Afghanistan Essays (Examples)

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Afghanistan the Current Situation in
Pages: 6 Words: 2115

In fact 92% of the world's supply of opium comes from Afghanistan. The Taliban have tapped into this rich resource and it provides them with sufficient cash to pay their soldiers more than the Afghanistan government pays its own troops (Schmidt, 2010, p. 63).
hile he Taliban do not "mastermind" the opium trade, Schmidt explains, they do benefit financially from integrating their radical politics into the marketing of opium. In 1999 Afghanistan poppy farmers -- and those that convert the poppies to opium -- produced forty-five tons of opium, about fifteen times what had been produced in any of the previous 15 years. The Taliban use the millions of dollars from the sale of opium to buy new and better weapons, to sponsor new Madrassas (schools that teach radical Islamic politics to young men) in Pakistan, and to "barter for cars and all manner of consumer goods, including houses" (Schmidt,…...


Works Cited

Arfsten, Darryl P., Moralez, Joe F., Chester, Linnes L., Mohamad, Pir, and Weber, Timothy H.

"Drug Use Among the Afghanistan National Police: A National Assessment." Military

Medicine, 177, no. 1, 85-90.

Bowman, Tom. "U.S. Prepares to Redefine Mission in Afghanistan." National Public Radio.

Afghanistan War From All Appearances
Pages: 8 Words: 2368

" According to anuri "...the inference drawn here is that since there are no inherent rules (or 'guiding principles') in the international system, states act upon their natural predatory instincts in order to prove the 'initial impetus' for conflict, and therefore the states that are preyed upon must respond to the predator by defending themselves, or indeed counterattacking them." (2007)
The realist view is such that holds that the outbreak of conflict is supported alone by domestic policies and predatory practices." (anuri, 2007)

Garib (2003) writes in the work entitled: "Realism and Liberalism Reconsidered in Post 9/11 American Foreign Policy" that while the liberalism of former President George W. ush is "ostensibly present in the National Security Council's 2002 National Security Strategy, which speaks of America crating 'a balance of power that favors human freedom' and of a new American international outlook which seeks to create political and economic freedom, peaceful relations…...



Ahmed, Nafeez Mossaddeq (2001) Afghanistan, the Taliban and the United States: The Role of Human Rights in Western Foreign Policy. Media Monitors Network. 2 May 2001. Online available at: 

Ali, Noor, U.S.-UN Conspiracy Against the People of Afghanistan, Online Center for Afghan Studies, 21 February 1998 in: Ahmed, Nafeez Mossaddeq (2001) Afghanistan, the Taliban and the United States: The Role of Human Rights in Western Foreign Policy. Media Monitors Network. 2 May 2001. Online available at:

Afghanistan Has Experienced War and Lack of
Pages: 5 Words: 1542

Afghanistan has experienced war and lack of infrastructure for over a decade. Ever since the end of the civil war in Afghanistan which began in 1996 and ended in 2001, Afghanistan has had to deal with Taliban (a section of Islamic extremism), and intervention by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO as well as other allied forces in the War in Afghanistan which (although it is meant to deal with the civil war in Afghanistan) has created its own obstacles in Afghan recovery. Essentially what the three challenges Afghanistan face are: enhancing security, constructing the civil society and infrastructure of Afghanistan, and controlling Islamic extremism. The seeds of each obstacle can be seen in the beginnings of the 1996 Afghan civil war. Here is where the Taliban first formed, and the country started to lose their infrastructure to bombings and missile attacks. Ever since then, only a few places…...



Cortwright, D. And Wall, K. (2014). AFGHANISTAN: Afghan Women Speak: Enhancing Security and Human Rights in Afghanistan - Resources - PeaceWomen Portal - PeaceWomen. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Dec. 2014]., (2002). Afghanistan: Time of transition -- Global Issues. [Online] Available at:   [Accessed 15 Dec. 2014]. 

Afghanistan Is a Natural Crossroad
Pages: 10 Words: 2870

The Karzai government adopted a five-point plan for accountability. It refused amnesty for gross violators of human rights abuses. An action plan was created by Afghan officials and the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, with the support of the United Nations and the international community. The plan consisted of a five-part strategy for peace, justice and reconciliation in Afghanistan. It contained measures to concretely recognize and remember the sufferings of the Afghan people during the long civil war; to increase public confidence in their State institutions; to promote reconciliation and national unity; and to strengthen the criminal justice system, including the affirmation that amnesty would not be granted to gross human rights violators (ureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor).
The test of these measures, of course, lies in the efficient implementation. Afghan government adopted a controversial amnesty law, which seemed to shield certain groups from legal or judicial pursuit.…...



