Alaska Essays (Examples)

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Alaska Racial One of the
Pages: 5 Words: 1818

On the other hand, many Alaskan natives have deep anger toward the whites. The civil rights leaders are attempting to improve the situation in Alaska, but it will take time. In 2001, three white teenagers driving around Anchorage shot frozen paintballs at Alaska Natives. The incident was another indication of racial intolerance toward Alaska's first people. Many Alaska Natives and other minorities feel that the subject of discrimination has been studied time and time again and findings and recommendations have been reported on repeatedly and forgotten. The impact of the urban/rural divide on the provision of governmental funding and services, unequal protection by law enforcement, lack of employment opportunities, and disparities in educational achievement are complaints that have been and continue to be heard. Having meetings to discuss this issue and not following up are a double-edged sword. Not only do people get upset that nothing is done, but…...


References Cited

Alaska federation of Natives. Retrieved November 12, 2007. 

American Indian Movement. Retrieved November 12, 2007. 

Bureau of the Census (1990) Population and Housing Summary Tape File 1a-9-1.

Pierce, S. (2001). "Civil Rights Heroine, the Story of Elizabeth Petrovich. Retrieved November 12, 2007.

Alaska Border Dispute There Are Numerous Views
Pages: 6 Words: 2088

Alaska border dispute, there are numerous views about the incident and the way that it was settled. To fully understand what happened there will be a focus on: what has been said about the topic in general, the lines of debate, the viewpoints of the different authors, the interpretive frameworks, the status of the conversation, the opinions that are supported by sources, the beliefs from each side, what they are trying to achieve and their long-term objectives. Together, these different elements will put the events of the border dispute into perspective. This is when everyone will have a true understanding of the situation and how it influenced Canada's relationship with different nations going forward (based upon the historiography that is provided).
What's been said on the topic (in general)?

The Alaska border dispute is from of a series of misinterpretations by the different parties. As far as the American perspective is…...



Alaskan Boundary Tribunal. (Facsimile) British Possessions in North America (portion). From Mr. Arrowsmith's Map of North America. Pinkerton's Modern Atlas. 1818. Alaska Boundary Tribunal. Baltimore: Hoen & Co, 1903.

Balch, Thomas. The Alaska frontier. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane and Scott, 1903.

Batten, Donna. Gale encyclopedia of American law. Detroit: Gale, 2010

Bowal, Peter. The International Court of Justice. Alberta: Legal Resource Centre of Alberta Ltd. (LRC), 2005.

Alaska and Its Politics the
Pages: 2 Words: 578

The main values that are apparent in this article are those of political awareness and inclusion, and the importance not only of political understanding but also of action. The author does not raise a political call to arms by any stretch of the imagination, but his explanation of the daily political machinations we all experience, as well as the larger ramifications of political action in the case of Alaska, suggests that all social activity is inherently political, and thus that an understanding of this fact can be used to direct action in a way that one favors in a grander political sense. This can be a very empowering view for social workers both to obtain themselves and to share with clients, in dealing with personal and individual life issues as well as with larger political structure. understanding the ability to influence and the nature of power in a given society…...

King Crab Fishing in Alaska and the
Pages: 6 Words: 1724

King Crab Fishing in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands
Though surrounded by controversy, the crab industry in Alaska is one of the most paying jobs but also most dangerous one. The king crabs are on high demand because of their succulent meat. The limited population of the king crabs means that the season for catching the crabs is short and is under high regulation. Crab industry is increasingly becoming popular due to the growing demand worldwide for the crabs. It requires a lot of physical stamina, commitment and skills. Though Alaska has a long history of crab fishing, commercial interest in crab fishing emerged in 1950s.The main species of crab are the king crab, tanner, snow and Dungeness. This paper looks at the classification of crabs; focus will however be on the king crab. The paper will also look at the process of king crab fishing in Alaska and the equipment…...



