Adaptation Model Essays (Examples)

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The Role of Roys Adaptation Model in Nursing Theory
Pages: 2 Words: 535

Feeding intolerance has been identified as a significant problem for infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Inquiry has revealed massage therapy as a possible nursing intervention for the problem (Shaeri et al., 2017). Additional knowledge is desired to determine if new research findings present clinically significant evidence for use of the intervention in the NICU patient population. Toward this end, a PICO question has been formulated: does massage application given to infants born at less than 37 weeks gestation reduce feeding intolerance?
Given the increased prominence of theory-based nursing, identifying an applicable nursing framework is important. One model that can be used in addressing the identified problem is Roy’s adaptation model (RAM). Indeed, RAM is one of the most common nursing models. Essentially, the model emphasises patient adaptation to the environment (Saini et al., 2017). As per the model, the nurse focuses on improving the patient’s ability to interact…...

Conceptual Model Theory of Sister Callista Roy Adaptation Model
Pages: 9 Words: 2443

Sr. Callista oy
Sister Callista oy was named after Saint Callistus, a pope and martyr, from the oman calendar on the day of her birth, October 14, 1939 at the Los Angeles Country General Hospital to a big family, which was deeply devoted to God and the service of others (Office of the Nurse Theorist 2002). Her mother was a nurse who lived and taught the values of faith, hope and love to her children, so that at 14, Sister Callista herself worked at a large general hospital as a pantry girl, as a maid and then as a nurse's aid. She entered the convent and became one of the sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondolet for 40 years. During that time, she earned a bachelor's degree, major in Nursing, at Mount St. Mary's College in Los Angeles (Office of the Nurse Theorist). As a young nun and nurse, she worked…...



1. Gray, C. (2003). The Roy Adaptation Model. Nurses Network.

2. Office of the Nurse Theorist. (2002). The Personal Biography and Professional Bio-sketch of Sister Callista Roy. Boston College.

3. Shener, H. (2004). Environment as a Phenomenon in Nursing: Reflections from Nurse Theorists. The Nightingale Institute for Health and the Environment. 

4. Stein, RW. (2000). A Comparison and Contrast of Nursing Models by Roy and Neuman. Legal Nurse Consulting Services, Inc.

Brockton Massachusetts Use of the Adaptation Model
Pages: 11 Words: 2911

Brockton, Massachusetts: Use of the Adaptation Model, Nursing Process and Guidelines for a Comprehensive Community Assessment
This work in writing will utilize the Adaptation Model, nursing process and guidelines to complete a community assessment, analyze gathered data for implications for health care, formulate a nursing diagnosis for the community, and incorporate findings into the nursing process and formulate a care plan for a specific community problem.

According to the Public Health Nursing: Leadership Guide and esource Manual" published by the Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses (2005) nurses employed in public health nursing are constantly conducting assessments of the community's needs and resources both those available to the individual and groups. Public health nurses are focused on organization and working with a diverse network in promoting ensuring and strengthening the well-being and health in the community with goals for high standards of health care for the population. Public health is the systematic…...



Challenges and Successes in Addressing the Health Care Needs of Underserved Populations in Southeastern Massachusetts - Needs Assessment Conducted by AHEC: The Area Health Education Center of Massachusetts - A Program of Health Care of Southeastern Massachusetts, Inc. In partnership with JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. 44 Farnsworth Street, Boston MA Jan 2005. Retrieved from:

Nurse Theorist the Roy Adaption Model
Pages: 8 Words: 3386

Nursing Theorist: Sr. oy Adaptation Model
The oy Adaptation model for Nursing had its beginning when Sister Callista oy happened to get admitted in the Masters Program of pediatric nursing in the University of California, Los Angeles, in the year 1964. At that time, Sr. Callista was familiar with the idea of 'adaptation' in nursing, and it must be mentioned that Sr. Callista's adviser at that time was Dorothy E. Johnson, who believed firmly in the need to define nursing as a means of focusing the development of knowledge, for the practice of nursing. When Sr. Callista oy started working with children in the pediatric ward of the hospital, she was quite impressed with the basic resiliency of the small children who had been admitted into the wards for treatment. This was why when the first seminar in pediatric nursing was called for; Sr. Callista oy proposed that the basic goal…...



