Affordable Housing Essays (Examples)

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Affordable Housing & the Use
Pages: 20 Words: 5459

For example, any ontrols or regulations that are not unreasonable and bear some relationship to the general welfare of the ommunity are permissible unless prosribed by preemptive state or federal laws or by the federal or state onstitutions. Legal sholars have stated that inherent in the polie power, is the power to exlude or ondition development along with the power to mandate inlusion of development with partiular harateristis that further the general welfare of the ommunity. This is problemati beause just about any zoning ordinane an be validated under the polie power.
Current zoning regulations have long been ited as the ause of inreases in housing and land osts, beause most urrent zoning ordinanes seek to exlude affordable housing by driving up property values in more affluent neighborhoods. Current zoning ordinanes are used as the primary means that governments use to ontrol the physial development of land and the kinds…...


cited inclusionary housing as a solution, even mandatory inclusionary housing programs have not been successfully implemented. Instead of focusing on the actions of the past, real estate developers and government agencies must step up and provide a viable solution. The real estate market must be leveled off, as housing is becoming unaffordable to those with even a moderate income. Finally, the power of zoning should not be used to exclude affordable housing; instead it should be used to encourage the new development of affordable housing for low-income residents.

Jennifer Morgan, Zoning for All: Using Exclusionary Zoning Techniques to Promote Affordable Housing. 44 Emory L.J. 359, 395 (1995).

Marc Seitles. The Perpetuation of Residential Racial Segregation in America: Historical Discrimination, Modern Forms of Exclusion, and Inclusionary Remedies. 14 J. Land Use & Envl Law 89, 91 (1998). In Southern cities of the United States, African-American servants and laborers lived side by side with their white employers, and in northern urban areas, African-Americans were more likely to share a neighborhood with whites than to live in racially segregated communities.

See id. At 93.

See id. At 92.

Affordable Housing in Los Angeles
Pages: 2 Words: 642

Affordable Housing in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is called the "city of Angels." It is a heavily populated state of California and second most populous in the United States. Los Angeles is very famous for its climate, sunshine throughout the year. It is well-known and prominent for Hollywood, churches, shopping malls, Santa Monica Mountains, art galleries and entertainment industry. People always dream to live in Los Angeles as it is the liveliest state of U.S.. In the year 2011, U.S. faced the worst economic crisis it ever had and this financial disaster made the housing affordability very difficult in Los Angeles for those people who are already living there and those who want to live there.

In my opinion, in a place like Los Angeles, getting an affordable housing is a real dilemma for the residencies especially when people are facing the worst financial and economic crisis. But people could get things…...



2012) NMS Apartments Los Angeles. Retrieved from 

Los Angeles Apartment Info. Retrieved from

Silverstein, M (2012). Los Angeles Housing Partnership, Inc. Retrieved from 

Villaraigase, A.R. (2011). Los Angeles Housing Department. Los Angeles, California.

Chicano Affordable Housing in the
Pages: 9 Words: 2779

Through the examination of land use in a given area, local government can locate areas of large urban cities where homelessness and poverty are high, and can thus develop assistance programs in areas that require such assistance (Ahn, 6). For example, areas that have high populations but little affordable housing can be identified, in order for funds to be appropriated to those areas, as needed.
Impact of acism on Housing Accessibility

In spite of federal and local housing assistance, the number of homeless individuals in the U.S. shows clearly there are still issues in the public and private housing markets. One such issue of particular concern for the Mexican-American community is that of racism. acism affects the quality of housing available, the rates for housing, access to education, and even the backing sector.

First, racism affects the quality of housing within any given area. According to one study, current practices of sanctioned…...



Ahn, SoEun. "Historical Trends and Projections of Land Use." National Dept of Agriculture Report 530. Washington, D.C.: National Forest Service (2003): 5-15.

Burt, Martha. Helping America's Homeless. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 2001.

Camarillo, Albert. "Hispanics in a Multi-Cultural Society." America Becoming. Washington, D.C.:

National Academic Press (2001): 103-134.

