts to embrace the modern medical system and formulated policies to make modern health care affordable to every Chinese citizen (Mehlhorn, Wu & Ye, n.d.).

However give the above context, it is still a fact that Chinese system of health care is still governed and guided by the cultural values and traditions of ancient Chinese health care. This is in conformation to the ways the Chinese value their centuries old tradition and even after…...



Cheung, K., & Chen, H. (2010). Semantic Web for data harmonization in Chinese medicine. Chinese Medicine, 5(1), 2. doi:10.1186/1749-8546-5-2

Mehlhorn, H., Wu, Z., & Ye, B. Treatment of human parasitosis in traditional Chinese medicine.

PARKER, M. (2011). OVERSTATING VALUES: MEDICAL FACTS, DIVERSE VALUES, BIOETHICS AND VALUES-BASED MEDICINE. Bioethics, 27(2), 97-104. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8519.2011.01902.x

Social Values and Ethics for Communicating the Corporate Identity. (2012). Chinese Business Review, 11(07). doi:10.17265/1537-1506/2012.07.006

History of Chinese Mathematics
Pages: 6 Words: 1633

Chinese Mathematics
In ancient China, the science of mathematics was subsumed under the larger practice of suan chu, or the "art of calculation." The Chinese are believed to be one of the first civilizations to develop and use the decimal numeral system. Their early mathematical studies have influenced science among neighboring Asian countries and beyond.

This paper examines the history of mathematical knowledge in China. It looks at the early Chinese achievements in the field of mathematics, including the decimal system, calculation of pi, the use of counting aids and the application of mathematical principles to everyday life. It also examines the influence of Indian and later, European mathematical knowledge into Chinese mathematics.

Early China

Unlike the ancient Greeks who prized knowledge for its own sake, much of the scientific studies conducted in ancient China were spurred by practical everyday needs. Because of its geographic location, China was prone to devastating floods, particularly along…...


Works Cited

Martzloff, Jean-Claude. A History of Chinese Mathematics. New York: Springer Verlag, 1997.

Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 3, Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959.

Spence, Jonathan D. To Change China: Western Advisers in China, 1620-1960. New York: Penguin Press, 200

Swetz, Frank. Was Pythagoras Chinese?: An Examination of Right Triangle Theory in Ancient China. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977.

Chinese Film the Evolution of the Chinese
Pages: 7 Words: 1828

Chinese Film
The Evolution of the Chinese Film Industry

Contemporary Chinese Film Poster (Chinese Films)

For literally thousands of years, the Culture of China has inspired people and been a source of awe and excitement for people all over the world. The Chinese culture is rather unique and elegant with elements that are not commonly found in other cultures. Part of the cultures attraction is undoubtedly because it is one of the oldest cultures in the world and had has thousands and thousands of years to evolve into what it is today. It has drawn so much interest that it is integrating with other cultures. Although much of the ancient traditions have been somewhat overcome by various estern influences and modernization, traces of various aspects of the previous cultures still manage to stand the test of time and can still be seen today.

Many changes have occurred in the Chinese Culture over the last…...


Works Cited

Chinese Films. "Chinese Films Meet Difficulties to Advance in Global Arena." 1 March 2012. Chinese Films. Web. 5 June 2012.

Cultural China. "Classic Movie and Stars." N.d. Cultural China. Web. 6 May 2012.

Kushner, B. "Is that really funny? -- humor and identity in Japan and China." 17 April 2009. Japan Society. Web. 5 June 2012.

Moses, L. "Chinese Embassy host film festival." N.d. Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China. Web. 6 June 2012.

Chinese Pilgrims in India the
Pages: 2 Words: 651

ecause of rhetoric that was rampant through the region, the result was "a skewed perception among some Chinese intellectuals that Indian must have been a race of violent and uncouth barbarians" (Mather, 1992). The once positive relationship between the two regions was tarnished, as evident by the "Discourse on Triple Destruction" which illuminates the barbarian traits that the Indian people have (Mather, 1992). This laid, along with the foundational elements Scripture of Lao-tzu Converting the arbarians, for a negative perception of India and allowed for huddism to flourish on Chinese terms.
uddhism in China was taught as "radical dualism," with teachings that focused on sudden enlightenment on salvation through grace rather than through ascetic practices" making it more appealing to a larger population of Chinese (Whyte, 2008). The Consul General of China asserts that "in Northeast Asia and some Southeast Asian countries, the historical influence of Chinese culture could be…...



Mather, Richard B. (1992). Chinese and indian perceptions of each other between the first and seventh centuries . Journal of the American Oriental Society, 112(1), 1-8.

