American Cancer Society Essays (Examples)

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American Cancer Society the Foundation Has Possess
Pages: 2 Words: 697

American Cancer Society
The foundation has possess the quality and fiscal support to focus on short-term goal setting by looking and focusing on identification and ways to cure and heal the patients that have cancer never leading toward concern and sympathy in putting a stop to malignant cells and prescribing the right medication to save lives. In reviewing the process of the Society and its decisions it needs to make and carry out for the next 6 months, it has done exceptionally well by starting to put more time and concern in to collecting donations and contributions that really make a difference in how the American Cancer Society, (ACS), can spend money. There is three ways in which this foundation is looking at improving the money they are funded with in order for them to carry out experimentations, look for cures, and afford research, as well as improve the facility's rapport…...



American Cancer Society. (2011, April 15). The American cancer society collaborates with key u.n. agencies and global health leaders to advance women's health worldwide. Retrieved from 

Epsein, S. (1999). American cancer society: the world's wealthiest "nonprofit" institution. Retrieved from

American Cancer Society Acs Is One of
Pages: 2 Words: 664

American Cancer Society (ACS) is one of the nation's best-known non-profit organizations. Like most Americans, I have had some contact with the American Cancer Society throughout my lifetime. I have given money to the ACS in various different charity drives. Furthermore, I have participated in the ACS's premier money-raising event, elay for Life, as part of a relay team. When I have had questions about cancer, I have used ACS's information hotline to find out information, and used that information and the links provided by them for research papers and other school projects. Finally, I have had family members with cancer who have used various programs offered by the ACS. These programs have included wig closets for cancer patients and programs aimed at assisting cancer patients with transportation to and from treatments. Therefore, I think it is fair to conclude that I have an enduring relationship with the ACS.
However, I…...



American Cancer Society. (2011). Explore research: groundbreaking cancer research.

Retrieved from 

American Cancer Society. (2011). Look Good….Feel Better. Retrieved from

Smoking the American Cancer Society Acs Reports
Pages: 3 Words: 1036

The American Cancer Society (ACS) reports that one in five deaths in the United States is the result of tobacco use. The Surgeon General issued a statement in 1982 that is still true thirty years later: "Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality [death] in the United States" (Leo osen, 2011). The effects of cigarette smoking can be deadly and perhaps surprisingly, less than half the deaths associated with smoking are cancer-related. Emphysema, heart disease, and stroke are among the fatal consequences of smoking. The effects of cigarette smoking also can be seen in diseases that are not immediately life-threatening, such as asthma and peripheral vascular disease (PVD), but they nevertheless bring a great deal of suffering and cost billions of dollars each year to treat.

There are more deaths associated with smoking than from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders…...



Buswell, N. (2009). Clearing the air." Current Health 36(2), pp. 18-21.

Centers for disease control and prevention. (2012, January 10). Retrieved from

Strategic Planning for American Cancer Society
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Strategic Planning Process
Strategic management is the combination of plants that managers come up with in a bid to program work in an organization to the point where everything follows a predetermined pattern. In a management exercise, it is important to ensure that everyone is brought to terms with what is happening. Many opportunities for success are available for companies that plan their future appropriately. These are opportunities to do with the market, and the rest of what can accrue to the management and responsible managers must not undermine the importance of strategic planning. Some of the notable cases here are in the areas of market control and securing a better status in the workplace for employees.

Initiating a strategic planning process

Initiating this program falls as a responsibility under the hands of the managers and this role is such important to all the stakeholders in life. Managers in any organization have…...



Bryson, J. M. (2011). Strategic Planning For Public And Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide To Strengthening And Sustaining Organizational Achievement (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

McHatton, P. A., Bradshaw, W., Gallagher, P. A., & Reeves, R. (2011). Results From A Strategic Planning Process: Benefits For A Nonprofit Organization. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 22(2), 233-249.

Cancer Womens and Mens Health
Pages: 2 Words: 816

Cancer and Women’s and Men’s Health Cervical cancer is a kind of cancer that takes place in the cells of the cervix, which is basically situated in the lower part of the uterus that links to the vagina. It is imperative to note that different strains or forms of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, have a role to play in giving rise to a great deal of cervical cancer.
Available Preventative Services
The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) gives the recommendation of screening for cervical cancer in women between the ages of 21 years to 65 years with pap smear for every three-year period. It is also recommended for women between the ages of 30 and 65 years who wish to prolong the screening period, and therefore screening with a mixture of cytology and human papillomavirus testing for every five-year period. In the same manner, the task force…...

