Aesthetic of Beauty
One of the most powerful passages found within Plato's The Republic is that which exists within the Allegory of the Cave. This passage comes near the end of this book and its description about the philosopher kings -- the chosen guardians who are to rule mankind with benign wisdom. Essentially, the Allegory of the Cave is about the notion that there is an intrinsic relationship between goodness and truth, but most men live their lives in an allegorical cave in which they mistake the representations of the true source of truth and goodness (the sun) and the shadows it creates in relative darkness for real truth and never progress to the level that they can see that actual source and live in its light. There is a relationship between this concept and the work of cinematic art known as Memento, a film which was released in 2000. Its…...
Aesthetic Education:
Book Review of Maxine Greene's Lectures encompassed in her
Variations on a Blue Guitar.
The paper that follows is an overview of the style, content, and core philosophy of one of the seminal works on arts education during the 1980's by one of the seminal educational theorists of the late 20th century, Maxine Greene. This review of Variations on a Blue Guitar consists of three sections, first a report on the text itself and the philosophy of the author, followed by a reaction to the author's philosophy on the part of the writer, and ending with by some response and reflection questions for the reader, so that the reader may actively engage with the text, as is commensurate with the philosophy of active learning of Maxine Greene discussed and analyzed in the paper.
Book Review: Maxine Greene's Variations on a Blue Guitar
The educator and educational philosopher Maxine Greene's thoughts, in the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Greene, Maxine. Variations on a Blue Guitar: The Lincoln Center Institute Lectures on Aesthetic Education. New York: TC Press, 2001.
"Over the course of time, there will be a new world era entailing that one day there will a dawn after destruction. This system for the earth continues throughout eternity and is managed by three gods: Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu or the divine trinity." (Eck, 1996) of these, Shiva was or is the destroyer. The Hindu divinities are worshipped through art on temples and in the majority of homes. By viewing different examples Shiva, we can see the iconography to the mythology association with the figure. (Indian Heritage, 2005)
In other words, the views of Hinduism hold many opposing theories that describe aspects of an eternal truth. For example, one underlying focus is that a desire for liberation from earthly evils is and should be a life ambition. These notions and concepts can be clearly witnessed in the region's art as Hinduism plays a major role in what is and…...
Eck, Diane L. (1996). Darsan. New York: Columbia University Press.
Indian Heritage. (n.d.). Siva. Retrieved on May 28, 2005, at
Singh Brothers. (n.d.). Shivnetra - Eye of Shiva. Retrieved on May 28, 2005, at
It only remains to see how this goal may be reached -- and Kierkagaard's book on aesthetics ends with the love letter from Climacus to Cordelia, in which we learn the true approximation of life and the simple path to the aesthetic goal (a path which Don Giovanni misses): "love is everything" (p. 407).
Kierkagaard states, "For one who loves everything ceases to have intrinsic meaning and has meaning only through the interpretation love gives to it" (p. 407). Cordelia is the object of Climacus' romantic love -- but this constitutive norm may also be applied to spiritual or religious love. At any rate, it is the latter that is only briefly touched upon in Either/Or -- and yet it is this that makes either the aesthetic life or the ethical life insufficient in and of themselves. In fact, even though the two ways must necessarily be coupled together, it…...
mlaReference List
Kierkagaard, S. (1987). Either/Or. Princeton University Press.
Costumes in this are simple, men bare chested in black tights, women in white shifts except for the red sacrificial "virgin." Interesting was also the lack of facial expression on all the characters, almost as if the characters were, in fact, not really human, but more ethers from Mother Nature. The wild abandonment of the female soloist, who finally bares her breast in an almost orgasmic frenzy moving from male to male with motions that seem fluid but primal.
3. Emanuel Gat's interpretation is the most contemporary interpretation of the three. Instead of focusing on a soloist and troupe, the scene opens with 3 couples, who, at times leave the central red box (lights) to work with the sacrificial virgin. The men are bald and all characters in black, the women have long, unbraided hair so that in the red light, the only real images we see are the skin…...
