Air Transportation Essays (Examples)

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Air Transportation the Exam Proposal
Pages: 5 Words: 1251

Describe how best to filter out the pandering and proselytizing that some politicians and even some public officials engage in (TSA, 2013).
Find the best methods of getting the best feedback from the people that know the tactics and technologies the best. Sources of great information can range from current and former TSA employees, airline staff and crew members, baggage handlers, vendors and corporations that provide the scanners and other equipment for the airports and airlines to use, and so forth. Elicit feedback regarding recent news items and initiatives such as whether to allow small knives and other usually innocuous but potentially dangerous items onto airplanes (TSA, 2013).

Program Outcomes that will be Addressed by This Question

PO #1

Students will be able to apply the fundamentals of air transportation as part of a global, multimodal transportation system, including the technological, social, environmental, and political aspects of the system to examine, compare, analyze…...



TSA. (2013, April 9). Transportation Security Administration. Transportation Security

Administration. Retrieved April 9, 2013, from

Air Traffic Control Free Flight
Pages: 5 Words: 1415

Air Traffic Control Free Flight System
Free flight represents a positive change in airline traffic management system. It promises efficiency and profitability to the industry, which is going through a rough period.

The 1978 deregulation of airlines was perceived as a revolutionary change in the airline industry. Similarly, in the field of air traffic control, the 'free flight' system promises to be the most important change ever since the introduction of radars in communication and aviation management. The rapid advancements in satellite technology have given a tremendous impetus to the field of communication and Satellite-based navigation equipments promise to be the future trend in aviation control. The phenomenal growth in air traffic and the difficulties in regulating it have highlighted the shortcomings of the present air traffic control system. The American airline industry is incurring a loss of around U.S.$3.5 billion annually due to the inefficiencies in the present centralized air traffic…...



1) Ken Kaye, "About Free Flight: History," Accessed on April 22nd 2004,

2) Mica R. Endsley, "Situation Awareness, Automation & Free Flight," Accessed on April 22nd 2004, 

3) CAASD, "CAPSTONE," Accessed on April 23rd 2004, 

4) Mario S.V. Valenti Clari, "Cost Benefit Study of Free Flight With Airborne Separation Assurance," Accessed on April 23rd 2004,

Transportation Importance of Transportation Motor
Pages: 6 Words: 1822

The significance of exact transport actions and infrastructure can therefore be assessed for each division of the economy (odrigue, 2011).
Transportation connects together the aspects of production in a multifaceted web of associations between producers and consumers. The result is usually a more competent division of production by a utilization of geographical relative advantages, as well as the means to develop financial systems of degree and range. The output of space, capital and labor is consequently improved with the competence of distribution and personal mobility. It is accepted that economic growth is more and more connected with transport expansions, namely infrastructures but in addition managerial knowledge is crucial for logistics (odrigue, 2011).

Transportation growths that have taken place since the beginning of the industrial revolution have been associated with mounting economic opportunities. At each phase of human societal development, a meticulous transport mode has been developed or modified. On the other…...



Aboard Transportation. (2006).Retrieved February 28, 2011, from Web site:

Chavis, Jason. (2011). Different Types of Air Transportation. Retrieved February 28, 2011, from Web site:

Importance of Transportation to Society. (2009). Retrieved February 28, 2011, from Web site:

air traffic
Pages: 102 Words: 28110

air traffic has continued to increase and it now constitutes a considerable proportion of the travelling public. The amount of long-hour flights has increased significantly. Based on the International Civil Aviation authority, air traffic can be anticipated to double amid till 2020. Airline travel, especially over longer distances, makes air travelers vulnerable to numerous facets that will impact their health and well-being. Particularly, the speed with which influenza spreads and mutates, via transportation routes, is the reason why the influenza pandemic is considered to be a huge threat to the human population. Pandemic is a term, which is used for a virus or microbe when it spreads over a large area, in severe cases even the whole world and large number of people start getting affecting by it (CDC, 2009).
In the past 300 years, there have been ten significant influenza pandemics outbreaks that have taken place in this world. The…...



Airports Council International (2009) Airport preparedness guidelines for outbreaks of communicable disease. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2011)

Bouma, G.D. (2002) The research process. 4th edn. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Brigantic, R., Delp, W., Gadgil A., Kulesz, J., Lee, R., Malone, J.D. (2009) U.S. airport entry screening in response to pandemic influenza: Modeling and analysis. Available at:   (Accessed: 28 November 2011) 

Bush, George W. (2003a). Homeland security presidential directive -- 5: Management of domestic incidents. Available at:   (Accessed: 28 November 2011) 

Air Traffic Controller Representation Pro-Or
Pages: 6 Words: 1794

In this regard, Osorio adds that, "The strike put deregulation on hold, giving the airlines a respite from intense competition and more time to plan for the post-deregulation era" (2000, p. 114). The PATCO strike also severely hampered further governmental employee unionizing activities for decades (Osorio, 2000).