"Callista Roy's Adaptation Model" Retrieved From

Accessed 28 October, 2005

'Case Study" Retrieved From

Accessed 28 October, 2005

Applying the Theory of Adaptation to a Medical Surgical Floor Care Setting
Pages: 2 Words: 771

The theory that I propose to work with is Sister Callista oy's Adaptation Theory. This theory was developed by Sister Callista oy in 1970, when she described it in the journal Nursing Outlook.

There are two reasons why this theory might benefit the unit. The first is that if adopted it should improve patient outcomes by providing them with a better environment. The second is that nurses will be providing the patient with the sense of purposefulness that they need to recover. The theory is rooted in the idea that humans are holistic beings who are in constant interaction with their environment. The environment is comprised of three types of stimuli -- focal, contextual and residual. Focal stimuli are the things that immediate confront the human and require the most attention. Contextual stimuli are the rest of the immediate items, which residual stimuli are and added environmental factors present (Vera, 2014).




Vera, M. (2014). Sister Callista Roy's Adaptation Model of Nursing. Nurse Labs. Retrieved May 6, 2016 from

Using the Roy Model to Help Patients
Pages: 4 Words: 1696

oy Model
The patient history for Tory is the following: She is a 28-year-old professional in the H division at a managing firm, who suffers from debilitating obsessive-compulsive disorder, which for the past few months has intruded into every sector of her personal and public life, even causing her to miss work. She is also now having suicidal thoughts, which are reoccurring for the past two weeks. She has considered jumping from the window of her apartment, even though she says she would not do it -- she simply imagines herself doing this and therefore fears that she might actually leap if she does not get control of herself. For years her work has been the only comfort in her life and now even that is in danger of being lost. Her background is that she is an only child of parents who divorced when she was 7. Her father…...



Rambo, B. (2004). Adaptive Nursing. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.

Roy, C. (1980) "The Roy Adaptation Model." In Riehl, J. P.; Roy, C. Conceptual Models

for Nursing Practice. Norwalk: Appleton: Century Crofts.

Roy, C. (1997). Future of the Roy Model: Challenge to Redefine Adaptation. Nursing Science Quarterly, 10(1): 42-48.

Models for Leadership and Followership
Pages: 7 Words: 2164

Minor Project 2Leadership and FollowershipIn his award-winning and influential book, James McGregor Burns wrote that leadership is one of the least understood and most observed phenomena. According to a social and psychosocial study, a leader-follower framework establishes spontaneously when the groups are supposed to be leaderless (Edge, 2020). Whenever there is a group of people, a leader-follower relationship develops naturally. As a result, multiple experts have concluded that leadership is universal human behavior (Van Vugt, 2006). On the other hand, evolutionary scientists have also had a standing interest in leadership (Winston & Patterson, 2006). To Zoologists, leadership is the simple act of leading other group members while locomoting from one point to another (Northouse, 2021). Several evolutionary researchers consider group movement, for instance, towards new feeding grounds or waterholes as a classic leadership challenge. Within society, leadership is usually considered an individuals inherent phenomenon (Bennis, 2001).Definition, Assumptions, and Outline…...


ReferencesBennis, W. (2001). The End of Leadership: Exemplary Leadership Is Impossible Without Full Inclusion, Initiatives, and Cooperation of Followers. WE Rosenbach RL Taylor, Contemporary Issues in Leadership, 247-260.Edge, L. Historical Reflections on the Value of Followership.Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.Van Vugt, M. (2006). Evolutionary origins of leadership and followership. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(4), 354-371.Winston, B. E., & Patterson, K. (2006). An integrative definition of leadership. International journal of leadership studies, 1(2), 6-66.

