Adapted Physical Education Essays (Examples)

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Adapted Physical Education
Pages: 3 Words: 940

Adapted Physical Education
The study was published in the peer-reviewed journal, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. The purpose of this study was to determine the training needs and the duties and responsibilities of paraeducators in the field of physical education. Behind the obvious reason for the study -- reviewing what paraeducators need to know and why they need to know the important aspects of physical education in public schools -- the point is made (in many contexts) that too few paraeducators are sufficiently trained and prepared for the important work they are asked to do.

How was the study conducted (ho were the participants? hat did the participants do?)

The researchers sent a questionnaire out to 138 paraeducators in 34 schools in the Midwest. The researchers (Davis, et al., 2007) only received 55.1% cooperation as they got back 76 completed questionnaires. Those 76 respondents were asked to answer questions honestly so the data could…...


Works Cited

Davis, Ronald W., Kotecki, Jerome E., Harvey, Michael W., and Oliver, Amy. (2007).

Responsibilities and Training Needs of Paraeducators in Physical Education. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 24, 70-83.

Adapted Physical Education
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Adapted physical education personnel provided direct service to students with disabilities. How has that role evolved or regressed?
The role of the physical education teacher in any level of schools is to first try and teach and then only are they expected to take up the role for teaching physical education. The teachers for this at all grade levels should be held accountable for the learning by the students and effective teaching by the teacher. In general it may be stated that in any school the teaching personnel for physical education are hired with the least amount of care for their capacity in terms of teaching. At the same time, positions in physical education should not be treated as a place for fixing up house coaches as it is not correct to assume that physical education personnel have the capacity or interest to teach at al levels. (Supporting Quality Physical Education…...

Adapted Physical Education Programs it
Pages: 2 Words: 691

Peer tutors are also able to give more personal and specific attention to SMD students than a teacher necessarily can, as a result of classroom set up and conditions. Another effect of peer tutoring on the general educational experience of SMD students is also positive in terms of peer interaction, which these students seldom have the opportunity to engage in.
The author acknowledges several limitations at the end of her document. The first is the differentiation between instructional methods used by APE teachers and peer tutors. Klavina suggests that future studies use uniform instructional methods for both teacher directed instruction and peer tutoring, since the results may have been influenced by both instructional methods and the setup of teacher and peer tutoring. A second limitation is the individual characteristics of SMD students and their peer tutors, which might have influenced their interaction levels. The author therefore concludes that, while peer…...



Klavina, a. (2008). Using Peer-Mediated Instructions for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities in Inclusive Physical Education: A Multiple Case Study. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, Vol. 1, No. 2. Retrieved from:

Adapted Physical Education
Pages: 3 Words: 1018

Jansma, P. And Decker, J.T. (1992). An analysis of least restrictive environment placement variables in physical education. esearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 63 (2). This document and -- or study was accessed from the ProQuest esearch Library Database.
The purpose of the study was to recognize the factors and variables that were directly and indirectly influential on the appropriate and successful 'least restrictive placement' of students who were tackling a disability with the physical education structures. For this purpose, the study focused on various placement factors as well as the aspects that support least restrictive environments for modern classes.

The study conducted was a qualitative study and was focused on the views of the educators. The participants thus chosen for the study included a total of 62 physical education instructors (these were adaptable physical education instructors) and the majority of the sample consisted of the selected school representatives who amounted…...



Jansma, P. And Decker, J.T. (1992). An analysis of least restrictive environment placement variables in physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 63 (2).

Adapted Physical Education Guidelines in California Manual
Pages: 2 Words: 684

California's current Adapted Physical Education Guidelines in California Schools Manual. The paper outlines current legislative mandates as sighted through the guidelines and the California Department of Education.
California's APE guidelines stipulate that children suspected to be disabled are liable to assessments in accordance to LEA's procedures to help them find an appropriate physical education. For those found to be eligible for special education, an IEP is created for them offering free and appropriate physical education. In addition, whenever a child's parent agrees to the IPE's decisions to FAPE yet requires the child to attend a private school, they are not liable to receive special education from LEA. On the contrast, students in private schools qualifying for adapted special education are liable to receive a dollar amount of services. The dollar amount is usually determined by number of students in the district that are attending private schools.

In addition, LEA is responsible…...



General Assembly of North Carolina. (2011). Healthier and Greener Schools Act. North Carolina: General Assembly of North Carolina.

