Academic Integrity Essays (Examples)

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Academic Integrity and Examples of Proper Citation
Pages: 2 Words: 485

Academic Integrity and Examples of Proper Citation
Answer the following question: How can these resources help students uphold academic integrity?

These resources help students uphold academic integrity by teaching them to understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate use of source material. More specifically, they define and distinguish verbatim quotations from paraphrasing and mere referencing or crediting the ideas of another author. Probably the most valuable aspect of the material is that it helps students avoid plagiarizing unintentionally when they do not realize it and have no idea that their intended use of reference material is prohibited.

What are the differences between a summary, a direct quote, and a paraphrase?

A summary consists of an original brief synopsis of the ideas in the referenced material. A direct quote consists of reproducing the exact words of the referenced material with quotation marks; if it is longer than a few lines, it is also indented and…...



Akkoyunlu, B., & Soylu, M.Y. (2008). A Study of Student's Perceptions in a Blended

Learning Environment Based on Different Learning Styles. Educational Technology & Society, 11 (1), 183-193.

Academic Integrity
Pages: 2 Words: 787

Questions on Academic Integrity

Who was most at fault for this situation?

Both Reggie and Arnie were in the wrong, both severely compromised academic integrity by copying the work of another and presenting it as their own. Reggie did not only copy the ideas and present them as his own, he copied the entire text. One may argue that under the circumstances he may have made a bad decision, with the different pressures he had not time to write the paper, as he had more important priorities. However, even allowing for difficult circumstances he undertook a course of action he knew was wrong. This is seen with the conversion he had with Arnie, when he told Arnie not to do the same; he was attempting to ensure that he was not caught. Arnie then made the same decision; to copy from an internet web site, and submit it as his own. However,…...

Academic Integrity Responsible One of the Most
Pages: 2 Words: 661

Academic Integrity Responsible
One of the most interesting passages in the Brothers Karamazov, written by Fyodor Dostoevsky, takes place in the Part Two, Book V Pro and Contra Chapter 5, The Grand Inquisitor. In this section of his work, the author explores the concept of free will, which most people generally attribute as a boon. However, in an elaborate poem told by one of the characters, Ivan, free will is largely portrayed as negative and the reason for all of mankind's suffering and ills. A thorough analysis of the events that take place in this poem, however, reveal the fact that it ultimately functions as a not-so subtle allegory alluding to the virtues of free will -- which in turn implies that despite what Dostoevsky articulates about the negatives associated with free will, he ultimately portrays it as an unquestionably positive asset.

The crux of the poem is that Christ has…...

Academic Integrity Evaluation Paraphrasing O'Conner
Pages: 3 Words: 769

All forms of communications, whether e-mail, discussion posts, response posts, or any other form, should be written in a scholarly manner. This includes being written with clear understanding, no grammar or punctuation errors, and free from plagiarism. Scholarly writing shows high integrity in citations and giving credit to others for their words and ideas.

Work should always be double checked 4 plagiarism (Examples of plagiarism and of appropriate use of other's words and ideas, 2011). Plagiarism is a huge issue in scholarly writing that creates legal issues as well as integrity issues for the individual as well as the university. Double checking the work against the sources used detects where citations need to be made when using other's words and ideas to determine where citations need to be made (Avoiding plagiarism, 2011). This includes cosmetic changes of changing the order and wording of sentences, substituting words, and altering computer code. When…...



Avoiding plagiarism. (2011, Jan 11). Retrieved from UC Riverside Libraries: 

Examples of plagiarism and of appropriate use of other's words and ideas. (2011, Aug 11). Retrieved from Indiana University: 

Peer Review. (2013, Mar 18). Retrieved from Walden University:

Verify Peer Review. (2013, Mar 18). Retrieved from Walden University:

Analyzing the Academic Integrity
Pages: 2 Words: 698

Academic Integrity
College student, Nathan, was spotted cheating in an examination. The essence of his interview with his Dean is that cheating constitutes an ethical offense. As stated by the Dean, even famous personalities such as St. Augustine, Tolstoy, and Malcolm X gained the finest ethical sense out of experience; this included learning from where they went wrong. Furthermore, he stated that bonds can be forged by discussing ethics with others. This helps us more in times of immediate or emotional crises than all ethics-defining intellectual doctrines.

A complaint was lodged with the police against four Bihar students (Bihar is an Indian state) who were toppers in their school-leaving examination, following an inquiry that discovered they had cheated. The State educational board organized a retest for as many as 13 students, following a viral Internet video showing an arts stream student, Ms. Ruby Rai stating the subject political science dealt with cooking.…...

Walden's Concept of Academic Integrity
Pages: 2 Words: 635

Walden Community
Like any academic institution, Walden University has certain explicit values relating to academic integrity. The fact that these values are made explicit, and that they relate to the official APA set of principles relating to academic honesty, provides a platform for individuals who work and study at the institution to develop a uniform and internationally accepted ethical approach to academia.