A-Z Animals, (2012). King Crab. Retrieved October 6, 2012 from 

Discovery Communications, (2012). How Lucrative is the King Crab-Fishing Business? Retrieved October 6, 2012 from 

Lister, J. (2010). Alaska Crab Fishery Regulations. Retrieved October 5, 2012, from, (2005). Crabbing and Crab Fishing on the Oregon Coast. Retrieved October 6, 2012 from

Titus, M. (2012). Alaskan King Crab Fishing Rules and Regulations. Retrieved October 5, 2012, from

Social Work in Alaska Parents
Pages: 4 Words: 1186

This will make the living environment of the child unsafe (King).
The child's preference for a particular parent or another person will be heard by Alaskan courts in granting custody (King, 2012). It is usually the parents with whom the child has been more comfortable with, and often he or she is the primary caregiver during the marriage. Some children prefer to stay with the parent who lives near their school or activities. This enhances the child's stability. Other considerations are the child's show of affection to one or both parents and the affection he receives from either or both (King).

Judges investigate and weigh to determine the more suitable parent or the one more likely to win during the hearing. The parent who wins is the one who encourages the child to form a relationship with the non-custodial parent. The parent who is granted sole custody must make sure the…...



DHHS (2006). Child maltreatment in Alaska. Vol 2 # 33 Title V Fact Sheet, Women's

Children's and Family Health: Department of Health and Social Service. Retrieved on January 23, 2012 from

Dumbrill, G.C. (2006). Parental experience of protection intervention. 30 Child Abuse:

Pergamon. Retrieved on January 23, 2012 from

Drilling for Oil in Alaska
Pages: 8 Words: 2760

In this regard, Dunn notes that, "These include soil and water contamination from spills; alteration of vegetation and drainage from roads; and the disturbance of subsistence hunting opportunities for muskoxen, polar bears, caribou, and other wildlife. Nor do these new technologies mitigate the atmospheric effects of local haze, acid rain, and global warming" (2). Critics of further exploitation of the Refuge and wilderness maintain that viable alternatives to these resources already exist, and more fuel-efficient vehicles would eliminate the need for additional development of Alaska's pristine environment altogether (Dunn 2).
Proponents suggest that the critics are misplaced in their assumptions about further exploitation, though. According to Lieberman (2005), the ANR is ripe for plundering and is unworthy of further federal protections: "There are plenty of truly pristine places in Alaska worth preserving, but ANR's coastal plain isn't one of them. As it is, Alaska has 141 million acres of protected…...


Works Cited

Arnold, Andrew. (2001, September). "Oil: America's Expensive Lifeblood - New Oil from Alaska?" World and I 16(9): 56.

Dombrowski, Kirk. Against Culture: Development, Politics, and Religion in Indian Alaska. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2001.

Dunn, Seth. (2001, May). "Why Oil and Wildlife Don't Mix." World Watch 14(3): 2.

Gildart, Ben. (1997, October-November). "Hunting for Their Future: Alaska's Gwich'in Indians Fear That Proposed Oil Drilling on Caribou Calving Grounds Could End Their Ancient Culture." National Wildlife 35(6): 20.

Manual for State of Alaska First Responders
Pages: 6 Words: 1783

Manual for State of Alaska First esponders
Introduction to the Critical Incident Manual

This critical incident manual contains information that will be valuable for all emergency or public service agencies in State of Alaska, such as police, fire, emergency medical teams, and others tasked with first response to natural and manmade disasters. The manual contains the relevant components of operations, planning, administration, and logistics with a view to providing first respondents with the general information they need for rapid activation and deployment.

The Importance of Contingency Planning

Every disaster is unique, of course, but there are some steps emergency first responders can take to ensure their own safety while maximizing the effectiveness of their response. In this regard, Katoch (2006) emphasizes that, "Although disaster response is inherently chaotic, tried and tested international tools and procedures do exist to assist a disaster-affected government and its people to handle the situation" (p. 153). Because of…...



Alaska emergency planning. (2013). State of Alaska Division of Homeland Security. Retrieved from .

Fiein G.S. (2003, November). Security beat. National Defense, 88(600), 12.

Katoch, A. (2006, Spring-Summer). The responders' cauldron: The uniqueness of international disaster response. Journal of International Affairs, 59(2), 153-155.

