Academic Preparation Essays (Examples)

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Academic Preparation the University Seeks
Pages: 4 Words: 1273

But although the aim of many computer games may be bloody, they continue to provide a source of community and connection for me, and a sense of uniting fun with technology -- a spirit I hope to bring to the university community.
Question Two:

Focus: Potential to Contribute

Rationale: UC welcomes the contributions each student brings to the campus learning community. This question seeks to determine an applicant's academic or creative interests, and potential to contribute to the vitality of the University. Tell us about a talent, experience, contribution or personal quality you will bring to the University of California.

It's just a game." But for me, games are a very serious business. I do not only refer to my potential to contribute in the university team for ACM ICPC in algorithm contests, as I have in the past for Google Code Jam, Topcoder Open and Topcoder Single Round Matches, competitions very much…...

Academic Preparation I Intend to Major in
Pages: 3 Words: 797

Academic Preparation
I intend to major in biochemistry. In my native country, Japan, my father founded and still runs a health food company. During my childhood and adolescence, I became very interested in the subject of biochemistry, especially as it relates to the health of the human body and the harm that can be caused to it by various chemical ingredients and compounds in certain unhealthy foods. Before coming to the United States in 2001 to pursue my higher education, I also worked for six years in the sales department of a pharmaceutical company. That experience, especially my interactions with physicians, pharmacists, chemists, biologists, and others in various medical and scientific fields, further increased my interest in studying biochemistry as a future academic subject and career area. I also feel that knowledge of biochemistry could benefit humanity, for example, as my father has done in founding his health food company.…...

Comprehensive Academic Preparation
Pages: 7 Words: 1941

Academic preparation is a multifaceted concept that embodies the readiness of an individual to engage with and succeed in higher education. It involves the cultivation of a diverse set of skills, knowledge, and attributes that are critical for students to thrive in an academic environment (Conley, 2007). This essay will explore several key components of academic preparation, including the development of cognitive and metacognitive skills, the establishment of strong study habits, and the significance of socio-emotional factors. Cognitive skills are the core intellectual abilities necessary for effective learning and problem-solving. These include skills such as reading comprehension, mathematical proficiency, and scientific reasoning, which serve as the foundation for successful engagement with academic content (National esearch Council, 2012). A well-prepared student will have developed these skills to a level that allows for the comprehension of complex texts, the ability to solve multi-step mathematical problems, and the capacity to apply scientific principles to…...



Conley, D. T. (2007). Redefining college readiness. Eugene, OR: Educational Policy Improvement Center.

National Research Council. (2012). Education for life and work: Developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century. National Academies Press.

Pellegrino, J. W., & Hilton, M. L. (2012). Education for life and work: Developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century. National Academies Press.

Schraw, G., Crippen, K. J., & Hartley, K. (2006). Promoting self-regulation in science education: Metacognition as part of a broader perspective on learning. Research in Science Education, 36(1-2), 111-139.

Academic Argument on Faculty Perceptions of Student Disengagement in Online Learning
Pages: 5 Words: 1578

Academic Argument on Faculty Perceptions of Student Disengagement in Online Learning
The emergence of technology has meant that today people are challenged every single day to accept something new in their lives on a regular basis. This is not to say that this is a bad thing, but the argument that can here is that are we really ready as a society to incorporate these new technological advancements in their day-to-day life? And it is exactly at this juncture that we face a critical issue.

hile there is no doubt that the mark of technology has been felt on every segment of our lives, no matter how trivial it may seem, the fact of the matter remains that there is currently a majority of people who are not equipped to handle this new intrusion in their lives. The reason for this can vary from the lack of acceptability to the fact that…...


Works Cited

A History of Online Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Online Education:

Kurubacak, G. (2002). Book Review: E-tivities; The Key to Achieve Online Learning by Gilly Salmon. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education,, 4 (1).