Baute, Nicole. The Man Who Helps Canadian Troops Understand Afghan Life and Culture. Military News for Canadians: MilNewstbay, 2007

Khan, Razullah. A Social Traditional Backdrp[. The Frontier Post:,

Shroder, John Ford. Afghanistan. Microsoft Encarta: Microsoft Corporation, 2007.

Retrieved on November 10, 2007 at

Afghanistan Economy the Future of
Pages: 12 Words: 3658

The majority of the population was left extremely poor, lacking food, clothing, housing and medical care. The economy virtually collapsed..." During this time, any formal financial sector was essentially nonexistent, basic infrastructure was lacking, and a severe drought from 2002-2001 further ravaged the economy (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime).
During this decade, violence and political instability had a tremendous impact on Afghanistan's economy. Inter-regional trade was greatly disrupted, and often brought to a virtual standstill by violent instability. However, the appearance of the Taliban regime saw improvements in inter-regional trade in areas controlled by the regime (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)

In the last decade, the opium trade played an important role in Afghanistan's economy. In an economy where the monetary system was virtually destroyed by prolonged war, opium "became both the medium of exchange and the only form of saving" (United Nations Office on Drugs and…...



BBC News. Afghanistan's central banker invited home. Thursday, 6 December, 2001, 17:00 GMT. 05 November 2004. 

Coutsoukis, Photius. Countries of the World. 15 Years of World Facts from the U.S.A. CIA World Factbooks, the United Nations Statistical Office, the Library of Congress Country Studies and other sources. Afghanistan. 05 November 2004. 

CIA World Factbook. Afghanistan. 05 November 2004. 

CountryWatch. 2004. Afghanistan Economic Overview. 05 November 2004.

Afghanistan the Central Issue at
Pages: 2 Words: 696

It has been suggested in some quarters that negotiating with the Taliban may be a solution, but at no point has that group ever demonstrated a propensity to negotiate nor has it demonstrated the integrity to follow through on any agreements. Thus, this option is impractical.
Each of these alternatives meets at least one of the objectives, but each comes with an associated cost. The first alternative addresses the first and third objectives, but carries with it a high cost, uncertain time frame and allows for the second objective to fail. The second course of action makes the first and third unlikely to succeed, may not address the second and only partially addresses the fourth objective. It is a compromise, but a relatively poor one. The third option allows for the first option to be addressed, probably the second and maybe the fourth, but it does little to ensure the…...

Afghanistan Its History and Its
Pages: 6 Words: 1931

(Cherie Booth, 2001)
MONI BASU (2001) writes, "In every developing nation, the United Nations says, men fare better than women, with the exception of life expectancy (because of biological reasons). In Islamic nations, such as Afghanistan, women not only live in crushing poverty but are subjected to injustices imposed on them in the name of God. The threat of being penniless often forces Muslim women to remain in bad marriages, as it does poor women worldwide."

If the economic conditions improve it can lead to more rights for women in Afghanistan. During the Taliban regime, many professional women were not allowed to participate in economic activity, which deteriorated the economy even further. With economy sliding downwards, women rights also declined continuously, resulting in an extremely oppressed social setup.

The world is now watching closely as Afghanistan went to polls recently. People want to see how America-led government can bring reforms to this…...



1) Larry P. Goodson, Afghanistan's Endless War State Failure, Regional Politics, and the Rise of the Taliban, University of Washington Press: June 2001

2) Afghanistan: "The Biggest Prison for Women in the World." Vol. 27, Contemporary Women's Issues Database, 03-01-1997, pp 12-3.

3) CIA- The World Fact book, 2003 

4) Basics of Afghanistan economy:

Afghanistan and Iraq War
Pages: 2 Words: 471

Master of Arts in Strategic Security Studies
In my quest to serve my country better, I wish to pursue graduate study at the College of International Security Affairs. The threats we face as a nation keep evolving. This effectively means that going forward, the U.S. And the global community by extension will have to contend with a new set of threats that would require a new set of skills to contain. It is with this in mind that I seek to pursue the Master of Arts in Strategic Security Studies (MASSS). This course will equip me with specialized knowledge especially when it comes to issues to do with global security. On completing the course successfully, I will be ready to tap my enhanced understanding of the global threat environment to formulate as well as implement the appropriate strategies to match diverse conditions. This is particularly important to me given that in…...


