Analogy Essays (Examples)

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Analogy Just as the Speaker in the
Pages: 2 Words: 695

Just as the speaker in the song knows that she is a hero to her daughter, so too does the narrator of the essay. The narrator in the essay states her desire "to be her hero, to have no fear, to watch her grow and eventually watch her raise her own children." Similarly, the speaker in the song states, "An' though she'll grow an', some day, leave:

Maybe raise a family." There are thoughts of continuity and visions of future families for both women. Both narrators are mothers enamored with their role, and both romanticize the task of childrearing. Although one writes in poetic verse, and the other in prose, both women affirm the role of motherhood as one that is psychologically and spiritually rewarding.

The speaker in the song states, "Everything becomes a little clearer. / I realize what life is all about." Just as this mother achieves a sense of…...

Analogy 1 You Wouldn't Steal
Pages: 8 Words: 2186

This discussion of value, however, does not take into account religious viewpoints on the relative value of each human soul. If each embryo is theoretically imbued with a soul and each soul has limitless value, then the balance shifts.
Argument from Statistics #1 (total): "In 1976, Washington, D.C., enacted one of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. Since then, the city's murder rate has risen 134% while the national murder rate has dropped 2%. Gun control doesn't work."

This is a weak argument from statistics, because the murder rate is not limited to murders committed with guns. Moreover, a number of factors could contribute to the city's rise in murders (e.g. cutbacks in the police force) having absolutely nothing to do with guns and gun control one way or the other.

Argument from Statistics #2 (total): "Terrorist attacks worldwide have increased fourfold since the Iraq war, so the U.S.…...

Analogy Imposing a Law Restricting
Pages: 5 Words: 1259

This will allow for any criminal acts to be noticed and even prevented. With the same justification, can state propose to install cameras in the individuals' homes and monitor the activity there?
Obviously not, and the main argumentation that refutes this is the fact that the individual's home is a private place and, additionally, a place where the individual likes to enjoy his privacy. Continuing with analogies in this area, it would be similar to the state imposing a ban on smoking inside the individual's own home. If we consider the case of smoking in a car with the child, it isn't so far off in fact. Something like this can lead to a dangerous trend that can encourage the state to increase and continue its involvement in regulating the individual lives.

Can we afford this type of intervention? In my opinion, we cannot and the argumentation against such a legislative…...

OSI Model Analogy -- Indiana
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Next, Dr. Jones takes the map, scans it into an image format and posts it to a secured area of his website. He sends the link to his closest advisors globally and asks them for feedback. He's careful to embed all the information in the actual graphic, not having any text that could potentially be hacked or taken. He also asks for return receipt of each e-mail announcing the map, and each of this peers across the universities of the world immediately respond back with questions, some with critical analysis, but mostly with interest in finding the golden monkeys of Sustantivo. This completes the data link layer.

Next, Dr. Jones begins to assemble his team of researchers who will attempt to burrow deep down into the caves below Sustantivo. Natasha has purchased one of the largest buildings in this oldest area of Rio and it has a basement of just over…...

Plato's Cave Analogy in Book 7 Of
Pages: 3 Words: 872

Plato's Cave Analogy
In Book 7 of the Republic, Plato attempted to characterize a philosopher king and to describe the kind knowledge that is necessary for a philosopher king. He defines a philosopher as a lover of knowledge. And this knowledge must be of things as they are and not simply of belief. The Analogy of the Cave is used to compare the effect and the lack of knowledge or education on human nature as well as the responsibility that accompanies it.

Plato describes the cave as an underground dwelling with an entrance up at a distance. The men that live there are chained and can only see in front of them. (They represent the uneducated). There is a fire that provides them light, but it is above and behind them. Between the light and them is a path that has a low wall alongside it. Men carry all sorts of things…...

Employee Theft Analogy the Reasons
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Teenage pregnancy analogy

The causes of teenage pregnancy are much like the reasons that teenagers drive recklessly -- teenagers have trouble seeing beyond the needs of the moment, and their immediate satisfaction. Teens feel as if they are adults, because of the tremendous hormonal and emotional shift that occurs with adolescence. They are angry when adult rules and laws attempt to hem them in. They chafe at even the most reasonable safety requirements, in an attempt to show their independence. But the more they attempt to act like an adult, either by breaking speeding laws, or having sexual relations before they are mature enough to take appropriate precautions, the more they show their essential immaturity.