The research showed that in 1981, the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization engaged in an illegal strike for more money, better working conditions and updated equipment that violated Title VII of the Civil Service eform Act of 1978. Notwithstanding the legitimacy of the union's demands, the manner in which they pursued them was violative of the law of the land and the President of the United States took matters into his own hands as chief executive officer and fired the lot of them in response, replacing them with supervisors, military air traffic controllers and newly hired controllers. The PATCO strike also had a…...



Grimes, P.W. (1999). The decline of strike activity and the post-PATCO era. Atlantic Economic

Journal, 32(2), 37.

Manheim, J.B. (2001). The death of a thousand cuts: Corporate campaigns and the tttack on the corporation. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Minchin, T.J. (2000, Spring). Torn apart: Permanent replacements and the Crossett Strike of

Air Safety What Are the
Pages: 8 Words: 2643

The NAAP structural integrity program includes three tests including Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD), Damage tolerance analysis (DTA) and DTA based airframe repair assessment. The supplemental inspection programs of the FAA ensure that commercial airlines fulfill the structural safety requirements. Any structural defects that are observed during the normal operation of an airplane or those that are revealed after an accident are issued as Airworthiness Directives (AD). The FAA periodically conducts certification reviews and aircrafts that report recurrent problems due to design issues will require compulsory design modifications. [FAA]
6. What is the purpose of flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders? How are they be used for accident-prevention purposes?

Flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders are very useful tools that can be used to understand the events that lead to the accident. Familiarly known as the 'black boxes' these units are helpful for aircraft investigators in reconstructing the disaster. Today…...



1) Alexander T. wells, Clarence C. Rodriguez, (2003) 'Commercial Aviation Safety', Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill.

2) NASA, 'Aviation Safety Reporting System', retrieved Apr 6th 2010, from, 

3) NBAA, 'Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS)' retrieved Apr 6th 2010, from,

4) NTSB (2002) 'National Transportation Safety Board: Aviation investigation manual Major team investigations', retrieved Apr 6th 2010 from,

Air Safety Measures-Q1 the Air
Pages: 2 Words: 834

Michael Bishop is that most passengers do not prefer to fly backwards; they are actually more frightened of flying backwards than of flying forwards, even though it has been explained to them that it is infinitely safer to fly backwards rather than the opposite. (UK Kegworth, ten years on)
It was in the year 1991 that the Transport Committee produced a eport on the Aircraft Cabin Safety, in which it was stated that cabin improvements would still not save about 64% of the fatalities that are caused by air crashes, and in about 22% of the accidents, such improvements would not make any difference at all, and that it was only in about 14% of such fatalities that the survival rates would be improved by the implementation of improvements and safety measures. The eport also analyzed the recommendations for rearward facing seats, and stated that it was because of this…...



Aircraft Cabin Safety. The United Kingdom Parliament. Retrieved at Accessed on 12 January, 2005

Kegworth Air Disaster. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 3 Aug 2004 Retrieved at   on 12 January, 2005 

UK Kegworth, ten years on. BBC News. January 8, 1999. Retrieved at   Accessed on 12 January, 2005 .

Air Cargo Security
Pages: 4 Words: 1406

Air Cargo Security
Since the events of 911, airport security has been an important issue. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA)" is responsible for ensuring the security of all modes of transportation, including cargo placed aboard airplaines and particularly focuses on passenger-carrying planes" (TSA). The TSA is part of the Department of Homeland Security. According to the latest information available, the TSA employs 620 Cargo Transportation Security Inspectors who are exclusively dedicated to the oversight of air cargo. One hundred twenty of these are canine teams. The numbers of security inspectors and canine teams has increased significantly since 2006 (TSA).

Obviously, no one wants to see another tragedy. Terrorism continues to be a threat and security measures must try to keep pace with ever-changing strategies that terrorists try to employ. There has been much in the news about passenger screening, x-ray technology, and rights to privacy. Passengers do not present the only possible…...



Beesley, A. (2010). Call for tighter security on air cargo worldwide. Irish Times 11/6/2010.

Dutton, G. (2010). Industry braces for 100% air cargo screening. World Trade 23(5), pp.