Issues of Affordable Housing
Pages: 4 Words: 1170

The sociological issue examined within this document is the dearth of affordable housing. This phenomenon is adequately deconstructed in an article in USA Today entitled “The ‘affordable housing’ fraud”. The premise of this article is that affordable housing does not exist. The use case on which this article relies is the San Francisco Bay Area. The Bay Area’s dearth of affordable housing is characterized by astronomically high rental rates, steep prices for homes, and small spaces for these costly prices (Sowell). It is worth noting that although this phenomenon is examined in the Bay Area, it is a national social problem particularly prominent in places such as New York and Miami. Thus, there are many concepts in Mooney’s Understanding Social Problems which are applicable to it. The structural-functionalist perspective would analyze this problem from a granular level. This perspective is predicated on the notion that society is formed from a montage…...


Works Cited

Mooney, Linda., Knox, David., Schacht, Caroline. Understanding Social Problems. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Sowell, Thomas. “The ‘affordable housing’ shortage.” 2015. Web.

Safe and Affordable Housing Health and Welfare
Pages: 3 Words: 940

HEALTH AND WELFAEHealth and Welfare: Safe and Affordable HousingBackground InformationWho: Persons living in crowded apartmentsWhat: Poor housing with specific focus on residential crowding.When: Year 2022 Year 2037Where: New York CityWhy: Poor housing (specifically residential crowding) has been associated with negative health outcomesProblemIt would be prudent to note that various studies conducted in the past indicate that poor housing conditions are linked to negative health outcomes. In a study seeking to assess the nature of the relationship between health and housing, Ige, Pilkington, Orme, Williams, Prestwood, Black, Carmichael, and Scally (2019) point out that wellbeing (both mental and physical) of persons and indoor environment are closely related. This is an assertion further advanced by the World Health Organization (2020) which indicates that there is a direct association between crowding and adverse health outcomes, such as infectious disease and mental health problems. As Braveman, Dekker, Eger, Sadegh-Nobari, and Pollack (2011)…...


ReferencesBull, M. & Gross, A. (2018). Housing in America: An Introduction. Routledge. Braveman, P., Dekker, M., Eger, S., Sadegh-Nobari, T. & Pollack, C. (2011). How Does Housing Affect Health?   J., Pilkington, P., Orme, J., Williams, B., Prestwood, E., Black, D., Carmichael, L. & Scally, G. (2019). The relationship between buildings and health: a systematic review. Journal of Public Health, 41 (2), e121–e132. Semple, K. (2016). When the Kitchen Is Also a Bedroom: Overcrowding Worsens in New York. Health Organization (2020). WHO Housing and Health Guidelines. Ige,

Housing Discrimination
Pages: 2 Words: 782

Housing Discrimination
In 1968 the Federal Government enacted the Fair Housing Act which, among other things, made it illegal to discriminate in regards to the sale or rental of property, against any persons because of race, religion, sex, national origin, or family status. ("Fair Housing Act") In subsequent years this law has been amended to clarify exactly who falls into protected classes when it comes to discrimination. ("Laws Against Housing Discrimination") In a scenario where Sally Gant, an African-American single mother, claimed she was discriminated against by Mark Armstrong, owner of a rental property, because of her race, it seems that the Fair Housing Act of 1968 may have been violated. However, a closer look at the facts reveals that her claim of racial discrimination may be difficult, but not impossible, to prove.

When the Fair Housing Act was enacted many attempted to claim that this law only applied to federally owned…...



Arlington heights v MHDC., 429 U.S. 252 (1977). Retrieved from 

Barkley, Daniel. "Affordable Housing and Community Development Law."

American Bar Association. Retrieved from 


Housing and Homelessness in Canada in Canada
Pages: 8 Words: 2852

Housing and Homelessness in Canada
In Canada, there is a problem with homelessness. While that is certainly not unique to the country, it is a significant issue which has to be addressed in order to facilitate changes that can lower the number of homeless people in the country. The majority of these people live in the larger cities and do have some access to resources, but the problems with homelessness have still kept growing in complexity and size over recent years. The demographics of the people who are most often seen as homeless are changing, as well, putting younger and more vulnerable people on the streets. There are estimates that 0.5% of the population does not have a home at all, and some believe that those estimates only represent about 1/2 of the actual population of homeless people throughout Canada (Fortin, 2008). Part of the problem with not being certain how…...