Given my track record and experience gained in service, I strongly believe that I have the capability, desire, and passion to successfully undertake and complete advanced studies in international security studies. To tell you a little bit about myself, I am a BS in Liberal Arts graduate from Excelsior College. For the last eight years, I have been serving the nation as an army officer after having joined the military in the year 2004. I have spent the last five years on assignment to the Special Operations Community. I have also diligently served in a number of countries including Iraq, Philippines, and Afghanistan. Currently, I am involved in the planning, execution as well as support of the country's interests in Nepal.

I believe that this particular course will largely complement my experience as highlighted above while at the same time equipping me with the necessary skills and knowledge required to serve my country better. In regard to my research interests, I have an inclination towards the emerging threats (non-traditional) to both national and international security. My other research interests lie in armed conflict, its causes and conduct. These are issues I could explore further in my thesis.

I regard myself focused, outgoing, dedicated, and hardworking. In addition to enhancing my current career, this course will also prepare me for more challenging roles going forward. To achieve my long-term goals, I need to have an enhanced understanding of the various security challenges (existing and emerging) facing not only our country but also the global community. I also need to further sharpen my skills in critical and strategic thinking. A Master of Arts in Strategic Security Studies (MASSS) will come in handy in my resolve to further enhance my knowledge and understanding of issues revolving around international security.

America-Afghanistan Relations While it Might Seem Counter-Intuitive
Pages: 4 Words: 1348

America-Afghanistan elations
While it might seem counter-intuitive to the average American, it would be beneficial to the United States to remain allies with Afghanistan. The most passionate argument against this opinion is generally one which recounts the events of September 11th, and which argues that given the pure evil that was waged on U.S. soil and the lives that were lost, not to mention the sense of safety and security that was forever damaged, no possible alliance could ever be possible between the U.S. And Afghanistan. Such an opinion does have its validity in some perspectives, but more than anything, such a perspective fails to keep in mind that it was not the nation of Afghanistan which condoned such savage attacks on the U.S.; it was renegade forces within this country known as the Taliban. A brief history of Afghanistan is useful at this point.

Afghanistan is a country the size of…...



Breede, C. (2008). A Socio-economic profile of Afghanistan. Retrieved from

Harvey, K. (2003, June 5). Afghanistan, The United States, and the Legacy of Afghanistan's Civil War. Retrieved from,%20the%20United%20States.htm 

Merrill, L., Paxson, D., & Tobey, T. (2006). An Introduction to Afghanistan Culture. Retrieved from 

Pfaff, W. (2013, January 8). Continued American Presence in Afghanistan a Recipe for More Disaster. Retrieved from

U S and Afghanistan Remain Allies After the
Pages: 4 Words: 1361

U.S. And Afghanistan emain Allies?
After the infamous September 11 attacks, the U.S. launched a massive war campaign in Afghanistan to topple the Taliban government which was at the time believed to be supporting terrorist activities. This campaign was dubbed Operation Enduring Freedom. It is important to note that at the time of the September 11 attacks, Osama Bin Laden, the key architect behind the attacks was residing in Afghanistan. After the Taliban government was overthrown, the two countries, i.e. The U.S. And Afghanistan, sought to resume their diplomatic ties. The enhancement of diplomatic ties between the two countries is beneficial to both countries from a number of fronts. In that regard, the two countries should remain allies.

Afghanistan: Overview

The Afghan government is headed by a president who serves for a maximum of two five-year terms. The current president is Hamid Karzai. According to the Central Intelligence Agency -- CIA (2013),…...



Central Intelligence Agency -- CIA (2013). The World Fact Book: South Asia -- Afghanistan. Retrieved March 1, 2013, from the CIA website: 

Borger, J. (2013, January 1). Can Afghan Troops Hold Off the Taliban After NATO Withdraws? Retrieved March 1, 2013, from The Guardian website: 

Rosenberg, M. & Bowley, G. (2012). U.S. Grants Special Ally Status to Afghans, Easing Fears of Abandonment. Retrieved March 4, 2013, from the New York Times website: 

Tobia, P.J. (2009). Agriculture: Exporting Afghanistan. Retrieved March 4, 2013, from Inter-Press Service website:

Prospects of Textile Education in Afghanistan
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

Afghanistan should be considered more than a war and conflict area that has much more to offer, especially in textile. If education is institutionalized in the region, many sectors will start developing, and the country can become self-sufficient in the textile field in no time. By making valuable use of its human and social capital, the country can move on from its war problems and provide a source of happiness and contentment for its citizens if proper educational opportunities are established. There is currently no formal textile education in Afghanistan; however, there have been opportunities for Afghani textiles and their popularity worldwide that could be capitalized on if textile education is formally given to the students. The degree holders could directly use the textile degree here in fields like cloth coloring, textile designers depicting Afghanistan's cultural heritage, fashion designers using the culturally famous clothing pieces and artwork, and clothing technologists for…...



