Accident Investigation Essays (Examples)

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Accident Investigation O1 it Is
Pages: 2 Words: 953

A guard must be fixed on the spaces between the banisters in order to prevent the child from falling out from between the spaces. In addition, hardware mounted safety gates can be mounted at the top and at the bottom of the staircase so that it will remain an out of reach place for the child. Pressure mounted or accordion gates must be however, avoided, because while pressure gates are not very safe, accordion gates may end up entrapping a small child's head within its gaps.
The best safety measure of all is to warn the child and educate him about the various dangers that are involved in the misuse of a staircase, and he must be taught at a very early age to learn to use the staircase in the proper and safe manner that would prevent accidents and injuries of any sort. The best method in which to…...



Childproofing and Preventing Household Accidents. Retrieved at   Accessed on 11 January, 2005 .

How Many Children are injured in Accidents? Retrieved at   Accessed on 11 January, 2005 .

Accident Investigation
Pages: 5 Words: 2442

Airplane Crash Investigations
Accident investigations are very different in regards to individual crashes. This paper examines the investigation of two plane crashes, Dallas Airlines Flight 191 and United Airlines Flight 173. The Dallas investigation did have good accessibility to the crash site with multiple first responding organizations from local municipalities, but with a slow reaction time. Meanwhile, United Airlines Flight 173 was clearly caused by pilot error, as the plane ran out of fuel while the pilot was distracted by landing gear issues.

Dallas Airlines Flight 191 was a great tragedy, with many deaths. According to the research, "Delta Airlines Flight 191 was a regularly scheduled passenger flight between Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Los Angeles, California, with an en route stop at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Texas (DFW)" (Federal Aviation Administration, 2013). The entire flight went smoothly until approaching the landing for the pit stop at Dallas. The flight encountered a…...



Air Disasters. (2013). Investigation United Airlines Flight 173. Investigations. Web.

Dickson, Gordon. (2010). After 25 years, D/FW Airport unveils memorial to Delta Flight 191. Star Telegram. Web.

Federal Aviation Administration. (2013). History of Flight 101. Accident Overview. Web. 

Flannigan, Pat. (2011). When full-thrust isn't enough: A sobering look at Delta Flight 191. Aviation Chatter. Web.

Accident Investigation Improper Ergonomics Was the Cause
Pages: 10 Words: 3134

Improper Ergonomics caused USAir 1493 and SkyWest 5569 Accident
Accident Investigation: Improper Ergonomics was the Cause

Ergonomics was derived from two Greek words: ergon which means work, nomoi, on the hand means natural laws, in creating a word with the meaning, the science of work and an individual's relationship to that work. Another related definition according to International Ergonomics Association describe Ergonomics as the scientific discipline that deals with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, as well as the profession that applies principles, theory, methods and data in designing as an attempt to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. Improper Ergonomics in the airport always cause a number of accident and fatalities that otherwise would have been avoided if the handling was done procedural considering the rules in addition to up-to-date facilities.


On the day of the flight accident Friday, February 1, 1991 USAir Flight 1493…...



Carroll, James. (1991) "FAA releases tower tapes of crash on L.A. runway." Baltimore Sun. Retrieved February 17, 2014. 

Chris Kilroy (2013) Special Report: USAir Flight 1493. Retrieved February 17, 2014.

Eben Harrell (2009) Surviving Crashes: How Airlines Prepare for the Worst. TIME. Retrieved February 17, 2014.,8599,1881758,00.html#ixzz2toknt6rk 

Eric Malnic and Tracy Wood (1991) Controller Says She Confused Similar Planes Retrieved February 17, 2014.

U S Aircraft Accident Investigation Standards
Pages: 9 Words: 2487

Often times this is done to preserve the evidence and wreckage associated with a crash and in the instances where criminal investigations and evidence are pursued, these chains of command are useful in dealing with the implications surrounding the criminal acts.
A press room and actions involving journalists also take place in this headquarters area. After a crash is investigated, the NTSB prepares statements from witnesses or other pertinent parties in order to formulate a final report (NTSB, 2002). This final report is the synthesis of the entire investigation and includes a "probable cause" as well as detailed information surrounding the circumstances of the crash (NTSB, 2002). The NTSB and the FAA often make recommendations and even policy and regulatory changes after a final report is issued and inferences can be made about causes of the crash.