Additionally, teens who are depressed, in search of an identity, or who are self-destructive as a way of coping with life's challenges may use either parenthood or the persona of a daredevil as a way of having…...

Kant's First Analogy The Permanence of Substance
Pages: 3 Words: 1078

Kant's First Analogy: The Permanence Of Substance In Space And Time
It's not 'all in your head.' Thus Kant would assure the discriminating philosophy student that merely because he or she might perceive an object in a certain fashion does not mean that the object is, in actual fact, true to the observer's mental apprehension of the object. Despite attempts by some of his contemporaries to deny the reality of material existence, Kant instead proposed that material objects had an external reality in space and time that was 'real' beyond the images they presented to the human observer's mind. Reality had an existence in space and time beyond psychological perceptions of the observer.

Thus, Kant's first analogy states that all through all possible changes of an object's appearances, the essential substance of a 'thing' persists, even if the observer has an optical illusion to the contrary. The object's essential substance is neither…...

History Analogy There Were Two
Pages: 5 Words: 1833

(Boskin, 1976)
Thus the civil war and the later inclusion of the courts and rulings though have given succor to the colored people, the conditions in Virginia of the earlier century was found all over the United States even after a hundred years and hence Martin Luther King had to in the 1960s come out again to fight for equality. Is the struggle over?


On perusing the materials and analysis one thing is clear. Earlier the colonists were interested in establishing colonies for which they required free labor which was not forthcoming from the native Indians whom they killed in wart. Hence they imported humans from Africa and the earlier colonists treated the workers as slaves. acial bigotry seems to have swept the country when the new democracy wanted to assure equality to all. Unfortunately the civil war was merely to maintain the status quo while it is clothed in such…...



Britannica Encyclopaedia. (2010) "History & Society: Compromise of 1850"

Retrieved 3 June, 2010 from 

Boskin, Joseph. (1976) "Into Slavery: Racial Decisions in the Virginia Colony." J.B.

Lippincott: Philadelphia.

John Snow Father Epidemiology Pioneering Research Analogy
Pages: 3 Words: 1016

John Snow father epidemiology pioneering research analogy containment cholera outbreak London 1800's. However, contributor, William Farr, provided substantial information data understanding etiology spread cholera research surveillance
John Snow is known as the founder of modern epidemiology. Summarize his works and findings, describing the premise on which his experiments were formulated. How did Snow explain that cholera's first symptoms were abdominal pains? How does his work demonstrate the scientific method?

Snow first examined the symptoms of cholera to trace the disease's likely epidemiological history. Because the first symptoms were abdominal pain and relieved by palliatives like opium, chalk or catechu, this seemed to indicate that cholera was caused by an ingested substance, like water. The first step of the scientific method is to form a hypothesis, based on research. Snow researched the transmission and spread of other contagious illnesses transmitted person-to-person like smallpox, cowpox and syphilis, and based his hypothesis about the…...



Eyler, J.M. (2001). The changing assessments of John Snow's and William Farr's cholera studies. Preventative Medicine, 46 (4): 225-232 Retrieved February 20, 2011 at .

Morabia, a. (2001). Snow and Farr: A Scientific Duet. Preventative Medline, 46 (4): 223-224

Retrieved February 20, 2011 at (4)%20223-4%20Morabia%20Editorial-2.pdf.

Magi Is an Analogy Comparing
Pages: 2 Words: 668

Just as the magi had to have faith that he was traveling for the purposes of witnessing a miracle and not just falling for ruse, the author had to have faith that his search for meaning would eventually reward him with answers. Faith can be a difficult thing to maintain during hardship, and both the magi and the author were rewarded for their faith when they "came to a temperate valley" (line 21).
The valley in the poem represents the warmth of feeling that one's faith has been justified. To transition from a seemingly endless journey through bleak and barren terrain, to a bountiful land "smelling of vegetation/With a running stream and a water mill beating the darkness," naturally creates a feeling of accomplishment and joy in both personas. Unfortunately, the reward that was being sought is not as miraculous as was originally expected: "it was (you may say) satisfactory"…...

