Alcoholic Beverage Essays (Examples)

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Alcoholic Beverage Industry
Pages: 20 Words: 7606

Alcoholic everage Industry
Throughout the world, in all industries it is now a period of consolidation and this process is now taking place for a large number of companies from different continents and different countries, and the only reason for consolidation is the fact that they come from a common industry. The undisputed largest economy in the world is now the United States and this also contains the largest companies in the world for the manufacture of beer. The expansion capacity, within the home country for the large manufacturers, have now almost ended, and the expansion that is now to take place will be in countries outside the home country. The attempt in this essay will be to study the situation of the beer companies in some parts of the world where the highest expansion is taking place, and how there are attempts by companies to spread into other countries to…...



Adams Handbook Advance 2003, Wine Institute Statistics

Anheuser-Busch Announces Investment in China's Harbin Brewery, HONG KONG (May 2, 2004) 

Beverage Digest Fact Book 2003

Brand Loyalties in Alcoholic Beverage
Pages: 35 Words: 8770

6%, Nebraska -- 17.6%, Illinois -- 17.5%, Delaware -- 17.4%, Colorado -- 17.2%, Montana -- 17%, South Dakota -- 16.9%, Ohio -- 16.9%, Massachusetts -- 16.9%, District of Columbia -- 16.6%, Alaska -- 16.3%, Missouri -- 16.2%, Michigan -- 16.1%, Wyoming -- 16.1%, Vermont -- 16.1%, New Hampshire -- 16%, Texas -- 15.6%, Arizona -- 15.5%, New York -- 15.2%, Maine -- 14.9%, Connecticut -- 14.8%, California -- 14.7%, New Jersey -- 14.4%, Indiana -- 14.4%, Louisiana -- 14.2%, Washington -- 14.2%, Virginia -- 13.7%, Us Virgin Islands -- 13.6%, South Carolina -- 13.5%, Oregon -- 13.1%, New Mexico -- 13%, Oklahoma -- 13%, Maryland -- 12.8%, Kansas -- 12.8%, Alabama -- 12.7%, Idaho -- 12.6%, Florida -- 12.4%, Puerto ico -- 12.2%, Georgia -- 12.1%, Arkansas -- 11.2%, Mississippi -- 10.4%, West Virginia -- 9.7%, Kentucky -- 9.6%, North Carolina -- 9.5%, Utah -- 9.2%, Tennessee -- 8.2%. The…...



1. Cooper, J.F., 1992, The Last of the Mohicans, MacMillan, ISBN 0812522974

2. Jurkiewicz, C.L., Painter, M.J., 2008, Social and economic control of alcohol: the 21st amendment in the 21st century, CRC Press, ISBN 1420054635

3. Heath, D.B., Prohibition, Repeal, and Historical Cycles, Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies

4. 2010, Alcohol around the world, Alcohol Issues,   last accessed on March 16, 2010 

Ethical Issues in Alcoholic Beverage Advertising Alcohol
Pages: 3 Words: 876

Ethical Issues in Alcoholic Beverage Advertising
Alcohol abuse is a known cause of domestic violence, violent assaults, and it is directly responsible for thousands of deaths on American highways and countless non-fatal accidents that account for billions of dollars in property damage and insurance claims (Moore, Jones-Webb, Toomey, et al., 2008). Alcohol abuse is also a significant factor in truancy and in juvenile delinquency despite the fact that alcohol consumption by minors is prohibited by law. Partly for those reasons, the actual consumption of alcoholic beverages is no longer permitted in television advertisements, although beer and other alcoholic beverages are still heavily advertised in television commercials and elsewhere, such as in print media and on billboards (Moore, Jones-Webb, Toomey, et al., 2008).

There are significant ethical issues in connection with empirical studies that link all forms of advertising of alcoholic beverages to increased consumption in general, and both to underage drinking as…...



Behrens, Laurence. And Curriculum. Longman.

Moore, Heather; Jones-Webb, Rhonda; Toomey, Traci; Lenk, Kathleen. "Alcohol

advertising on billboards, transit shelters, and bus benches in inner-city neighborhoods." Contemporary Drug Problems. Federal Legal Publications, Inc. 2008. HighBeam Research. 31 Jan. 2011 .