Asian Development Bank. (2003). A new start for Afghanistan\\'s education sector. Retrieved from  

Bittlingmayer, U.H., Grundmeier, A., Kobler, R., Sahrai, D. & Sahrai, F. (2019). Education and development in Afghanistan: Challenges and prospects. Transcript Verlag.

Faqiri, F.M., Shams, M.S. & Gul, S. (2019). Small and medium enterprises in the garment sector of Afghanistan: Challenges and prospects. Kardan Journal of Economics, 2(4), 70-82.  CurrentIssue.aspx?j=KJEMS

International Trade Centre. (2020, February 25). Fashion and sewing professionals in Tajikistan learn the latest techniques. Retrieved from 

Sherzad, A.R. (2017). Education in Afghanistan: Challenges and suggestions for improvement (Report no.  45, ISSN 1619-3660). Herat University. 

Yeniseyev, M. (2019, April 11). Uzbekistan offers to help develop Afghanistan textile industry. Caravanserai. Retrieved from 

Afghanistan's Exit and US Withdrawal The Government is not an Insurance Policy
Pages: 7 Words: 1968

The Government is not your Insurance PolicyIt is absurd that two decades after 9/11, Americans are still talking and thinking about how to protect themselves within this era. The threat to Americans safety and healthcare abroad has got worse. Absurdly, even the American Government does not precisely know her citizens currently reside in overseas countries. However, even if one has to go by the state published estimate, around 9 million United States citizens live overseas. As a result, the Government must take care of the safety and health of its citizens, who contribute significantly to the nations growth. Practically, following multiple incidents like in Vietnam and Kabul, it is no doubt that the Government cannot provide health insurance and safety to citizens staying abroad. Nevertheless, organizations like Gray Ghost Solution that have demonstrated a robust capability in crisis management in securing the safety and health of its clients should be…...


ReferencesCordesman, A.H., 2016. U.S. Wars in Iraq. Syria, Libya, and Yemen: What Are the End states. Center for Strategic and International Studies, pp.1-12.DeVault, V.T., 1982. The Origins and Development of the Office of Medical Services, Department of State (Vol. 312). The Department.Fitzpatrick, M.F., 2013. IS THE BUREAU OF DIPLOMATIC SECURITY A LEARNING ORGANIZATION? PROTECTING AMERICAN DIPLOMACY IN HIGH THREAT LOCATIONS (Doctoral dissertation, American Military University).Okano-Heijmans, M. and Caesar-Gordon, M., 2016. Protecting the worker-citizen abroad: duty of care beyond the state?. Global Affairs, 2(4), pp.431-440.Trump, D.J., 2017. National security strategy of the United States of America. Executive Office of The President Washington DC Washington United States.

Narco-Terrorism in Afghanistan Narco-Terrorism Refers
Pages: 3 Words: 955

However, it is tempting to overstate the importance of Bin Laden's death. While he was a high-ranked person in his terrorist organization, Al Qaeda operates in cells. There are an untold number of men with the same amount of power as Bin Laden currently plotting against the United States. Killing Bin Laden most certainly did not eliminate the terrorist threat faced by the United States. In fact, it may have provided additional motivation to young terrorists throughout the Arab world. Killing Bin Laden did nothing to increase domestic security from terrorism. Therefore, his death had very little significance for national security. To understand how Bin Laden's death could be important politically and figuratively while having very little literal value, it is important to understand these two distinctions.

Legitimacy of the U.S. Led War on Terror

The War on Terror is, like its predecessor, the War on Drugs, an unwinnable war. There is…...

War in Afghanistan
Pages: 9 Words: 3312

ar in Afghanistan
After the terrorist group al Qaeda attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, the American military was sent to Afghanistan to attack the Taliban, and destroy their governing position. The Taliban became the target of the U.S. because they had allowed Osama bin Laden to use their country as a training ground for terrorist activities directed against the United States. However, the U.S. is now bogged down in what seems to be an unwinnable war against Taliban insurgents that cross the border from Pakistan. Moreover, there are militants in Afghanistan who object to foreign troops being in their country, and they have apparently joined with the insurgents and continue fighting the American and NATO forces in Afghanistan. This paper reviews the historical and contemporary causes of the war in Afghanistan, and critiques the positive outcomes as well as the negative outcomes of the U.S. engagement in Afghanistan.



Works Cited

Associated Press. (2011). Suicide Bombers Kill Worshippers In Afghanistan. Retrieved November, 2011, from .