Critical Analysis of Analogy Saving a Drowning Child vs Saving a Starving Population
Pages: 2 Words: 637

Critical Analysis of the Drowning Child AnalogyAs the Checklist (n.d.) makes clear, analysis of analogy should cover at least three aspects: significance and relevance of similarity, validity of comparison, and consistency of precedent. Barnet and Bedau (2011) also recommend assessing the assumptions used in the argument to establish validity. This can be done, too, by way of analysis of the analogy. Ultimately, Singers analogy crumbles under critical analysis as it can quickly be seen to be weak, overly simplistic, and inconsistent with precedent. Moreover, the assumption upon which it is based appears to be that individuals in a specific and unique time and place have the same deontological imperatives as nation-states do across multiple regions and much lengthier time frames. In short, there is too little differentiation built-in to the drowning child analogy, and this is why it does not stand up under critical analysis.Significance and elevance of SimilaritySingers (1972)…...


ReferencesBarnet, S. & Bedau, H. (2011). Critical thinking, reading, and writing. Bedford St. Martin’s.Checklist. (n.d.).Singer, P. (1972). FAMINE, AFFLUENCE, AND MORALITY (EXCERPT). Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1972), pp. 229-243.

The Metamorphisis Research Analogy
Pages: 4 Words: 1281

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
A Discussion about the Methods the Narrator uses to Control the Audience's Perceptions and Attitudes about the Characters and Events

The Metamorphosis is a story that makes an interesting use of the third person narrative by narrating the story from a rather unique perspective, but also evolving as the story progresses. In the beginning of the story the narrator is a witness to all events and is described as being limitedly "omniscient," or being knowledgeable about everything that is going on in relation to the story from one perspective. For example, the narrator is able to illustrate to the reader all of the thought and emotions that are held by the protagonist Gregor Samsa, and after his death this perspective is broadened to including the inner most thoughts of other members of the Samsa family as well. The level of understanding that the narrator can share from an…...



Beicken, P. (2012). Kafka's Narrative Rhetoric. Journal of Modern Literature, 398-409.

Kafka, F. (2002). Metamorphosis. Gutenberg Project.

Rhodes, C., & Westwood, R. (2016). The Limits of Generosity: Lessons on Ethics, Economy, and Reciprocity in Kafka's The Metamorphosis. Journal of Business Ethics, 235-248.

Sokel, W. (1956). Kafka's "Metamorphoisis": Rellion and Punishment. Monatshefte, 203-214.

Common Prejudice Against Philosophy Plato's Navigator Analogy
Pages: 3 Words: 867

Prejudice Against Philosophy
Plato (427-347 BCE) is often termed as the greatest Western philosopher. Historians like A.N. Whitehead like to quote: "The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato." [Bloom, 1991]. In defense of philosophers one can refer to Plato's definition of what a philosopher is and how useful he is to society.

Plato's magnum opus "Republic" is considered as one of the masterpieces of western civilization. The central questions of the Republic are "What is Justice" and whether it is better to live justly or unjustly. To answer these questions, Plato first constructs a perfectly Just City tate. A Just City, according to the 'Republic', is one in which there is the perfect arrangement. Plato in his treatise describes a three-part division of the human soul, which he co-relates with three major classes in the Just City society. According…...



Bloom, A. (Editor), [1991]. The Republic of Plato by Plato, Basic Books, 2nd edition.

Bramann, J.K. [2000]. Philosophical Films: "Network" and Plato's Cave, 2000, available at 

Parry, R.D. [1996]. Morality and Happiness: Book VI of Plato's Republic. Journal of Education, Vol. 178, No. 3.

Explanation of Stoichiometry Using a Simple Analogy
Pages: 1 Words: 322

StoichiometryStoichiometry is like a recipe for a chemical reaction. It tells about how much of each ingredient (reactant) you will need to get to the final product. For example you can say it is like making a sandwich. Each sandwich needs 2 slices of bread and 1 slice of cheese. If you have 10 slices of bread and 5 slices of cheese, you can make 5 sandwiches. The cheese becomes the limiting reactant because you run out of it first, limiting the total number of sandwiches you can make.Or you can say it is like making smores. You need 2 graham crackers, 1 marshmallow, and 1 piece of chocolate to make 1 s\\\'more. If you have 10 marshmallows, 10 pieces of chocolate, but only 15 graham crackers, you can make only 7 s\\\'mores because you\\\'ll run out of graham crackers first. They are your \\\"limiting reactant\\\" because they limit the…...


