Advertising Strategy Essays (Examples)

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Coke and Pepsi Advertising Strategy Pepsi's Advertising
Pages: 2 Words: 758

Coke and Pepsi Advertising Strategy
Pepsi's advertising and promotional strategies in India

Coke's advertising and promotional strategies in India

Why advertising and promotional strategies vary from country to country and whether culture influences this

Any advertising strategy that an organization comes up with should be tailored to catch the attention of the consumers and make them change their behaviors. Such strategies put an organization in a position to impact on their target markets especially when the consumers of their products take note of their products and eventually change their buying behaviors. Once the consumers of their products have developed some favorable attitude they will always go for the organization's brand whenever they intend to consume the product. This paper seeks to compare and contrast the advertising and promotional strategies that Pepsi and Coke uses in countries they operate in especially India. The paper undertakes to describe, analyze, and evaluate how and why advertising and…...



Gupta, S., Naganand, K and Narang, A.S. (2008). Image Advertising: The Advertising Strategies

of Pepsi And Coca Cola in India. Retrieved June 20, 2012 from

Kapferer, J.N. (1992). Strategic Brand Management, New York: Free Press.

IMC the Advertising Strategy at
Pages: 5 Words: 1548

The managers will not act as apologists for staff failures, but will instead accept responsibility for the deviation. The manager will outline the situation as he or she understands it and the different steps that have been taken to remedy the situation. If a direct remedy is required for the customer, then the customer shall receive a direct remedy from the company.
hile such a policy may be costly to implement, the casual dining segment of the restaurant business is subject to intense competition. Any misstep on the part of the company is likely to result in a lost customer unless significant outreach is taken. Any customer who complains is somebody who wishes to do future business with us and is looking for a reason to justify that future business. e shall take that to heart and use their complaint as an opportunity to create a local customer who gives…...


Works Cited:

Hall, B. (2001). A new approach to measuring advertising effectiveness. Howard, Merrell and Partners. Retrieved May 27, 2010 from

All (2010). Metrics for measuring ad campaign effectiveness. Retrieved May 27, 2010 from 

Michman, R., Mazze, E. & Greco, a. (2003). Lifestyle marketing: Reaching the new American consumer. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing.

Andreassen, T. (1999). What drives customer loyalty with complaint resolution? Journal of Service Research. Vol. 1 (4) 324-332.

Business & Advertising Strategy of Time Inc 's
Pages: 2 Words: 620

Business & Advertising Strategy of Time Inc.'s
The site is a Time Inc. site that provides online users and subscribers of Time Inc. products and services access to its roster of magazines. This list of magazines offers a wide array of information about the following general topics or areas of interest: entertainment, business, news, and lifestyle and health. Thus, because of its variety, Time Inc., in general, caters to the general public, which covers all socio-demographic categories, such as differences in sex, age, socio-economic class and sector the people belong to. For example, and Time for Kids cater to the youth, while and business- and news-related sites such as TIME, People, Fortune, and Entertainment Weekly aims at the adult market, from ages (at least) 18 and above. Furthermore, Time Inc.'s services extend towards either the business or agricultural sector, as shown in its offering of information via…...

Marketing Coca-Cola's Advertising Strategy Aiming
Pages: 4 Words: 1351

As Belch and Belch (631) note, "music and sports are universal languages for teens." By creating this association, Coca-Cola is increasing its appeal to the young market. In saying this, it must be noted that music and sports stars and recognized as idols for many teens. This includes that teens look to these stars or celebrities to determine what is considered cool. Music and sports celebrities that have featured in advertisements for Coca-Cola include Christina Aguilera, Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal, and singer Mya. By having these celebrities endorse the product, Coca-Cola is communicating to the young audience that the product is considered cool and linked with success. It must be noted that the celebrities that endorse Coca-cola also tend to be young and attractive. This shows that the product is not just being positioned to appeal to all people who consider athletes and celebrities successful. Instead, it is specifically…...


Works Cited

Belch, G.E., & Belch, M.A. Advertising and Promotion. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 1998.

Friedman, W. "Product Integrators Tackle Learning Curve." Advertising Age 21 October 2002: 18.

