Aggression Essays (Examples)

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Aggression Questionnaire the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire Consists
Pages: 3 Words: 1076

Aggression Questionnaire
The Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire consists of twenty-nine statements designed to assess four factors: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. It is a self-scoring test, and subjects are asked to evaluate themselves according to the degree to which they agree with the statements. The questionnaire uses a five point scale, with one point indicating a statement is "extremely uncharacteristic" and five points indicating "extremely characteristic." A score of three on any statement is considered neutral. Two statements are reverse scored; "5" on either or both statements indicates a lower level of aggression.

For the purpose of this study, four family members and four randomly selected individuals evaluated themselves according to the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire. All the names have been changed to protect individuals' privacy.

Don, age fifty-two, is a real estate attorney who enjoys sailing in his spare time. His wife Betty, forty-nine, is a real estate agent who plays golf…...



Archer, J., and Webb, I.A. (2006). The relation between scores on the Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire and aggressive acts, impulsiveness, competitiveness, dominance, and sexual jealousy. Aggressive Behavior 32, pp. 464-473.

Aggression and Violence
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Aggression and Violence
Expression of aggression: Japan

Although the aggressive impulse may be hard-wired into the human brain, the various ways in which cultures view what constitutes aggression can be quite subjective. In Japan, for example, direct confrontation is frowned upon, in contrast to the United States, which emphasizes the need to 'tell it like it is.' Even the agency of the aggression is viewed differently in collectivist vs. more individualistic societies. "American newspapers referred more to the individual involved in each [political or business] scandal, whereas Japanese newspapers referred more to the institution, implying a focus on the group rather than the individual as agent for the Japanese" (Friedman et al. 2007: 857).

Yet cross-cultural comparisons indicate: "European-Americans scored higher on delinquency and sexual behaviors relative to both Asian-American groups. As expected, both Asian-American groups scored higher on loss of face but also scored higher on acceptance of violence" (Hall et al.…...



Cultural information -- Japan. (2009). Centre for Intercultural Learning. Retrieved:

Friedman, Ray, Liu, Wu, Chen Chao C., Chi, Shu-Cheng Steve. (2007). Causal attribution for interfirm contract violation: A comparative study of Chinese and American commercial arbitrators. Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (3) 856 -- 864

Hall, Gordon C. Nagayama, Teten, Andra L., DeGarmo, David S., Sue, Stanley, Stephens,

Aggression and Violence in This Day and
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Aggression and Violence
In this day and age, just about everything is rated. From movies to television shows and even video games, forms of media are given ratings to depict who they are approved for and what type of content the viewer or user can expect. One of the main reasons for this rating system is the prevalence of violent movies, television shows and video games and the psychological theories that suggest that viewing violent activities can lead to acts of violence.

It is important to consider that although there is research that points to the fact that viewing violence can lead to violence, this is not a theory that can be applied universally. There are many people that can view violence and not have such a negative reaction toward it. The problem with this is that there is no way of telling those who can be negatively influenced from those who…...

Aggression an Examination of the
Pages: 10 Words: 2738


The mean age of participants was 33 years. The ICS was selected because of its superior internal consistency with an alpha of.96 and "strong factorial validity as well as fair construct validity," correlating in the predicted direction with the Generalized Contentment Scale and Index of Family elations (Abell, 1991).

The asst or Assertiveness Self Statement test, a "32 item instrument designed to measure self statement in assertion related problems" was also selected for purposes of the study (Schwartz & Gottman, 1976).

This test was selected because of strong construct validity which demonstrates how functional and dysfunctional groups differ in their frequency of positive and negative self-statements (Schwartz & Gottman, 1976).

The Aggressive Inventory (AI), a "30 item instrument that measures aggressive traits was also used, where respondent rated items on a five point scale in order to determine whether or not a particular statement applied to them in the context of aggression" (Gladue,…...



