Adult Learner Essays (Examples)

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Adult Learner Nursing 'You're Never Too Old
Pages: 3 Words: 990

Adult Learner

'You're never too old to learn.' However, much as we cherish this cliche, our society does little to support the value of adult education, often assuming that learning stops when someone is in their early twenties. This is not only limiting for the individual -- it is also depriving our economy of workers with critical skills, skills necessary to see our nation into the coming millennium.

Government push to educate adults

Despite the fact that the unemployment rate is unacceptably high, many positions are going unfulfilled because of a skills gap. "As many as 39% of people under 25 are either unemployed or underemployed" yet "49% of employers struggle to fill jobs" and only 42% feel that workers are qualified to fulfill the types of positions they need filled (Yang 2012). The solution to this problem is a return to the workforce of struggling employees so that employers will not have…...



Greer, J. (2013).What makes an executive MBA different. U.S. News and World Report.


Nursing shortage. (2013). Nursing World. Retrieved:

Adult Learners There Exists Little
Pages: 3 Words: 899

The first instance is correctable, with no real harm done. The second instance could cost a life; the procedure cannot be re-done. The instructor should design for students the situations that will provide the most authentic experiences possible and reasonable.
oessger looked at five theoretical models of motor learning, based on theories developed in disciplines including behavior analysis, kinesiology, sport psychology, and cognitive psychology.

In chaining, the student completes a sequence, or chain, of individual responses that together achieve a reinforcing outcome. The motor program is an abstract memory structure where actions are performed without feedback, such as pulling a nail gun. It is a muscle activity that lasts a fraction of a second. Actions that take more than a split second -- even actions that may take only slightly more than 200 milliseconds -- are under the learner's control; he/she is able to monitor the motor program as it occurs…...



Roessger, K.M. (2012). Toward an interdisciplinary perspective: A review of adult learning frameworks and theoretical models of motor learning. Adult Education Quarterly 62(4),

pp. 371-392.

Adult Learners Ages 40-50
Pages: 1 Words: 357

Adult Learners Ages 40-50
More adults are going back to college and learning new things, and these adults have different challenges than younger students. For example, many of them have been working, have become parents, or have delayed their college entrance by at least one year. A large group of these students are still under 40, but increasingly greater numbers of students aged 40-50 are entering the classrooms at colleges, some for the first time. Some of these individuals have also come from other colleges, since many of these students will attend more than one college in their lifetimes and cycle between various colleges taking classes that they need for a particular job without obtaining any kind of degree. One of the most important things about these adult learners is their persistence in continuing to obtain higher education when, where, and how they can. This persistence pays off for some, but…...


Works Cited

Donaldson, J.F., & Graham, S.W. (1999). A model of college outcomes for adults. Adult Education Quarterly, 50, 24-40.

Justice, E.M., & Dorman, T.M. (2001). Metacognitive differences between traditional-age and nontraditional-age college students. Adult Education Quarterly, 51, 236-249.

Adult Learner and Concepts of Learning
Pages: 1 Words: 330

Adult Education Professionalized
How has the adult education field professionalized so far?

Adult education has professionalized in any number of ways. First, most of the public and adult learners (and even educators), take it much more seriously than they did in the past. In the past, people thought "correspondence schools" were places where little old ladies took art classes; they were nor really looked at as educational institutions. The professionalization of the field has helped it grow, but it has also helped it become much more like traditional classroom education, and has helped many adult education departments become respected in their own right.

The fact that professional organizations and graduate studies in the field are also helping to make it more professional and well thought of at the same time. A profession is much more than just a "job." A profession is something you're interested in, that commands your attention even when you're…...

Adult Learner in a Diabetic
Pages: 7 Words: 2097

310). This seems entirely true, but I believe that it is seldom put into effect. The institution that was most relevant here was, of course, the hospital and the health system as a whole. Learning in a hospital is very different from learning in school. This is something that we failed to attend to with sufficient care as we worked with our adult learners.
One of the key differences between adult and young learners (as described above) is the distinction between problem finding and problem solving. We focused on problem solving without ever realizing how frustrating such a focus was to our patients. In the future I will present material in a way that encourages adult learners to begin to ask their own questions about (for example), what health means to them, how they personally deal with the issue of change, what they believe to be the ongoing goals that…...