Grimm, M. "Drink Me: What Becomes a Legend Most? For Coca-Cola, It's All in the Package." American Demographics, Feb 2000: 78-80.

Tully, S. "Teens: The Most Global Market of All." Fortune 16 May 1994: 90-97.

Advertising - Interview Interview The
Pages: 3 Words: 857

One strategy that we have seen more and more actually preceded the current economic recession is product placement instead of traditional advertisement in commercials (Howard 2005). This may be one of the most effective innovations in our industry since the shift in the 1960s from word-heavy advertising to memorable visual images (Ogilvy 1983).
Q: The Internet and other visual media must factor into that shift as well.

A: Absolutely. The modern advertiser is learning not to focus exclusively on traditional modes of message transmission and product branding like television and billboards. The phenomenon of things like YouTube demonstrate the value of creating imagery that captures the audience's imagination and interest. In fact, future advertisers may eventually question the value of spending so much money on commercials and even product placement when it is possible to reach huge audiences on the Internet, essentially, for free.

Q: The way that the Napster and its…...



Belch, G, Belch, M. (1998) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated

Marketing Communications Perspective. Irwin/McGraw-Hill: New York

Halbert, T., Ingulli, E. (2000) Law & Ethics in the Business Environment. Cincinnati: West Legal Studies. Howard, M. (2005) We Know What You Want: How They Change Your Mind. New York: The Disinformation Company

Ogilvy, D. (1983) Ogilvy on Advertising

Advertising and Promotional Communication
Pages: 7 Words: 2001

Embedded Communication in Advertising
"There is no evidence that advertising can get people to do things contrary to their self-interest." -- JI Fowles, in Advertising's Fifteen asic Appeals

"Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief." -- Leo urnett, Advertising Executive and Creator of the Marlboro Man

"The ability to attract new smokers and develop them into a young adult franchise is key to brand development." 1999 Philip Morris report

When the preceding collection of opinions regarding the influence of modern advertising are considered in conjunction with the iconic advertising image shown above, it becomes quite clear that, much like advertising itself, forming an informed position on this ubiquitous aspect of modern marketing is simply a matter of perception and perspective (elch 120). Corporate conglomerates and other private enterprises ascribe tremendous value to the persuasive power of advertising, bombarding the general public with television commercials, radio…...



Altman, David G., Michael D. Slater, Cheryl L. Albright, and Nathan Maccoby. "How an unhealthy product is sold: Cigarette advertising in magazines, 1960 -- 1985." Journal of Communication 37, no. 4 (1987): 95-106.

Belch, George E., Michael A. Belch, and Angelina Villarreal. "Effects of advertising communications: Review of research." Research in marketing (1987).

Bovee, Courtland L., and William F. Arens. "The Indictments Against Advertising." Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen. New York, NY: Pearson Higher Education, 2008. 685-691. Print.

De Gregorio, Federico, and Yongjun Sung. "Understanding attitudes toward and behaviors in response to product placement." Journal of Advertising 39, no. 1 (2010): 83-96.

Advertising and Word of Mouth
Pages: 22 Words: 9576

(Snyder & Deono quoted in Kjeldal 2003, Introduction section, ¶ 6).
The results from the study Kjeldal (2003) conducted with 70 participants in two stages suggest that the word association responses high self-monitors (HSMs) produce reflect selective activation of a personally meaningful, experiential, system. The responses low self-monitors (LSMs) produce, on the other hand, indicate an intellective factual system.

2. Decision Making Process Theories

Dr. onnie Halpern-Felsher (2009), an Associate Professor at theUniversity of California, San Francisco, identifies a number decision-making criteria in her report, "Adolescent decision making: an overview." According to Halpern-Felsher, determinations of definitions for a competent decision, the process of how the decision was made, differ dramatically. The actual behavior or outcome, albeit, does not determine competent decision making, however, during the normative model of decision-making process, one does consider the consequences to not choosing a particular behavior or a specific event.

Normative models of decision making, commonly utilized in…...



'Advertising, Public Relations' N.d. < > [25 May 2009].

