" (Congressional udget Office Testimony, 2001) Complicating the problem is the fact that Social Security is not only a retirement program but in fact approximately 2/3 of Social Security beneficiaries are retired workers" with the remaining being disabled workers, survivors of deceased workers, and workers' spouses and minor children." (Congressional udget Office Testimony, 2001)
There are various strategies that could be pursued by policymakers to assist in preparing for the aging population coming of retirement age and these are stated by the Congressional udget Office to include options such as: (1) paying down federal debt; (2) creating private retirement accounts; and (3) changing the benefits or revenues of the Social Security program. (Congressional udget Office Testimony, 2001) However, it is clear that each of these remedies contain both advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, in light of recent government spending the option of paying down the federal debt…...
Testimony of Dan L. Crippen, Director: Social Security Challenges of an Aging Population (2001) Congressional Budget Office before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate. 10 Dec 2001. Online available at: http://www.cbo.gov/doc.cfm?index=3214&type=0
Bongaarts, John (2005) "Population aging and the rising cost of public pensions," Population and Development Review 30(1): 1 -- 23.
This means that society as a whole needs to consider both aspects of the problem. It would be wrong to simply consider problems associated with an aging population in the context of a young population that experiences little to no change. The number of young people is smaller today than it has been in the past and the government needs to invest fewer finances in providing for this community. This is not going to solve the overall problem, but it is nonetheless an important concept when discussing with regard to how an aging population is going to affect the world as a whole and young people in particular. "Reductions in expenditures for the youngest and middle age groups will not result from robbing resources from the young to care for the old. Instead, these reductions reflect the fact that these age groups represent a smaller portion of the population…...
mlaWorks cited:
Morgan, L.A. & Kinkel, S.R. (2006). Aging, Society, and the Life Course. Springer Publishing Company
Siedle, E.T. "The Greatest Retirement Crisis In American History," Retrieved May 11, 2014, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/edwardsiedle/2013/03/20/the-greatest-retirement-crisis-in-american-history/
Tran, M. "UN report calls for action to fulfil potential of ageing global population," Retrieved May 11, 2014, from http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2012/oct/01/un-report-action-need-ageing-population
Uhlenberg, P. (2009). International Handbook of Population Aging. Springer "Coping with an ageing population in the UK," retrieved May 11, 2014, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/population/managing_population_rev6.shtml
ongaarts (2004) reports that since 1950 the median age in North America, Europe Japan and the rest of the developed world has increased from 29 years to 37 years. In addition by 2050 the median age is expected to increase to 45 years old. However in the developing world, including North America and Africa, the median age is 24 years. Although the median age is lower in the developing world these nations are also experiencing declines in both mortality and fertility rates will increase the median age to 36 by 2050. These facts concerning median age in societies around the world are important to understand because they dictate the public policy decisions.
How does the presence of an aging population affect public pension programs?
How do current immigration laws dictate how replacement immigration might be impacted by immigration laws?
Problem addressed by proposed study
The aging of the population in developed countries is a…...
Bongaarts, John. Population Aging and the Rising Cost of Public Pensions
Chand, Sheetal and Albert Jaeger. 1996. "Aging populations and public pension schemes," IMF
Occasional Paper Number 147. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Socioeconomic Impact of Japans Aging opulation:
This essay will explore how Japan's demographic shift towards an older population is affecting various sectors such as healthcare, pension systems, and the workforce. It will analyze the challenges and opportunities an aging society presents for economic stability and growth.
2. olicy Responses to an Aging Society in Japan:
This topic will delve into the range of policy measures that Japan has implemented or proposed to address the implications of its aging population. It will examine strategies such as immigration policy shifts, retirement age extensions, and innovations in elderly care.