Recent Crash Investigation and Analysis

The recent air crash in Alaska involving former U.S. Senator…...


Works Cited

Office of Technology Assessment, United States Congress. (1988). Safe Skies for Tomorrow:

Aviation Safety in a Competitive Environment. U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington D.C.

Faith, Nicholas. (1997). Black Box: The Air-Crash Detectives: Why Air Safety is

No Accident. Macmillan: London.

Flight Simulators in Accident Investigation
Pages: 6 Words: 1833

However, full flight simulators also have some limitations, which make them poor tools for research and investigations depending on the specifics of the crash and the needs for the investigators reviewing the case.
Full flight simulators do not accurately simulate severe aircraft flight attitudes and conditions. They are also not perfect modelers of reality, as they cannot model the specific conditions that the aircraft itself as well as the flight crew were under. However, since there are rarely survivors of major plane crashes, it is difficult to interview witnesses or people who were on board the aircraft in order to obtain some sort of picture of the time leading up to the crash. Full flight simulators can be used to simulate conditions without risking people or machinery in the process. They are excellent tools for "best Guess" and probable cause findings, but they should be used in conjunction with more…...



Anders, G. (2001). "Pilot's Attention Allocation During Approach and Landing." Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Berlin.

Levin, Alan. (2010). "Simulator training flaws tied to air crashes." USA Today. Website accessed 15 Oct. 2010 at: .

National Transportation Safety Board. (2010). "Cockpit Voice Recorders and Flight Data

Recorders." NTSB Website accessed 15 Oct. 2010 at: .

Air Accident Investigations - Current
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Unless the already low accident rate in aviation is reduced even further, the increased traffic volume will lead to an average of 25 accidents per year, with over 1,000 fatalities. Because 70% to 80% of all aviation accidents are considered to involve human error, one promising avenue appears to be investments in a better understanding of, and better support for, human performance and human-machine interaction. This includes improved system and feedback design as well as new forms of pilot training to reduce the potential for errors and their catastrophic consequences [1]. Although the need for introducing these changes is widely recognized, progress is slow and faces a number of challenges. The economic pressure and competition in the worldwide aviation industry are intense, and manufacturers and carriers are careful not to invest in proposed solutions without guaranteed safety (and financial) paybacks. In addition, the time of national standards and regulations…...

Accident Analysis United Flight 232
Pages: 8 Words: 2927

This veering, would place pressure on the right side of the aircraft, which would help contribute to the break up during plane after touching down. To combat this problem, the NTS recommends that all aircraft have some type of back up flight control and hydraulics system. The presence of such a system could have helped to mitigate the effects of the disaster, by giving the pilots control of the aircraft. During the initial decent, this could have proven vital in ensuring that the pilots were able to successfully reach the runway at Sioux City and it helped to safely land the plane when it was initially touching down. ("United Airlines Flight 232," 1990)
A third issue that helped contribute to the crash of United flight 232 was: problems with the manufacture of engine. During their report, the NTS found that the engine that was manufactured by GE helped contribute to…...



Fatal Plane Crashes and Significant Event for DC 10. (2010. Retrieved May 1, 2010 from Airsafe website: 

United Airline Flight 232. (2005). Retrieved May 1, 2010 from State Master website:

Accident Report Pacific Southwest Airlines
Pages: 2 Words: 728

.. I think he's passed off to our right." Later, the first officer is heard asking, "Are we clear of that Cessna?" The flight engineer responds with, "Supposed to be"; and the captain says, "I guess." ("CV Transcript..." n.d.).
The Accident

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation report, referring to eyewitness accounts records that both aircrafts were proceeding in an easterly direction before the collision. The Boeing was descending and overtaking the Cessna, which was climbing. Just before impact, the Boeing banked to the right slightly, and the Cessna pitched nose-up, colliding with the right wing of Flight 182. ("Aircraft Accident eport," 1979, p.4) Also, just before the impact, the captain, probably anticipating the collision exclaimed "Whoop!" And the first officer moaned "Aghhh!" The Cockpit Voice ecorder (CV) recorded the sound of impact at 0901:47 ("CV Transcript..." n.d.). The Cessna broke up immediately on impact and exploded. Parts of the Boeing's…...