Arlin, P.K. (1984). Adolescent and adult thought: A structural interpretation. In M.L. Commons, F.A. Richards, and C. Armon (Eds.), Beyond formal operations: Late adolescent and adult cognitive development. New York: Praeger.

Child, J. & Heavens, S.J. (2003). The social constitution of organizations and its implications for organizational learning. In M. Dierkes, A. Berthoin Antal, J. Child & I. Nonaka (Eds.), Handbook of organizational leadership and knowledge (pp. 308-326). New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.

Clark, S., & Mirabile, R. (2004). Knowledge mapping: An application model for organizations. In M. Goldsmith, H. Morgan & A.J. Ogg (Eds.), Leading organizational learning (pp. 113-120). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Basic Books.

Adult Learners and About Adult
Pages: 2 Words: 532

2. How does this particular author support his/her claims?

The author uses several means to argue and support her claims. First of all, she bases most of her assertions of learning theories as the starting base of her descriptions and assumptions. For example, the learner-driven curriculum is drawn from the constructivist theory, a theory of learning. Building upon the basic premises of constructivism, she is able to create the claims on which her own framework for defining a curriculum is built.

On the other hand, she is also keen to structure her conception around the two fundamental elements in a learning process: the subject of the learning process and the participants in the learning process. Basing her assumptions on these elements means that she needs to look very closely at these elements and draw the initial claims.

3. Based on your analysis and experience, how valid and applicable are the claims of adult…...

Managing Time as an Adult Learner in
Pages: 4 Words: 1685

Managing Time as an Adult Learner
In several occasion different individuals wonder on the way they will manage to fit everything they would like to accomplish into their day and sometimes even left figuring out how the rest of the people fit their responsibilities into their day, for example multitasking school, work, family, and friends in a day. This especially happens and becomes harder to people as they become adults, for this reason it is of importance for an excellent time management skills, particularly for the adult learner.

Adult learners do face several challenges in daily basis starting with going to school, to work, and to make sure that they devote enough time for their friends and particularly their family. In several occasion these adults end up dropping out of college feeling that they cannot keep up with working long hours with school having a massive amount of work everyday: considering the…...



John Steely (2010) "How to Be a Successful Adult Student - Managing Your Time" ezine article Retrieved July 28, 2012 

Lisa Ruffino,(2010) "Adult Learner Survival Guide: How to Be a Successful Nontraditional Student" CourseAdvisor Retrieved July 28, 2012

Meg Keeley (1997) "Managing Your Time and Study Environment" Bucks County Community College. Retrieved July 28, 2012 

Victoria Douglas (2012) "Managing Time As an Adult Learner" Ezine article Retrieved July 28,2012

Managing Time as an Adult Learner There
Pages: 4 Words: 1453

Managing Time as an Adult Learner
There might not be a better decision than going back to school as an adult. This is particularly because one has the opportunity of enhancing their career and accomplishing their lifelong goals. The choice of going back to school as an adult is thus an easy decision. Despite the fact that reaching this decision is easy, following through the decision is the most difficult part. Difficult. This is because of the challenges that adult learners face in their day-to-day lives as students. The challenges they face range from work to schooling to ensuring that the have adequate time available in their day for their family and friends. Finding the time to ensure that adult learner's educational dreams are realized can be quite an enormous challenge. The adult learners feel that they can not support their family while working and attending classes every day. This is…...



Douglas, V.(2010. Managing Time as an Adult Learner. Retrieved April 17, 2013 from 

UNSW. CRICOS. (2012). Time Management for Adult Learners. Retrieved April 17, 2013 from

Dumbauld, B.(2010). 8 Time Management Tips for Adult College Students. Retrieved April 17, 2013 from 

William, H. (2003). Adult learning and social change: Thirteenth National Conference on Alternative and External Degree Programs for Adults, October 7-9, 1993, the Village at Breckenridge Resort, Breckenridge, Colorado.. London: an Association for Alternative Degree Programs.