Liyan Song, E.S. (2004). Improving Online learning: Student perceptions of useful and challenging characteristics. Internet and Higher Education, 7, 59-70.

Michael W. Ward, G.P. (2010). Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Quality of Online Learning Experiences. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 11 (3).

Academic Profile of Home Schoolers a Case Study
Pages: 62 Words: 16937

Academic Profile of Home Schooling - a Case Study
Home Schooling vs. Traditional Educational Methods

Home Schooling Methodology

Focus of the Practicum


Area of Inquiry

Subject/Topic Areas

Home Schooling as an Alternative

Curricula and Materials Used for Home Schooling

The Success of Home Schooling

Evaluation Design

Conditions for Change



Legislative Information:

Maryland: A Legal Analysis

State Laws and Regulations - Maryland

Goulart and Travers vs. Calvert County

Home-schooled Kids Find Social Growth"

Home Schoolers in the Trenches"

Home School Academic Advantage Increases Over Time"

Home Schooling." ERIC Digest, Number 95.


The Academic Profile of Home Schoolers

Case Study

The focus of this applied dissertation proposal is to examine and analyze home school families' academic environment, the institutional materials they use, and to gain an understanding of their academic success.

Prince George's County Public School System is the nineteenth largest school system in the nation with a diverse student population of over 137,000 students. Currently, there are 2,309 students that are being educated at home; 858 are being taught through correspondence courses that…...



Monticello, IL.

Buchanan, Jim (1984). Home Instruction: A Growing Alternative to Public Schools. Monticello, IL.

Lande, Nancy (2000). Home school Open House: Interviews with 55 Home schooling Families. Bozeman, MT

Waring, Bill and Diane (1999). Emerald Books: A look back on what they learned along the way by veteran home schooling parents of varying approaches.

Academic Statement of Nursing Goals
Pages: 1 Words: 359

Receiving an acceptance into the NDMU nursing program would be the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. Unfortunately, I am very well aware that I do not currently meet the academic standards of the program. I write this not to question those standards, because I am very well aware of how demanding nursing programs are, particularly one with the reputation of NDMU, but as an explanation. Unfortunately, I entered college with poor preparation for the academic demands I faced. This was not simply in terms of knowledge, but also study skills. Excited by all the possibilities of college, I lacked a sense of focus and also took on too many extracurricular activities, as well as part-time work to support my education. The result was poor performance in my classes and even having to drop out of several of them.Realizing I needed to refocus myself on my goal of becoming a nurse,…...

Marriage Preparation Programs the Objective
Pages: 6 Words: 1647

(PREP Inc. 2012)

Allen, W. (1997). Replication of five types of married couples based on ENRICH. Unpublished dissertation. University of Minnesota. St. Paul, Minnesota.

rowning, DS (2003) Marriage and Modernization: How Globalization Threatens Marriage and What to do About it. Wm. . Eerdmans Publishing, 2003

Duvall, E.M. (1971). Family development, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co.

Fournier, D.G., & Olson, DH (1986). Programs for premarital and newlywed couples. In R.F.Levant (Ed.), Psychoeducational approaches to family therapy and counseling (pp. 194-231).New York: Springer.

Fournier, D.G., Springer, J. & Olson, DH (2010). Conflict and commitment in seven stages of premarital and marital relations. Unpublished manuscript, Dept. Of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.

Fowers, .J., Montel, K.H., & Olson, DH (1996). Predictive validity of types of premarital coupes based on PREPARE. Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy, 22, 1, 103-119.

Fowers, .J. & Olson, DH (1992). Four types of premarital couples: An empirical typology based on PREPARE.…...



Allen, W. (1997). Replication of five types of married couples based on ENRICH. Unpublished dissertation. University of Minnesota. St. Paul, Minnesota.

Browning, DS (2003) Marriage and Modernization: How Globalization Threatens Marriage and What to do About it. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2003

Duvall, E.M. (1971). Family development, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co.