Kelly, T. (1999). Igor Stravinsky's the Rite of Spring. NPR's Milestones of the Millennium. Retrieved from: / milestones/991110.motm.riteofspring.html
Likewise, Ezra Pound put forth another modernist aesthetic theory, which was founded on the concept of imagism. He proposed that emotion always creates a pattern in the mind of the author, and thus, the work of art is created following that pattern:
Intense emotion causes pattern to arise in the mind-if the mind is strong enough. Perhaps I should say, not pattern, but pattern-units, or units of design. (I do not say that intense emotion is the sole possible cause of such units. I say simply that they can result from it. They may also result from other sorts of energy.)(..)" by pattern-unit or vorticist picture I mean the single jet. The difference between the pattern-unit and the picture is one of complexity. The pattern-unit is so simple that one can bear having it repeated several or many times. hen it becomes so complex that repetition would be useless, then it…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cohn, Allan M. Work in Progress: Joyce Centenary Essays, Illinois: Southern Illinois University, 1993
Eliot, Thomas Stearns Sacred Wood,
Eliot, Thomas Stearns the Waste Land,
Pound Ezra Selected Prose, 1909-1965, New York: New Directions, 1973
Thus, as I encounter a rock on the ground, outside, among other rocks, I have a sense of its space and of the space in relation to all other objects in it. A rock found floating in the air, nowhere near other rocks, inside a jar gives a completely different sense of the space of a rock and how it relates to the world around it. We intuit our understanding of space as it is merely an arbitrary designation we use to create further categorizations of the objects in our universe. Space, then, in its relationship to objects is both arbitrary and natural, but neither is real in and of itself.
We experience objects in the context of time as well as space. Time too is a non-entity. It cannot be measured in any real way other than the arbitrary and non-empirical measurements we have placed upon the concept of…...
Widdowson claims that television and film do not fit the definition of "literary" objects. For one, a script for film or television production has no autonomy. As Widdowson points out, "while there is always a script on which the finished product is based, the script is granted little status or autonomy as an object of reading in and for itself" (124). Of course, an interested party can seek out the script for study but scripts are rarely encountered for their literally literary function: as pieces of writing that exist for the sole purpose of being read as texts.
Moreover, Widdowson notes that the finished product in film or television is "always already mediated/interpreted" in order to become a motion picture. In other words, the director, actors, and cinematographers alter the original script in fundamental ways. These fundamental means of altering the original (or, as Widdowson calls it, "originary") product, the script,…...
Like many of the Pop Artists, Hockney frequently experimented with the media of his work, delving into both photography and film, and even set design. Photography, film, and other new media have proved to be a 'natural' outlet for Pop Artists. Since Pop Art cannibalizes the subject matter of popular culture, using the other tools of popular culture such as reproduction and the moving image seems like a natural progression. Some of David Hockney's most brilliant, acclaimed and interesting work have come from his use of collages, or composite photographs, designed to challenge the limitations of still life. Hockney said he strove to create a 'complete' picture of a moment in time in photography -- an impossible task, perhaps, but deliberately so. His use of composites also shows how a single moment, like a conversation, is made up of a multiplicity of perspectives ("David Hockney -- Photocollage," h2g2, 2000).
Pop Art…...
mlaWorks Cited
Biddington, Jake. "Pop Art." Pedigree and Provence. 22 Apr 2008.
David Hockney -- Photocollage." h2g2. Created Oct 2000. 12 Apr 2008.
Hughes, Robert. American Visions. New York: Knopf, 1997.