Abell, N. (1991). The index of clinical stress: A brief measure of subjective stress for practice and research." Social Work Research and Abstracts, 27: 12-15

Bateman, H., Cillessen, a.H., Coie, J.D., Dodge, K.A., Hubbard, J.A.,

Lemerise, E.A. & Schwartz, D. (1998). "Social-cognitive and behavioral correlates of aggression and victimization in boy's play groups." Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 26(6): 431

Cairns, R.B. & Stoff, D. (1996). Aggression and violence: Genetic, neurobiological and biosocial perspectives." Mahwah: Lawrence Elrlbaum Associate.

Aggression Workplace Violence
Pages: 5 Words: 1346

Aggression, Violence in the Workplace
Studies suggest that violence and aggression are an increasingly common occurrence in organizations large and small across the globe (epetti, Seeman & Taylor, 1997; Waldron, 2000; Coombs & Holladay, 2004). Aggression and violence are serious problems that can have short- and long-term consequences on individuals and organizations. As such it is vital that organizations become aware of the problem and take steps to prevent them.

In this paper the researcher will explore how violence and aggression in the workplace affects victims and what measures can be taken to prevent or address violence and aggression in the workplace. Commonly held beliefs suggest that work is a safe environment for people to engage in business interaction. Studies however suggest that violence and aggression often occur at work, sometimes directly and often indirectly. Such negative behaviors and attitudes can result in multiple problems including stress related emotional and physical illnesses.…...



Coombs, W.T. & Holladay, S.J. (2004). "Understanding the aggressive workplace:

Development of the workplace aggression tolerance questionnaire." Communication Studies, 55(3): 481.

Fisher, S.K. (2001, May). Global workplace violence. Monthly Labor Review, 124(5),


Aggression Comparison Between Two Races
Pages: 7 Words: 2351

ace on Aggression
ace and Aggression

The roots of violence are of interest because of the toll it takes on the lives and minds of all citizens. Each year, an estimated 50,000 citizens die from violence in the United States and another 2.2 million will need medical treatment for injuries (reviewed by Corso, Mercy, Simon, Finkelstein, and Miller, 2007). Although the costs on a personal level are incalculable, the costs to society can at least be estimated. The annual medical care cost of injuries due to violence was estimated to be $5.7 billion and the average lifetime loss of productivity due to each violent death was estimated to be $1.3 million. If self-inflicted injuries and death are subtracted from the overall estimate, the annual cost of violence in the United States is approximately $37 billion for medical care and lost productivity combined. These estimates do not include the cost of maintaining…...



Cohen, Dov, Nisbett, Richard E., Bowdle, Brian F., and Schwarz, Norbert. (1996). Insult, aggression, and the Southern culture of honor: An "Experimental Ethnography." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(5), 945-960.

Corso, Phaedra S., Mercy, James A., Simon, Thomas R., Finkelstein, Eric A., and Miller, Ted R. (2007). Medical costs and productivity losses due to interpersonal and self-directed violence in the United States. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 32(6), 474-482.

Nussbaum, A. David and Steele, Claude M. (2007). Situational disengagement and persistence in the face of adversity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 127-134.

Schwerdtfeger, Andreas and Derakshan, Nazanin. (2010). The time line of threat processing and vagal withdrawal in response to a self-threatening stressor in cognitive avoidant copers: Evidence for vigilance-avoidance theory. Psychophysiology, 47, 786-795.

Development of Aggression From a Heritability Perspective
Pages: 20 Words: 6648

Aggression from a Heritability Perspective
There is a social bias against the idea of aggression, so that many people conflate the ideas of aggression and violence, so that they cannot separate them. This suggests that aggression is negative, which is not necessarily the case. The result has been that suggestions that aggression is somehow genetic have been morphed into the notion that people carrying those genes must somehow be inferior to the rest of the population. This is untrue on a number of different levels. First, it assumes that aggression must be negative. Second, it assumes that acting on aggressive behavior must be a maladaptive behavior. Neither of those assumptions is warranted. However, they highlight some of the pitfalls in examining aggression.

Examining the whether aggression can be inherited is a very morally risky topic. It cannot be ignored that prior attempts to link genetics and anti-social behavior, such as aggression,…...



Barry, C.T., Grafeman, S.J., Adler, K.K, & Pickard, J.D. (2007). The relations among narcissism, self-esteem, and delinquency in a sample of at-risk adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 30(6), 933-42.