Latourette, T., Peterson, D.J., Bartis, J.T., Jackson, B.A., & Houser, A. (2008). Protecting emergency responders. Santa Monica, CA: Rand.

Anchorage Alaska Anchorage Alaska Is
Pages: 1 Words: 378

Most of the growth is expected to be absorbed by the valley along the Chugiak-Eagle River. This is considered desirable and is being implemented by the City. The main factors affecting growth are jobs and housing (nchorage 51).
The population depends upon jobs available. For instance, there was a huge boom when the pipeline from the North Slope was being built, then the work ended and the population decreased dramatically. Population mobility is enormous. nchorage's average growth rate has exceeded most metropolitan areas in the rest of the United States (Chamber 1)

Statistics from the 2000 census show 94% of the population is made up of whites, while only 7.28% are merican Indian and Native laskans (this is the same percentage of the population living below the poverty line here.) This indicates a huge influx of non-natives have come to populate the city. nchorage, the gateway to laska, is called home…...


Anchorage, Alaska. Chapter 6: Population and Employment Growth. Long RangeTransportation Plan. 2006. .

Begich, Mark. Big Wild Life: Anchorage Indicators. Neighborhood Sourcebook, Municipality of Anchorage. Anchorage: Municipal Publications.

Chamber of Commerce, Anchorage, Alaska. 2007.

Seeking Work in Alaska
Pages: 2 Words: 472

qualify for and be hired as a Production
Technician for the British Petroleum Company on the North

Slope of Alaska. I am highly capable and experienced.

JOB SKILLS/ABILITIES: I have worked on the North Slope / Prudhoe Bay in Alaska

over a ten-year period. I am intimately familiar with the conditions and responsibilities that are part of working in this region. I am certified in the following specific tasks:

RTI -- Radiographer II; PT&MTII -- Penitent & Magnetic

Testing Level II; IRRSP -- Industrial Radiographic Radiation

Safety Personnel; UTI -- Ultrasonic Testing Level II; Class A

CDL; Radiation Safety (40 hours of training); and I am a Certified MANDT.

EXPERIENCE: (2003-2010): Acuren USA (NDE Level II) Performed

Calibrations, inspections; performed manual Radiography,

Ultrasonic, Magnetic Particle, and Liquid Dye Penetrant

Inspections on piping systems and pressure vessels for British Petroleum, Prudhoe Bay.

(2006-2007) ASRC Energy Services (Pump Operator /

Freeze Protection) Operated chemical injection truck with 250

to 500-gallon tank to protect against freezing; coordinator…...

Anchorage Alaska the City of
Pages: 1 Words: 415

And so, as a solution, aquaculture farms are beginning to be created near Anchorage, raising cod, shrimp, and other fishes. This rising industry will attract newcomers to the area, which takes a certain hearty type because of the long cold winters. The labor force averaged 158,071 workers in 2006 ( ranks #3 in oil production in the U.S., #1 in fisheries, and #1 in ports in National Marine Fisheries. Also, tourism is a big industry in Anchorage, and indeed 10% of the jobs are in leisure and hospitality sectors.
Anchorage history: it was first inhabited by humans in 5,000 B.C.; a "wave" of humans arrived around 3,000; then another "wave" arrived in 2,000 B.C., and Eskimo peoples and Dena'ina peoples made their home there before Europeans arrived in 1778 (

orks Cited

Alaska Department of Labor & orkforce Development. "Economic Information." Retrieved 11 Feb. 2007 at

Anchorage Historical Highlights. "Anchorage Timeline." Retrieved…...


Works Cited

Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development. "Economic Information." Retrieved 11 Feb. 2007 at

Anchorage Historical Highlights. "Anchorage Timeline." Retrieved 11 Feb. 2007 at 

Anchorage School District. "ASD Memorandum #147 (2005-2006)." Retrieved 11 Feb. 2007 from

Area Connect. "Anchorage Population and Demographics." Retrieved 11 Feb. 2007 at .

