Academic Performance Essays (Examples)

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Academic Performance and Emotions
Pages: 8 Words: 2657

Students' Emotional Issues That Interfere with Academic Performance in K-12 Public Schools
Classroom settings are emotion-filled areas of learning for children; for instance, children may experience excitement to learn a new lesson, anxiety and hope when awaiting test results, pride when faced with success, surprise upon finding a novel solution, shame for academic failure, or boredom in the course of lessons. Further, social emotions such as rage, understanding, appreciation, disdain, or jealousy directed at fellow students and educators also have a part to play within classroom settings (LEE & SHUTE, 2010). Lastly, children may bring home and community events-related emotions to school, which can, despite being external to classroom settings, strongly impact their learning experiences, including emotional havoc wrecked by familial stress.

All emotions are able to significantly impact pupil instruction and academic success. Emotions facilitate student attentiveness or contribute to inattentiveness, impact their drive to learn, change their learning strategy, and…...



Aunola, K., Stattin, H., & Nurmi, J. (2000). Adolescents achievement strategies, school, adjustment, and externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 29, 289-306.

Clarbour, J., & Roger, D. (2004). The construction and validation of a new scale for measuring emotional response style in adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45, 496-509.

Khurshid, S., Parveen, Q., Yousuf, M.I. & Chaudhry, A.G. (2015). EFFECTS OF DEPRESSION ON STUDENTS' ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE, (Lahore),27(2),1619-1624

LEE, J., & SHUTE, V. J. (2010). Personal and Social-Contextual Factors in K-12 Academic Performance: An Integrative Perspective on Student Learning. Educational Psychologist, 45(3), 185-202.

Teacher Expectations Influence Student Academic Performance Although
Pages: 2 Words: 671

Teacher Expectations Influence Student Academic Performance
Although every classroom setting is unique, young learners in particular share the need to "learn how to learn" in a group setting that can be overcrowded and disruptive. To help address these challenging needs, studies have shown that the expectations that teachers establish can help provide the framework needed to manage classrooms and provide students with an environment that is safe and conducive to learning. To gain some further insights into how these expectations influence student academic performance, this paper describes five such teacher expectations that can positively influence student academic achievement. These expectations include completing class and homework in a timely fashion in order to earn passing scores, developing positive communication skills, refraining from disruptive or violent behaviors, coming to class on time and developing the critical thinking and assertiveness skills they will need to compete in the future. Following this review, a…...



Lane, K.L., Wehby, J.H. & Cooley, C. (2006). Teacher expectations of students' classroom behavior across the grade span: Which social skills are necessary for success?

Exceptional Children, 72(2), 153-155.

Lynne, K., Pierson, M.R. & Givner, C.C. (2003). Teacher expectations of student behavior:

Which skills do elementary and secondary teachers deem necessary for Success in the classroom? Education & Treatment of Children, 26(4), 413-415.

How'sleep habits are correlated to academic performance
Pages: 7 Words: 2030

Determinants of Sleep Quality in College StudentsReference: Feifei Wang, va Br, (2021) Determinants of sleep quality in college students: A literature review, Explore, Volume 17, Issue 2, 2021,Pages 170-177, ISSN 1550-8307, ( This academic article looks to detail the common element of sleep quality within college students. Here, the authors leverage a variety of academic sources such as PubMed, Web of Science, and other library databases to examine sleep quality factors and outcomes for college students. The authors classified roughly 110 studies into determinates that impacted sleep quality. Here the authors coded each research article within the three databases. They were then separated into several categories based on their risk factors. A snippet of the consideration criteria is listed belowFigure 1From the review of the academic literature, the authors found that sleep quality is a large contributor to academic outcomes for students. Interestingly the authors found that caffeine and…...

Drug Use as a Leading Cause of Poor Academic Performance among College Students Cause and Effect
Pages: 3 Words: 990

Drug Use as a Leading Cause of Poor Academic Performance among College Students Introduction
There are a wide range of factors that negatively impact the academic performance of college students. Some of the factors that have been routinely mentioned on this front include, but they are not limited to: failure to attend classes, inattentiveness in class, job-related stress, depression and anxiety (i.e. as a consequence of familial/marital problems), etc. One factor that has in the recent past received significant attention in as far as its impact on the academic performance of college students is concerned is drug/substance abuse.
From the onset, it is important to note that according to the World Health Organization – WHO, drug/substance abuse could be defined as “the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.” For most young adults, college happens to be a period where they learn and experiment with many things (Skidmore,…...