Aircraft Accident Report." (1979). National Aircraft Safety Board. Retrieved on January 25, 2008 at

CVR transcript: PSA Boeing 727." (n.d.) Retrieved on January 25, 2008 at

Shess, T. (1998). "This is it!" San Diego Magazine online. Retrieved on January 25, 2008 at

Accident Report

Accidents Engineering Accidents in
Pages: 2 Words: 708

Another human factor related to this is the fact that engineering tends to be a very specialized field. In general, home and business owners do not have the expertise to discern between quality and lack thereof in engineering.
Indeed, while the quality of cheap engineering may be lower, this is not necessarily to say that expensive work entails higher quality. ome inscrutable engineers may for example use cheap materials for the sake of greater financial gain. The home or business owner is therefore safest when he or she thoroughly investigates the services being used. An engineer with both a good reputation and a price that is not too low should for example provide the best service.

Other factors that play a role in workplace or home accidents are related not as much to engineering as to the specific actions and neglect perpetrated by the users of the material. The human factor…...



Department of Materials Science and Engineering. "Learning from failure: Engineering disasters." State University of New York, 17 June, 2005.

Elsberry, Richard B. "Getting to the root causes of accidents." Electrical Apparatus, Aug. 2000. Database:

Fire Aircraft Accidents Involving Fires
Pages: 9 Words: 2478

hen an airplane catches on fire and jet fuel is the catalyst, the amount of time that the plane and the object around it will burn is dependent on many different factors. One of the primary factors is the amount of fuel that is still contained on the plane. For instance a jet that is taking a transatlantic flight will have more jet fuel than a regional flight. Investigators would need to know this type of information so that they can estimate how much time it might take for the fuel to burn off or the types of measures that need to be taken to extinguish the fire.
Investigations can also be effected by the presence of cabin fires. According to Improved Fire- and Smoke-Resistant Materials for Commercial Aircraft Interiors: A Proceedings, (1995) post crash Cabin fires have been extensively researched. A great deal of this research has occurred in…...


Works Cited

Aircraft Accident Investigations." Retrieved June 6, 2008 from; 

"Fire and Explosion Investigation." Retrieved June 6, 2008 from; 

History and Mission. Retrieved June 6, 2008 from; 

Improved Fire- and Smoke-Resistant Materials for Commercial Aircraft Interiors: A Proceedings, (1995). Retrieved June 6, 2008 from;

Runway Incursions Which Lead to Accidents
Pages: 8 Words: 2359

Runway Incursions That Lead to Accidents
The objective of this study is to examine runway incursions that lead to accidents such as the Tenerife airport disaster, U.S. airways Flight 149, Madrid Runway Disaster and Madrid Runway disaster as well as Linate Airport disaster. Toward this end, this study will examine the literature in this area of inquiry which includes such as the 'Runway Incursion Joint Safety Analysis Team' (JSAT) report; the International Civil Aviation Organization 'Manual on the Prevention of Runway Incursions', as well as other pertinent and relevant studies. This study will attempt to disseminate the available information on prevention of runway incursion and to report on the same in the findings of this study.


Runway incursion accidents that involve general aviation aircraft and air carriers are reported to be a rare occurrence. Landsberg (1998) reports that in 1994 "A Cessna Conquest II taxied onto the wrong runway in St. Louis…...



Landsberg, B. (1998) Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Runway incursions: A perfect example of the accident chain. Jan Vol. 41, No. 1. Retrieved from: 

Landsberg, B. (1998) Runway Incursions: A perfect example of the accident chain. Retrieved from:

What Needs to Be Done to Control Approach and Landing Accidents
Pages: 12 Words: 3237

Radio Altimeter effectiveness and CFIT
How can technology be used to effectively diminish CFIT and ALA incidents?