Bahaudin, M & Jue, A 2005. 'Deceptive and Subliminal Advertising in Corporate America: Value Adder or Value Destroyer?', Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship. Nova Southeastern University Wayne Huizenga Graduate School of Business. HighBeam Research. Available from: <   > [20 May 2009]. 

Barnard, N & Ehrenberg, A 1997. 'Advertising: Strongly Persuasive or Nudging',

Journal of Advertising Research - January/February 1997.

Advertising on Specialty Channels Discuss
Pages: 3 Words: 1196

Discuss the various reasons marketers have been shifting their marketing dollars to sales promotion from media advertising. Discuss the pros and cons of this reallocation of marketers' advertising and promotion budgets.

Marketers are shifting their marketing budgets to support sales promotion from media advertising in an effort to get greater impact on brand recognition at the upper ends of their sales funnels, and more effectively influence lead generation in the lower areas of their sales funnels. Sales promotion is seen increasingly as having a more immediate impact on lead generation, lead fulfillment and the entire pipeline of sales activity. Media advertising on the other hand is not as easily tracked directly to sales activity and often is seen as "air cover" to drive up awareness of a given brand. Where media advertising is strategic and long-term in scope, in fact it has to be long-term to have an appreciable impact on…...

Advertising and Personal Selling
Pages: 3 Words: 945

Marketing Mix for Panera Bread Company

Advertising refers to any form of non-personal communication meant to persuade, inform, and remind customers to buy a product (Shapiro, 1984). Panera Bread Company has adopted the informative approach as a way of winning and retaining customers. In this strategy, the aim is to let the clients get to know the features of the products being offered. These features include the price, quantities sold, the quality as well as how the products are consumed. Some information to the effect of the ingredients used to bake the breads as well as how the bread needs to be consumed (Peter and Donnelly 2013).

The informative objective also involves teaching the clients about the hazards of overconsumption of the product. Panera Bread Company has warned the clients of over consumption of bread -being a processed food in its adverts. The action seeks to comply with the government directive and…...


Work Cited

Peter, J. Paul and Donnelly James H. Marketing management: Knowledge and skills. 11. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2013. Print.

Scott, David Meerman. The new rules of marketing and PR: how to use news releases, blogs, podcasting, viral marketing, & online media to reach buyers directly. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. Print.

Shapiro, Benson P. The marketing mix. Boston, Mass.: Distributed by the Pub. Division, Harvard Business School, 1984. Print.

E Mail Marketing Response Rates Improvement Strategy
Pages: 3 Words: 814

Strategy to Improve the E-Mail Marketing esponse ates
A company intends to improve its email marketing system to measure its response rates from its email advertisements by carrying out the evaluation process using different combination of "two (2) options of the three (3) key factors: E-Mail Heading (Detailed, Generic); Email Open (No, Yes); and E-Mail Body (Text, HTML). Each of the combinations in the design was repeated on two (2) different occasions." (Email Attachment, 2015 p 1).

The objective of this paper is to develop the email advertising strategy to assist the company to increase the response rates.

Conducting a DOE ( design of experiment) to test a cause-and-effect relationship of the Company Business Processes


Using the data in the table 1, the paper develops graphical illustrations to test relationships of the company's business process .

Fig 1: Sum of the esponse ate by Email Body and Email Open

As being revealed in Fig 1, the…...



Email Attachment (2015). Company Email Response Rates.

Advertising Has a Significant Role in This
Pages: 3 Words: 776

Advertising has a significant role in this age of consumerism. Effective advertisement is crucial for the success of the business in this increasingly competitive world. We are witnessing a new genre in advertising and advertisements have evolved from being simple explanation of products to detailed graphical representations that depict all the fine and varied features of the products in a visually appealing manner. Today we are looking at advertisement as an art in itself, which reveals the hidden details of the products in an attractive manner that catches the attention of the consumer. Advancements in Computer graphics technology has taken advertising to a new heights with three-dimensional projection of products. Let us analyze how companies use graphics in advertisement as an important marketing strategy.
Graphics in Explanation of product features

As we know the purpose of advertising is to increase the awareness of the products among the consumers and to achieve a…...