Carlson, E. (n.d.). Scientific origins of eugenics. Retrieved February 19, 2013 from Eugenics

Archive website: 

Cohen, P. (2011, June 19). Genetic basis for crime: A new look. Retrieved February 19, 2013

Konraz Lorenz Aggression Can Be Describes as
Pages: 6 Words: 1924

Konraz Lorenz
Aggression can be describes as that particular behavioral form that is characterized by attack (verbal or physical). It has a number of characteristics that may come into view as suitable and defensive (in some cases, even positive and helpful) particularly when there is vigorous self-assertiveness. On the other hand, aggression may also appear as improper, wrong and disparaging. Aggression is sometimes intended for others i.e. It is directed outwards. At other times, it may be directed against one's own self and may lead to self-destructive or desperate events. It is often caused by emotional stimulation/provocation/awakening or due to frustration. People also tend to behave aggressively when they want to make a reward safe and protected ("aggression").

According to the Austrian ethologist, Konrad Lorenz, aggression is an inborn fighting instinct that is prominent in both animal and human behaviors. He put forwarded the argument that "the suppression of aggressive instincts, common…...



"aggression." Questia. N.p., 2013. Web. 9 Nov. 2013. .

Archer, J. The Behavioural Biology of Aggression. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Print.

Jacobson, V.L. Workplace Aggression: Employee Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behaviors in Aggressive Work Climates. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, 2007. Print.

"Konrad Lorenz." World of Scientific Discovery. Gale, 2006. Science in Context. Web. 9 Nov. 2013. .

Childhood Aggression the Placement of
Pages: 11 Words: 3387

This study determined that the amount of time spent in full-time daycare was positively correlated with the number of friends children had as well as their participation in extracurricular activities. Also, more time spent in daycare was positively correlated to parents' ratings of popularity, leadership, the children's emotional well-being, and assertiveness, and was negatively correlated to ratings of aggressiveness. Based on these findings, it could be concluded that participation in full-time, high-quality daycare decreases the likelihood that children will have a propensity towards aggressive behavior.
After objectively reviewing the existing literature on this topic, insights may be gained by taking on diverse perspectives. The issue of daycare and its relation to aggressive behavior among children will be explored through the perspectives of two theorists from vastly different theoretical camps: Erik Erikson and B.F. Skinner.

Erik Erikson's perspective

Erikson's stage theory of psychosocial development consists of eight stages that expand across the entire…...



Baron, R.A., Richardson, D.R. (1994) Human Aggression. Springer.

Borge, a.I., Rutter, M., Cote, S., Tremblay, R.E. (2004). Early childcare physical aggression: differentiating social selection and social causation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45(2), 367-76.

Bower, B. (1991). Infant daycare: nothing beats quality. Science News, 8/24/1991.

Dettling, a.C., Parker, S.W., Lane, S., Sebanc, a., Gunnar, M.R. (2000). Quality of care and temperament determine changes in cortisol concentration over the day for young children in childcare. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 25(8), 819-36.

Social Aggression Among Girls and
Pages: 6 Words: 2073

To this end new research tools and methodologies need to be developed that will focus more on the investigative aspects that can enhance the understanding of the psychological and social development in girls.
Much of the literature on this subject is concerned with the differences as well as the interaction between social and physical aggression and how this correlates with the different sexes. A study that investigates this aspect in-depth is The development of Social Aggression and Physical Aggression: A Narrative Analysis of the Interpersonal Conflicts by Xie et al. The results of this extensive study are similar in some respects to studies already mentioned in this literature review. For example, it was found that girls were more likely to use indirect and social aggression against girls, while boys were more like to use physical aggression against their own sex.

An interesting finding was that physical aggression was "linked to concurrent…...


Reference List

Bjorkqvist K. et al. Do Girls Manipulate and Boys Fight. Developmental Trends in regard to Direct and Indirect Aggression. Aggressive Behavior; 18; 117-127.

Durret M.A. (1957) The Relationship of Early Infant Regulation and Later Behavior in Play Interviews. Child Development; 30; 211-216.