Ohio State Government. (2010, March 25). Chapter 3301-51 Education of Students with Special Needs. Retrieved October 11, 2012, from (20111). 329.496 Physical Education Participation. Retrieved October 11, 2012, from

PE System People Express's PE System People
Pages: 2 Words: 593

PE System
People Express's (PE) System

People Express's (PE) System, Style Skills Strategy Implementation and perspectives

People Express (PE) views itself as the largest and profitable economical, short-haul airline from North America. From this Vision, the Company came up with the corporate strategies which will help PE to achieve what it wants to become in the future.

People Express (PE) needs to expand its operations continuously country wide through the development of new routes and a new hub, as the company adapts internal structure and capabilities to fit with the strategic growth. Also the employees remain the force behind growth, just as the low rates, efficiency and customer experience are keys to success in order to continue being an economical and short haul airline.

People Express (PE) does not follow the traditional management control or the conventional budgetary systems. Instead it opts for a new system that extends beyond financial purposes.

Now the company is introducing…...

PE Is Abandoning Early-Stage Vc
Pages: 12 Words: 3480

8-15.6-15.6-15.5-15.6-15.6-15.8-16.1 Subtotal pre-1996 154 15.6-15.5-15.5-15.5-15.5-15.5-15.5-15.9 adapted from PriceWatersHouseCoopers 2008)
1996 Vintage Funds Onwards

No of funds to ec

To ec

Venture 72 -1.6 -0.6 -1.9 -2.4-8.7-29.7-42.0-86.7 Small MBO* 16 7.3-3.2-1.9-0.3-3.2-1.3-2.6 -14.2 Mid MBO 73-14.9-13.2-9.3-5.9-4.3-3.6-8.0-17.6 Large MBO 1-23.7-21.0-18.0-13.9-14.3-16.5-30.6-25.2 Subtotal 1996 onwards 182 18.9-16.4-13.2-9.4-9.7-1-1.7-19.8-25.9 Grand total all funds

336 17.3-16.0-14.4-13.0-13.6-14.6-16.2-16.4 adapted from PriceWatersHouseCoopers 2008)

Subcategories (All Vintages)

No of funds to ec

To ec

UK 252 14.6-14.4-14.0-13.6-14.1-14.5-15.4-16.2 Non-UK 84-20.2-1-7.9-14.9-11.8-12.6-15.1-18.7-17.5 Pan-European 77-21.6-19.7-17.4-14.0-14.9-16.9-20.9-20.4 Technology 95-0.1-1.0-0.1-0.9-7.4-10.7-12.1-12.8 Non-Technology 241 18.7-17.3-15.7-14.2-14.5-15.3-17.0-17.3

Includes development capital adapted from PriceWatersHouseCoopers 2008)

Vintage Year

No of to ec

No of funds to ec

To ec

1980-84-13 9.5-9.5-9.5-9.5-9.5-9.5-9.5-9.5 1985-89-68-13.8-13.8-13.8-13.8-13.8-13.8-13.8-1-3.8 1990 13-11.3-11.3-11.1-11.1-11.1-11.6-11.5-11.8 1991 14-23.4-23.4-23.4-23.3-23.3-23.3-23.3-23.7 1992 7-20.3-20.3-20.3-20.3-20.2-20.1-20.0-19.7 1993 10-15.3-15.3-14.8-14.0-14.6-14.6-14.6-16.0 1994 20-34.3-34.3-34.4-34.4-34.3-34.3-34.9-36.9 1995 9-23.1-22.2-21.9-21.9-21.8-22.8-25.7-32.1 1996 15-18.7-18.7-18.6-1-8.5-19.0-20.1-22.0-26.3 1997 25-15.6-14.7-14.9-14.3-14.3-13.7-17.6 n/a 1998 16-12.5-12.2-10.8-10.6-9.3-6.3 n/a n/a 1999 28-15.8-8.8-6.2-1.5 -2.0 n/a n/a n/a 2000 29-16.7-14.9-8.7-4.8 n/a n/a n/a / a 2001 29-29. 1-28.3-23.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2002 20-32. 1-23.4* 22.2* n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Total 336 17.3-16.0-14.4-13.0-13.6-14.6-16.2-16.4 2004 6-41. 1-25.8 -5.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2005 21-19. 4-24. 0 -8.0…...


Drawing on its long experience of successfully bringing its unique skills to new markets, Apax Partners opened offices in Stockholm in 2004, Hong Kong in 2005, and Mumbai in 2006 (Apax Partners Story 2008).