Snyder, Leslie B.; Milici, Frances Fleming; Slater, Michael; Sun, Helen; and Strizhakova,

Beverage and Tobacco Industry
Pages: 1 Words: 412

Beverage & obacco
Beverage and obacco Industry Analysis


Although the beverage and tobacco industry face mounting obstacles to their success, there are also an infinite number of possible opportunities. One clear opportunity is provided by emerging markets. he numbers of individuals who have greater levels of disposable incomes are increasing exponentially in the developing world. his represents a tremendous opportunity for corporations in the beverage and tobacco industry to tap into these emerging markets. Another opportunity for this industry can be thought of in terms of a localization initiative. here are growing concerns in industrialized nations which are centered on health issues. hus the beverage and tobacco industry stands the potential to innovate based on the consumer demands. hey could create a diversified product portfolio that was catered to the needs of the specific market.


here are a growing number of potential threats that plague the beverage and tobacco industry. he first is…...


There are a growing number of potential threats that plague the beverage and tobacco industry. The first is the trend that is emerging in many of the industry's primary markets which is that the consumers are becoming more health conscious. Thus consumer demand for tobacco products and unhealthy beverages that contain ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup are diminishing rapidly. Many consumers are dedicated to living more healthy lifestyles and as a consequence they are shunning products that are not consistent with this preference. Another threat that is driven by consumer preference but represent an entirely different level of threat is that many health considerations are actually the subject of increasing regulations. For example, many cities have chosen to ban smoking from public spaces as well as prohibit unhealthy beverages being sold at places such as schools.


There are a countless number of manufactures and suppliers in this industry. Phillip Morris is one of the world's largest tobacco companies which name was officially rebranded in 2003 under a new name known as Atria. Atria also holds a significant stake in Kraft foods and also subsidiaries that operate in the wine industry. PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage companies and the largest U.S. based firm in the industry. InBev is one of the largest alcoholic manufactures and distributors in the world and operates in over one hundred thirty different countries. It recently purchased Anheuser-Busch in 2009 which significantly increased the size of the operations. To complete the deal, the United States required that InBev quit importing certain brands of beers to the U.S. market so that InBev would meet anti-trust regulations.

Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents Compared With Adult Children of Non-Alcoholic Parents
Pages: 39 Words: 10855

Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents Compared with Adult Children of Non-Alcoholic Parents
I Situations Faced by Children of Alcoholic Parent(s)

II ehavior of Children with Alcoholic Parent(s)

II Hypothesis #2

I The Possibility of Developing Alcoholism on ACOA's

II ACOA's have Lower Self-Esteem Compared to Non-ACOA's

Comparing the Differences etween ACOAs and Non-ACOAs in Terms of Social and Intimate Relationships

IV Protective Factors For Resiliency

I Participants

II Instruments

Annotated ibliography

Children of Alcoholics Screening Test

Are You an Alcoholic?

Intimate ond Measure

Emotional and Social Loneliness Scale

Self-Esteem Scale

The family is one of the most important institutions in our society today. It is from our family where we are able to develop ourselves and start the journeys we take in life. Usually, the upbringing of each family member depends on the psychological nature of the other members who are able to provide influence or may have cause effects to the other members. Specific to this is the behavioral nature of the parents.

Among the problems…...



Velleman, R. (2002). The Children of Problem Drinking Parents.

Institute of Health & Medicine, University of Bath.

1996). Children of Alcoholics. Alcohol Health.

Common Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents.

The Acquisition of Coca Cola and Sunrise Beverages Corp Unifying Company Culture
Pages: 4 Words: 1233

UNIFYING COMPANY CULTUE Unifying Company Culture: The Acquisition of Coca-Cola and Sunrise Beverages Corp.OverviewFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that Coca-Cola happens to be a global beverages enterprise headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. At present, the company is deemed one of the worlds largest beverage enterprises. Some of its key competitors are inclusive of, but they are not limited to, PepsiCo and Anheuser-Busch InBev. On the other hand, Sunrise Beverages Corp. (fictional) is an American drink and brewing corporation headquartered in New York. At present, Sunrise Beverages Corp. distributes its products across 18 states. Some of its most popular products are inclusive of; Mountain Bear Beer, Alpha Extra Beer, and the Ambassador Beer.The merger was in this case informed by the need, on the part of Coca-Cola, for diversification (i.e. by entering the alcoholic beverages market); and on the part of Sunrise Beverages Corp. to create value (specifically…...

Organizational Theory Cosmopolitan Beverage Company
Pages: 8 Words: 2171

We were continuously advancing on the market with our very affordable price, giving customers greater marginal contribution or profit.
When the fruitful effort resulted to increase market share and improve operational procedure, the Company was able to slowly recover lost resources and market share was gradually growing. This gave chance for the Company to return back to its employees the hard work earned. The first bonus was given after three years of hard work and loyalty. Also, a scheme of add-on commission was given to Sales Personnel who meet or exceeds target volume sales.