Horn S.S. (2003) Mean Girls or Cultural Stereotypes? Human Develoment; 47;

Hencke R. And Raya P. (1993) You're Mean! Differences between Three-Year

Child Aggression
Pages: 4 Words: 1645

Child Aggression
Aggressive behavior in children is not only disruptive of home, classroom, and social environments, it is the primary cause of peer rejection in children (Hinshaw pp). Early aggression predicts substance abuse, delinquency, and adult antisocial behavior with high sensitivity (Hinshaw pp).

There are many ecological factors, social stressors, and family processes that are predictors of individual differences in aggression, and among family influences that have been linked with child aggression is marital conflict (Cummings pp). The role of marital conflict has not received much attention or consideration, however there are several theoretical models that support the notion that exposure to marital conflict is an influence that may lead to child aggression (Cummings pp). According to Mark Cummings in his article, Everyday Marital

Conflict and Child Aggression, one alternative hypothesis is that "family processes associated with marital conflict, such as parenting problems, entirely account for links between marital conflict and child externalizing…...


Work Cited

Brendgen, Mara; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard E.; Lavoie, Francine. (2001). Reactive and Proactive Aggression: Predictions to Physical Violence in Different Contexts and Moderating Effects of Parental Monitoring and Caregiving Behavior. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol. 29. Retrieved October 05, 2005 from Questia Online Library Web site.

Cummings, E. Mark; Goeke-Morey, Marcie C.; Papp, Lauren M. (2004) Everyday Marital

Conflict and Child Aggression. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol. 32. Retrieved October 06, 2005 from Questia Online Library Web site.

Fuller, Bret E.; Chermack, Stephen T.; Cruise, Karen A.; Kirsch, Elisabeth; Fitzgerald, Hiram E.;

Female Aggression and the Effects it Has on How Its Victims Feel About School
Pages: 4 Words: 1012

Female Student Aggression on Other Females' Attitudes About School - Proposed Study
This paper presents a rough draft blueprint of a proposed study about female aggression ages 10-14 and how the aggression makes girls feel about school. The writer explores various studies and sources for the purpose of presenting evidence that a study on the topic is warranted. In addition the writer discusses the elements of the proposed study including methodology and participants. There were five sources used to complete this paper.

Effects of Female Aggression on Other Females' Attitudes About School

School violence is something that has garnered recent media attention. Columbine, the shootings in an Arkansas middle school and other events have turned the nations' eye to bullies and their impact. While the cases in which someone is killed gets a lot of attention both from the media and the administrators there is a type of school violence that receives…...

Altruism and Aggression
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Altruism & Aggression
Altruism and Aggression

Social psychology is a science that studies a series of specific relationships. Social psychology attempts to explain human behavior as a consequence or condition of the intersections among individual mental states and the social conditions of immediately experience reality. Social psychologists study many of the internal mechanisms within us all such as feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by other people in our immediate vicinity, and they are influenced by those whose presence is implied in some way. Social psychologists seek to study by means of an empirical method the measurable psychological variables present within a person. Two specific behaviors this paper will focus upon are altruism and aggression. The paper will define and discuss altruism and aggression from within the context of the social psychological perspective.

Altruism is the practice of selfless acts. Altruism is the practice of actions that benefit…...



Staub, PhD, Ervin, & Vollhardt, Johanna. "Altruism Born of Suffering: The Roots of Caring and Helping After Victimization and Other Trauma. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 78, No. 3, 267 -- 280, 2008.

Wilson, Barbara J. "Media and Children's Aggression, Fear, and Altruism." The Future of Children, Vol. 18, No. 1, 87 -- 119.

Sexual Aggression and Dating Violence
Pages: 5 Words: 1675

The lower she rated the importance of her ethnic identity, the higher the chances of her reporting the experience. Those who experienced mild to moderate verbal aggression or severe verbal aggression faced a higher risk of reporting the coercion than those who did not experience the aggression. Facing higher risks were women who were sexually victimized as adolescents, had dated the perpetrator six or more times, and had a wide age difference with the partner. The study identified several risk factors associated with an increased likelihood of rape, attempted rape and verbal sexual coercion. It also called the attention of young women on how to respond to or manage the verbal or psychological abuse as well as other types of coercive behaviors of their dating partners (Thomas).
One more danger young people confront in dating and dating violence is the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. A third of…...