3. The sychological and Cultural Effects of Aging in Japan:
An essay on this topic will discuss the psychological impact on the elderly in Japan, as well as on the younger population who bear the responsibility of care. It will also consider how traditional Japanese cultural values influence the…...
mlaPrimary Sources
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan. \"Population Statistics of Japan 2021.\" National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, 2021.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. \"Annual Health, Labour and Welfare Report 2020-2021.\" Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 2021.Statistics Bureau of Japan. \"Statistical Handbook of Japan 2022.\" Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 2022.House of Representatives, Japan. \"The Aging Society: Current Situation and Implementation Measures.\" House of Representatives, Japan, 2017.Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. \"Annual Report on the Aging Society [Summary] FY 2021.\" Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2021.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Economic Impact of Japan's Aging opulation:
Explore how Japan's aging population affects its economy, including labor shortages, increased healthcare costs, and changes in consumer behavior.
2. Social Implications of an Aging Society in Japan:
Discuss the social changes and challenges such as loneliness among the elderly, the strain on family structures, and the cultural shifts in attitudes towards aging.
3. olicy Responses to Japan's Aging opulation:
Analyze the government policies aimed at addressing the aging demographic, including immigration policies, pension reforms, and healthcare system adjustments.
4. Technological Innovations for Elderly Care in Japan:
Examine how technology is being utilized to support the elderly, from robotics to telemedicine, and its potential to revolutionize elder care.
5. The Future of Work in an Aging Japan:
Consider how the workforce is adapting to an aging population, including changes in retirement age, workforce participation of older individuals, and the integration of AI and automation.
Essay Title Examples
1. "Silver Tsunami: Navigating…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesJapan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Annual Report on the Aging Society. 2023.National Institute of Population and Social Security Research. Population Projections for Japan. 2022.Japan Cabinet Office. White Paper on Aging Society. 2021.OECD. Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2020. OECD Publishing, 2020.United Nations. World Population Ageing 2019. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2019.
They wanted to have single rooms and would prefer not to share the bathrooms basically for hygienic reasons. They would also prefer having enough space for their personal items and personalizing their own space. Most of them felt that the facilities were secure and safe. Findings of this research revealed that older people, despite poorer physical health, did better than younger adults psychologically about their well-being. The participants seemed to adjust satisfactorily to their changed environment and circumstances (Edwards).
As to the economic and financial aspects of aged care, further studies showed that the bundling of services would be the best, except for older people with dementia, specifically the ambulant and aggressive ones (Hogan 2005). Findings hinted at separating services for other aged care provisions. These findings confirmed that costs incurred by institutions varied widely, with smaller-scale operations with 30 beds or less as incurring the highest costs. Other studies…...
Burns, Ailsa and Leonard, Rosemary. Chapters of Our Lives. Sex Roles: a Journal of Research: Plenum Publishing Corporation, March 2005
Cheek, Julienne. Improving Care Transitions of Older People. Quality in Ageing: Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd., December 2006
Edwards, Helen. Involving Older People in Research to Examine Quality of Life in Residential Aged Care. Quality in Ageing: Pavilion Publishing (Brighton). Ltd., December 1, 2003
Hogan, Warren P. Economic and Financial Aspects of Aged Care. Economic Papers: Economic Society of Australia, 2005
In society today, social norms and values mean that we must care for those who can no longer care for themselves, whether as a result of old age or as a result of some other condition or disability. This means that health care systems need to be set up in such a way that people can receive the care they need while also maintaining as much as possible of their dignity and autonomy. This has been one of the most important evolving viewpoints in eldercare. Concomitantly with an increasingly healthy and active older generation, however, new views have emerged, including remaining in the home environment for as long as possible before being committed into care. This ideal has been influenced not only because of the new dynamic, where older people are generally healthier for longer, but also by economic and technological factors.
Increasingly, assisted living has come to mean the…...