Immune System and Cancer
Pages: 5 Words: 1685

Cance Cae and Teatment
Diagnosis and staging of cance


In almost all cases, the disease, cance, is diagnosed by a specialist following a micoscopic examination of tissue o cell samples of a paticula individual. In a few instances, physicians may know of the pesence of a cance with the aid of tests pefomed on DNA (deoxyibo-nucleic acid), RNA (ibo-nucleic acid) and cell poteins. Such tests' outcomes pove highly citical when it comes to selecting the optimal theapeutic altenative. Tissue and cell examinations may also aid in the diagnoses of a numbe of othe foms of ailments. Fo example, if a physician is unsue of whethe a paticula lump o gowth in a patient's body is cance, he/she might extact a little bit of it fo testing to diagnose any one of many poblems, including cance, infections and othe issues which may lead to the development of cance-like lumps. This pocess of obtaining…...



MFMER. (2017). Cancer Complications. Retrieved from Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research: 

The American Cancer Society medical and editorial content team. (2015, July 30). How is cancer diagnosed? Retrieved from The American Cancer Society medical and editorial content team:

Significance of Cancer Registry
Pages: 3 Words: 988

Quality cancer data is an important part of cancer management programs and efforts to prevent the disease and treatment measures. This article examines the significance of cancer registry and cancer registrars in the process of collecting quality cancer data. The discussion incorporates determining what a cancer registry is and the role of the cancer registrar in the process. AHIMA requirements for credentialing as a certified tumor registrar and maintaining the certification are also discussed. The author concludes with an evaluation of the role of certified tumor registrar in the American Cancer Society.
Cancer egistry

The availability of quality cancer data is integral to the fight against cancer throughout the country. The significance of quality cancer data has contributed to the development and establishment of cancer registrars that help in capturing such data. The registrars capture important information related to this disease i.e. history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for all patients in…...



Jensen, O.M. & Storm, H.H. (1991). Cancer registration: principles and methods. Walton Street,

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

National Cancer Registrars Association. (n.d.). Become a Cancer Registrar. Retrieved November

10, 2014, from

How to Cope With Cancer
Pages: 5 Words: 1682

Coping With Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Half of all men and one-third of all women in the U.S. will develop cancer during their lifetimes. oday, millions of people are living with cancer or have had cancer. he numbers are dismal; according to most statistical data American's possess almost a fifty percent chance of developing cancer. With these alarming statistics it is unfortunate and inevitable that almost everyone will have to in some way or another learn how face and cope with the depressing hardships and obstacles of cancer. Whether an individual is diagnosed personally with cancer or a friend or family member is, it seems as though all of us at some point in time may have to learn coping mechanisms for this illness.

his paper addresses the various coping techniques that individuals can employ when dealing…...


Telch, C.F. & Telch, M.J. "Group skills instruction and supportive group therapy for cancer patients: A comparison of strategies." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1966, 54, 802-808.

Kyngas, H.; Mikkonen, R. et al. Coping with the onset of cancer: coping strategies and resources of young people with cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care, Mar2001, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p6.

Coping with Cancer

African-Americans in the News From Some of
Pages: 3 Words: 916

African-Americans in the News
From some of the articles that I have studied, it seems that many articles on the African-American community focus on their problems, on analyzing them and on suggesting possible solutions by which the community can improve its condition.

One of these articles, for example, addresses the problem of HIV / AIDS as it is reflected in the African-American community, suggesting that the best solution may actually revolve around taking responsibilities rather than pointing fingers to the people who are to blame. Taken from the Philadelphia Inquirer and quoting directors from the lack AIDS Institute, the article is keen to point out that "in 2005, AIDS in America is mostly a black disease"

. However, even more worrisome is the perception existing at the community level according to which HIV / AIDS was a white manmade disease, specially created to eradicate and/or control the community. In this sense, the article…...



1. African-Americans Should Take More Responsibility in Fight Against HIV / AIDS, National Conference Speakers Say. March 2005. On the Internet at 

2. Spriggs, William. African-Americans and Social Security. Dollars & Senses. Issue #256, November/December 2004. On the Internet at 


4. Study: Hispanics a Key News Target. On the Internet at

Basic Information About Cancer
Pages: 4 Words: 1643

Care of Patients With Cancer
Diagnosis and Staging of Cancer

Because cancer is a complex disorder that often progresses over long periods of time -- including long periods before an actual diagnosis can be made -- it is very useful to medical practitioners to identify various stages in the progression of the disease. Diagnosis may occur as the result of presenting complaints that cause a patient to seek medical help, or diagnosis may occur when routine check-ups lead to a suspicion by a physician or a laboratory specialist that a more thorough investigation is indicated. Indeed, one of the reasons why certain procedures are included in routine annual physicals is because these tests result in a diagnosis at sufficiently high rates to make them worth conducting. As medical technology advances, the procedures are modified accordingly -- and sometimes the frequency standards for these procedures are modified, as well.