This is an article that brought to light the ongoing violence in Afghanistan, in specifics the proverbial suicide bomber situation, where an radical Islamic terrorist is willing to blow himself up in order to kill others. In this case the people killed with fellow Muslims -- worse yet, he killed people exiting a mosque following their worship services -- but clearly the message to the world was this: the NATO and U.S. presence in Afghanistan will never stop terrorists from doing whatever they want to do whenever they wish to do it.

Baktash, Hashmat, and Magnier, Mark. (2011). Suicide bombing in Kabul kills as many as 13

Americans. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from

War in Afghanistan Is Visibly
Pages: 11 Words: 2995

S. forces were made to operate on ground and targeted operations were planned against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters. There were significant individually planned battles and skirmishes between the U.S. army and Taliban often resulting in heavy losses to both sides. A tactic that Taliban often used in such conditions was the suicide attacks and planting improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that left the soldier carrying vehicles destroyed. The U.S. utilized an Iraqi style counter insurgency operations in the Afghan region that resulted in some strengthening of the conditions.
3.1.3 Power sharing agreements

In order to enhance the effectiveness of the U.S. presence in Afghanistan the U.S. forged agreements with many warring tribes and factions of the Northern Alliance to enhance the unity of these groups that were to be pitched against the Taliban. These agreements were aimed at removing the support base of Taliban and Al-Qaeda from the Afghan society at which…...



Coll, S. (2005). Ghost wars: The secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, 2001. Penguin.

Dreyfuss, R. (2005). Devil's game: how the United States helped unleash fundamentalist Islam. Metropolitan Books.

Giustozzi, a. (2008). Koran, Kalashnikov, and laptop: the neo-Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. Columbia University Press.

Jones, a. (2013, Jan). Only Three Choices for Afghan Endgame: Compromise, Conflict, or Collapse: Counting down to 2014. Retrieved from: [ ]

What Was Operation Anaconda?
Words: 416

Operation Anaconda was, at the time, the largest combat operation in Afghanistan as part of the War on Terrorism that was declared after the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  It was launched on March 2, 2002.  Major General F.L. Hagenback, the commander of the U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division, was responsible for leading an offensive attack on al-Qaeda and Taliban forces that were located in the Shahi-Kot Valley/ Arma Mountain region near Zormat in Afghanistan.  It was the first major battle after the Battle of Tora Bora and was the first battle to feature American....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on history of the world in 10 1 2 chapters?
Words: 598

Chapter 1: Ancient Civilizations

The Rise and Fall of the Sumerian City-States
The Indus Valley Civilization: Unraveling the Enigma
The Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Pyramids, Pharaonic Power, and Daily Life
The Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations: Maritime Masters of the Aegean
The Zhou Dynasty and the Birth of Chinese Civilization

Chapter 2: Classical Civilizations

The Athenian Golden Age: Democracy, Philosophy, and the Arts
The Roman Empire: Conquests, Governance, and the Pax Romana
The Mauryan Empire: From Chandragupta to Ashoka's Legacy
The Hellenistic World: A Syncretic Blend of Greek and Persian Cultures
The Han Dynasty: China's Ascendancy and Technological Innovations

Chapter 3: Medieval Civilizations


How have modern conflicts influenced the titles given to wars in contemporary history?
Words: 666

Modern Conflicts and the Evolution of War Titles

Modern conflicts have witnessed a significant departure from the conventional titles traditionally bestowed upon wars. These new titles reflect the evolving nature of warfare, the socio-political context in which they occur, and the shifting perceptions of war's causes and consequences.

The Decline of Traditional Titles

In the past, wars were often named after their geographical location (e.g., the Franco-Prussian War) or the specific conflict between two or more belligerents (e.g., the Hundred Years' War). However, such titles have become less common in recent decades. The increasing complexity and interconnectedness of global conflicts has made it....

How did the Cold War evolve into the Second Cold War?
Words: 444

1. "The Cold War: Origins, Key Players, and Ideological Clashes"
2. "The Nuclear Arms Race: Fueling Tensions and Escalating the Cold War"
3. "The Proxy Wars: Unveiling the Global Battlefield of the Cold War"
4. "Berlin Wall: Symbol of Division and Catalyst for the Second Cold War"
5. "Superpowers’ Strategies: USSR vs. USA in Shaping the Cold War Era"
6. "The Cuban Missile Crisis: Dangerous Standoff and Precursor to the Second Cold War"
7. "Détente and Dissolution: Brief Thaw and its Limited Impact on the Cold War"
8. "Regional Conflicts and the Second Cold War: Afghanistan, Korea, and Vietnam"
9. "NATO vs. Warsaw Pact: Military Alliances and the....

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