Air travel is one of the safest means of traveling from one location to another in the world. Without air traffic, the business world would come to a screeching halt. Although businesses can transfer mass amounts of digital communications DATA, thus eliminating much of the demand on mail and fax transmissions of just a decade ago, businesses organizations can still not transfer products, mail, personnel, and other hard goods through electronic blips on the internet. Travel still relies on airliners and cargo air-busses which fill the skies around the world and around the clock. The experts are agreed that global commercial air traffic will grow at an average 5% per year over the next 20 years. This means that traffic will double in 15 years and will practically triple by the end of the second…...


Jensen, D. (2000, November) EGPWS: look what it can do now. Retrieved 14 November, 2003. from Avaition Today, Website: 

Matteo, Luccio. (2001, 1 Oct.) GPS and Aviation Safety. GPS World.

Unraveling the Mystery of General Aviation Controlled Flight Into Terrain Accidents Using HFACS. (2002) Retrieved 14 Nov. 2003 from Institute of Aviation. Website:

Accident Can Give Rise to
Pages: 2 Words: 742

00 n
Putting-out fires

Investigation hrs

Immediate staff downtime (e.g. work activity stopped) hrs

Staff time to report and investigate incident

12 hrs

Meetings to discuss incident

12 hrs

Time Spent with HSE Inspector

8 hrs

Consultant's Fees

120 hrs

Assessing/rescheduling work activities hrs

Recovering work/production (including staff costs)

12 hrs

Cleaning up site and disposal of waste, equipment, products, etc.

Bringing work up to standard (e.g. product reworking time/costs) hrs

Repairing any damage/faults

Hiring or purchasing tools, equipment, plant, services, etc.

Loss of product (milk)

950 gallons

2.75 gallon

Action to safeguard future business

Salary costs of replacement workers dys

Lost work-time (people waiting to resume work, delays, reduced productivity, effect's on other people's productivity, etc.)

16 dys

Overtime costs

24 dys

Recruitment costs for new staff

Contract penalties

Reassuring customers

Providing alternative sources of supply for customers

Sanctions and penalties

Compensation claim payments thus far

Solicitor's fees and legal expenses

Staff time dealing with legal cases hrs

Fines and costs imposed due to criminal proceedings

Increase in insurance premiums

10 dys and 6 hrs

Table 1: Accident Costs. (HSE Form).


In closing after assessing the damages associated with…...


Works Cited

Accident Costs. 13 Jan. 2005 ..

Accident Over the Last Several
Pages: 2 Words: 681

In some cases, you may have to take equipment that has been infected with the virus offline (for maintenance) and use a flash drive to remove it / reprogram the operating system. Once this occurs, you would then connect all of the different security protocols together. The basic idea is to be able to use them, to serve as a backup system in the event that there is some kind of breach. This will give the hackers limited access to: certain areas and it will isolate them to select parts of the company's servers. (Lacey, 2009, pp. 269 -- 310)
The final part of the strategy is to ensure effective monitoring of the various systems. This will take place with the company using an outside security consultant. They will have the responsibility of helping to coordinate mock attacks. This will effectively test the strategy and identify for weaknesses. At the…...



Lacey, D. (2009). Managing the Human Factor. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Theriaut, C. (2011). CSIS Experts List Worst Cyber Breaches. Naked Security. Retrieved from:

Opportunities to Reduce Traffic Accidents
Pages: 10 Words: 2611

In addition, a growing number of countries in the region have also started strict traffic sign and signal enforcement campaigns (Martin, 2005). In addition, launched in 2009, a governmental campaign to reduce traffic accidents in the Sultanate of Oman has sought to raise awareness among Omanis concerning the need to use safety belts in general and the need to use safety seats for young children every time people take to the road. In addition, the oyal Oman Police, the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Education have collaborated with the Omani Society Safety on the traffic safety initiatives as discussed further below.
Civil Society. According to ajhi (2011), there are a number of civic organizations that play an important role in promoting traffic safety and raising public awareness about the need to reduce traffic accidents. These organizations include the Omani Society for oad Safety which is dedicated to…...



Martin, J. (2005, March). Arab traffic jam: Road traffic accidents are costing Arab states billions of dollars annually, not to mention the catastrophic loss of life. The Middle East, 354, 37-


Miedema, H.M. & Oudshoorn, C.G. (2001, April). Annoyance from transportation noise:

Relationships with exposure metrics DNL and DENL and their confidence intervals.

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