Black, M.C. (2006). Physical dating violence among high school students - United States, 2003.

A pages. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: U.S. Government Printing Office

Forbes, G.B. et al. (2005). Perceptions of dating violence following a sexual or nonsexual betrayal of trust. 12 pages. Sex Roles: a Journal of Research: Plenum Publishing Corporation

Hollander, D. (2005). Teenagers, dating violence and disease. 2 pages. Perspective on Sexual and Reproductive Health: The Alan Guttmacher Institute

Japanese Aggression Against China
Pages: 6 Words: 2313

Japanese Aggression Against China During the 19th Century
The antagonistic foreign relations between China and Japan during the 19th century were a function of many factors that ultimately resulted in the weakening of China and the strengthening of Japan. There is little doubt that the factors which precipitated the aggression of Japan against the Chinese were as much a function of Japanese opportunism as it from the concern and impact resulting from European influence and Russian expansionism on China. Thus the relationship between the two Asian nations is a complex tapestry involving threads from many other nations both regional and global. The growing aggression that Japan displayed particularly during the latter portions of the 19th century was significant and represented a major change in the region and yet the changes that occurred between the two countries were simply a prelude to the coming imperial might that Japan would display in the…...


Works Cited

Chien-Nung, Li. 1956. The Political History of China, 1840-1928. Translated by Teng, Ssu-Yu and Jeremy Ingalls. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand.

Hahn, Emily. 1963. China Only Yesterday, 1850-1950: A Century of Change. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

Hsu, Immanuel C.Y. The Rise of Modern China sixth edition, (New York: Oxford University

Press, 2000).

Can I get help with a concept analysis regarding black women in America and breast cancer disparities?
Words: 366

One of the troubling things about breast cancer in the United States is how much more fatal it is for black women than for white women.  Understanding this difference will not only help improve care for African American women, but also help explore the racial disparities that exist throughout the American healthcare system.  To do this, it is important really understand the concept.  What are the reasons that black women are more likely to die of breast cancer than white women? Critical to understanding this concept is the fact that, while black....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on Russia / Ukraine War. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 1248

Topic 1: The Geopolitics of Resistance: Understanding the Regional and Global Implications of Ukraine's Defiance


The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has reverberated across the globe, highlighting the complex interplay between geopolitics, nationalism, and international relations. Ukraine's unwavering resistance against Russian aggression has tested the limits of power and diplomacy, with profound consequences for the region and the world. This essay will delve into the geopolitical implications of Ukraine's defiance, examining its impact on regional alliances, global security dynamics, and the future of the post-Cold War order.


1. Reshaping Regional Alliances:

Ukraine's resistance has strengthened ties between Western nations, solidifying NATO as a united front....

united states navy essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 484

Thesis Statement:

The United States Navy has played a crucial role in shaping the course of history, safeguarding national interests, and upholding global security. Its contributions encompass a wide spectrum of operations, from defending territorial waters to conducting humanitarian missions, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to protecting the nation and its allies.

Arguments/Points to Discuss:

1. Historical Significance:

- Highlight the Navy's origins during the American Revolutionary War, emphasizing its instrumental role in securing independence.
- Discuss the Navy's involvement in major conflicts, including the War of 1812, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, showcasing its adaptability....

Need help generating essay topics related to Alcohol Consumption. Can you help?
Words: 471

1. The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Physical and Mental Health

The physiological effects of alcohol on the liver, brain, heart, and other organs
The psychological consequences of alcohol abuse, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment
The link between alcohol use and chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke

2. Alcohol Consumption and Social Behavior

The role of alcohol in social interactions, including its effects on communication, mood, and aggression
The impact of alcohol consumption on relationships, family life, and work performance
The social consequences of alcohol abuse, such as domestic violence, child neglect, and crime

3. Alcohol Policy and....

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