American Imperialism Essays (Examples)

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American Imperialism in the 19th Century
Pages: 3 Words: 1095

Anti-Imperialist League, formed in 1899 by prominent citizens such as Andrew Carnegie and William James, held the belief that American Imperialism went against the spirit of those that fought the evolutionary War and participated in the creation of the Declaration of Independence (Halsall, 1997). Specifically, they asserted that the American government's actions in places such as Cuba, the Philippines, and Puerto ico represented a hostile attitude toward liberty and step in the direction of militarism (Halsall, 1997). Moreover, they argued, the American Government derived its power from the consent of the governed, and imperialism denied man's natural right to either govern himself or choose to be governed (Halsall, 1997). Instead, it promoted a form of despotism (Halsall, 1997). They maintained that, through imperialistic policies, the United States was practicing truth-suppressing censorship and the deliberation of war, and they called for an immediate end to the United States' presence in…...



Halsall, Paul. (1997). Modern History Sourcebook American Anti-Imperialist League, 1899.

Retreived from 

Library of Congress. (1998). Chronology of the Spanish-American War. Retrieved from 

Library of Congress. (1998). The World of 1898: the Spanish-American War. Retrieved from

Country Experienced European-American Imperialism I A Paper
Pages: 4 Words: 1208

country experienced European-American Imperialism. I a paper effects European Imperialism Bahamas. Please give a historical background Bahamas discuss impact colonization's political, social, economic, cultural institutions.
The Bahamas in a colonial context

Imperialism has had an effect on most countries from around the world, with colonies that belonged to some of the world's greatest powers being particularly affected as a consequence of being actively involved in a rapidly changing society. The Bahamas saw a lot of turmoil as a result of being colonized by the Spanish and the English throughout the recent centuries. In spite of this, conditions generally improved in a series of domains on the islands as a result of their strategic position and because of the fact that people there could exploit the fact that tourists expressed significant interest in the location.

The Bahamas were considered to be an important strategic location ever since the first interactions between Europeans and…...


Works cited:

Craton, Michael, A History of the Bahamas (London: Collins, 1962)

Greene, Jack P., Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1988)

Strachan, Ian Gregory, "Theater in the Bush: Art, Politics, and Community in the Bahamas," Social Justice 34, no. 1 (2007)

Stuart Olson, James and Shadle, Robert, Historical dictionary of European imperialism, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1991

Empire American Imperialism
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Foreign Policy
In Amy oodman's 2006 interview with Stephen Kinzer, she does an outstanding job of guiding the course of the conversation in such a way that allows Kinzer to demonstrate his expertise while also maintaining the interest of the listening and reading audiences. oodman asks Kinzer questions in the beginning of the interview that establish location, area of Kinzer's expertise, and topic of the current discussion. This way, any listener or reader, despite their level of sophistication on the issue, is able to readily jump into the discussion and following along with intrigue.

Kinzer's first lengthy response comes after a question regarding the reasoning behind the United States' involvement in multiple coups around the world and throughout the nation's history. Kinzer reveals that in his current project he studies these coups not as isolated incidents, but rather as a succession of events along a continuum revealing meta-objectives and patterns of political…...


Goodman is clearly well versed in political history, military history, and media history from a global perspective. Her questions are challenging, yet not impossible. She demonstrates a sincerely inquisitive nature and a critical, philosophical mind. The interview concludes with attempts to connect the early sections of the discussion to contemporary issues in Iran stemming from the U.S. government's involvement in their coup in 1953. Kinzer's responses reveal the cultural biases of the west that affect political decisions with rippling consequences around the world. Kinzer very distinctly states his positions on the issues in his book and the answers to Goodman's questions gracefully yet powerfully. This is an effective interview that draws in audiences and primes them for the next installment which will be all the most focused on similarities in the U.S.' involvement in Hawaii and Iraq.

The excerpt/article by Chalmers Johnson begins as a dark or sardonic fairly tale that traces the magical journey of imperialism via global basing by the United States of America. It is a creative and attention grabbing method to seize the attention of the reader and hold it for the duration of the reading. The primary argument that the majority of the text supports or explicates is the methods by which the United States government colonizes the world through implementation of global bases and how this crusade to base the world leaves "imperial footprints." The writing is direct, succinct, and Johnson contextualizes the wit and the creative presentation with staggering financial statistics.