Running head: ANNOTATED ILIOGRPAHY ANNOTATED ILIOGRPAHY 7Annotated ibliography on AgingAarts, S., Peek, S., & Wouters, E. (2014). The relation between social network site usage and loneliness and mental health in community-dwelling older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(9). DOI:10.1002/gps.4241This study explains the usage of social networks can impact mental health and loneliness amongst older adults. The scope of the study was people aged above 60 years and residing from the Netherlands. Data was collected through the LISS panel (www.lissdata.nl), and a relationship between social networks and wellbeing amongst older adults was to be established. According to this document, loneliness and emotions as variables were not related to social networks. A relationship between mental health and social network was also not established. This source hints about using different variables when observing the relationship between social networks and other variables.Courtin, E., & Knapp, M. (2017). Social isolation, loneliness, and health in…...
mlaBibliographyAarts, S., Peek, S., & Wouters, E. (2014). The relation between social network site usage and loneliness and mental health in community-dwelling older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(9). DOI: 10.1002/gps.4241Courtin, E., & Knapp, M. (2017). Social isolation, loneliness, and health in old age: A scoping review. Health and Social Care, 25(3), 799-812. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.12311Fakoya, O., McCorry, N., & Donnelly, M. (2020). Loneliness and social isolation interventions for older adults: a scoping review of reviews. BMC Public Health, 20. Retrieved from O., Matos, A., & Schouten, M. (2016). Social networks and quality of life of elderly persons: a review and critical analysis of literature. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 19(6). http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1981-22562016019.160017 Kemperman, A., Berg, P., Weijs-Perree, M., & Uijtdewillegen, K. (2019). Loneliness of older adults: Social network and the living environment. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(3). DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16030406Rook, K., & Charles, S. (2017). Close social ties and health in later life: Strengths and vulnerabilities. Am Psychol, 72(6), 567-577. DOI: 10.1037/amp0000104Sepulveda-Loyola, Rodriguez-Sanchez, L., Perez-Rodriguez., P., Ganz, F., Torralba, R., Oliveira, D., & Rodriguez-Manas, L. (2020). Impact of social isolation due to COVID-19 on health in older people: Mental and physical effects and recommendations. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12603-020-1469-2Singh, L., Singh, P., & Arokiasamy, P. (2016). Social network and mental health among older adults in rural Uttar Pradesh, India: A cross-sectional study. J Cross Cult Gerontol, 31(2), 173-92. DOI: 10.1007/s10823-016-9286-0.Tomini, F., Tomini, S., & Groot, W. (2016). Understanding the value of social networks in life satisfaction of elderly people: a comparative study of 16 European countries using SHARE data. BMC Geriatrics, 16. Retrieved from https://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12877-016-0362-7 Wu, B. (2020). Social isolation and loneliness among older adults in the context of COVID-19: a global challenge. Global Health Research and Policy, 5(27). Retrieved from https://ghrp.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s41256-020-00154-3https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-020-8251-6 Gouveia,
Aging and the family-work link: A comparative analysis of two generations of Mexican women (1936-1938 and 1951-1953)" by Blanco and Pacheco can best be described as serviceable. The first sentence is not particularly 'catchy' and is somewhat awkward. "The implications of aging of the population in Mexico are complicated and in some respects, serious" (Blanco & Pacheco 2009: 143). However, the introduction does go on to explain specifically why dealing with Mexico's aging population is such a serious concern. The developing nation's pension system is in a crisis and covers only 30% of the nation's senior citizens; other forms of government support are inadequate and under-funded. The primary burden of eldercare falls upon women: women are considered to be the primary domestic caretakers of children and husbands; women must work to support their families working outside the home and now they increasingly have this additional burden of attending to…...
Blanco, M. & Pacheco, E. (2009). Aging and the family-work link: A comparative analysis of two generations of Mexican women (1936-1938 and 1951-1953). Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 40 (2): 143-166.
Elderly in Monrovia, CA
The population of people aged 65 years or greater is steadily escalating, as baby boomers come of age. It is estimated that this age bracket accounts for 10% of the total world population, and is statistically increasing. As this sector of the population steadily increases, there are of course, accompanying health care issues: osteoarthritis, cardiac and kidney issues, Alzheimer's or dementia, and an ever-growing problem with depression. For this essay, we will concentrate on several health issues that plague seniors nationally, but will specifically focus on the aging population over 65 in Monrovia, California.