As a scholar-practitioner, I expect to develop a number of my personal attributes for the mutual benefit of Walden and my own academic and professional development. The values of honesty and trust, for example, go hand in hand. By proving myself honest in my work with both texts and human beings, for example, I will develop a sense of mutual trust involving myself as individual, those who lead my research efforts, and those who are yet to arrive at the institution and benefit from th work I accomplished. Trust is…...

Affront to Academic Integrity Coming
Pages: 9 Words: 2828

Persaud might have been under such duress as to plagiarize because the school and his professors placed an insurmountable amount pressure on him. Plagiarism, Persaud probably thought, was the only way to succeed and accomplish his dreams. Yet until the rules of the game change, players are obliged to obey them or else risk their personal and professional integrity.
Preventing plagiarism depends on four main factors. First, students should resist plagiarizing at all costs. This means that students need to be honest with their friends, their family members, their professors, and their deans. When under extreme pressure or in an academic predicament; when they feel like they might fail a course unless they steal someone else's ideas, students need to come clean. Students who are honest about their situations are more likely to earn their professors' respect than those who cheat. Friends and family members are likely to support the…...



Avoiding Plagiarism." The Owl at Purdue. Retrieved June 21, 2008 at 

Batty, D. (2008). GMC suspends Raj Persaud for plagiarism. Guardian. Press (2007). Seinfeld: Wife not guilty of 'vegetable plagiarism'. Oct 21, 2007. Retrieved June 21, 2008 at

Cook, G. & Bombardieri, M. (2005). MIT professor is fired over fabricated data. The Boston Globe. Oct 28, 2005. Retrieved June 21, 2008 at

Higher Education Understanding Academic Integrity
Pages: 1 Words: 351

UNDESTANDING INTEGITY Understanding Academic IntegrityIt is important to avoid plagiarism and give actual credit to the source or authors who wrote the real information for academic integrity. For example, for integration of such information and to show that it is not plagiarized, it needs to be cited with specific referencing styles such as APA, MLA, Harvard, etc. The information could be quoted, summarized, or paraphrased with relevant factors to form a connection with your argument and even for opposing it.The negative consequences of plagiarism would be loss of authenticity of the academic work, trust from the instructor, and entire integrity when it becomes obvious that you are cheating. Taking some sections of other peoples work and including them in your own without giving them credit would cause problems for copying. In some legal and governmental documents, it could also lead to serious repercussions. It mainly represents a persons carelessness in…...


ReferencesBainbridge State College. (2010, January 6). Plagiarism: How to avoid it [Video] YouTube.   University. (n.a.). Integrating sources. Quillen, A. (2017, February 20). Plagiarism is no joke: Protect your integrity in the workplace. Miami

Academic Assessment Strengths and Weaknesses
Pages: 2 Words: 965

It is widely accepted in literature that this is a significant threat, as the education establishment is unable to control the conditions in which exams are taken (Cluskey et al. 2011; Yates and Beaudrie, 2009; Lanier, 2006). However, the potential for cheating does not necessarily mean it is occurring. The research by Yates and Beaudrie, (2009) compared the results achieved by students who were assessed within a proctored environment, and students who undertook non-proctor and assessment online. The results were interesting, comparing 406 traditional students, with 444 online students, the research indicated that there was no significant difference in the grades that were achieved, arguing that this does not substantiate the worries found in other literature that cheating is taking place. The assessment is utilized argued that online testing is a viable approach. However, it maybe argued that this conclusion has a significant flaw, as an underlying assumption is…...



Education, Vol. 23, No. 2, April 2009: pp. 1 -- 14

Cluskey, G.R. Jr.; Ehlen, Craig R; Raiborn, Mitchell H, (2011), Thwarting online exam cheating without proctor supervision, Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 4, 1-7.

Lanier, Mark M, (2006), Academic Integrity and Distance Learning, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 17(2), 244-261

Yates, Ronald W; Beaudrie, Brian, (2009), the Impact of Online Assessment on Grades in Community College Distance Education Mathematics Courses, the American Journal of Distance Education, 23: 62 -- 70, 2009

Academic Environment Students Are Under Extreme Pressure
Pages: 2 Words: 645

academic environment students are under extreme pressure to turn assignments in on time as well and to get good grades on those assignments. Under these conditions students will often choose the path of least resistance or the easy way out and plagiarize from some document. In this essay we will briefly examine what plagiarism is and the challenges students face when attempting to avoid plagiarism. Ultimately it will be apparent that the majority of students plagiarize unintentionally and often to their great distress. While plagiarism is a serious concern, stemming the tide will require student education combined with institutional vigilance. Consequently, it is very difficult for untrained students to avoid plagiarism.
While there are many technical definitions of plagiarism, Academic Integrity (2011) suggests that plagiarism involves many variant and diverse types of behaviors. These behaviors range from the actual copying of text from another location for use in the students…...