Fortin, V. (2008). "Keep Your Coins, I Want Change! The Homeless and the Shrinking Public Space in Montreal" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association, Hilton Bonaventure, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Frankish, C., Hwang, S., & Quantz, D. (2005). Homelessness and health in Canada: Research lessons and priorities. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96(2).

Gaetz, S., Tarasuk, V., Dackner, N., Kirkpatrick, S. (2006). "Managing" Homeless Youth in Toronto: Mismanaging Food Access & Nutritional Well-being. Canadian Review of Social Policy, 58(43), 1-19.

Hulchanski, J.D. (2009). Conference keynote address, Growing Home: Housing and Homelessness in Canada. University of Calgary, February 18, 2009, Canadian Policy Research Networks. Retrieved from .

Housing Market Economic Analysis to
Pages: 6 Words: 2240

Even Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be made totally independent from the government. This should be followed up by other methods to increase the individual ownership of housing and at the same time reduce the costs of owning a house. Even if the housing sector cannot be made totally private, it is important that the government make statements saying that it has no intentions of supporting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac any further, and at the same time, try to improve the operations of these two companies. This can be achieved by limiting the amount of debt that these regulatory deposit organizations can hold and also focusing clearly with the two institutions on the sections of the housing market where their activities would provide the best social benefits. (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Housing Finance: Why True Privatization Is Good Public Policy)
The weakness comes from the feeling that…...



After the Housing Boom. 11 April, 2005. Retrieved at   Accessed on 30 April, 2005 .

Cederholm, Fred. Is the Housing Market Going to Crash? Retrieved at   Accessed on 30 April, 2005 .

Federal Home Loan Bank System. Retrieved at Accessed on 30 April, 2005

Housing' Direct Economic Impact. 2005. Retrieved at   on 30 April, 2005 

Housing Issues for Los Angeles
Pages: 7 Words: 2212

Additionally, the creation of a trust fund for housing could help to alleviate some of the economic burden on developers in Los Angeles. As compared to other major metropolis' such as San Jose, New York, and Chicago, Los Angeles uses the least amount of federal block grant funds on affordable housing on a per person basis, with just $23 per resident (In Short Demand). In addition to adopting an inclusionary zoning ordinance, the city should also implement an in-lieu fee to help fund it. Such a fee could be an alternative method to the institution of including an affordable unit in new developments, and could be directly applied to a housing trust fund. Estimates indicate that a $7 per square foot in-lieu fee would produce a surplus of upwards of $20 million a year, and could be used to remedy the housing shortage that not only affects Latinos, but other…...


Works Cited

Kushner, James. Gov. Discrimination: Equal Protection Law & Litigation. Eagan: Clark Boardman Callaghan, 2008. Print

Los Angeles Housing Department, "Program Components -- City of Los Angeles Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. 2004. Web. 

Los Angeles Housing Department. In Short Supply: Recommendations of the Los Angeles Housing Crisis task Force. 1999. Web.

Liu, Cathy. "Ethnic Enclave Residence and Employment Accessibility of Latino Workers in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C." University of Southern California, 2008. Web.

Affordable and Accessible Housing Can
Pages: 9 Words: 2387

For this research proposal several possible methods of research were examined and discarded before settling on the structured interview and the questionnaire for methods to use in this particular study.


The questionnaire will be distributed to 100 low income families and will consist of three sections.

The first section will ask for general demographic information including race, age, number of family members, income and current living situation.

The second section will ask the participant to detail the past five years with regard to residents, rentals, public housing and cost.

The third section will request that the participant check off the top three elements that he or she felt created the most hardship in getting affordable and accessible housing. In this section the participants will also be asked to check off the three elements that they believe will help them to access affordable housing in the future. This section will be multiple-choice but will also…...



Garcia, Shelly (2003) Housing dilemma: Luxury, affordable residents seek units: City Falls short in meeting lower-income needs. San Fernando Valley Business Journal

Jordan, George (1999) Appraising the assets of low-income housing tax credit properties.