Excerpted at "Pop Art." Art Archive 22 Apr 2008.
picture of Dorian and the rise of Aestheticism
Oscar Wilde, despite having lived and died in the first half of the twentieth century, that is, in the year 1900, when he was just about 46 years old, remains, to this day in the twenty first century, a man whose intellectual witticisms and aestheticisms are well appreciated and even stay unparalleled today. In fact, it is often said that Oscar Wilde's life in itself was a veritable art form, and nowhere is this better demonstrated than in his work 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'. It is through this work that the author explores sensitive topics like the social classes and their behavior, the vanity and the narcissism that is inherent in these people, and the mortality that everyone has to face at one time or another during their own lifetimes. (Tanaka, 5)
The novel in its first published version appeared in the…...
Beckson, Karl. Oscar Wilde: The Critical Heritage. Routledge, 1997
Hostetler, Andrew. J; Herdt, Gilbert. H. Culture, sexual life ways and developmental subjectivities: rethinking sexual taxonomies. Social Research. Summer, 1998. Vol: 11; No: 2; pp: 107-110
Jagose, Annamarie. The Queer theory. Australian Humanities Review. Retrieved From
Pioch also comments on the delicate and gradual blending and dissolving of the painting's colors and figures, which da Vinci achieved with the sfumato technique.
An interesting fact of da Vinci's life and attitude towards painting is provided in a biography of the artist by Antonina Vallentin: "Leonardo himself knew that masterpieces are born of [his] fear and doubting." Apparently almost crippled with fear at the start of a new project, da Vinci worked under extreme emotional stress. This makes the calmness of the Mona Lisa all the more striking. My aesthetic response towards the painting has only been strengthened, but not altered, by the background information on its creation and the magnificent artist behind it.
ATIST NAME: Leonardo da Vinci
ATIST TITLE: The Mona Lisa (La Joconde)
MEDIUM: Oil on panel (wood)
Pioch, Nicolas. (2006). "Leonardo…...
ARTIST NAME: Leonardo da Vinci
ARTIST TITLE: The Mona Lisa (La Joconde)
MEDIUM: Oil on panel (wood)
URL: joconde.jpg
Dead Poets Society: Critical AnalysisThis critical film analysis examines Dead Poets Society (1989), an American film that offers insights into an unconventional educational experience. It especially looks at the relationship dynamics between teachers and students, as well as some of the broader issues that can affect schools.Title and Year of eleaseDead Poets Society, 1989SettingThe film is set in the late 1950s at the fictional Welton Academy in Vermont, an elite conservative boarding school.Brief General PremiseDead Poets Society explores the impact of an unconventional English teacher, John Keating, on his students through his teaching of poetry. Keating encourages his students to \\\"seize the day\\\" (Carpe Diem) and challenges them to break away from the conformist and repressive educational environment to pursue their passions and make their lives extraordinary.AnalysisKeating\\\'s teaching philosophy embodies the \\\"Aesthetic Education\\\" approach as outlined by McConnell et al. (2020). This approach emphasizes the importance of experiencing beauty and…...
mlaReferencesKenny, N., McCoy, S., & O’Higgins Norman, J. (2023). A Whole Education Approach to Inclusive Education: An Integrated Model to Guide Planning, Policy, and Provision. Education Sciences, 13(9), 959.McConnell, C., Conrad, B., & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2020). Lesson planning with purpose: Five approaches to curriculum design. Teachers College Press.Weir, P. (1989). Dead poets society. Touchstone.
The Black AestheticStewart\\\'s view on the Black aesthetic is that it is heavily influenced by the cultural heritage and traditions of African Americans, which gives African American art and music a unique cultural value. He claims that African American artists have always had a strong sense of identity and pride in their work, which has led them to create music that is open, unique, powerful, and meaningful (Stewart, 1971). This value system is evident in the variety of styles and techniques found in African American music and art, as well as in its religious and social messages (Duncan, 1972). Furthermore, these values can be seen to inform the music created by Black musicians in a way that speaks to and celebrates African Americans shared culture and history. Thus, Stewarts position on the specific values found in Black art and music is important because it provides insight into the creative potential…...
mlaReferencesDuncan, J. (1972). The Black Aesthetic. Journal of Research in Music Education, 20(1), 195-197.Stewart, J. (1971). Introduction to Black aesthetics in music. The Black Aesthetic, 81-96.