The nomenclature used to indicate…...



Diseases and Conditions: Cancer. Complications. Mayo Clinic Retreived from 

Understanding Your Diagnosis: Staging. American Cancer Society. Retreived from

Nutrition & Cancer Rates
Pages: 15 Words: 3994

In the daily diet; (5) Include cruciferous vegetables in the diet. (russels sprouts, kohlrabi and cauliflower); (6) Consume alcoholic beverages only moderately; and (7) Only moderately consume salt-cured, smoked and nitrate cured foods. (American Cancer Society, 1984, pp. 122-123) What little was understood about nutrition as it relates to cancer rates is summed up in the following specific food categories by the American Cancer Society in its 1984 report:
Food Additives -- chemicals of a variety are added to foods for improving the color and flavor of the foods and to preserve the foods. While some of these have been banned due to having been shown to cause cancer in animals others are believed to protect against carcinogens.

Vitamin E -- Vitamin E is an oxidant and while it may prevent cancer in animals more research is needed of the role Vitamin E plays in preventing cancer in humans.

Selenium -- This…...



American Cancer Society.: Nutrition for the Person with Cancer: A Guide for Patients and Families. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society, Inc., 2000.

Brown, J. (2001) Nutrition During and After Cancer Treatment A Guide for Informed Choices by Cancer Survivors. Ca Cancer J. Clin. 2001; 551: 153.

Doyle, Leonard (2009) New Film Exposes Unsavory Side of U.S. Food Industry. 14 Jun 2009. Telegraph online available at: 

Jemal, A. et al. (2009) Cancer Statistics, 2009. Cancer Journal for Clinicians. 27 May 2009.

Diet and Cancer
Pages: 5 Words: 1604

diet and cancer. The orks Cited five sources in MLA format.
Food, Diet and Cancer

Diet is fuel for our body. On the same account a balanced nutritious intake is what a human body needs more than anything. Hence food is one of the most cardinal factors that determine the quality of our healthy as well as the longevity of our lives. Knowing which food to eat in what quantity and how food helps us in building our defence mechanisms is essential.

This argumentative essay based on thorough analysis as well as extensive research revolves around and proves the following thesis statement:

There is a correlation between diet and cancer

Correlation between milk as well as other dairy products and Cancer

There are several forms of cancer killing thousands of people worldwide. One of the most common types of cancer is breast cancer affecting women under the age of 50 in most of the western…...


Works Cited

Got breast cancer. Available at:   (March 20,2003) 

Cancer fighters for food. Available at: (March 20,2003)

Fried Food Link to Some Cancers Disputed. Available at:   (March 20,2003) 

Study doubts acrylamide in food causes cancer. Available at (March 20,2003)

New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines
Pages: 8 Words: 2607

Dr. obb-Nicholson's data best supports the scenario that more incidents of breast cancer will be discovered due to the reduced number of screenings that the new guidelines suggest. According to the numbers she gives, the mortality rate for breast cancer decreases every year and this decrease can be attributed to the previous screening guidelines. She writes that the USPSTF has based the new guidelines on statistics rather than clinical data and the message that they are conveying to the public is that the number of deaths that regular screenings at beginning at the age of forty is too small to keep the guidelines as they were previously. (6)

The best approach would be to keep the guidelines the way they were before the change. There was not enough clinical data to support the change in guidelines. Also, because the mortality rate for breast cancer has steadily declined with women following the…...


References Cited

1. Cancer Weekly. Concerned Federal Screening Mammography Guidelines to Limit Access for Younger Women. Susan G. Komen for the Cure. 2010: 1665.

2. Stick with Older Mammography Recommendations. Stanford Experts Say. March 3, 2010 (Press Release from Stanford Hospital & Clinics).

3. Hoppel, Ann M. To screen, and when to screen: the mammography age divide. Clinician Reviews. 2009: 19.12.

4. Journal of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants. USP-STF: no routine mammography for women younger than 50 years. 2010; 23.2, p.66.

Women's Issues Breast Cancer Awareness
Pages: 3 Words: 1292

Screening for breast cancer before there are symptoms is very important. Screening helps doctors find and treat cancer in its early stages. Treatment is more likely to be successful when the cancer is detected early. A doctor may suggest any of the following screening tests for breast cancer: screening mammogram, clinical breast exam, beast self-exam (Stoppler, 2009).
Mammograms can often show a breast lump before it can even be felt. A mammogram is a picture of the breast that is made with an x-ray. It can also show a cluster of tiny deposits of calcium. These deposits are known as micro calcifications. Lumps can be from cancer, precancerous cells, or a host of other conditions. Further tests may be needed to find out if abnormal cells are present. Women in their 40s and older should have mammograms every 1 to 2 years (Stoppler, 2009).