Harris, D. (2010). Air cargo security. Good Morning America (ABC), 10/31/2010.

Air Traffic Control According to
Pages: 8 Words: 2614

GP will significantly improve the accuracy of air traffic control, and also provide a platform for the efficient increase of aircraft traffic. It is however somewhat unclear why it has taken so long to implement a technology that has such obvious advantages and that has been in existence for such a long time. Perhaps the time and cost involved was a determining factor. From the current viewpoint, it has become essential to upgrade ATC technology.

Like the ground-based ATC system, the current separations system for aircraft is becoming unviable in terms of the anticipated and current increase in aircraft using airspace. Alternative ways have therefore been investigated to safely handle the increase in aircraft, and also to address the increasing delays that have plagued American airports. The Free Flight concept is one such possible alternative.

According to J.M. Hoekstra (2002), commercial aircraft to date have been operating under the Instrument Flight…...



ADS-B Technologies LLC. Automatic Dependent Surveillance -- Broadcast. (2009). 

Freudenrich, Craig (2009). How Air Traffic Control Works. 

Hoekstra, J.M. (2002, June). Free Flight with Airborne Separation Assurance. 

Knorr, Dave & Bennet, Mike. (2003, Nov 4). Lessons Learned from FAA Free Flight's En Route Modeling Workshop.

Air Asia Has'so Far
Pages: 2 Words: 670

Given that the profitability rate is already very low and that other costs have already been cut, the only practical response to rising fuel costs (assuming that they do not fall drastically very quickly) is to raise fares.
This will be problematic for the company, of course, since it has established as its major selling point the fact that it offers the lowest fares possible. However, having to raise fares is something that will no doubt happen at other companies as well since all companies will be affected. Thus it is entirely possible that the company will be able to raise fares and yet remain the lowest priced company in its market (Creaton, 2007, p. 48).

While rising fuel costs are the most significant costs that are beyond the control of the company, other external factors can have important impacts as well. Among potential issues in terms of overall costs to…...



Bamber, G.J., Gittell, J.H., Kochan, T.A. & von Nordenflytch, a. (2009). Up in the Air: How Airlines Can Improve Performance by Engaging their Employees. New York: Cornell University Press.

Creaton, S. (2007). Ryanair: The Full Story of the Controversial Low-Cost Airline. Dublin: Aurum.

Davies, R. (2011, March 7.) Soaring Fuel Costs Spark New Airline Fees: Sky-High Fuel Costs Are Behind Recent Fee Hikes. Retrieved from .

Transportation History of the Railroad
Pages: 8 Words: 2332

All of the streets in elmar begin at the Ocean and ends at Shark River. The open trolley cars in summer ran the streets with people hanging from the cars clustered like grapes.
VI. The Train Station in elmar

The train station in elmar was the hub of the entire world one believes after having fully researched the history of elmar's square mile and the surrounding area on the Jersey Coast. Although the railways of New Jersey may not have survived for long in the humanity packed area that comprises New Jersey and the adjacent New York area the "complex social foci" Roper (1978) contained in the element of the railway station is one worth giving consideration to. During the 1920's the average individuals abandoned use of the railway for intercity transportation and this was after dependency on the railways for service for more than 75 years. Pictured below is an…...



Roper, Grace Trott (1978) "Belmar in Retrospect" [Online} available at,html

Wall Township History [Online] available at

Project Diana Site 1946 - Marconi Road, Wall, New Jersey [Online] available at 

Monmouth County and 40 Towns Embark on Smart Growth Regional Planning: Commissioner Levin Announces Smart Future Initiative Support for the Monmouth County Shore Regional Strategic Plan [Online] available at

Transportation Safety in 5 Major Nations
Pages: 2 Words: 1370


The governments of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States all have some form of transportation safety board for disaster response. Their duties are sometimes gathered under one agency and sometimes divided among more than one agency. However, their missions are all focused on transportation security and not on assigning blame to people or groups for accident.

Transportation Safety Boards


Australia has the Australian Transportation Safety Bureau (ATSB), which is an independent statutory agency run by a Commission and kept apart from regulators, policy makers and service providers for transportation. It is designed to increase safety and public confidence transportation by: autonomous examination -- both in Australia and abroad - of accidents and safety incidents; recording, examining and researching safety information; and encouraging safety consciousness, information and behavior (Australian Government, 2016). The ATSB investigates aviation accidents, events and insufficiencies. The agency follows the Transport…...