Fournier, D.G., & Olson, DH (1986). Programs for premarital and newlywed couples. In R.F.Levant (Ed.), Psychoeducational approaches to family therapy and counseling (pp. 194-231).New York: Springer.

Relevance of Academic Knowledge to
Pages: 15 Words: 5016

It needs to be well understood because just like knowledge, ingorance cannot be talked about without basing on some individual or group. It should therfore be negotiated soically because it is socially constructed. Ignorance is treated indiscriminately and unitary whereby terms like uncertainity, ambiguity and vagueness are considered synonymous by most writing on disaster.Turner together with several other writers in the fields of disasters and hazards refer to about three ignorance senses consisting of distortion which he also calls misinformation, incompleteness and irrelevance whereby relevant information is discounted and overlooked. In order to prevent disasters, there are various ways in information which would be need is classified. The things which are not known; what is known but not entirely appreciated; something which someone knows but does not present it collectively with other information in a timely manner when there will be realization of its significance and action of its…...



Auf der Heide, E. (1989). Disaster Response: Principles of Preparation and Coordination. St.

Louis: C.R. Mosely.

Britton, N. (1999). Whither the emergency manager?" International Journal of Mass

Emergencies and Disaster, 17(3), 223-36.

Counseling Interventions on the Academic
Pages: 10 Words: 2827

(McGannon, Carey and Dimmitt, 2005)
To address this need in the field of school counseling, the CSCOR has developed the National Panel for School Counseling Evidence-ased Practice, which is composed of school counseling educators and practitioners who have been identified as experts in the field. Panel members are currently evaluating existing methods of evidence-based practice by reviewing the research literature so that they may establish rules of evidence to determine whether a practice can be identified as evidence-based. The panel is identifying rules for judging strong evidence, identifying needed research, and communicating their findings to other practitioners and researchers. (McGannon, Carey, and Dimmitt, 2005)

The work of Jeremy M. Linton entitled: "Perceived Therapeutic Qualities of Counselor Trainees with Disabilities" states that a learning disability (LD) is present when the person's achievement in a specific academic area is significantly below the level expected for age, schooling, and level of intelligence. In general,…...



Carey, John; Dimmitt, Carey McGannon, and Carey, Wendy (2005) the Current Status of School Counseling Outcome Research. School of Education - University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Research Monograph, Number 2, May 2005.

Problem Solving and RTI: New Roles for School Psychologists by Andrea Canter, 2006, February, Communique, 34(5). Available from

Linton, Jeremy M. (1999) Perceived Therapeutic Qualities of Counselor Trainees with Disabilities. Journal of Instructional Psychology March 1999.

Elbaum, Batya; and Vaughn, Sharon (2008) Can School-Based Interventions Enhance the Self-Concept of Students with Learning Disabilities? National Center for Learning Disabilities. 2008. online available at

Graduate Admissions Accounting CPA Preparation
Pages: 2 Words: 709

The Whatever School of Business at Whatever University prepares its students well for the accounting profession but also encourages them to engage in critical debate about how to honor the different interests and demands of stakeholders at a corporation, and to balance the law with the needs of the client, regardless of whether the client is a 'real' individual or the fictional individual of a corporation. On a larger level, I believe that my experiences as an international student at Whatever will help me as an accountant student and eventually as a CPA. I am used to balancing a variety of different perspectives, as I have had to learn about the United States while learning about American and world economic systems in my classes.

In my classes at Whatever many of the students are interested to hear about the additional life experiences that I have had because I am several years…...

Clinical vs Academic Study in Medicine One
Pages: 2 Words: 719

Clinical vs. Academic Study in Medicine
One of the most fascinating subjects of today is undoubtedly medicine, and all the science, pactice, o theoy that comes with it. It is vital fo new doctos to become accustomed quickly with suoundings in a hospital, fo example, and to know how to teat patients o diagnose them in a matte of minutes; but it is also vital fo them to have a base of academic knowledge on which to ely at all times. These two factos, then, can help shape an individual as a physician and ende him o he capable o incapable of being successful in the field. This pape will thus speak about why both clinical and academic studies ae necessay fo a successful medical caee, as well as what balance can be stuck between the two to ensue optimal leaning.