Monrovia is a smallish city located at the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains in the San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles County. Monrovia was settled in the late 1800s as a central hub for the growing orange grove industry, but has now become more of a bedroom community that supports the urban sprawl…...
Breathe California of Los Angeles County. (2009). Cited in:
California Department of Public Health. (June 2009). "Healthy California -- 2010
Midcourse Review." Executive Summary. Cited in:
Book Report: The Population of the UK
Daniel Dorling’s The Population of the UK is based upon the premise that the ways in which maps are conceptualized has a dramatic effect on how citizens perceive their nation. The book depicts different ways to look at maps of the United Kingdom, including in terms of its racial and geographic diversity. “The disadvantage of using a conventional map is that those areas that are home to most people are obscured in comparison to sparsely populated areas that appear to be most prominent” (Dorling, 2012, p.3). This can give greater significance to remote and rural areas and less significance to densely populated and diverse areas which more accurately reflect the real United Kingdom.
While physical topography has generally-accepted notations on most maps, there is no general consensus about how to depict a nation’s social landscape (Dorling, 2012). Population depiction on maps, Dorling makes clear, is…...
Essay Topic Examples
1. Health Disparities and Social Determinants:
Explore how social determinants like income, education, and environment influence health outcomes across different populations.
2. ublic Health olicy Impact:
Analyze the effectiveness of public health policies in improving population health, focusing on case studies or specific interventions.
3. Technological Advances in opulation Health:
Discuss how technology, including telemedicine and health apps, has transformed the approach to managing and monitoring population health.
4. Aging opulation and Health Services:
Reflect on the challenges and strategies for providing health services to an increasingly aging population.
5. Mental Health as a ublic Health riority:
Examine the integration of mental health into public health frameworks and its implications for overall population health.
Essay Title Examples
1. Navigating Health Inequities: A opulation Health erspective
2. The Role of olicy in Shaping opulation Health Outcomes
3. Digital Health: Revolutionizing opulation Health Management
4. Aging Gracefully: Health Strategies for an Elderly opulation
5. Mental Health Matters: Integrating Wellness into ublic Health
Essay Hook Examples
1. Imagine…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesWorld Health OrganizationUnited Nations Population FundNational Institute of HealthCenters for Disease Control and PreventionInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Aging Workforce
The workforce in America is rapidly aging. This rapidly aging workforce creates challengers for organizations that must manage an aging workforce. The purpose of this discussion is to explore the challenges of managing an aging workforce within any given organization. This topic is of particular interest because many older baby boomers are retiring while other are choosing to work well passed the retirement age and managers must devise ways to manage such a workforce.
Employers must understand the challenges that may arise, as an aging workforce becomes part of the fabric of the organization. If employers do not attempt to understand and implement solutions for managing an aging workforce their organizations will suffer greatly. Let us begin our discussion be explaining why the aging workforce is such an issue in the current workforce.
Description of the organization and problem
The organization that we will focus on during the course of this discussion…...
Dohm, A. (2000). Gauging the Labor Force Effects of Retiring Baby-Boomers. Monthly Labor Review, 123(7), 17. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001200975
Doverspike, D., Taylor, M.A., Shultz, K.S., & Mckay, P.F. (2000). Responding to the Challenge of a Changing Workforce: Recruiting Nontraditional Demographic Groups. Public Personnel Management, 29(4), 445.
Health and Safety Issues in an Aging Workforce, 2001. AARP Public Policy Institute Retrieved June 24, 2004, at http://research.aarp.org/econ/ib49_health.pdf
At some point, the burden on those still working to support those who have retired will become untenable. Solutions will have to be found, and those solutions will involve deciding who gets what, when, and how. This fiscal problem will require a forced distribution of wealth, something likely to upset most affected by it. Retirees will be outraged if they get less from Social Security than the generation before them did. Those still working won't be willing to contribute more to Social Security only to get less when they retire. The cost of health care has been spiraling upward for some years, and new and economical solutions will have to be found to meet the medical needs of the elderly.