Unique Historical Experiences of Native Americans and Alaska Natives
Pages: 1 Words: 410

PSYCHOLOGY Psychology: Unique Historical Experiences of Native Americans and Alaska NativesThe history of Native Americans is interesting since they were used to the barter trade system and had strong cultural traditions. They had a solid religious inclination, and their language had a different dialect from modern Europe\\\'s. The communication after their relocation was mostly political, intended for business, and sometimes spiritual. The smallpox diseases and relations between the local and newly established European colonies were full of friction and had to be dealt with carefully. However, the contributions Native Americans have made with their incoming are still evident in modern times. For instance, language, art, cuisine, and even the governing style have created a long-lasting imprint on English culture. Initially, the European and English customs were alien to Native Americans; with time, development kept on taking place with the evolution of language and mannerisms were amalgamated. It should be noted…...


ReferencesPradananusantara. (2011, October 19). Native American influences on modern American culture.   D.G., Ferucci, E.D., Schumacher, Johnson, J.S., Lanier, A.P., Helzer, L.J., Tom-Orme, L., Murtaugh, M.A. & Slattery, M.L. (2008). Traditional foods and physical activity patterns and associations with cultural factors in a diverse Alaska native population. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 67(4), 335-348., T.G.A., Sarks, R.R.B., Attakai, A., Molina, F., Cordova-Marks, F., Kahn-John, M., Antone, C.L., Flores, M. & Garcia, F. (2022). The generational impact of racism on health: Voices from American Indian communities. Health Affairs, 41(2).,art%2C%20food%2C%20and%20government .Redwood,

Technology Is Always Challenging Although the Use
Pages: 4 Words: 1544

technology is always challenging. Although the use of technology by social workers is not a new phenomenon, it is controversial. For a discipline traditionally tied to face-to-face interaction, many concerns about moving to technology-based practices have been raised. This paper will examine how social work informatics can be applied to child protection in Alaska and suggest a research project to examine its utility, particularly as it relates to the phenomenon of depersonalization. It can be hypothesized that the increasing use of informatics though useful drives a wedge between the social worker and the recipient.
Advocates for the use of technology identify increased opportunity and access to social work services, lower costs, and improved coordination of services, and privacy for stigmatized individuals as benefits of the tools (Chenoweth & Stehlik, 2002). Critics, on the other hand, point to the technological difficulties that impede interaction. They cite inequalities in access to resources,…...



Ashery, R.S. (2001). The utilization of technology in graduate schools of social work. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 18(1/2), 5 -- 18.

Association of Social Work Boards. (2002). Model Social Work Practice Act. Retrieved February 24, 2005, from 

Chenoweth, L., & Stehlik, D. (2002). Using technology in rural practice -- Local area coordination in rural Australia. Rural Social Work, 7(1), 14 -- 21.

Choi, G., Ligon, J., & Ward, J. (2002). Computer anxiety and social workers: Differences by access, use, and training. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 19(1), 1 -- 12.

Controversy of Oil Drilling in ANWR
Pages: 2 Words: 768

Against Drilling for Oil in Alaska
The subject of oil drilling in Alaska has been controversial. With declining oil reserves attention of society, and the oil companies, to identify potential new oil reserves. Although oil drilling in Alaska currently only makes up about 7% of U.S. oil supplies, surveys have indicated there could be sizable reserves within Arctic National Wildlife efuge (ANW) (Bourne, 2015). There have been articles published which support the idea of exploring and granting drilling licenses, but there are also dissenting articles which argue against the idea. Interestingly, an article that appears to support the drilling is presented by Bourne, (2015), published in National Geographic, which presents a number of arguments in favor of drilling. Conversely, an article that supports a ban on drilling in thru ANW is published by Jans (2015) in USA Today. Each article will be reviewed and the arguments assessed.

Bourne (2015) looks at…...