The best illustation of the long-going debate on pactice vs.…...


references taken from: No Author. (2011). Study Medicine At Oxford: Course Structure. [Online]. Available:   Accessed: 18 October 2011. Updated October 2011. ] .

Balance, as seen above, is quite important, and, as seen above, each type of study structure has its advantages. One is therefore left to conclude that medicine should always consider a balanced approach between clinical and academic study, for without one, the other will not work well and a doctor will neither work at his or her full potential, nor be successful in his or her profession.

Quality of Rice's Academic Life
Pages: 3 Words: 952

Even in my current extracurricular activities, such as on my Varsity football team, sacrificing my need to be a 'star' and instead serve the common good is a necessity. Teaching the novice debaters is an integral part of my duties on my school's Lincoln-Douglas Debate team. I must help them see the world from competing perspectives, and to see issues in terms of grey, rather than stark black and white.
I am so thankful for the people in my life who have taught me this spirit of community: the people I met over the summer in Texas taught me what it means to be a good neighbor, the children and senior citizens I have befriended who have shown me that friendship knows no age or socioeconomic status. I have, despite the shortness of my life, tried to craft an open soul with few fences, with no barbed wire around my…...

Modern Marriage Preparation Program
Pages: 5 Words: 1756

Over the past 50 -- 60 years, the divorce rate in the United States has risen dramatically. Marriage was viewed differently in previous generations, and was generally considered an institution between one man and one woman. In today's modern culture, the lines between what is acceptable in a union between two entities is much more blurred than it was in earlier years. There is a movement to accept marriage as it was previously defined as too old-fashioned. Accordingly, there is a larger percentage of individuals who divorce after marriage, or who oftentimes do not marry at all, preferring instead to cohabitate one with another. Such a scenario seems to be based on a lack of overall commitment to the relationship, and this same lack of commitment affects married couples as well.

One recent study determined that in the 1950's happy marriages were the result of marrying someone with similar beliefs, commitment…...



Amato, P.R., & DeBoer, D. (2001). The transmission of marital instability across generations:Relationship skills or commitment to marriage? Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 63, pp. 1038 -- 1051

Bennett, J. & Ellison, J.; (2010) I don't, Newsweek, Vol. 155, Issue 25, pp. 42 -- 45

Bowen, M, Dr.; (2011) Bowen theory, accessed on December 21, 2011 at 

Burgoyne, C.B.; Reibstein, J.; Edmunds, A.M.; Routh, D.A.; (2010) Marital commitment, money and marriage preparation: What changes after the wedding?, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 20, Issue 5, pp. 390 -- 403

Soi Your Preparation and Background
Pages: 3 Words: 840

Your academic or professional goals and reasons for your choice of career.

When I prepared my first business plan for Tashrostans last year, the gaps in my financial education became apparent. The MBA will prepare me for the Finance Manager position at Tashrostrans, which is sponsoring my MBA program. Thus, mastering micro-financial processes in an academic environment is my primary short-term goal.

One of the main reasons why I want a financial management position is to improve the outlook and future earnings of Tashrostans, with corresponding positive effects on the growth of the Uzbek economy. A financial managerial position a leading manufacturing firm in Uzbekistan will in turn prepare me to accomplish my long-term ambition of working in corporate finance with a larger multinational firm.

An MBA from Marriott will therefore allow me to ultimately make a concrete and substantial contribution to Uzbekistan's economy. Economic development will enormously improve the lives of our…...

