Airport Security Essays (Examples)

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Airport Security Law
Pages: 3 Words: 988

Airport Security Law:
Airport security is one of the major issues that have emerged in today's society for travelers across the globe. It is a major issue because of the increase in insecurity, especially with the increase in global terrorism. Actually, global terrorism has been a problem for air travelers and airlines despite enhanced security measures at airports. The events of 9/11 attacks highlighted the various security risks that airports face and demonstrated that the adopted the security initiatives were not enough to protect airlines and airline travelers. Generally, airport security can be described as methods and techniques used to safeguard staff, passengers, and aircraft from harm, accidents, threats, and crime. As a result of the increased security threats across airports, there are several legislative initiatives that have been taken to enhance security. One of the recent aviation laws that relate to airport security is the proposal by U.S. House Democrats…...



Felde, K. (2013, November 18). LAX Shooting: Bill Would Ban Guns at All U.S. Airports.

Retrieved February 14, 2014, from 

Hampson, R. (2013, November 3). Airport Security Still Vulnerable. USA Today. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from 

"Johnson Proposes Loaded Gun Ban at Airports." (2013, November 19). Morris Technology.

Airport Security Post-9 11 Striking a
Pages: 7 Words: 2149

It is the harsh reality of life in post-9/11 America that the global terror continues to exact a high toll on American lives and interests at home and abroad, and the terrorist agenda continues to include attacks in the future that may involve weapons of mass destruction.
Furthermore, these types of diminutions of basic constitutional rights are not unique in American history, and President Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus in response to the threat to national security during the Civil War and President oosevelt interred over a hundred thousand Japanese-American citizens following the attack on Pearl Harbor. As the level of threats to the national security have ebbed and flowed, then, so too has the level of civil liberties that are afforded the citizens of the United States. In the current environment, it is reasonable to suggest that the need for continuing high levels of airport security remains…...



Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Lee, C. (2010). Package bombs, footlockers, and laptops: What the disappearing container doctrine can tell us about the Fourth Amendment. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 100(4), 1403-1405.

Lippert, R. & O'Connor, D. (2003). Security assemblages: Airport security, flexible work, and liberal governance. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 28(3), 331-333.

Minert, S.R. (2006). Square pegs, round hole: the Fourth Amendment and preflight searches of airline passengers in a post-9/11 world. Brigham Young University Law Review, (6)6,

Airport Security Re-Imagining Airport Security
Pages: 10 Words: 2849

The physical passage from the entrance hub should consist of a single hallway, as narrow as safety limits will allow and without any branching, to ease the monitoring of movement.
This hallway would connect the entrance hub to the main public area of the airport, where shopping and food service establishments would located. Again, this area should be modeled after many existing airports; a large and open area resembling a shopping mall food court that can be easily monitored, and without multiple point of egress and ingress. Everyone entering the area would either have come through the screening process at the entrance hub, or from a plane in one of the terminals where presumably they had been screened before being allowed to board. A single hallway exit from the food/shopping area to the terminals would increase security in the area, as there would ten be only two points of entrance…...



Cate, F. (2009). "Plane-side TSA searches aren't worth the trouble." USA Today, 8 April.

Diedam, J. (2008). "Access control: The process of securing a transportation site." Airport management, 3(3), pp. 263-73.

Klauser, F. (2009). "Interacting forms of expertise in security governance: the example of CCTV surveillance at Geneva International Airport." British journal of sociology, 60(2), pp. 279-97.

McCartney, S. (2009). "Tips for TSA to make flying safer, easier." Wall street journal, 17 February, pp. B9.

Airport Security Design and Implementation
Pages: 18 Words: 4664

Airport Security Design and Implementation
The objective of this work in writing is to devise a plan for setting up a state-of-the-art airport security system. This work will discuss: (1) The security force: selection, organization and training; (2) Airport lay-out: suggest a design which maximizes security management efficiency and passenger flow while minimizing discomfort and delay to air travelers; (3) the screening system step-by-step detailing the process, the equipment used and the function of that equipment; (4) how systems would be integrated for maximum efficiency; and (5) security management of freight air carriers in brief. The design of an airport security plan is complex and inclusive of many considerations to ensure the safety of passengers and employees. The airport security plan serves to increase communication between airport tenants, airport manager and law enforcement as well as serving to identify specific activities to be reported and to increase awareness of airport security…...



Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990. PL 101-604. Federal Aviation Administration.

DOE Vulnerability and Risk-Assessment Methodology, Vulnerability and Risk Management Program (2001) U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from:

Field Reference Guide for Aviation security for Airport or other Aviation Facilities (AAF) (2006) Department of the Interior Aviation Facilities Security Procedures. Retrieved from:

Guidelines to Improve Airport Preparedness Against Chemical and Biological Terrorism, Sandia Berkley National Laboratory, SAND2005-3237/LBNL-54973 (II), May 2005, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from:

Airport Security Policies
Pages: 5 Words: 1719

Airport Security Policies
Few events in life have the potential to impact each and every single member of society, whether it is on a macro (indirect) or micro (direct) level. Even fewer such events actually do impact every single citizen. The Columbine school shootings, the Kent State university shootings, the Oklahoma city bombings, Pearl Harbor, and Vietnam are just a few of the events which are forever embedded into the psyche of millions of Americans. On September 11, 2001, two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings in New York, another airplane crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth airplane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. In addition to the sheer magnitude of these airplane crashes, what makes these crashes notable is the fact that all four airplanes were hijacked by suspected terrorists. As a result of these horrific terrorist attacks, thousands of individuals lost their lives in an instant,…...



The primary source referenced for this section was

Airport Security Already Affected by
Pages: 5 Words: 1492

Almost 30% of the screened baggage is falsely identified as positive for explosives that require manual screening wasting time for the passengers. Also Lollis (2003) reported that passengers are increasingly complaining about the damage or theft to their personal belongings. A survey conducted by Woodyard and Lollis reported that 63% of passengers felt that airport security is " becoming more of a hassle." [Garrick, 2005] Further, the delay in baggage clearing is more prominent in large airports leading to mishandling and delayed arrival of baggage. Airline industry experts feel that the inconvenience with baggage clearance is causing considerable negative impact on passengers and is already affecting the demand for air travel. [Garrick, 2005]

This is another novel method of screening used in the U.S. airports. Known as SPOT, (Screening Passengers by Observation Techniques) this technique involves observing the facial expression and body language of persons to identify…...



1) the Associated Press, (Sep 2009), 'U.S. Airline Industry Continues to Shrink', retrieved Oct 17th 2009, from 

2) Michelle Higgins, 'No Rest for the Airport Security Weary', retrieved Oct 17th 2009, from 

3) Eleni Linos & Graham Colditz, (Dec 2007), ' Screening Program Evaluation Applied to Airport Security', BMJ; 335:1290-1292, available at, 

4) Ian Macleod, (Aug 2009), 'Airport Security to Monitor Travellers' Facial Expressions, Body Language', retrieved Oct 17th 2009, from,   expressions+body+language/1890655/story.html 

Airport Security Issues Coordination of
Pages: 2 Words: 673

pecifically, current definitions and limitations in the area of profiling make it impossible to implement the types of policies and precautions such as those that have proven successful in Israel. According to acknowledged U.. (Larsen, 2007) and international experts (Hoffman, 2003) in aviation security, the entire approach of screening passengers (1) randomly and (2) only after they set foot onto airport property is not an effective way of preventing terrorism against aviation. By contrast, in Israel, Mossad agents have the authority to question any passenger scheduled for departure on El-Al, Israel's national airline that was once the world's most targeted airline for terrorists (Hoffman, 2003).
Their agents are trained to recognize behavioral cues consistent with possible criminal intent. Vehicles approaching Israeli airports are screened long before they reach airport; Mossad agents conduct preliminary investigations immediately after passengers book flights; and civil rights are not so broad as to limit the…...


Sources Cited

Hoffman, Bruce. "The Logic of Suicide Terrorism: Lessons from Israel that America

Must Learn." The Atlantic Monthly. 2003: 40-47.

Kelly, Ian. U.S. Department of State. On-the-Record Briefing; Washington, DC

December 28, 2009. Retrieved June 21, 2010 from:

Airport Security After 9 11
Pages: 8 Words: 2482

Airport Security
About the Airport

Current Security Arrangements to Counter Terrorist Threats

Aviation Security System: Available Measures

Analysis of the Current Security System at the Airport

Security Measures equired to Strengthen the Airport

About the Airport

In this study we examine the security measures and processes at the Los Angeles International Airport in USA.