Siwei, Mao. (2011, June 19). China and india: related yet different civilizations. Retrieved from 

Whyte, Bob. (2008). Religion in china. Retrieved from

Chinese Village Democracy the Organic
Pages: 20 Words: 5941

This rationale may prove correct to some degree, but only in those areas where the villagers have no means of communication between villages and thus no way of exchanging opinions and finding out about irregularities and breaking of the law. Kolhammer is pointing out that the declared official role of the organic law of Village Committees is only going to be put in practice after the villagers will be aware of the right they have according to it and act accordingly.
There is no possibility that one can draw the conclusion that peasants in most villages in China are not aware of their rights in terms of electing their village leader and Village Committee. The degree of knowledge in this sense may vary, but a country that has experienced huge economic changes after the death of Mao could not have remained immobile to significant social and political changes. The political…...


Works Cited

Ding, Yijiang. Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. Questia. 18 Aug. 2008 .

Kelliher, Daniel. The Chinese Debate over Village Self-Government.The China Journal, No 37(January 1997): 63-86

Kennedy, John James. The Face of "Grassroots Democracy" in Rural China. Asian Survey, Vol. 42, No. 3, (May - Jun., 2002),: 456-482

Kolhammar, Jens. Democracy outmanoeuvred: Village self-governance in China: A case study. China Elections and Governance. Posted June 7, 2008. Retrieved: Aug 20, 2008.

Chinese Jade Burial Suits During All My
Pages: 6 Words: 1845

Chinese Jade Burial Suits
During all my travels throughout ancient China, one of the more peculiar beliefs I came across was the notion that jade holds mystical powers, capable of preventing the body from decaying. I am currently in Chang'an, the capital of the dynasty, which is known in the present day as Xi'an. The year is 192 CE. The people of the estern Han Dynasty universally agree that this supposedly magical material is the essence of mountains, and because it prevents the decomposition of the physical form, it may in fact ensure rebirth. Now, as of the present day, very few of these jade burial suits still actually exist, and it may seem ambiguous as to whether or not they were a passing fad or a momentary excess amongst emperors. However, upon my investigation of the long-forgotten past, I have found that this practice of burying the dead with or…...


Works Cited

Cultural China. (2007-2010). Jade burial suit. Retrieved December 9, 2010, from (2001). Handicraft industry and technological advances. Retrieved December 9,

2010, from 

H-ry?-ji. Horyuji: a brief history. Retrieved December 9, 2010, from

Ancient Accomplishments and Later Appearances
Pages: 1 Words: 357

The Sumerians of Mesopotamia were also the first to use iron, They recovered the metal from meteorites and used it for spear tips and ornaments. Later smelting techniques developed in the area to purify the iron, and these spread to Europe via trade routes. By the Middle Ages, large foundries existed for smelting and forging iron into the many things it was used for. Basic trade rules and organization also passed from the Sumerians to Europe; methods of keeping accounts and even early guilds and merchant groups were part of Sumer, and passed est with trade (Airmet).

orks Cited

Airmet. "The History of Iron orking." Accessed 26 July 2009.

Hooker, Richard. "Ancient China: The Shang." Accessed 26 July 2009.

O'Connor, J.J. And E.F. Robertson. "Egyptian Numerals." Accessed 26 July 2009.


Works Cited

Airmet. "The History of Iron Working." Accessed 26 July 2009. 

Hooker, Richard. "Ancient China: The Shang." Accessed 26 July 2009. 

O'Connor, J.J. And E.F. Robertson. "Egyptian Numerals." Accessed 26 July 2009.

Ancient Lit Gilgamesh Questions Why
Pages: 3 Words: 870

3. What are some of the themes you notice in the "Love Songs"?

The Egyptian love songs use the terms "brother" and "sister" as generic references to male and female lovers and suggest intimacy as well as the taboo of incest. Brother-sister unions were already written into Egyptian mythology by the time the love songs were penned. Also, the love songs reveal an emerging theme of romantic love, which almost seems out of place in ancient literature.

4. Did the erotic or explicit nature of some of the love songs surprise you? Explain.

The eroticism in the love songs is not wholly surprising, given that many ancient cultures addressed human sexuality frankly and even using graphic depictions. The Egyptians also employed some sexual imagery into their art, as did the ancient Indians and Chinese.

Old Testament

1. In what ways is the Hebrew view of God different from the Sumerian view of the gods as…...

what taichi means to me?
Words: 584

Taichi: A Journey of Mind, Body, and Spirit

Taichi, an ancient Chinese mind-body practice, holds a profound significance in my life, embodying a harmonious blend of physical movement, mental focus, and spiritual cultivation.

Physical Harmony

Taichi's gentle yet intricate movements provide a unique form of physical exercise. With each flowing sequence, the body stretches, strengthens, and balances. It improves flexibility, coordination, and posture, leaving me feeling energized and revitalized.

Mental Serenity

Beyond its physical benefits, taichi plays a pivotal role in cultivating mental well-being. The choreographed movements require unwavering concentration, drawing attention to the present moment and calming the mind's chatter. It fosters a state....

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