Decline in Academic Performance by American Students
Pages: 2 Words: 484

decline in academic performance by American students has been of increasing concern for some time now, leading to a great deal of government, societal, and media attention and debate. While many resolutions have been taken and implemented over the years, the latest attempt to redress the situation has been in the form of a proposal by the Bush administration to improve the educational system by rating schools with national tests. In an article titled Reforming Schools through a Federal Test for College Aid, Robert J. Samuelson, a reputed freelance writer on socio-economic issues for prestigious publications such as The Washington Post and Newsweek, questions whether the solutions tried so far are appropriate and indeed, whether the real problem has been understood at all!
In his review of the issue of poor academic performance, Samuelson suggests that the real problem with American education lies in the fact that "...our students don't…...

effects of'stress on academic performance
Pages: 4 Words: 1065

Academic burnout is a serious issue that affects a wide range of students each year (Honicke & Broadbent, 2016; Luo, Wang, Zhang, Chen & Quan, 2016; Rahmati, 2015). However, as numerous researchers show, the development and acquisition of self-esteem by students can actually help to alleviate stress and increase one’s academic performance (Arshad, Zaidi & Mahmood; 2015; Fernández González, González Hernández & Trianes Torres, 2015). Self-esteem is defined as confidence in oneself and in one’s self-worth or value, and it is similar to the concept of self-efficacy, which is a belief in one’s ability to succeed at certain tasks (Arshad et al., 2015; Rahmati, 2015). What researchers have shown is that the more self-efficacy or self-esteem a student possesses, the more likely that student is to succeed academically (Arshad et al., 2015; Honicke & Broadbent, 2016; Rahmati, 2015). The reason for this is that students who esteem themselves highly and…...



Arshad, M., Zaidi, S. M. I. H., & Mahmood, K. (2015). Self-Esteem & Academic Performance among University Students. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(1), 156-162.

Fernández González, L., González Hernández, A., & Trianes Torres, M. V. (2015). Relationships between academic stress, social support, optimism-pessimism and self-esteem in college students. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 13(1), 111-130

Honicke, T., & Broadbent, J. (2016). The influence of academic self-efficacy on academic performance: A systematic review. Educational Research Review, 17, 63-84.

Luo, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Chen, A., & Quan, S. (2016). The effect of perfectionism on school burnout among adolescence: The mediator of self-esteem and coping style. Personality and Individual Differences, 88, 202-208.

Rahmati, Z. (2015). The study of academic burnout in students with high and low level of self-efficacy. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 171, 49-55.

Effects of Student Body Size on School Costs and Academic Performance in Mississippi High Schools
Pages: 20 Words: 5735

Student Body Size on School Costs and Academic Performance in Mississippi High Schools
One of the most heated point of contention within school districts currently is the variable effects of school size, school funding and student performance. There are costs and benefits associated with school size and especially class size and those issues effect school funding, as it is largely accepted that less schools, therefore larger schools equals less cost overall. Yet, the concern in any district is the trade off associated with increasing the size of the student body and therefore almost assuredly increasing the class size and the student to teacher ratio.

The decade of the 1980s saw a massive effort on the part of state governments to reform their educational systems. Although most efforts such as decreasing student-teacher ratios or increasing teacher salaries had little impact on student performance, three variables that are under the control of state…...


Works Cited

Amos, Neil G.; Moody, Lamar (1982) "The Relationship of School District Size and Cost Factors to Achievement of Fourth and Eighth Grade Students." EBSCO 09

May 2003 .