One of Apax's success stories, Yell and Computacenter, a telephone directories group "had a strong run after joining public markets.." New Look, Similarly, a fashion chain, in a similar sense, projected to be sold or refloated at a huge profit this year,

Integrating Children With Autism Into a Physical
Pages: 8 Words: 2281

Integrating Children with Autism into a Physical Activity and ecreation Setting
The purpose of this study was to examine the patterns of behavior of children who were severely handicapped and autistic as they were integrated into a physical education and exercise program (Schleien, et al., 1987). The desire was to determine whether the social and behavioral skills of these children were improved after they had been exposed to an exercise and physical education program, or whether there was no difference seen. The way that the handicapped children were treated by the other children in the program - who were not handicapped - was also examined, in an effort to draw conclusions about how individuals treat those who are different and whether those differences cause children to shun others or accept them. Only two handicapped children were used for the study, and they were eight and eleven years old (Schleien, et…...



Schleien, S., Krotee, M., Mustonen, T., Kelterborn, B., & Schermer, A. (1987). The effect of integrating children with autism into a physical activity and recreation setting. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 21(4): 52-62.

High Intensity Physical Activity for Kids
Pages: 7 Words: 2098

Physical Activity Effects on Children with AutismIntroductionAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can manifest in communication and behavior challenges. Children with ASD tend to have difficulty with physical activity and motor skills. Because engaging in physical activity is important for childrens overall healthy development, particularly when it comes to learning in the zone of proximal development (ZPD), it is important to consider the effects of physical activity on children with autism (oslan et al., 2022). What are the challenges? What are the benefits? This paper examines the topic from the perspective of physical activitys impact on autistic childrens physical health, behavior, and academic development.Physical Health Benefitsegular physical activity improves cardiorespiratory fitness, metabolic health, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions. For children with ASD, who often have higher rates of obesity and sedentary behavior compared to their typically developing peers,…...


ReferencesHaegele, J. A., Lee, J., & Chang, S. H. (2017). Physical activity of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 64(4), 368-377.Harbin, S. G., Davis, C. A., Sandall, S., & Fettig, A. (2022). The effects of physical activity on engagement in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Early Childhood Education Journal, 50(1461-1473). Hilton, C., & Ratcliff, K. (2022). Sensory processing and motor issues in autism spectrum disorders. In Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment (pp. 73-112). Cham: Springer International Publishing.Ranieri, A., Mennitti, C., Falcone, N., La Monica, I., Di Iorio, M. R., Tripodi, L., ... & Lombardo, B. (2023). Positive effects of physical activity in autism spectrum disorder: how influences behavior, metabolic disorder and gut microbiota. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1238797.Roslan, F., Selvam, L., Pandian, T., Rahman, M. N. B. A., & Motevalli, S. (2022). A Systematic Review on Physical, Cognitive, and Social-Emotional Development of Pre-Schoolers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 48-61.

Methods and Materials Used in Teaching Music Art and Physical ED in the Self-Contained Classroom
Pages: 6 Words: 1640

Teaching in the Self-Contained Classroom
Music, Art and Phys. Ed. In Self-contained classroom

In 1996, the United States Department of Education mandated laws that required school districts to create inclusive programs to integrate students with various disabilities into the general school population.

However, a study conducted by the National Council on disabilities in 2000 showed that most school districts have not transitioned into full mainstream classes. Instead, an estimated 20% of children with disabilities continue to spend their schooldays in self-contained classrooms, apart from the general school population (right and right).

Proponents of the self-contained classroom, however, believe that such settings can be advantageous, particularly for students with hearing impairments, mental retardation and those with physical or learning disabilities.

This paper examines how students in total or semi-self-contained classrooms can benefit from instruction in art, music and physical education. It looks at the challenges of teaching such classes and how educators have adapted techniques from…...


Works Cited

Boyer, Lynn and Christine Lee. "Converting Challenge to Success: Supporting a New Teacher of Students with Autism." The Journal of Special Education, 35(2). Summer 2001. Wilson Database.

MacDonald, Victoria and Deborah L. Speece. "Making Time: A teacher's Report on Her First Year of Teaching Children with Emotional Disabilities." The Journal of Special Education, 35(2). Summer 2001. ProQuest Database.

Shapiro, Deborah R. And L. Kristi Sayers. "Who Does What on the Interdisciplinary Team: Regarding Physical Education for Students With Disabilities?" Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(6). July/August 2003. Wilson Database.

Wexler, Alice. "Painting their Way Out: Profiles of Adolescent Art Practice at the Harlem Hospital Art Studio." Studies in Art Education, 43(4). Summer 2002. ProQuest Databse.

Education Reflections on the Future
Pages: 4 Words: 1021

Finding out about other peoples and cultures, through technology, will be an essential part of education in the years to come.
Numerous aspects of the current educational system will need to be improved in future years. The focus must be on children's individual needs and abilities. Today, standardized tests and general requirements frequently restrict students' opportunities to learn. Many youngsters do not get the attention they need, or the enrichment they deserve. Teachers often lack the necessary resources to prepare children for the real world, or to deal with children's real world problems. "Teaching to the test" creates its own difficulties for the educator, leaving many unprepared for atypical classroom situations. Young people have difficulties at home, or in their personal lives, and educators do not have the training to deal with these potentially serious problems. Disruptive and violent behavior can lead to tragedy. Children do not receive sufficient ethical…...