Motivating the Adult Learner
Pages: 10 Words: 3795

Motivating the Adult Learner
eing educated through conventional mode of educational process involving the classroom and teacher motivated approaches, adult learners are perceived as unreceptive learners. Society is characterized by more of adults in comparison to the youths and with more number of matured adults the society as a whole is visualized as more educated and exhibits variety of culture and racial milieu. In order to maintain the current status of American Society amidst revolutionary changes in the knowledge bases, necessities for new capabilities and economic integration is felt highly essential to educate the human resource. The development of supporting technology facilitating provision of education at home and worksites attracted more number of adults to the formal education and pursuit of education through out the life has become their coveted goal.


forecast about the transformation of American Workforce during the 90s was made by Loden and Rosener. At the end of the…...



Brockett, R. Facilitator roles and skills: Lifelong Learning. The Adult Years, 1983;

Volume: 6; Number: 5; pp; 7-9.

Brookfield, S.D. Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning. San Francisco,

CA: Jossey-Bass, 1986

Meeting the Compliance and Computer Needs of the Adult Learner
Pages: 13 Words: 3459

Computer Adult Learner
An employee is terminated after 23 years of service. Suddenly thrust into the work arena without the skills to make a smooth transition. In order to make a transition into the computerized workforce it will be necessary to get educational skills up to speed. (The employee has never had the need to learn the basics such as the use of a mouse, word, excel, power point or even basic e-mail.)

The employee now finds that in order to obtain a job it is necessary to get the skills that will get the job. This task will be completed through the use of Educational Interactive Technology. The employee will be able to learn from home how to use the basic software packages. Or even through an employment agency or with a new company there may be the possibility to take interactive classes in order to get the skills up to…...

Teaching Video-Journal to Adult Learners it Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1871

Teaching Video-Journal to Adult Learners
It is a widely-accepted fact that the process of reflection is a fundamental construct of transformative learning, allowing learners to make deeper meaning of their life experiences, attitudes, and assumptions by linking the same to the conceptual models and theories of their actual practice (Lamb, Lane & Aldous, 2013). esearchers contend that the developmental process of having to nurture the abilities of learners by exposing them to tons of new knowledge in their areas of practice has consistently been a challenge for trainers and supervisors, particularly because of the different learning styles that exist in the classroom setting. There is consensus, however, that the best way to instill new knowledge is to let learners engage the theoretical concepts presented in their practice in the context of their own life experiences. Journaling has conventionally been used to facilitate this process. Written journals have been commonplace in this…...



Barbier, J. Cevenini, P. & Crawford, A. (2012). Video Solves Key Challenges in Higher Education: Video Solutions Help Universities Improve Instruction and expand Reach Without Straining Tuitions or Budgets. Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group. Retrieved 21 September 2014 from 

Brandt, E. & Hillgren, P.A. (2005). Self-Produced Video to Augment Peer-to-Peer Learning. In J. Attewell & C. Savill-Smith (Eds.), M-Learning, Learning with Mobile Devices: Research and Development (pp. 27-34). London, UK: Learning and Skills Development Agency.

Clarke, L. (2009). Video Reflections in Initial Teacher Education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(5), 959-961.

Karns, G.L. (2006). Learning Style Differences in the Perceived Effectiveness of Learning Activities. Journal of Marketing Education, 28(1), 56-63.

Adult Learning
Pages: 11 Words: 3157

Adult Learning: Facilitation Observation Paper Adult learning involves adults engaging in systematic educational activities so as to gain new skills, values, attitudes and knowledge. This is normally done after the years of traditional schooling have passed. The adults may have never had the opportunity to undertake learning in their early stages of life, or a number of circumstances may have forced them not to go to school. Thus, the adults engage in such to fulfill personal long-term literacy goals (Sharan & Brockett, 2007). The art and sciences by which adults are assisted to learn is referred to as andragogy. This is quite different from pedagogy, in that it perceives adults as potential learners in search of learning opportunities, for particular reasons to attain certain goals (Wilmarth, 2010). For adult learning, the learners are free to choose educational activities of their liking, unlike formal learning where the syllabus is kind of fixed.…...