He writes of how many countries keep their U.S. bases a secret, fearing the reactions of neighboring and allied countries & cultures of being in cahoots with the great American empire. The complete piece is intended to shock and it does so effectively. This is a startling expose piece about the intentions and methodology of the U.S. government in its attempt to colonize and control the planet, expressing without the knowledge of the American people. Moreover, Johnson includes shocking quotations about several presidential administrations' plans for making war and succeeding as a strategy for conquest. In light of the 21st century landscape that is of a global culture, this article should be shocking to Americans and to citizens around the world who believe that technology is bringing the world together in a more altruistic manner while the U.S. government, in conspiracy with many governments around the world, use technology to bring the world together under one imperialist regime.

American Imperialism and the Spanish American War
Pages: 5 Words: 1622

What were the primary motivations and factors that led to the U.S. shift from isolationism and continental expansion to imperialism by the late 19th and early 20th centuries? Introduction
America’s so-called “shift” from isolationism and continental expansion to imperialism by the late 19th and early 20th centuries was really nothing more than a natural evolution of America’s “Manifest Destiny.” Before the US could enter its imperial phase beginning with the Spanish-American War at the turn of the century, it had first to square accounts on the continent by pushing its borders as far as they could be pushed. Once the West had been thoroughly settled and the Union held together (the major conflict of the 19th century), the US could turn its attention to foreign lands and global plans to facilitate the spread of the American Empire. It would have been impossible for the US to achieve imperial objectives any earlier, for…...



Lease, Mary Elizabeth. Women in the Farmers’ Alliance. (1891). In Reading the American Past, Vol. 2. Ed. By Michael P. Johnson. Bedford/St. Martins, 2012.

O’Sullivan, John. "Manifest destiny." Sanford, Manifest Destiny (1845): 26-32.

Peck, Mary Gray. Carrie Chapman Catt: A Biography. New York: HW Wilson Company, 1944.

Smith, Adam. The wealth of nations. Aegitas, 2016.

Roark, James L., Michael P. Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, and Alan Lawson. Understanding the American promise, volume 2: from 1865: a brief history of the United States. Vol. 2. Macmillan, 2011.

Imperialism of Europe and America
Pages: 8 Words: 2376

European and American imperialism from 1900-1918
Empire is the term from which the word imperialism is carved. Government implies the act of mastery of one nation by another one, with the sole intention of expanding region, power and impact. It conveys with it the thought of social prevalence from the radical, judging the lifestyle, cultures and convictions of those colonized as sub-par and in need of changeover (Encyclopedia,

Nonetheless, Imperialism normally posits as a political control and making monetary subservience. In Europe, the time of dominion coincided with patriotism and unification when prior political units were assembled under governance that asserted the privilege to keep rule over them. "I rehash that the elite races [European] have a privilege in light of the fact that they have an obligation. They have the obligation to socialize the downtrodden races [non Europeans] (South Africa History, n.d.)"

Ashley Smith the journalist isolated hypotheses of the…...



Encyclopedia. "Imperialism." HighBeam Research, 1 Jan. 1968. Web. 25 Jan. 2015. 

Grafs History. Word War 1: Consequences of the Great War. (2014). Retrieved from:

Humbold. Goal. The American Quest for Empire. Retrieved from:

American Popular Culture Impact Overseas
Pages: 15 Words: 4214

The cultural practices are evolved and based on the financial, social and moral understanding and capabilities of the local population, and it has been observed that Americans, Asians and Africans share extremely different perspectives and understanding on these issues, therefore the cultural adoption has been intense in countries where the technological revolution has been of the same intensity as in North America (Zelli, 1993). In some of the cases, the Americans companies has attempted to nullify the concerns and shortcomings of the American culture, by incorporating the cultural values of the local region, and has therefore evolve a different taste for the customers to avail, this has further delighted and fascinated the local population of different regions towards the American culture, for example the American culture has major differences with the Islamic culture adopted in Arab countries, therefore to compensate for such difference the American companies introduced the concept…...