During a clinical breast exam the health…...



Cancer Gap Between Whites, Blacks May Be Biological in Part. (2009). Retrieved August 11,

2009, from 

Carcinogen Found in KFC's New Grilled Chicken. (2009). Retrieved August 13, 2009, from News and Media Center Web site: 

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. (2008). Retrieved August 11, 2009, from American

Mechanisms of Cancer the Cancer
Pages: 3 Words: 1101

This then leads to the activation of a number of genes whose products trigger cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis, or DNA repair" (Lakin 1999, p. 7644).
In research led by Hussain, he investigated the targets of free radicals, which are DNA, proteins, NA, and lipids. He noted that, "mutations in cancer-related genes or post-translational modifications of proteins by nitration, nitrosation, phosphorylation, acetylation or polyADP-ribosylation-by free radiacals or lipid peroxidation byproducts…are some of the key events that can increase the cancer risk" (Hussain 2003, p. 276). Furthermore, changes in DNA occur when the person has been exposed to high levels of nitric oxide or NO. p53 plays a role in that it acts as a mediator to stress but NO "causes p53 accumulation and post-translational modifications that inhibit cellular growth" (Hussain 2003, p. 278). His research has revealed that when exposed to NO during chronic inflammation sans wild-type p53, there might be increased…...



American Cancer Society (n.d.) Cancer Facts & Figures 2010, [online] Available at:   [Accessed: April 19, 2011]. 

American Cancer Society (n.d.) What Causes Cancer?, [online] Available at:   [Accessed: April 19, 2011]. 

Croce, C. (2008) Oncogenes and Cancer, N Engl J. Med, 358, p. 502-511.

Hasty, P. (2005) the impact of DNA damage, genetic mutation and cellular responses on cancer prevention, longevity and aging: observations in humans and mice, Mech Ageing Dev, 126(1), p.71-77.

What are the most effective treatment options for breast cancer patients in remission?
Words: 599

1. The most effective treatment options for breast cancer patients in remission include hormone therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, which have shown significant improvements in survival rates and quality of life.

2. Integrative approaches to cancer care, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and yoga, can provide complementary support to traditional medical treatments for breast cancer patients in remission, leading to better outcomes and reduced side effects.

3. Follow-up care and monitoring are crucial for breast cancer patients in remission, as early detection of recurrence or metastasis can greatly impact treatment options and overall prognosis.

4. Diet and nutrition play a....

What are the most effective treatment options for breast cancer patients in remission?
Words: 319

1. Surgical resection remains the cornerstone of breast cancer treatment and offers the best chance for a cure in patients with localized disease.

2. Adjuvant radiotherapy significantly reduces the risk of local recurrence and improves overall survival in patients with early-stage breast cancer.

3. Chemotherapy is an effective systemic treatment option for patients with metastatic or locally advanced breast cancer, improving survival and reducing symptoms.

4. Targeted therapies, such as tamoxifen and trastuzumab, have revolutionized the treatment of breast cancer by blocking specific molecular pathways involved in tumor growth and progression.

5. Immunotherapy harnesses the power of the immune system....

Can you provide an outline for the care of a patient with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma?
Words: 738

I. Introduction

  1. Overview of Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    1. Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cancer that originates in the cells lining the larynx.
    2. Common risk factors include smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure to certain chemicals.
  2. Importance of Early Detection

    1. Early detection of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma leads to better treatment outcomes.
    2. Regular screenings and prompt diagnosis are crucial for improving prognosis.

II. Treatment Options

  1. Surgery

    1. Removal of the tumor may be necessary for localized cases.
    2. Laryngectomy, partial or total, is performed in advanced....

Can you provide an outline for the care of a patient with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma?
Words: 391

I. Introduction

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis

    1. History and Physical Examination

    2. Imaging and Biopsy
  2. Staging and Prognosis

    1. TNM Staging System

    2. Prognostic Factors

II. Body

  1. Surgery

    1. Types of Surgical Procedures

    2. Preoperative and Postoperative Care
  2. Radiation Therapy

    1. Types of Radiation Therapy

    2. Side Effects and Management
  3. Chemotherapy

    1. Types of Chemotherapy Agents

    2. Side Effects and Management
  4. Other Treatment Modalities

    1. Targeted Therapy

    2. Immunotherapy
    3. ....

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