Works Cited

Australian Government. (2016). About ATSB. Retrieved from 

Australian Government. (2016). Aviation. Retrieved from 

Australian Government. (2016). Marine. Retrieved from 

Australian Government. (2016). Rail. Retrieved from

History of Air Cargo Industry
Pages: 11 Words: 3692

ir Cargo, Inc. only flew cargo from December, 1941 (when Pearl Harbor was attacked) through November, 1944. t that time, Siddiqi explains that individual airline companies authored their own freight services, and on page 2 the author of this article notes that in time the major passenger airlines began offering freight forwarding service and that pretty well eliminated the need for a whole fleet of airline companies that just forwarded freight (Siddiqi). Only Flying Tiger stayed aloft as a strictly air freight company until the 1980s when Federal Express entered the picture. More on FedEx later in this paper.

The Literature -- the History of ir Freight Transportation -- Berlin ir Lift

When the long, bloody war was over it was time for the winning llies to divide up the territory that once was Nazi Germany, the negotiated, agreed-upon divisions gave the llies (U.S., Britain, and France) the Western sections of…...


April 20, 2012, from

Wilde, Robert. (2005). Berlin Blockade / Berlin Airlift. Retrieved April 20, 2012,

From .

History of Air Cargo IT's
Pages: 12 Words: 3792

It's oeing. Starting from their first aircraft models oeing &W and Douglas DT/C-1 and up to the modern airfreight oeing 747-400, company oeing and oeing-related enterprises had been always on the frontier of air cargo industry, and nowadays oeing airfreights stand for 90% of commercial air cargo companies.
Everything started with mail delivery. Today lots of us associate aircrafts with people transportation, but primary oeing was responsible only for cargo.

The company was started in 1916, when ill oeing and his partner George Westervelt made a first model of future civil aviation's world leader- jet &W. &W had later become the first plane that was delivering cargo and mail to New Zealand. Three years later ill oeing and Eddie Hubbard delivered 60 letters from Vancouver, Canada to Seattle, which became the first event in the history of international air shipping.

Nearly at the same time, company Douglas Aircraft had signed a contract…...



Allaz, Camille The history of Air cargo and airmail Christopher Foyle Publishing, 2002

IATA International Traffic Statistics: December 2004 and Year-end 2004 available on web: 

Boeing History articles from

Most Efficient Form of Goods Transportation
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Intermodal TransportationIntermodal transportation, which integrates various modes such as rail, road, air, and sea to move goods efficiently from origin to destination, is crucial for global logistics. Each transportation mode has its strengths and weaknesses, and their integration aims to optimize overall performance.Most Efficient Mode: ail TransportationIn my opinion, rail transportation stands out as the most efficient mode within the intermodal transportation framework. ailways offer a unique combination of high capacity, energy efficiency, and environmental friendliness. A single freight train can carry the load of several hundred trucks, which translates to fewer vehicles on the road, reduced traffic congestion, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. According to Konings et al. (2005), rail transport is particularly advantageous for long-distance haulage of bulk commodities, where it surpasses road and air transport in both cost-effectiveness and energy consumption.ailways benefit from economies of scale, making them highly cost-effective over long distances. The fixed tracks allow…...


ReferencesKonings, J. W., Priemus, H., & Nijkamp, P. (Eds.). (2005). The future of automated freight transport: concepts, design and implementation. Edward Elgar Publishing.Woxenius, J., & Bärthel, F. (2008). Intermodal road-rail transport in the European Union. The future of intermodal freight transport. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 13-33.

\"How have advancements in airplane technology revolutionized aviation industry and air travel?\"
Words: 383

1. Advancements in airplane technology have revolutionized the aviation industry, enabling faster, more efficient, and safer air travel, leading to a significant expansion of the aviation network and global connectivity.

2. The development of jet engines and advanced aerodynamics has drastically reduced flight times, allowing for long-haul flights and opening up distant destinations to air travel, transforming global tourism and business.

3. Technological advancements in navigation and communication systems have enhanced the precision and reliability of air travel, improving safety and reducing the risk of accidents, bolstering public confidence in air transportation.

4. The introduction of composite materials and lightweight....

What literature reviews analyze competition measurement within civil aviation?
Words: 610

The measurement of competition within the civil aviation sector has been a focal point for numerous studies, aiming to understand market dynamics, regulatory impacts, and economic outcomes. One of the seminal works in this area is by Button and Taylor (2000), who discuss the complexities of competition in airline markets, focusing on how different metrics like the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) can be applied to assess market concentration and competition levels. Their analysis underscores the importance of considering both route-specific and network-wide competition, highlighting the limitations of traditional metrics when applied to the aviation industry due to its unique characteristics such....

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