Models of Transcultural Care
Pages: 8 Words: 2266

Nursing Theories
Transcultural Care

For the past several decades, nursing theory has evolved with considerable considerations towards transcultural care. The concept of culture was derived from anthropology and the concept of care was derived from nursing. When one understands the derivative of nursing knowledge and the basis for cultural sensitivity, one may tailor and provide the best nursing care for diverse groups. Each group may have specific needs that may help or hinder healthcare delivery. Hence, if one fully understands the meanings, patterns, and processes, one can explain and predict health and well-being. Although many nursing theories exist, a closer evaluation will be given to Cultural Care Diversity & Universality and Purnell Model for Cultural Competence.

Cultural Competence & Influence

Cultural competence is deemed as essential component in providing healthcare today. Healthcare professionals in healthcare organizations are addressing multicultural diversity and ethnic disparities in health (Wilson, 2004). To better serve constituents, understanding cultural factors…...



Kim-Godwin, Y.S., Clarke, P.N. And Barton, L. (2001), A model for the delivery of culturally competent community care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35: 918 -- 925. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2648.2001.01929.x

Maier-Lorentz, M. (2008). Transcultural nursing: its importance in nursing practice. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 15(1), 37-43.

Nelson, J. (2006). Madeleine Leininger's Culture Care Theory: The Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality. International Journal For Human Caring, 10(4), 50.

SNJourney. (2007). Purnell's model of cultural competence. Retrieved from

Models for Enhancing Learning Experiences
Pages: 6 Words: 1768

Annotated BibliographyIntroductionThis annotated bibliography offers an examination of a collection of research studies and theoretical analyses that focus on different educational strategies and pedagogical models and their impact on student learning. The article by Jong, for example, looks at the benefits of the flipped classroom model in social inquiry learning, and discusses in particular its effects on students\\\' learning achievement in a specific context: a Hong Kong classroom setting. Douglas et al.\\\'s study, on the other hand, goes into the efficacy of Multiple Intelligence teaching strategies in improving math performance among eighth graders. Contrasting with this, Kuswiyanti et al. assess the effectiveness of Direct Instruction in teaching English to fourth graders. Palaniyandi\\\'s book provides a theoretical perspective and an extensive overview of information processing models in teaching by giving a good blend of theory with empirical research. Syarifuddin\\\'s study examines the influence of Inquiry-Based Learning on concept mastery and social…...

Adaptation of a Business Model Overseas
Pages: 2 Words: 577

Harmon Hotels
The main problem that Harmon Hotels is facing is that of cultural differences. As a corollary of this problem, the organization has no experience as a global company: all its hotels are in the United States and the expansion to France is the first part of a larger expansion project to Europe. As a consequence, the company will face communication and integration problems as it moves to the European market.

There are several additional issues to this core problem, which need to be listed before recommendations are made. First, the European market in general, and the French one in particular, is a pretentious, difficult market. Customers have particular expectations and it will not be enough to replicate the Harmon Hotels business model that works in the United States to the European market. A certain level of customization will be required.

Second, the managers that are moving to France to lead the…...

Multiple Therapeutic Models of a Family the
Pages: 4 Words: 1306

Multiple Therapeutic Models of a Family
The main components of structural therapy

Structural therapy is a family treatment model founded on the frameworks of systems theory. The distinctive component of this model is the emphasis it has placed on structural adjustments as the primary objective of the therapy session. This emphasis is prominent over details of adjustments in individual behaviors. This model is distinctive because the therapist is the most active agent and receives much attention in the course of family restructuring (Lock & Strong, 2012).

The main purpose of structural family therapy is prevention of sequences from repetition by coveting the hierarchical structures of families. This encompasses shifts in power distribution among family members by adjusting interaction styles. Nevertheless, structural family therapy operates by making alterations on the dysfunctional family structure through encouragement and promotion of growth among family members with the primary intention of re-building the family (Petridis, Pichorides, & Varopoulos,…...



Goldenberg, H., & Goldenberg, I. (2008). Family therapy: An overview. Australia: Thompson Brooks/Cole.