Andrews, Matthew; Duncombe, William; Yinger, John (2002) "Revisiting Economies of Size in American Education: Are We Any Closer to a Consensus?" EBSCO

09 May 2003 .

Drug Use as A Leading Cause of Poor Academic Performance Among College Students
Pages: 3 Words: 839

Preventing College Students from Drug Usage Solutions
Prevention of substance abuse in college is frequently discussed and researched and this makes it vital that many colleges implement multiple preventive strategies to determine the one that works. The first one is the education of college students on the impact of drugs and their academic performance. Students must be informed of the negative effects that drug use has on their body and their academic performance (Abelman 4). This will assist the students to make informed decisions about their drug consumption. The college should have drug prevention programs that are targeted towards new college students and those who are most prone to drug abuse (Califano 1). These programs will demonstrate to the college students the negative effects of drug use not only on their academic performance but also on their lives as well (Abelman 5). While it might seem the programs are scaring the students,…...

End of Year Testing vs Academic Performance throughout the Year
Pages: 2 Words: 508

Greenwood-LefloreAlignment between state and district assessment policies is what helps make for effective educational practices. This analysis compares the assessment policies of the Mississippi Department of Education with those of the Greenwood-Leflore Consolidated School District (GLCSD).State Assessment Policy - Mississippi Department of EducationThe state policy emphasizes the significance of end-of-course Subject Area Tests for graduation. From the 2014-2015 school year onwards, students are not mandated to pass these tests if they have earned or received credit for the course in a Mississippi public school. The performance on these tests is juxtaposed with the overall course grade, referencing the Concordance Table in State Board Policy Chapter 36, Rule 36.4. This is in effect to help balance performance throughout the year with final tests.District Assessment Policy GLCSDThe GLCSD (2023) policy puts focus on periodic assessment of student performance in each school. These assessments are grounded in local goals and objectives that…...



GLCSD. (2023). Retrieved from Greenwood-Leflore Consolidated School District > District Policies > Views (Admin) > Selected Document - Read Only (

Mississippi_Department_of_Education_Testing_Policy. (2023). PDF.

Culturally Relevant Teaching Approach
Pages: 4 Words: 1257

Impact of Culturally Relevant Teaching on Literacy Development of African American Students in Urban Education Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
Educational programs across the country have been characterized by reforms that seek to enhance student outcomes. Reform initiatives have contributed to the development of various educational interventions and programs. One of the interventions that have emerged as a crucial component to enhance student outcomes is culturally-relevant teaching. The inclusion of aspects of the students’ cultural environment in the arrangement and instruction of the classroom is considered essential in today’s learning environment (Ladson-Billings, 1995). According to Byrd (2016), culturally relevant teaching is a potent intervention and strategy for lessening achievement gaps and improving student engagement and achievement. Despite the significance of this teaching strategy, African-American students are still disproportionately assigned to educational opportunities in special and general education classrooms. Consequently, the academic outcomes of these students are significantly lower than those of their…...



Howard, T. & Terry Sr., C.L. (2011, October 19). Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for African American Students: Promising Programs and Practices for Enhanced Academic Performance. Teaching Education, 22(4), 345-362.

Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. American Educational Research Journal, 32(3), 465-491.

Paris, D. (2012, March 29). Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: A Needed Change in Stance, Terminology, and Practice. Educational Researcher, 41(3), 93-97.

Paulk, S.M., Martinez, J. & Lambeth, D.T. (2014). Effects of Culturally Relevant Teaching on Seventh Grade African American Students. The Journal of Middle Level Education in Texas, 1(1), 37-60.

How a'specific'situation impacted your academic performance
Pages: 3 Words: 901

I am writing this appeal with the main purpose of explaining the circumstances that influenced my academic performance. At the outset, please consider the trying conditions under which I completed the academic work, rather than as an excuse for the dismal grades.
I had a very challenging time in the preceding semester, and as a result, my grades suffered. My mother, a sickle cell patient became very ill in the middle of the first semester, which sadly led to her demise. Whilst my mother was ill, I found it very difficult to find ample time to work. I was forced to take breaks and head home during the weekend, and during school days to make certain that my siblings were taken care of in terms of meals and clean clothing. I had to attend home routines and domestic tasks. These forced undertakings left me with little time for studying and revising…...