Education Postman's Viewpoint Carefully Reflect
Pages: 2 Words: 669

It is no longer necessary to attend a class in person, but instead attendance is online at the student's convenience, and that means it is much more possible for students to get an education and support an institution at the same time. Thus, technology has revolutionized education, and has made it much more possible for everyone to attend a university or other school, and that is certainly something to celebrate, rather than grumble about.
It is certainly true that every culture must deal with technology in their own way. Americans have embraced technology, and it makes sense that it would spread to education. Today's young people are a familiar with technological devices as they are with their own families, and this makes them ideal candidates for more distance education in the future. They are already whizzes at texting, camera photography, and video games, so developing additional methods of delivery and…...

Education Multiculturalism in Education Creating
Pages: 10 Words: 3181

A group that is, by its very nature, mentally defective, will also easily be viewed as incapable of supporting itself without help - a strain on the larger society. In terms of modern day American society, this could be seen as declaring that African-Americans, and other similarly impoverished and marginalized groups, are likely to remain forever within the care of the social welfare system. Believers in such ideas might easily raise the question - why bother with caring for these people at all? More to the point; however, is the question of whether there is really anything wrong with most of these individuals at all? Clearly, a large part of their "mental disabilities" derive from internal and external assumptions about what it means to be African-American, or a member of some similarly tagged minority group. A multicultural approach to the educational process helps to guarantee that all individuals are…...



Allen, J., & Hermann-Wilmarth, J. (2004). Cultural Construction Zones. Journal of Teacher Education, 55(3), 214+.


Block, P., Balcazar, F., & Keys, C. (2001). From Pathology to Power: Rethinking Race, Poverty and Disability. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 12(1), 18.


Education Philosophical Influences on American
Pages: 5 Words: 1782

There are others though that believes that learners are born with certain innate capabilities that are then shaped and formed from the outside (Montessori theory, 2011)
No matter which theory one looks at though the bottom line is that each philosophy is based on the idea that everything possible should be done to encourage as much learning as possible. All philosophies are based on the fact that education should be about learning and that no matter how the learning takes place, what environment is takes place in or under what circumstances the edn result should be something was learned. Educational philosophy in general believes that in order for people to be successful and productive they must learn as much as possible and that this should be done by way of formal education.


Chinn, C. (2012). Epistemological Beliefs. etrieved from

Evers, W.M. (2012). How Progressive Education Gets it Wrong. etrieved from




Chinn, C. (2012). Epistemological Beliefs. Retrieved from 

Evers, W.M. (2012). How Progressive Education Gets it Wrong. Retrieved from 

Gray, P. (2009). Rousseau's Errors: They Persist Today in Educational Theory. Retrieved from 

Jean-Jacques Rousseau on nature, wholeness and education. (2012). Retrieved from

Education Reading Disorders Reading Disabilities
Pages: 15 Words: 3924

In order to build an age-appropriate vocabulary in the English language, ESL students must learn words at a faster rate than normal (Lipka, Siegel, & Vukovic, 2005; Drucker 2003). This results in a widening gap between the reading and comprehension levels of ESL and non-ESL students if the needs of ESL students are not addressed (Lipka, Siegel, & Vukovic, 2005).
Some ESL students come from a native language that poses more difficulties than others. For example, ussian and Arabic have alphabets that look very different from the English alphabet. Children must learn an entirely new coding system in order to proceed (Lipka, Siegel, & Vukovic, 2005). Even when the alphabet is similar, the English language is difficult to learn due to the many inconsistencies in tense and individual word use. Because they may not be conversationally fluent, subtleties of the English language may take some time to master (Palmer, El_Ashry,…...



Abu-Rabia, a., and Maroun, L. (2005). The effect of consanguineous marriage on reading disability in the Arab community. Dyslexia, 11, 1-21.

Davis, G.N., Lindo, E.J., and Compton, D.L. (2007). Children at risk for reading failureL Constructing an early screening measure. Teaching Exceptional Children, 39(5), 32-37.

Drucker, M.J. (2003). What reading teachers should know about ESL learners. The Reading Teacher, 57, 22-29.

Hudson, R.F., High, L., and Al Otaiba, S. (2007). Dyslexia and the brain: What does current research tell us? The Reading Teacher, 60, 506-515.

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