Lock, A., & Strong, T. (2012). Discursive perspectives in therapeutic practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Peterson, G.W., Steinmetz, S.K., & Sussman, M.B. (2009). Handbook of marriage and the family. New York: Plenum Press.

Petridis, N., Pichorides, S.K., & Varopoulos, N. (2010). Harmonic analysis, Iraklion 1978: Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Crete. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Psychodynamic Model the Model's Developmental Processes and
Pages: 8 Words: 2966

Psychodynamic Model, The Model's Developmental Processes, And Use In Assessment And Treatment Psychodynamic Model
A large proportion of this research relied on historical data. Most of the data originated from institutions that take care of the aged, books, and journal articles. The views of health experts and professionals in mental health also shaped the judgement of this paper. The paper focused on extracting information from the four models under its analysis. Most of the findings originated from the four frameworks. ( The psychodynamic, the cognitive behavior, the stress and coping model, and the family systems model).

Given the demographics of the present age, almost all adult mental shape practice will certainly include older adults. As people grow older, various changes occur, more valuable is the vulnerability to stress and illnesses. The challenges one faces through the years like the death of loved ones, loneliness and others exposes one to the risk of…...


ReferencesTop of For

Top of F

Blaikie, A. (2009). Ageing And Popular Culture. Cambridge U.A.: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Kerry Kelly, N., & Jack, N. (n.d). A New Model of Techniques for Concurrent Psychodynamic

Work with Parents of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Patients. Child And

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Models A This Website
Pages: 3 Words: 958

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Models a.This website detailed profiles 24 successful innovative nursing care delivery models. These profiles developed part a research project conducted Health Workforce Solutions LLC (HWS) funded obert Wood Johnson Foundation (WJF).
Innovative nursing care model: The Care Transitions Intervention

Innovative nursing care model

I chose the Care Transitions Intervention Model on which to focus because of the increasing importance of geriatric care in the field of nursing. Although my organization serves the needs of persons of all ages, elderly patients are an increasingly large proportion of the patient base. The Model stresses the need for the empowerment and self-care even of patients with high-risk conditions. The Care Transitions Intervention Model allows elderly patients the maximum amount of mobility and autonomy possible given the limits of the patient's condition and enables them to stay in a home setting as long as possible. As its name suggests, the model facilitates…...



Care Transitions Intervention. (2013). Innovative Care Models. Retrieved:

Kurt Lewin Change Model. (2013). Change Management Coach. Retrieved:

Attitude Influence Model of Reading
Pages: 9 Words: 2400

Attitude-Influence model of reading involves teaching good attitudes about reading in an effort to influence how children feel about the reading experience. Attitude was chosen as the most important component of the model because it plays such a strong role in research done on a psychological level. However, attitude can be hard to measure, because it is very subjective and can fluctuate wildly. That is one of the cons of the attitude-influence model, and one of the cons of attempting to address attitude in general when it comes to research. However, in this model, attitude is not all that is considered. Influence is also very important. Influence means how a person is influenced to read and how he or she sees reading. If a person's attitude is good but there is no influence, reading might not take place. The same is true if the attitude is bad but there is…...

Learning Model Morris Goes to School by
Pages: 4 Words: 1085

Learning Model
"Morris goes to School" by B. Wiseman.


Your name, whole group, 5th grade, all, 09/03/2012.

Objectives for Lesson

The students will engage in reading and writing activities with reflection and understanding.

The students will be motivated to connect the story to their own particular cultural/ethnic / routine experiences

The students will be encouraged to generate situations and to apply to new circumstances using the story as their base

The students will be encouraged to imagine a recipient of their story and to direct the writing of their story to this recipient.

CSO's or SOLs (WV New Generation Content Standards and Objectives)

Student will:

Engage in reading of the text with understanding and motivation

Apply the story to their own circumstance be able to find launch pads from the story with which they can craft their own informative and meaningful tale.

Participate in collaborative conversation with partners and group regarding lessons of story.

Able to phonetically structure a complex composition based on…...

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