Appraisal Journal

Maher, Lindsay (2000) Coming Home: Creating Affordable Assisted Living for Low-Income Seniors. Social Policy Journal

Housing for the Mentally Ill
Pages: 20 Words: 5997

" (Finnerty, 2008) It is reported that those who suffer from co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse problems are also likely to be homeless. According to the Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians' Network (2000) "Co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse makes it more likely that people will be chronically homeless." (cited in Finnerty, 2008) Factors that are known to contribute to homelessness in those with co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse include factors such as: (1) Financial problems; (2) Loss of family support; (3) Severity of symptoms; and (4) Time spent in institutions such as jails or hospitals. (runette, Mueser and Drake, 2004 in: Finnerty, 2008) Padgett and Struening (1991) state that substance abuse and mental disorders "…increase the health care needs of homeless persons, whose primary source of care is often the emergency room.
The work of Padgett et al. (2006) reports having interviewed a group of women who…...



1. Brunette, Mary F., Kim T. Mueser, and Robert E. Drake. 2004. "A Review of Research on Residential Programs for People With Severe Mental Illness and Co-occurring Substance Abuse Disorders." Drug and Alcohol Review 23:471-81.

2. Creating Homes Initiative. (2010). TN Department of Mental Health and Developmental

Disabilities. Retrieved on June 23, 2010 from 

3. Finnerty, Jacqueline (2008) Homelessness and Mental Illness Literature Review. 30 Apr 2008. Sociological Analysis. Online available at:

Housing Price Dynamics Within a
Pages: 20 Words: 7112

Houston's large supply of land means that demand growth primarily results in more construction, not higher prices" (McCullagh & Gilmer, 2008).
However, it is important to realize that land supply is only one part of the reason that new home construction formed such a large part of the Houston housing market. Yes, Houston has more available surrounding land than almost any other major metropolitan area in the United States, but it also applies different rules to its surrounding areas, making development more of a possibility than in other areas:

In Houston, developers can create a munici-pal utility district, or MUD, to provide these [water, sewage, and drainage] services on their properties and can finance these with tax-free bonds. Houston requires developers to build MUDs in such a way that they eventually could be connected to the city's corresponding infra-structure, but they begin as self-sufficient enterprises.

In other cities, develop-ments must be connected…...



Amromin, G., Huang, J., Sialm, C., & Zhong, E. (2010, Oct. 31). Mortgage complexity and house price dynamics. Retrieved March 18, 2011 from University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business Website: 

Aydin, R. & Smith, B.A. (2008), Evidence of the dual nature of property value recovery following environmental remediation. Real Estate Economics, 36: 777 -- 812. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6229.2008.00230.x

Bajari, P., Chu, C.S., & Park, M. (2010). An empirical model of subprime mortgage default from 2000 to 2007. Retrieved March 19, 2011 from the National Bureau of Economic

Research Website:

African-American Housing Chicago Study Chicago
Pages: 10 Words: 2715

" (Seitles, 1996)
Seitles claims that integration has been a success in the fight against racial prejudice and states that: "Social consequences of racial isolation intertwine with grim economic realities for minorities. Due to the lack of interaction between racial groups, African-Americans are unprepared to work and socialize in a white majority society, while conversely, whites are not relating to, working with, or living with blacks. Prospects for African-American children raised in such communities are greatly diminished because of the lack of interaction between blacks and whites. Moreover, minority possibilities for advancement consequently decline from the lower quality of education afforded to them in ghetto schools, precluding them from competing for high-income employment. Although these inequalities are not always directly caused by intentional discrimination, residential racial segregation perpetuates these inequalities. Thus, minorities who live in racially homogeneous communities are faced with disadvantages beyond the present economic and social inequalities associated with…...



Thomas Lee Philpott, The Slum and the Ghetto: Neighborhood Deterioration and Middle Class Reform, 1880-1930 New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Appendix A, 407-410. Online available at: Plotkin (1997)

Wilen, William P. & Stasell, Wendy L. (2000) Gautreaux and Chicago's Public Housing Crisis: The Conflict Between Achieving Integration and Providing Decent Housing for Very Low-Income African-Americans Copyright 2000 by National Center on Poverty Law. All rights reserved. 34 Clearinghouse Rev. 117. 