Coupled with hard work and faith to success, the market share of Cosmo Soda continually increased during the next years. On the third year, the Company was able to put up one provincial plant for better distributions. The next years, an additional two were also constructed.

In addition to the geographical growth, the Company had decided to expand…...

Business - Ethical Issue the
Pages: 4 Words: 1150

III. The federal government does regulate foods for safety but plays no role in limiting how much unhealthy foods children eat when in their parents' care. On the other hand, the fact that government programs now make a specific effort to improve the ratio of healthy food choices to unhealthy food choices in public education demonstrates that without some controls, children will make unhealthy choices and eat more unhealthy foods than is good for them.

IV. Children do not develop will power by being exposed to temptation without a specific reward or an immediate consequence associated with making the more beneficial choices (Gerrig & Zimbardo 2005). Providing children with the information that eating too much unhealthy foods will have adverse consequences in several decades is not a sufficient motivation for them to eat less unhealthy food than they wish to at the moment.


The arguments put forth against the permissibility of advertising…...



Belch, G, Belch, M. (1998) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated

Marketing Communications Perspective. Irwin/McGraw-Hill: New York

Gerrig, R., Zimbardo, P. (2005) Psychology and Life 17th ed.

Allyn & Bacon: New Jersey

Coca Cola Company Overview Coca-Cola
Pages: 7 Words: 2273

Typically, buyers have the ability to switch their tastes from one soft drink brand to the other.
Barrier to Entry: It is very difficult to enter the industry due to several factors:

First, a new firm will need to implement economic of scale to enjoy cost reduction and compete favourably within the industry. To establish economic of scale, a new firm will require huge capital investment ranging from several millions of dollar. Huge capital needed to enter the industry serves as a barrier for a new firm. More importantly, a new firm will need to overcome the tremendous marketing muscle to establish market presence within the industry, and entering into the industry requires substantial capital. Moreover, government regulation is another factor making entry into the industry very difficult. egulations such as Soft Drink Inter-brand Competition Act are making the new entry nearly impossible in the U.S. market.

Assessment of the Industry

Overall assessment…...



Annual Report, (2010). Coca Cola Company. USA.

Frost and Sullivan Research (2011).Financial Assessment of Non-alcoholic Beverages Market. Frost and Sullivan Research Service.USA.

IMAP (2011). Food and Beverage Industry Global Report -2010. A IMAP Consumer Staple Report.

Lagos, T. & Smith, V. (2001). Analysis of the Coca-Cola Company. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Jerzee Fresh Natural Drinks
Pages: 4 Words: 1171

Jerzee Fresh
The author of this report has been asked to construct a business plan and analysis relating to a hypothetical non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) company. In this case, the company will be Jerzee Fresh. It will focus on drinks that are made entirely of organic fruits and vegetables. As might already be obvious, the drink will be geared towards people in the community that are healthy and active. Included in this analysis will be the significance of the name, the revise mission statement and the justification for its components, a few reasons why this particular NAB was selected, a SWOT analysis of the new brand, a strategic position that will be taken and an overview of the distribution channels that will exist. Something else that should be mentioned are regulatory risks and a few other items. While the healthy drink industry is getting very crowded, this is indeed because there is…...

Hardship Letter - Nutritional Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1376

Subject should also increase fat intake to better balance his diet.
Subject's fiber consumption was so far in excess of DV that negative digestive consequences cannot be ruled out.

Salt intake was more than the DV, but could be easily corrected with some minor dietary changes.

The Food Standards Agency has developed the Eat Well Plate as an easy to follow nutritional guideline.

The Eat Well Plate is a visual display and quick reference for consumers to better balance their diets in compliance with the DV's. Analysis revealed a shortfall in fruits and vegetables as well as bread, rice and pasta - the two largest sections of the plate. Subjects fat consumptions were well below the DV's, but per the Eat Well Plate are the smallest category recommended.

ecommendations for Subject's improved nutritional balance would include increased caloric intake, weighted heavily in the fruits and vegetables, breads, rice and pasta categories. Targeted changes in…...



Nutritional Analysis Tool 2.0, created July 1999, retrieved January 31, 2009

Economist Approach the Production and Sale of
Pages: 4 Words: 1784

economist Approach
The production and sale of alcoholic beverages contribute a small share in national product in the United States and in other advanced economies. However, the damaging effects of alcohol consumption on health and safety constitute a very significant economic burden, reducing our overall standard of living. Chronic heavy drinking causes organ damage that result in disability and early death. Other possible consequences include cognitive impairment, addiction, reduced productivity, neglect of family responsibilities, and birth defects. The acute effects of alcohol abuse are still more costly: traumatic injury and property damage from accidents, criminal victimization, domestic violence, unwanted sexual encounters and venereal diseases, and hangover. In sum, alcohol is not just another commodity. Around the world, historically and currently, public concern about the consequences of excess alcohol consumption for individual health and community well-being has been incorporated in cultural norms, which are often reinforced by private rules and government…...