David W. Noble. Death of a Nation: American Culture and the End of Exceptional-ism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2002

Tafarodi R., Swann W. Individualism-collectivism and global self-esteem: Evidence for a cultural trade-off. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1996

Trubisky P, Ting Toomey S, Lin S. The influence of individualism collectivism and self-monitoring on conflict styles. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 1991

Huesmann, Zelli, Fraczek, Upmeyer. Normative attitudes about aggression in American, German and Polish college students. Presented at Third European Congress of Psychology. Tampere, Finland. 1993

American History Slave Revolts Although
Pages: 20 Words: 6354

Alexander Hamilton carried on an affair with the wife of "a notorious political schemer," Maria Reynolds. Andrew Jackson married Rachel Jackson before her divorce from Lewis Robards was finalized and therefore was accused of marrying a married woman. Jackson's opponent in 1828, John Quincy Adams, was in turn accused of "corrupt bargaining" during his term. Jackson also championed Margaret O'Neill Timberlake, who married his secretary of war, John Eaton. "Peggy O'Neill" was considered a woman of "questionable virtue," and as a result Martin Van Buren became Jackson's successor in the presidency. After the death of Jackson and Eaton, Peggy married a 19-year-old dance teacher (which raised eyebrows, as she was 59), who embezzled her money and ran off to Europe with her 17-year-old granddaughter.
Other scandals concerned Richard Mentor Johnson, who ran for vice president in 1836 with Martin Van Buren. He supposedly shot Tecumseh during the ar of 1812,…...


Works Cited

Ferling, John. Adams vs. Jefferson: the tumultuous election of 1800. New York: Oxford University Press. 2004.

Americans in Muslim Countries American
Pages: 3 Words: 951

A recent artifact that came as a product of this intercultural relationship is an article concerning an American woman's imprisonment -- which included beatings from the police and forcing her to sign false confessions -- simply for being seen eating in public with her male business partner. Even though the woman (who allowed her name to be printed only as "Yara," fearing retribution for telling her story) was wearing the traditional full-length gown and headscarf required of women when in public or in the company of men in Saudi Arabia,

she was approached by several men "with very long beards and white dresses" and told that what she was doing was "a great sin," a statement that reflects the disparity between the two cultures (Dhimmi Watch 2008). Ironically, the event took place at a Starbuck's, a place that has come to be a symbol of America's capitalism, freedom, and to many…...



Dhimmi Watch. (2008). "American woman jailed in Saudi Arabia for sitting with men at Satrbuck's." Reprinted from Fox News. Accessed 10 May 2009.

American History
Pages: 6 Words: 1626

American History
The underside of affluence

The period is in the early years of the twentieth century. America is now experiencing economic and political expansion as it became the model of an imperial superpower for all nations, both in the Western and Eastern regions. Economic growth spurred as a result of the industrial revolution, while political structures strengthened due to the numerous successful conquests of the Americans to colonize nations in the Asian and southern American regions.

However, despite the affluence that American society had experienced during this period, a considerable half of the American population is suffering from poverty. With the rise of urbanization, many people flocked to the cities in search of a high-paying job and steady source of income as factory workers. However, the rapid incidence of migration to the cities made them crowded with people, hence, living conditions began to deteriorate, which includes the lack of sufficient space to…...

American Terrorism for Many People
Pages: 50 Words: 14357

The USA Patriot Act: This was a law that was passed after September 11th. It is giving the police and intelligence officials the power to go after terrorists organizations easier. As it lifted various Constitutional protections when investigating these offenses.

Counter Terrorism: These are the activities that: federal, state and local officials are taking to prevent future terrorist attacks.

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD): These are weapons designed to inflict large amounts of casualties. These include: chemical, radiological, biological and nuclear.

These different terms are important, because they will help to avoid confusion and will focus the reader on understanding the overall scope of the problem.

Limitations of the Study

The limitations of the study are that the information we are presenting, could be pointing out a number of different problems. Yet, beneath the surface they are failing to identify possible changes that could have already been implemented by federal officials. Meaning, that they may…...



39% Say Government. (2011). Rasmussen Reports. Retrieved from: 

Al Shabaab American Recruits. (2010). ADL. Retrieved from: 

Comparative Analysis. (2011). Business Dictionary. Retrieved from: 

Jose Padilla. (2009). New York Times. Retrieved from:

American Revolution Was Modeled After Revolutions in
Pages: 4 Words: 1999

American evolution Was Modeled After evolutions in France and England
The American quest for freedom, modeled after reform movements in England and France, has resulted in the most revered democratic society in the world. We are free of the religious and political tyranny that plagued Europe in the 18th Century and early colonialists would approve of our government in 2002.

While the American evolution and the quest for freedom was modeled after revolutions in France and England, the United States has done something that its European relatives admire - it achieved a stable democracy free of aristocratic and religious tyranny - and this was accomplished in a relatively bloodless fashion.