Ethics of Academic
Pages: 6 Words: 2411

brazenly 'sampled' from a book, the dictionary, and 'remixed' into a news story," writes Julian Sanchez in an annoyed response to court rulings on sampling in the music industry. His phrasing, however, perfectly encapsulates the real problems in defining and avoiding plagiarism. In the attempt to express my own personal understanding and interpretation of plagiarism, I quickly found that despite the most sincere attempt to develop such an interpretation was bound to failure. In a moment of sarcasm, I might express a fear of plagiarizing from the honor codes of universities across the nation if I were to merely parrot back the description of plagiarism which involves not only "using another writer's words without proper citation" (CACCAS) but also "using another writer's ideas without proper citation." (CACCAS), definitions which are used verbatim in student handbooks wherever English is spoken. The problem is more significant, however, than this flippancy might…...



Alberta U. "Why Students Plagiarize." Learning Services. University of Alberta. 2004. 

Budge, E.A. Wallis. "The Book of the Dead." New York: Gramercy Books, 1999.

CACCAS. "Academic Honesty: Cheating and Plagiarism." Academic Honestly. Faculty Resource On Grading. 2004.

Critical Art Ensemble. "Utopian Plagiarism, Hypertextuality, and Electronic Cultural Production." Critical Issues in Electronic Media. Penny, Simon, ed. New York: Suny Press, 1994, 105-118.

How to write an academic preparation response?
Words: 466

When writing an academic preparation response, it is important to follow a proper format to ensure clarity and organization. Here is an example of how you can structure your response:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient's Name]
[Recipient's Title]
[Recipient's Organization]
[Organization's Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing in response to your request for information on my academic preparation for [specific program or position]. I have carefully considered the skills and knowledge needed for this opportunity, and I believe my academic background has prepared me well for success in this role.

Firstly, I have completed a Bachelor's degree in [relevant field]....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on Academic preparation response ?
Words: 195

1. The Importance of Academic Preparation in Achieving Success

2. Effective Strategies for Academic Preparation

3. Overcoming Challenges in Academic Preparation

4. Maximizing Academic Potential through Preparation

5. Academic Preparation: A Key to Academic Excellence

6. The Impact of Academic Preparation on Future Opportunities

7. Enhancing Academic Performance through Preparation

8. The Role of Academic Preparation in Personal Growth and Development

9. Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals for Academic Preparation

10. Building a Solid Foundation for Academic Success through Preparation
11. Navigating the Path to Academic Success: The Importance of Preparation

12. A Comprehensive Guide to Academic Preparation for Achievement

13. Harnessing the Power of Academic Preparation for Academic Excellence

14. Academic Preparation: Your Key....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on Academic preparation response ?
Words: 110

1. The Impact of Academic Preparation on Student Success: A Comprehensive Examination

2. Exploring the Role of Academic Readiness in College Achievement

3. Academic Preparedness: A Foundation for Success in Higher Education

4. Enhancing Student Outcomes: The Importance of Academic Readiness

5. Bridging the Gap: Ensuring Academic Preparedness for College Success

6. Academic Preparation and Student Performance: A Correlation Analysis

7. The Role of Academic Skills in Student Retention and Completion

8. Essential Elements of Academic Preparedness: A Guide for Students and Educators

9. The Importance of Academic Preparation in Postsecondary Education

10. Academic Readiness: A Critical Factor in Educational Equity

How does one\'s academic preparation influence their ability to respond effectively to challenging situations?
Words: 380

One's academic preparation can have a significant impact on their ability to respond effectively to challenging situations. Acquiring a strong foundation in academic subjects can enhance critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and decision-making capabilities, all of which are essential in navigating difficult circumstances.

For example, individuals with a background in mathematics and logic may be better equipped to analyze complex data and make informed decisions in high-pressure situations. Similarly, those with a strong grasp of language and communication skills may excel at conveying their thoughts effectively and persuasively in challenging conversations or negotiations.

Furthermore, academic preparation can also instill a sense of....

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