Solutions may require raising the retirement age, encouraging the elderly to continue working, providing less in retirement benefits, or raising taxes. These fundamental political changes will be necessary and may…...
The gradual decrease in income, eventual dependency on other people and the government for financial resource, lack of activities to do, and the onset of physical and/or physical limitations as a result of aging are known causes of frustration, stress, and even depression among elderly people who have retired (Blekesaune and Solem, 2005, p. 80). In the case of Mrs. a, she has not experienced these negative feelings or emotions as she had been flexibly and intermittently engaging herself in house-, family- and community-related pursuits. However, she did admit that her husband's death had been a pivotal point in her life, when she felt that she, too, must be with her husband because, as far as she is concerned, she has already accomplished what she was supposed to do as a "wife, mother, and woman."
Interestingly, with Mrs. a, work and retirement is not the conventional kind of retirement one…...
Bassuk, S. (2002). "Socioeconomic status and mortality among the elderly: findings from four U.S. communities." American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 155, No. 6.
Blekesaune, M. And P. Solem. (2005). "Working conditions and early retirement: a prospective study of retirement behavior." Research on Aging, Vol. 22.
Kilminski, a. (2007). "Cumulative index of health disorders as an indicator of the aging-associated processes in elderly." Mech. Ageing Development, Vol. 128, No. 3.
Maciejewski, P. (2007). "An empirical examination of the stage theory of grief." Journal of American Medical Association, Vol. 297, No. 7.
1. The Role of Technology in Transforming Health Care Delivery
Discuss the latest technological advancements in health care, such as telemedicine, AI-powered diagnostics, and wearable health trackers.
Explore how technology can improve access to care, reduce costs, and personalize treatments.
Analyze the ethical implications of using technology in health care and the potential for data privacy and algorithmic bias.
2. Addressing Health Disparities through Policy Interventions
Identify the root causes of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
Evaluate the effectiveness of existing policy interventions aimed at reducing disparities, such as Medicaid expansion and community health centers.
1. Understanding the Link between Diabetes and Obesity: A Research Question
2. Exploring the Impact of Genetics on Diabetes: A Research Inquiry
3. Investigating the Role of Diet in Managing Diabetes: A Research Exploration
4. Analyzing the Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Diabetes Prevalence: A Research Question
5. Examining the Efficacy of Exercise in Managing Diabetes: A Research Investigation
6. Uncovering the Psychological Effects of Living with Diabetes: A Research Inquiry
7. Assessing the Relationship Between Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: A Research Question
8. Investigating the Effectiveness of Alternative Therapies for Diabetes Management: A Research Exploration
9. Exploring the Advancements in Technology for Diabetes Monitoring: A Research Question
10. Analyzing the....
Crafting a Compelling Parkinson's Thesis Statement
A compelling thesis statement for a research paper on Parkinson's disease serves as the guiding principle, providing a clear and concise articulation of the central argument or hypothesis to be explored. It sets the foundation for the entire paper, guiding the structure, content, and analysis.
Steps to Formulate a Strong Thesis Statement:
1. Define the Topic: Clearly identify the specific aspect of Parkinson's disease to be investigated. Consider the disease's characteristics, symptoms, etiology, treatment options, or social implications.
2. Establish a Focused Argument: Develop a specific and arguable claim that....
1. The benefits and drawbacks of implementing universal healthcare in the United States
2. The impact of universal healthcare on the economy and healthcare industry
3. Exploring different models of universal healthcare systems around the world
4. The ethical considerations of providing universal healthcare to all citizens
5. The role of the government in ensuring access to healthcare for all individuals
6. The relationship between universal healthcare and social equality
7. Challenges and obstacles to implementing universal healthcare in the United States
8. The potential impact of universal healthcare on preventive medicine and public health
9. The role of technology and....
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