Bhola, H.S. (1994). A Source book of literacy work: Perspectives from the Grassroots. London: UNESCO.

Boeren, E., Nicaise, I. & Baert, H. (2010). Theoretical models of participation in adult education: The need for an integrated model. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 29, 45-61.

Calder, J. (1993). Disaffection and diversity: Overcoming barriers of adult learners. London: The Falmer Press.

Cross, K. (1981). Adults as learners: Increasing participation and facilitating learning. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.

Dench, S. & Regan, J. (2000). Learning in later life: Motivation and impact. Nottingham: DfEE Publications.

Nuwagaba, E.L. (2005). Adult learners’ perceptions of functional adult literacy provision in six centres in Kampala city- Uganda (A master’s thesis). Durban: University of Kwa Zulu Natal.

Palis, A. G., Quiros, P. A. (2014). Adult learning principles and presentation pearls. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol, 21(2), 114-122.

Maslow, A. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York: Harper.

Exploring the Issue in Evaluating Adult Learning
Pages: 8 Words: 2390

Introduction The problem facing students in college is that many of them are not being educated as adults. There is a significant difference in the way an adult approaches education and the way a child approaches education (Forrest & Peterson, 2006). Adult learning is an important concept because it focuses on realizing that adults are not children and so they should not be taught the same way. This is a crucial concept for teachers to understand so that they can be more impactful with adult learners. The problem for university students is that they are not being evaluated in a way that is conducive to adult learning. This problem is significant because university students may be unnecessarily and unfairly struggling with classes because university teachers fail to use evaluations that are conducive to adult learning. The research question this paper poses is this: What are some ways to evaluate adult learning?…...

Similarities and Differences Between Pedagogical and Andragogical Learning Approaches in Adult Learners
Pages: 3 Words: 957

Pedagogical and Andragogical Learning Approaches in Adult Learners
There are a number of fundamental differences between pedagogical and andragogical approaches to both instruction and learning. However, the principle point of distinction between the two is this: the former is designed for young learners (Miemstra and Sisco, 1990) and for those who have a circumscribed amount of information and life experience to bring to a particular subject, whereas the latter is designed for adults and for individuals who can substantially enhance a discussion or points of education about a topic. In the use case in which a senior supervisor or manager of an organization asked an individual to design a program to increase employee awareness of sexual harassment and train workers in the appropriate ways to deal with harassment or complaints, one would obviously favor the andragogical method because it caters more towards adult learners. However, there are still some basic…...



Barton, R. (2007). Pedagogy vs. andragogy. Retrieved from 

Gibbons, H.S., Wentworth, G.P. (2001). Andrological and pedagogical differences for online instructors. Retrieved from 

Hiemstra, R., Sisco, B. (1990). Moving from pedagogy to andragogy. Retrieved from

Adult Education Lesson Andragogy vs
Pages: 2 Words: 528

I remember almost nothing from the history class, but I still use information that I learned in the art class.
Houle's Classification Criteria for Continuing Education

According to Houle (as cited by Conner, 2004), learners can be classified as goal oriented, involving people who use their education to accomplish goals, activity-oriented, which includes those who learn because they enjoy the social contact, and learning-oriented, which embodies those who learn information for its own sake. I fall into more than one category. I am definitely goal oriented, and I have pursued a formal education because education is the only way to advance in our society. On the other hand, I also enjoy learning for its own sake. My learning-oriented activities, however, are not formal. I spend a lot of my own time reading and researching topics that interest me, but I do not normally attend classes to learn about these topics.


Connor, M.…...



Connor, M. (2004). Andragogy + pedagogy. Ageless Learner. Retrieved April 25, 2010 from 

Connor, M. (2004). Introduction to motivation styles. Ageless Learner. Retrieved April 25, 2010 from 

Knowles, M., Holton, E. & Swanson, R. (2005). The Adult Learner (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Elsevier. Retrieved April 25, 2010 from 

Wirth, K. & Perkins, D. (2008, September). Learning to learn. Retrieved April 25, 2010 from

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