B.Tucker, I. Survey of economics. In I.B.Tucker.

Frank J.Chaloupka, M.G. The Effects of price on Alcohal Consumption and Alcohal Related problems.

Frank J.Chaloupka, p. G. (n.d.). National institute on Alcohal Abuse and Alcohalism. Retrieved from The Effects of Price on Alcohal Consumption and Alcohal related problems: 

J.Moore, P.J. (n.d.). Health Affairs. Retrieved from The Economics of Alcohal Abuse And Alcohal Control Policies:

Coca Cola Company Course Name Course Number
Pages: 8 Words: 2416

Coca Cola Company

The organization of choice for this paper is the Coca-Cola Company that is operating in beverage industry for more than a century principally manufacturing, distributing, and marketing nonalcoholic beverages globally. It mainly offers sparkling and still beverages. The Coca-Cola Company is a USA-based company, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and founded in 1886.

Amongst the market leaders in the beverage industry, Coca-Cola Company fights to remain on the top. Keeping up its reputation and serving the masses throughout the globe since the past many decades the company continuously adapts its product and process in order to satisfy the customers to the maximum possible extent. This research paper analyses the organization using the PESTEL analysis and SWOT along with an analysis of the information needs of the organization and how a customer relation management system (CM) can be integrated into this giant beverage firm that has ruled the beverage market for…...



August W. Giebelhaus (May 13, 2008). "Coca-Cola Company." The New Georgia Encyclopedia. Georgia Humanities Council

Coca Cola Company, n.d. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index. Retrieved Oct 19, 2011 from

Coca Cola Company, n.d. Mission statement. Retrieved Oct 19, 2011 from

Coca-Cola Goes Live With Global Consolidation, n.d. Planning, Reporting and Decison Making Using mySAP.COM." SAP United States. SAP.

Matching Terms Writ of Mandamus
Pages: 5 Words: 1871

8. State the "law of the case" of each of the following: (10) a) Gonzales v. Raisch: ffirmed Oregon statute allowing doctors to prescribe controlled substances in assisted suicide and invalidated ttorney General's statutory interpretation that assisted suicide does not constitute practicing medicine..

b) First National Bank v. Bellotti: Invalidated Massachusetts law criminalizing corporate use of corporate funds to promote political agenda as a violation of corporations right to Free Speech under the 1st mendment..

c) Kelo v. New London: State power of eminent domain properly used even though taking of property inured to benefit of one private entity over another, because its effect was beneficial to the community..

d) darand v. Pina: Overturned Metro v FCC and decided that any type of racial classification used by any government agency triggers strict scrutiny.

e) Cole v. Burns International Security Systems: Employers may require employees to waive their right to litigate…...


A b) Cole v. Burns International Security Company: D.C. District Court applies SCOTUS ruling in Gilmer, to uphold pre-employment arbitration agreements that meet the 5 elements of fairness articulated in Gilmer.

10. Respond to a colleague who asserts that we need to get rid of these liberal activist judges and replace them with conservative judges who interpret the law and do not make the law. (5)

The 2000 SCOTUS decision terminating the by-hand vote count then underway in Florida is a perfect example that "conservative" justices with no prior history of "liberal" statutory interpretation, in fact, make law, as evidenced in the way five "conservative" Republican justices effectively awarded the presidency to George W. Bush by their whim under the color of "judicial interpretation."

History of the World in
Pages: 4 Words: 1369

The first piece of literature that has endured over the years, the Epic of Gilgamesh, also testifies about the existence and consumption of beer, even attributing it the power to signify the civilization as opposed to the world of the beast that did not have any use of such drink. One of the heroes in the legend, Enkidu, is brought into the civilized world though the contact with a woman, consumption of beer and hygiene: "Enkidu's primitive nature is demonstrated by his lack of familiarity with bread and beer; but once he has consumed them, and then washed himself, he too becomes a human and is then ready to go to Uruk, the city ruled by Gilgamesh" (the History of the World in ix Glasses, p.27). The first recorded literary piece is linked with the largest city in Mesopotamia and the first alcoholic beverage to be used by humans…...


Standage, Tom. A History of the World in Six Glasses. 2005. Walker Publishing Company. New York

Beer Institute. Retrieved: Oct 17, 2009. Available at: 

A History of Beer. Retrieved: Oct 18, 2009. Available at:

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