Parental Involvement that Boost Young Childrens Academic Performance
Pages: 2 Words: 729

Types of Parental Involvement and Support that Boost Young Children’s Academic Performance Introduction
That there is a link between parental support and involvement and students performance is almost incontrovertible. Many studies agree to this and statistical data reveals that most researchers have the same thoughts on the matter (Jeynes, 2015; Wilder, 2013). However, it is not clear as to which kinds of parental involvement and support are effective for which ages and the types of academic performance they affect. This research seeks to find out the kind of parental support and involvement that is efficacious for good student achievement for children who are in grades 3 and 7.
Background and Significance
Studies have persistently revealed that there’s an almost incontestable link between the involvement and support of parents and student achievement. In fact, meta-analyses suggest that parental participation and help affect children’s academic performance across different ages and ethnic groups (Jeynes, 2015; Wilder, 2014).…...

Impact Of Social Media On Academic Performance
Pages: 9 Words: 2480

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Double-Edged Sword: Social Media as a Source of Academic Support and Distraction
    This essay will explore how social media platforms serve as both a supportive academic resource, offering study materials and communities, as well as a significant source of distraction that can negatively impact students' focus and time management, ultimately affecting their academic performance.

2. The Correlation Between Social Media Use and Academic Achievement
    Investigating empirical studies and statistical data, this essay aims to analyze the correlation between the time students spend on social media and their academic results, seeking to establish whether a quantifiable impact on grades and learning outcomes can be detected.

3. Social Media's Effect on Study Habits and Learning Techniques
    This topic will delve into how the pervasive nature of social media might alter students' study habits and learning methods, potentially fostering a reliance on instant information that can undermine deep learning and long-term retention essential for…...


Primary Sources

Kirschner, Paul A., and Aryn C. Karpinski. \"Facebook® and academic performance.\" Computers in Human Behavior 26.6 (2010): 1237-1245.

Junco, Reynol. \"Too much face and not enough books: The relationship between multiple indices of Facebook use and academic performance.\" Computers in Human Behavior 28.1 (2012): 187-198.

Jacobsen, Wade C., and Renata Forste. \"The Wired Generation: Academic and Social Outcomes of Electronic Media Use Among University Students.\" Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 14.5 (2011): 275-280.

Wang, Qingya, Wei Chen, and Yu Liang. \"The effects of social media on college students.\" Journal of Management and Information Systems / Information Systems Technology and Management 1.5 (2011): 7-14.

Paul, Jomon Aliyas, Hope M. Baker, and Justin Daniel Cochran. \"Effect of online social networking on student academic performance.\" Computers in Human Behavior 28.6 (2012): 2117-2127.

Role Of Nsfas On The Academic Performance
Pages: 8 Words: 2341

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Impact of NSFAS on Access to Higher Education and Subsequent Academic erformance:
    This essay would explore how the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has enabled increased access to higher education for underprivileged students in South Africa and examine whether access correlates with an improvement in their academic performance. It would analyze data and research studies to determine if financial support is a primary factor in academic success.

2. NSFAS: Evaluating the Quality of Support Beyond Tuition Fees:
    The aim of this essay would be to scrutinize the quality and extent of support provided by NSFAS, which includes tuition fees, accommodation, and living allowances, and how this may influence students' focus, retention rates, and performance. Discussions would incorporate the sufficiency of these allowances in meeting student needs and their consequent ability to perform academically.

3. The Role of NSFAS in Reducing Financial Anxiety and Its Effects on Academic Outcomes:
    This topic…...


Primary Sources

Department of Higher Education and Training. \"Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa: 2017.\" Pretoria, DHET, 2018.

National Student Financial Aid Scheme. \"Annual Report 2019/20.\" NSFAS, 2020.

Moleke, Precious. \"NSFAS Funding and Its Effect on University Dropout Rates.\" Journal of Student Financial Aid, vol. 46, no. 3, 2016, pp. 45-60.

Letsatsi, N., and J. John. \"Evaluating the Impact of NSFAS Funding on Student Success: A Case Study.\" South African Journal of Higher Education, vol. 30, no. 1, 2016, pp. 127-143.

Nzimande, Bonginkosi. \"The Impact of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in Financially Supporting Qualifying Students at Tertiary Institutions in South Africa.\" Proceedings of the Parliamentary Review, 2017.