Bourne, JK, (2015), What Obama's Drilling Bans Mean for Alaska and the Arctic, National Geographic, accessed at 

Jans, N, (201, Jan 29), Why Obama is Right to Spare ANWR, USA Today, accessed at

Exxon's Oil Tanker Valdez Ran
Pages: 8 Words: 2180

The workforce should be clear about the implementation of technologies for protecting natural resources, through formulating strategies.
atification of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 1984 Protocols

Domestic legislation on compensation and liability is needed to implement two IMO protocols related to compensation and liability. The United States should ratify the 1984 Protocols to the 1969 Civil Liability and the 1971 Fund Conventions. Expeditious ratification is essential to ensure international agreement on responsibilities associated with oil spills around the world' (A eport to the President: Executive Summary).

Introduction of Safeguards

It is imperative to establish such environmental safeguards so as to minimize the possibility of oil spillage, by improving transportation, production, storing facilities. 'The infrequency of major oil spills in recent years contributed to the complacency that exacerbated the effect of the Exxon Valdez spill' (CNN: Exxon found guilty).

Legislation on liability and compensation is needed

The Exxon Valdez incident has highlighted many problems associated with…...



Michael Baffrey, Contracting Officer's, Technical Representative U.S. Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service Environmental Studies Section., Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Cleanup, and Litigation: A Collection of Social-Impacts Information and Analysis.

Science and Transportation United States. Congress Senate Committee on Commerce, United States Congress, Exxon Oil Spill: Hearing Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

Phillip Margulies., The EXXON Valdez Oil Spill.

Peter G. Wells., EXXON Valdez Oil Spill: fate and effects in Alaskan waters.

Exxon Valdez Case Analysis Common
Pages: 10 Words: 3133

Like most litigations on such complicated issues the company had little to do but show reasonable accommodation, adopt better surface practices and wait out a lengthy period before their liability was reduced substantially by the courts.
Ethical analysis:

The key ethical issues of the case are pretty clear, did the captain knowingly endanger the environment by continuing to retain his position and navigate tankers through the area and did the company know that such was the case. Both ethical dilemmas are clear and were ruled upon by many hours of court time and subsequent appeals, though the final Supreme Court ruling on Exxon's liability for the spill was split 4:4 every other deciding body laid full responsibility on Exxon's lap. ("Exxon Valdez Damages educed," June 2008, NP). An additional ethical issue, though much less openly understood or known by the average American is weather it was ethical to pay fishermen large…...



Feinman, J.M. (2000). Law 101: Everything You Need to Know about the American Legal System. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Exxon Valdez Damages Reduced," June 2008, Business Law Prof Blog Retrieved November 18, 2008. 

Greely, J. (1989, May 29). Alaska over the Barrels: The Spills and Spoils of Big Oil. The Nation, 248, 721.

Jasanoff, S. (2006) "Transparency in Public Science: Purposes, Reasons, Limits." Law and Contemporary Problems 69.3, 21.

What makes Haines, Alaska an unforgettable family vacation spot: fishing, scenery, & Alaskan shopping?
Words: 706

1. Haines, Alaska offers a unique combination of world-class fishing, breathtaking scenery, and eclectic Alaskan shopping experiences that make it an unforgettable family vacation spot.

2. The abundance of fishing opportunities in Haines, including both freshwater and saltwater options, makes it a top destination for anglers of all skill levels looking to reel in various types of fish such as salmon, halibut, and trout.

3. The stunning natural beauty of Haines, with its majestic mountains, pristine glaciers, and diverse wildlife, provides a picturesque backdrop for outdoor adventures like hiking, kayaking, and wildlife viewing that families can enjoy together.

4. The....

What makes Haines, Alaska an unforgettable family vacation spot: fishing, scenery, & Alaskan shopping?
Words: 308

1. Haines, Alaska offers families an unforgettable vacation experience with its pristine fishing spots, captivating scenery, and unique Alaskan shopping opportunities.

2. The unparalleled fishing opportunities in Haines provide an exhilarating experience for anglers of all ages, creating lasting memories for families.

3. Haines' stunning scenery, from majestic mountains to serene waterways, offers a breathtaking backdrop for family adventures and unforgettable photo opportunities.

4. From handcrafted souvenirs to authentic Alaskan delicacies, the eclectic shopping scene in Haines allows families to discover the local culture and support local businesses.

5. The combination of world-class fishing, awe-inspiring scenery, and authentic Alaskan shopping....

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