Team Handball is a game in which two teams of seven players each pass a ball and throw it into the other team's goal. There are six outfield players and a goalkeeper. In the opinion of this author, it would qualify as a sport due its competitive, recreational nature and the existence of a professional association ("USA Team Handball Association").
Sky Diving or parachuting is the action of exiting an aircraft and the returning to earth with the help of a parachute ("How Stuff orks"). hile not centralized, this author sees its competitive spirit and participatory nature to qualify it as a sport .
Suits would focus on the competitive nature of sports and how it brings about and promotes team building (Suits, xvi.). This is a quality that will pay off in terms of dividends in almost any field of endeavor. In this case, it would apply even in this author's…...
mlaWorks Cited
"Delaware River Tubing." Web. 15 Sep 2011.
"How Skydiving Works ." How Stuff Works. 2011. Web. 15
Through the humanization of the stockbroker, Chandor allows the audience to view them as human and someone that the audience can relate to.
The realism of Margin Call (2011) extends beyond the depictions of its characters and into its portrayal of the financial industry. J.S. (2011) writes, "Margin Call…depicts the many banalities that make for a financial meltdown, and the near-silent panic that sets in. Finance is depicted as slippery and amorphous, a creation of not just the banks, but of a whole society oriented toward easy consumption." In this respect, Margin Call (2011) strips away the mystical facade that often is attributed to Wall Street and allows the viewer to see how they influence the financial market as much as they are influenced by it. Furthermore, the dialogue and financial terminology used by Chandor in the film is accurate investment banking jargon, which Chandor was familiar with because his…...
Clover, J. (2012, Spring). Play by numbers. Film Quarterly, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 7-9. Accessed
14 April 2013, from
J.S. (2011, Dec. 2). Finally a realistic portrayal of Wall Street. Prospero. The Economist.
Accessed 14 April 2013, from
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that suggests that people have different levels of needs. They cannot focus on higher needs until their lower needs are met. This hierarchy has applications in many areas of life, so you can find a ton of articles on the theory.
In Maslow’s theory, needs ascend in the following order
Until a person has met their lower needs they do not have the resources to focus on meeting higher needs.
Some sources you could....
Scaffold learning provides answers with proper spacing and formatting in order to enhance readability and comprehension. By structuring the answer with appropriate spacing and formatting, the information is presented in a clear and organized manner, making it easier for the learner to understand and follow along.
Proper spacing allows for visual separation between different parts of the answer, such as headings, subheadings, or bullet points. This visual separation helps to highlight key points and facilitates the skimming or scanning of the information.
Formatting, such as using bold or italicized text, numbering or bullet points, and indents, can further emphasize important information or....
1. The Role of Plants in the Earth's Ecosystem
Discuss the significance of plants in producing oxygen through photosynthesis and absorbing carbon dioxide, thus maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases.
Explore the role of plants in nutrient cycling, soil conservation, and providing habitat and food for wildlife.
Analyze the impact of human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, on plant communities and ecosystem health.
2. Plant Adaptations to Diverse Environments
Describe the various adaptations that plants have evolved to survive in different habitats, including deserts, rainforests, and aquatic environments.
Discuss how plant structures, such as leaf morphology, root systems, and reproductive....
Technical and Aesthetic Considerations
The Mechanics of Photography: Exploring the principles of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and their impact on image quality.
Composition and Framing: Analyzing the techniques used to create balanced and visually pleasing compositions.
Light and Shadow in Photography: Examining the role of lighting in shaping the mood, atmosphere, and drama of an image.
Color Theory in Photography: Investigating the use of color harmonies, contrasts, and symbolism to evoke specific emotions and convey messages.
Digital vs. Analog Photography: Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of digital and analog photography in terms of image quality, workflow, and creative possibilities.
Social and....
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