Our success would meet with accolades from European philosophers and historians including Jean-Jacques ousseau, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Thomas Paine and Francois Furet. However, our success has also many developing nations and Middle East nations to regard us as arrogant infidels who wish…...



1. J. Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762, Chapter 18

2. F. Furet, paraphrased from Interpreting The French Revolution, 1970

3. F. Bastiat "What is Seen and What is Not Seen," in Selected Essays, pp. 1-50.

4. J. Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762, Chapter 18

Imperialism The Highest Stage of
Pages: 12 Words: 3656

53). He points out that four countries (in 1917) -- England, France, Germany, and the United States -- own 80 per cent of the world's finance capital; thus, in his view, the whole rest of the world is subjugated, that is, indebted to and tributary to those four "international banker countries."
Where once monopolists exported goods to other countries to make a profit, now they export finance capital. This is another symptom of the imperialistic stage of capitalism -- what to do with excess wealth? Lenin states that it would not be capitalism if the excess wealth were used to improve the quality of life for the millions of people who are still underfed and leading lives of misery. Instead, the capital is exported to "backward" countries and used to make more profits. In backward countries (now called developing nations) where there is a shortage of capital, labor is cheap,…...

American Fears and Bigotry Toward
Pages: 3 Words: 741

This sort of behavior and scapegoating was the intellectual and cultural "easy way out" for many Americans looking for solace from the events taking place thousands of miles away, affecting the entire country. In the fog of war, as writer Barbre (2000) puts it, mistakes are made and generalizations are easily placed into existence. hen Americans were confused and scared, they looked to the easiest form of comfort, the alienation of the outsider or the "other."

Sexual Projection and the Internment of the Japanese-Americans

riter Renteln (1995) explores the role that sexual projection had in the dealing with Japanese-Americans in internment camps during II. This can be directly related to the themes within the book Snow Falling of Cedars due to the fact that Americans used their fear of the outsider (Japanese and Japanese-Americans) to project their own fears and misgivings about their sexuality and feelings of inadequacy. As author Renteln (1995)…...


Works Cited

Barbre, C. (2000). "Review: Films: The Straight Story, Snow Falling on Cedars."

Journal of Religion and Health. Vol. 39, No. 4. pp. 383-385.

Renteln, A.D. (1995). "A Psychohistorical Analysis of the Japanese-American

Internment." Human Rights Quarterly. Vol. 17, No. 4 pp. 618-648.

American Power Over the Past
Pages: 3 Words: 936

In other words, once our leadership gains office, then whatever was said goes the way of special interest, because the interest of the greater society becomes lost in the quest of self-interest.
e are perhaps for the first time in our nation's history attempting to understand our own path to the power we are perceived by the rest of the world as having. In fact, as Harvey so succinctly demonstrates in his discussion on the political maneuvering, because America could not have by any stretch of the imagination have accomplished its present act upon the world stage without a supporting cast of world players (28). hen they built America up for purposes of pursuing their own self-interest, then their support of America quickly began deteriorating, disintegrating to a lack of control of their own political forces, economies, and even inability to mobilize their human resources as they would have previously…...


Works Cited

Harvey, David. The New Imperialism, Oxford University Press, 2005.

Historic Imperialism
Pages: 4 Words: 1497

imperialism is necessary for cultures to progress. The United States is not often thought of as an imperialistic nation, because we like to think that we would not subjugate or take over other countries. However, that is just what we did when our forefathers came to this country and shoved aside the Native Americans. We subjugated and eradicated a culture and way of life, and that is the textbook definition of imperialism. Imperialism is wrong and shameful, but it seems that as much it may be hard to say, it is necessary for securing our way of life, and it is crucial in developing new trade and commerce.
First, it is necessary to define imperialism. Imperialism is the name for larger, more powerful nations to take over smaller, weaker nations, usually because of the promise of wealth or resources they can exploit. There is a long history of imperialism throughout…...



Alam, M.S. "U.S. Imperialism and the Third World." Northeastern University. 2006. 14 Dec. 2009.


Amin, Samir. "Imperialism and Globalization." Monthly Review June 2001: 6.

Bonner, Robert E. "Slavery, Confederate Diplomacy and the Racialist Mission of Henry Hotze." Civil War History 51.3 (2005): 288+.

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