ReferencesChapter 4. (n.d.). PDF.

Minds Norman Malcolm Attempts to Highlight the
Pages: 3 Words: 932

Minds," Norman Malcolm attempts to highlight the difficulty of establishing the existence of minds other than one's own, specifically by dismantling the so-called "argument from analogy" (Malcolm 969). This actually makes Malcolm's argument a little easier to track, because he constructs it carefully in order to avoid the same logical fallacies he believes the argument from analogy engages in. By carefully tracking Malcolm's argument, one can see not only how the argument from analogy is insufficient as evidence for the knowledge of other minds, but also how Malcolm makes a convincing case for the ultimate impossibility of this knowledge, or at least, that the lack of this knowledge does not actually represent a true problem for philosophy.
Malcolm begins his argument by outlining a number of different variations of the argument from analogy. He begins with the most basic form, which is the idea that "I conclude that other human…...


Works Cited

Malcolm, Norman. "Knowledge of Other Minds." Journal of Philosophy. 55.23 (1958): 969-978.


I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 399

**Literary Analysis and Criticism**

* **Compare and contrast the literary techniques and themes employed by two or more authors in their works.**
* **Analyze the structure, language, and symbolism in a literary work to uncover its deeper meanings.**
* **Examine the historical and cultural context that influenced the creation and reception of a literary text.**
* **Explore the psychoanalytic or feminist perspectives on a literary work and discuss their implications.**
* **Evaluate the significance and lasting impact of a particular literary movement or genre.**

**Rhetorical Analysis and Argument**

* **Analyze the persuasive techniques used in a speech, essay, or other persuasive text.**
* **Evaluate the logical reasoning and....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on a person who has influenced me the most ?
Words: 326

Inspiring Luminaries: Essays on Personal Influence

Section 1: The Mentor's Mark

The Guiding Light: The Profound Impact of a Wise Mentor
Igniting the Flame: A Tribute to the Teacher Who Shaped My Path
The Architect of My Dreams: Recognizing the Influence of a Lifetime Mentor

Section 2: Role Model Excellence

Exemplar of Integrity: The Person Who Inspired Me to Live a Virtuous Life
Trailblazer of Courage: A Personal Account of a Role Model's Unwavering Spirit
Beacon of Perseverance: The Inspiring Journey of an Individual Who Overcame Adversity

Section 3: Kinship and Transformation

The Unbreakable Bond: The Person Who Changed My Perspective on Family....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about social structure?
Words: 309

## Crafting Compelling Titles for Your Essay on Social Structure

1. The Intricate Tapestry of Social Structure: Unveiling the Interconnections within Society

2. The Architecture of Society: Exploring the Foundation and Dynamics of Social Structure

3. Social Structure: A Lens for Understanding the Fabric of Human Interactions

4. The Invisible Hand of Social Structure: Shaping Individuals, Groups, and Institutions

5. Microcosm of Society: Social Structure Reflected in Everyday Encounters

6. The Power and Limitations of Social Structure: A Study of its Influence on Human Behavior

7. Exploring the Fluid Boundaries of Social Structure: Change, Resistance, and Adaptation

8. The Impact of Globalization on Social Structure: Transformations and Challenges


Could you suggest some essay topics related to intervention multi syllable words?
Words: 480

Intervention Strategies for Multisyllabic Word Reading: A Review of Effective Approaches

Multisyllabic words, words with more than one syllable, pose a significant decoding challenge for struggling readers. Intervention programs aimed at improving multisyllabic word reading have become increasingly essential to support the literacy development of students with reading difficulties. This essay explores the various effective intervention approaches for multisyllabic word reading, examining their theoretical underpinnings, methodologies, and empirical evidence to provide a comprehensive overview of the field.

1. Syllable Segmentation and Blending
Syllable segmentation and blending is a core strategy for teaching multisyllabic word reading. It involves breaking down words into individual syllables....

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