Advertising Agency Government's Role in Advertising Regulation
Pages: 9 Words: 2487

Advertising Agency
Government's ole in Advertising egulation

History of attitudes towards advertising

Changing attitudes

Government's authority

Taste and decency

The advertising is a major contributor and visual segment of the complete marketing strategy of a business. It is also noted as one of the image carrier for an organization. The businesses seek support of advertising agenciesdealing in print and electronic media to establish an advertising campaign along with the design of such activities to further their marketing objectives (Shimp, 2013). There are various environmental factors as well as regulations that should be followed by the advertising agencies. The governments also take part in evaluation of the content printed in advertisements. The role of government in regulating the advertising material and assessment of the content is discussed below. It is required that the governments lower their involvement in such activities and empower the self-regulation of advertisement content through agencies, associations. And above all the target audience.

History of…...



Carroll, A.B., & Buchholtz, A.K. (2011). Business & society: Ethics and stakeholder management. USA: CengageBrain.

Chryssides, G.D., & Kaler, J.H. (1993). An introduction to business ethics.USA: CengageBrain.

De Fleur, M.L. en EE Dennis (2002). Understanding Mass Communication.A Liberal Arts Perspective.

O'guinn, T.C., Allen, C.T., & Semenik, R.J. (2011). Advertising and integrated brand promotion.USA: Cengage Learning.

Advertising Point-Of-Sale Literature Exhibiting at
Pages: 5 Words: 1347

Analysis of Alternatives

The first alternative is to do nothing and to see whether the threat to CIMA's core markets actually materializes. Naturally, this decision would not over-extend CIMA financially, but we can not guarantee that it would not lead to overall sales increases or sales increases in core markets. Therefore, we must rule out this alternative.

Our second alternative is to aggressively target the weekender market. This decision is problematic for a couple of reasons. First, although the company seems to be able to afford the half a million dollars it needs to invest in product development and equipment, that is likely not the end of the story. The factory is operating at 85% capacity and is looking to enter a high-volume market. CIMA will likely need to hire new staff and may need a new facility. Second, producing a low-end shoe for weekenders may help CIMA reach a new market…...



Cravens, David W. And Piercy, Nigel F. (2003). Strategic Marketing. McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston.

Advertising and Public Relations Serve to Communicate
Pages: 5 Words: 1541

Advertising and public relations serve to communicate ideas and convince the audience of something. Politicians are among the most prolific advertising spenders during election campaigns and can have enormous public relations machines. This is especially true of Presidential candidates, who must first run for their party's nomination and then must run for President. We know that Hillary Clinton went from frontrunner to loser in the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008. There are lessons to be learned about the different factors that contribute to selling an idea, in this case Clinton as President, to different audiences. This case study will evaluate Clinton's campaign leading up to the Democratic primary using the OSTE model. The OSTE model focuses on research, objectives, strategies, tactics and evaluation.

The Hillary Clinton campaign at the time of the case was a large organization. It featured both extensive advertising and public relations, backed by substantial…...



Cree, C. (2008). Hillary Clinton's approach to social media killed her campaign. Success Creations. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from 

Gawiser, S. & Witt, G. (2012). 20 questions a journalist should ask about poll results. National Council on Public Polls. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from 

Murray, M. (2008). The primary vs. general election fallacy. NBC News. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from (2008). Hillary Clinton. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from

Advertising Rhetoric the Rhetoric of
Pages: 3 Words: 870

The rhetorical appeal to the reader's feelings is most obvious in the photograph, where feelings of freshness and health and yet of indulgence and luxury commingle, but can also be seen in the flirtations enticement to spend more time with the product as mentioned above. The attempt to appeal to the reader's intellect is minimal in this ad, though the prominently featured word "vitamin" in the product's title is certainly at least a partial intellectual appeal, telling the reader's that this product is healthy and beneficial as more than simply a beauty product. The content in the middle of the text passage also describes the product in a way that makes it sound like an extremely intellectually engineered makeup product. The reader's sense of self is appealed to by the suggestion that one's lips are not the best lips they can be -- the lips one was "meant" to have…...

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