Ranney, D. & Wright P. (2000) Race, Class, and the Abuse of State Power: The Case of Public Housing in Chicago Nathalie P. Voorhees Center for Neighborhood and Community Improvement 2000 March, Publication#: V172 

Gautreaux and Chicago's Public Housing Crisis:

Perceived Barriers to Housing for Low Income Families
Pages: 10 Words: 2900


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One of the biggest challenges facing policymakers seeking to provide affordable housing for families with children is the paucity of affordable family housing (Cocheo, 2009). Indeed, in many American communities, home ownership is only a pipe dream for at least half of the population (Cocheo, 2009), and there is a chronic shortage of affordable family-sized housing units available (Sirmans & Macpherson, 2003). The implications of a chronic affordable shortage of family-sized housing units are severe and long-lasting. In this regard, Scott and Ward (2005) reported that parents in general and single parents in particular can experience severe depression as a result of not having permanent affordable housing which in turn can result in higher incidences of child abuse and neglect.

Community Planning and Housing

Cook, Bruin, Yust, Crull, Shelley, Laux, and White (2009) reported that community involvement is needed to

Rising Cost of Housing Cost and Its Effect on the Nuclear and Extended Family
Pages: 10 Words: 3602

prohibitively rising cost of housing in Rhode Island has affected both the nuclear and extended family. Rising housing costs may force family members to move to less expensive areas, causing a breakdown in both extended and nuclear family structure. However, this may be balanced by the increased tendency of young adults, who cannot afford the high housing costs in Rhode Island, to live at home.
Certainly, data outlined below indicate that the housing crisis in Rhode Island is very real and immediate. Individuals across Rhode Island society are beginning to feel the constraints of the difficult housing market, and low-income individuals are feeling the greatest strain.

Given that federal and private agencies are unable to keep up with the increasing demand for housing assistance for low-income residents, the housing crisis will only continue to grow. As a result, the pressures of the nuclear and extended family are not expected to increase…...


Works Cited

Arditi, Lynn. House prices in R.I. soar in 2nd quarter. Low mortgage rates and a sluggish stock market promote heavy interest in real estate.

07/30/2002. The Providence Journal ( 30 October 2002.

Economic Research Service. County-level population data for Rhode Island. 30 October 2002. 

Economic Research Service. Rhode Island State Fact Sheet from USDA/ERS. 30 October 2002.

What are the negative effects of gentrification?
Words: 432

Since we do not know what you have put in your first page, it is a little difficult to tell you where to start on your second page.  What we are going to do is go over some of the negative effects of gentrification and give you some links to find more information about those negative effects.  Hopefully, this will help you get over your writer’s block and get past page two.

At first glance, gentrification may seem like a positive.  After all, gentrification means an upward trend economically for a historically economically disadvantaged neighborhood.  However, long-term residents....

Can you help me with my conclusion for an essay on community development and it\'s history?
Words: 368

Community development refers to a process of building stronger communities through a variety of different approaches.  It is specifically tailored to different areas, because community needs are not universal.  Community development is sometimes referred to as a journey rather than a destination because of the fact that it is never really complete.  As communities grow and change, so do their development needs. In addition, other factors can impact community development as well, such as available natural resources and the surrounding geography.

We are not sure what you mean by the conclusion of community development and its....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to deinstitutionalization pros and cons?
Words: 296

1. The impact of deinstitutionalization on mental health care access and quality
2. Examining the role of community-based treatment in reducing stigma around mental illness
3. The challenges of transitioning patients from institutional care to community-based services
4. The financial implications of deinstitutionalization on mental health care systems
5. Exploring the ethical considerations of deinstitutionalization and patient autonomy
6. The effectiveness of deinstitutionalization in promoting recovery and rehabilitation for individuals with mental illness
7. The potential risks and benefits of deinstitutionalization for vulnerable populations, such as the homeless or those with severe mental illness
8. The role of family support and....

what is counter urbanisation?
Words: 267

Counter urbanisation refers to the movement of people away from larger urban areas to smaller towns and rural areas.

This phenomenon is often driven by factors such as high cost of living in cities, overcrowding, pollution, and lack of affordable housing.

Individuals may choose to counter urbanise in search of a better quality of life, greater sense of community, or a desire to live closer to nature.

Counter urbanisation can have both positive and negative impacts on the areas experiencing population growth, such as increased strain on infrastructure and services, but also potential economic benefits from new residents.
One potential positive....

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