Academic Profile of Home Schoolers a Case Study
Pages: 62 Words: 16937

Academic Profile of Home Schooling - a Case Study
Home Schooling vs. Traditional Educational Methods

Home Schooling Methodology

Focus of the Practicum


Area of Inquiry

Subject/Topic Areas

Home Schooling as an Alternative

Curricula and Materials Used for Home Schooling

The Success of Home Schooling

Evaluation Design

Conditions for Change



Legislative Information:

Maryland: A Legal Analysis

State Laws and Regulations - Maryland

Goulart and Travers vs. Calvert County

Home-schooled Kids Find Social Growth"

Home Schoolers in the Trenches"

Home School Academic Advantage Increases Over Time"

Home Schooling." ERIC Digest, Number 95.


The Academic Profile of Home Schoolers

Case Study

The focus of this applied dissertation proposal is to examine and analyze home school families' academic environment, the institutional materials they use, and to gain an understanding of their academic success.

Prince George's County Public School System is the nineteenth largest school system in the nation with a diverse student population of over 137,000 students. Currently, there are 2,309 students that are being educated at home; 858 are being taught through correspondence courses that…...



Monticello, IL.

Buchanan, Jim (1984). Home Instruction: A Growing Alternative to Public Schools. Monticello, IL.

Lande, Nancy (2000). Home school Open House: Interviews with 55 Home schooling Families. Bozeman, MT

Waring, Bill and Diane (1999). Emerald Books: A look back on what they learned along the way by veteran home schooling parents of varying approaches.

I need help with an essay topic related to cyberbullying?
Words: 334

Here are 25 essay topics related to cyberbullying:

  1. The Psychological Impact of Cyberbullying on Teenagers
  2. Comparative Analysis of Cyberbullying Laws Across Different Countries
  3. The Role of Social Media Platforms in Preventing Cyberbullying
  4. Cyberbullying: A Modern Challenge in Digital Parenting
  5. How Cyberbullying Influences Academic Performance in Schools
  6. The Effectiveness of School Programs in Combating Cyberbullying
  7. The Intersection of Cyberbullying and Gender
  8. Analyzing the Long-term Effects of Being a Cyberbully
  9. The Relationship Between Cyberbullying and Mental Health Disorders
  10. Technological Solutions to Detect and Prevent Cyberbullying
  11. Cyberbullying: An Emerging Issue in Workplace Harassment
  12. The Role of Bystanders in Cyberbullying Scenarios
  13. Cyberbullying Among Celebrities: Public Scrutiny and Personal Impact
  14. Understanding the Psychological Profile of a Cyberbully
  15. The Influence....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on theft in schools. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 302

1. The prevalence of theft in schools and its impact on students and staff
2. The role of technology in preventing and addressing theft in schools
3. The psychological effects of being a victim of theft in a school environment
4. Strategies for promoting a culture of honesty and accountability in schools to reduce theft
5. The consequences of theft in schools on academic performance and school culture
6. The relationship between socioeconomic factors and theft in schools
7. Investigating the reasons behind why students steal in schools
8. The effectiveness of disciplinary measures in deterring theft in schools
9. The role of parents and the community in....

I\'m looking for an essay school dress code that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 231

1. The Importance of School Dress Code

2. Examining the Impact of Dress Code on Student Behavior

3. Debunking Common Myths About School Dress Code

4. Addressing the Controversy Surrounding School Dress Code Policies

5. Exploring the Benefits of Implementing a School Dress Code

6. Analyzing the Role of School Dress Code in Promoting a Positive Learning Environment

7. The Link Between Dress Code and Academic Performance

8. Understanding the Rationale Behind School Dress Code Rules

9. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Different Types of Dress Code Policies

10. Strategies for Ensuring Fair and Equitable Enforcement of School Dress Code Rules
11. The Influence of Social Media and Technology on School....

I\'m looking for an essay school dress code that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 737

Title: School Dress Codes: A Comprehensive Analysis and Recommendations

In recent years, school dress codes have been the subject of much debate and controversy. Some argue that they are necessary to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, while others believe that they are unduly restrictive and infringe upon students' rights to express themselves. This essay presents a comprehensive analysis of school dress codes, exploring their historical roots, research findings, and potential biases. Based on this analysis, specific recommendations are offered to improve the effectiveness and fairness of dress code policies.

The History of School Dress Codes:
The origins of school dress codes....

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