This airport that is popularity referred to LAX airport -- the IATA airport code, is the primary airport the serves the second-most populated metropolitan area in the United States - the Greater Los Angeles Area.

The airport is also one of the busiest in the U.S. as well as the world. This evident from the amount of cargo and passengers that the airport handles every year. 70,622,212 passengers were handled by the airport in 2014 which is by far the highest in the last 14 years. The second largest was 67.3 million in 2000. LAX was identified to be "the world's busiest origin and destination…...



Arasly, J. (2005). Terrorism and Civil Aviation Security: Problems and Trends. Connections: The Quarterly Journal, 04(1), 75-89. 

Bleier, E. (2015). Security increased at airports in California after 'known threat' to LAX is found and ISIS calls for attacks on uniformed personnel Read more:  

Cpted Airport Security
Pages: 5 Words: 1568

Aviation Security
It is important to note that the aviation industry is critical to global trade and industry. It is therefore sad that this also happens to be one of the industries that have in the past suffered the brunt of terror and other security threats. There is need to embrace more effective and efficient security and surveillance measures in seeking to not only discourage crime but also reduce opportunities for the same to occur. This text concerns itself with crime prevention through environmental design in airports. In so doing, it will largely focus on whether or not the principles of CPTED have been considered in Dubai International Airport's terminal 3.

In basic terms, "crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) incorporates security into design using cost-effective methods that increase security plans and procedures while maintaining aesthetics" (Center for Transport Services, 2011). To be able to determine to what extent the principles of…...



Arabian Business. (2008). T3 Revealed. Retrieved on 21st October 2014 from

Atlas, R. (2007). Designing Against Terror, Violence and Crime. Retrieved on 20th October 2014 from

Center for Transport Services. (2011). Airport Security about More Than Preventing Terrorism. Retrieved on 20th October 2014 from

Transportation Security Administration Airport Security
Pages: 7 Words: 2347

The anonymous tip proved true and one of the carry on bag of a Comair employee had 13 semiautomatic guns and one .22 caliber rifle along with 8 pounds of marijuana. This incident clearly shocked the TSA and the entire nation and clearly exposed the inherent loopholes in the airport security system. Subsequent to this incident, the TSA made amendments to its security policy requiring airport employees to be screened before they enter the sterile zone. However, the fact remains that neither the federal government or the TSA have made it compulsory to implement 100% screening of employees. Instead what now exists is a random screening of staff who access the sterile zone. With the exception of the Miami international Airport, no other airports in the country insist on 100% screening of the staff on a routine basis. [artholomew Elias, 2010, pg 220]
Higher Standards For Hiring

The need for maintaining…...



1) Jeffery C. Price MA & Jeffery S. Forrest PhD, 'Practical Aviation Security: Predicting and Preventing Future Threats', BH publishers, 2009

2) Bartholomew Elias 2010, 'Airport and Aviation Security: U.S. Policy and Strategy in the age of Global Terrorism', Auerbach Publications.

3) Garrick Blalock, Vrinda Kadiyali & Daniel H. Simon, (Feb 2005), 'The Impact of Post 9/11 Airport Security Measures on the Demand for Air Travel', Journal of Law and Economics, Available at, 

4) PBS (2009), 'After Christmas Bomb Plot, New Airport Screening techniques Examined', retrieved Apr 16th 2010, from,

Rising Costs of Airport Security at DFW Airport
Pages: 7 Words: 1937

Price Safety? A Study of Security Costs at FW
allas/Fort Worth Airport initiated some big changes in 2000, changes that will make air travel safer, easier and more convenient for our customers and make getting around inside the Airport quicker and simpler - improvements that will serve the needs of our customers well into the 21st Century."

What a difference a year can make. In 2000, the allas/Ft. Worth Airport was most concerned with providing "world-class service and amenities." Since declaring their intent in their 2000 Annual Report, which was released to the public in early 2001, safety and security issues have come out of the shadows. In the wake of September 11, 2001, Airport officials, the traveling public, the media, the industry and our government have struggled to reassess the role of security and incorporate stricter rules into our daily lives.

Immediately after the events of September 11, FW officials did…...


Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport. 2000 Annual Report (2001) p. 10

DFW Answers FAQs on Airport Security" DFW Online Flyer Magazine (2002) cited April 4, 2002. 

Not Just Any Face in the Crowd: ID Security's Next Frontier" The Washington Times March 21, 2002

Israeli Security Methods in U S Airports
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

Protecting U.S. Skies and Airports: Israeli Security Methods in U.S. Airports As Gaines and Miller (2013) point out, American security forces focus on finding weapons while Israeli security focuses on finding terrorists. The difference gets to the heart of why the Israeli system is so much more efficient. However, Israel has a population of 8 million—less than that of New York City. And New York City is home to just one of many hubs and international airports in the U.S. Approximately 17 million travelers flew into Ben-Gurion Airport in Israel last year, as well—which is about a third of the number that flew into JFK (Zeff, 2017; NBC, 2018). Because of the sheer volume of travelers throughout the U.S., which dwarfs Israel’s numbers completely, the question is whether Israel’s methods can actually scale and work in a nation as big and open to the rest of the world as the U.S.…...

Freedom vs TSA Checks
Pages: 2 Words: 731

Terrorism Threat There is little doubt that terrorism is at least somewhat of a threat. This was obviously proven by the several planes hijacked on 9/11. Since then, there have been several wars fought and other military-related initiatives undertaken. These attacks and missions have related to the deposing of terrorism-supporting or terrorism-causing leaders. It has also involved the attacking and repression of groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL. While terrorism groups are not the threat they were ten to twenty years ago, to suggest that the Transpiration Security Administration (TSA) and its efforts are not needed is simply not true.
The proverbial equation that is cited when it comes to airport security is how many rights and freedoms people are willing to give up in exchange for safety. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, this was obviously not hard to justify or explain. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security…...


Works Cited

Berkes, Howard. \\"Shooter Behind Las Vegas Massacre Had No Criminal Record.\\" N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Nov. 2017.

Pfeffer, Anshel. \\"In Israel, Racial Profiling Doesn\\'t Warrant Debate Or Apologies.\\" N.p., 2016. Web. 18 Nov. 2017.

White, Michael. \\"Airport Security Checks: More Offensive To Some Than To Others | Michael White.\\" the Guardian. N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Nov. 2017.

Airports Globalization Has Impacted the
Pages: 5 Words: 1619

They compete with each other for business, seek to build both aviation and non-aviation revenue streams and they must also deal with enhanced security requirements. This places significant pressure on the airport sector. The response within the sector has been twofold. Some airports have become privatized, which allows major airport operators to utilize their expertise across a range of markets. The other solution is the development of public airports that serve as branches of their governments, attracting passengers and investment to the region. Both types of airports have strong, multifaceted strategic mandates and are among the vanguard of modern air transportation.
orks Cited:

Babu, V., Batta, R. & Lin, L. (2004). Passenger grouping under constant threat probability in an airport security system. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 168 (2) 633-644.

Barnard, B. (2010). Global air cargo revenue grows 40%. The Journal of Commerce. Retrieved November 8, 2010 from

Cidell, J. (2004).…...


Works Cited:

Babu, V., Batta, R. & Lin, L. (2004). Passenger grouping under constant threat probability in an airport security system. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 168 (2) 633-644.

Barnard, B. (2010). Global air cargo revenue grows 40%. The Journal of Commerce. Retrieved November 8, 2010 from 

Cidell, J. (2004). Scales of airport expansion: Globalization, regionalization and local land use. Center for Transportation Studies. Retrieved November 8, 2010 from

Frost & Sullivan. (2010). 16th APSA International Conference Airport Security Market Overview. Retrieved November 8, 2010 from

Airports Protect Their Passengers and
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Take for instance the privacy which could be infringed by being recorded on a video camera while boarding on a plane or being in the company of a partner other than one's spouse.
Then, there is the multitude of checkups to which the travelers is subjected, starting with the general verification of the documents, to the very personal and invasive body search. In some cases, women are asked to take off their shoes so that the high heels can be scanned. While all these are not necessarily illegal, they can be invasive and denigrating.

There is also the enhanced search of all people who seem of Arab descent, due to the misconception and fear manifested upon the presence of an Arab within an American airport. This behavior can easily lead to situations of discrimination, which are as illegal as it gets. Additionally, "special treatment" is also being offered to native born…...

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