Academic Integrity for Students (2011). Retrieved from 

Davis, S.F., Grover, C.A., Becker, A.H., & McGregor, L. N (1992). ' Academic Dishonesty',

Teaching of Psychology, 19 (1):16-20.

Communication Academic and Professional Development
Pages: 2 Words: 546

Academic and Professional Development
A scholar-practitioner in clinical research administration is someone who can actively apply academic research to his or her mindful practice in the field and affect the lives of patients in a positive way and who can also use clinical knowledge, experience, and wisdom to inform his or her academic practice. In other words, he or she can enjoy 'the best of both worlds' and merge practice and theory. The practice of medicine is ultimately designed to help people in the real world, so there should always be a dialogue or permeable relationship between scholarship and research. The clinical research administrator embodies this ideal. I see this in my own work and also the work of others. One of the strengths of master's level research is that it enables a nurse to function both as a scholar and also to continue to work effectively in the field of…...

Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Two-Digit
Pages: 3 Words: 848

Academic Strategies for the Business Professional
Two-digit Section #:

Instructions: Download this document to your computer before filling it out. Save using "Save As" and add your name to the front removing the phrase "YourName." All of the gray boxes below should be appropriately filled in and the document saved again before submitting to the Unit 6 Dropbox.

Paragraph Writing

My mother has, and continues to have, an enormous impact in my life. My family has not had the smoothest of runs, but all through, mum has managed to demonstrate calmness, contentment, peace, integrity, empathy, perseverance, and compassion even in the face of enormous life challenges. She has always maintained an open mind, an open heart, humor, and joy even when she's going through the toughest of challenges; and even when it does not seem okay, she still wears a smile, and says 'it will be okay'. To her, this kind of attitude is…...

Honor Codes in Academic Institutions Throughout the
Pages: 3 Words: 1085

Honor Codes
In academic institutions throughout the world, there are systems of codes which dictate how administration expects the student bodies to behave. These codes can be different based upon the specific rules of the institution in question. Some have clothing rules, others alcohol or narcotic rules, but there are certain dictums which are more universal. Many schools have rules which dictate that students must behave in ways which the institution considers to be honorable. These honor codes can include different components, but it is primarily a pledge against cheating in any sense of the word. Students in many institutions must sign honor pledges wherein they promise that they will not cheat on their assignments or their examinations. Also, if they are witness to any dishonesty on the part of their classmates, then they are responsible for revealing that duplicity to members of the staff or administration. The students pledge to…...


Works Cited:

McCabe, Donald L. "It Takes a Village: Academic Dishonesty and Educational Opportunity."

Ed. Rottenberg, Annette T., and Donna Haisty Winchell. Elements of Argument: A Text

and Reader. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012. Print.

Rawe, Julie. "Battling Term-Paper Cheats." Ed. Rottenberg, Annette T., and Donna Haisty

Artificial Intelligence AI Chat-GPT And Academic Essay Writing
Pages: 7 Words: 1818

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Ethical Implications of Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Chat-GT in Academic Essay Writing

This essay topic invites an examination of the moral concerns that arise when students and academics use AI tools like Chat-GT to assist in essay composition. It would explore issues of authenticity, intellectual property, and the impact on learning when AI is used to generate content. The discussion could involve the responsibilities of educational institutions to regulate AI use and the implications on academic integrity.

2. The Evolution of Academic Research and Writing in the Age of AI Chatbots

This topic would focus on how AI chatbots like Chat-GT are transforming traditional research and writing methodologies. It would provide a historical perspective on the evolution of academic writing, track the integration of AI technology, and speculate on future advancements. A critical analysis could be performed on how these tools aid or hinder academic research practices and the…...


Primary Sources

Radford, Alec, et al. \"Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners.\" OpenAI Blog, 2019,  

Brown, Tom B., et al. \"Language Models are Few-Shot Learners.\" arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.14165, 2020, .

Ouyang, Long, et al. \"Training Language Models to Follow Instructions with Human Feedback.\" arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.02155, 2022, .

Sharma, Priyanka, et al. \"Challenges and Opportunities in Automated Essay Scoring with Deep Learning Models: A Literature Review.\" Education and Information Technologies, vol. 26, 2021, pp. 6191–6229,

Zhang, Yuntao, and Brent Hecht. \"The Impacts of Automatically-Generated Text on Writers: A Counterbalanced Study of GPT-3 for Writing Support.\" Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 5, no. CSCW, 2021, Article 267, . .

Athletics and Academics in the Current Economic
Pages: 2 Words: 920

Athletics and Academics
In the current economic climate of the United States, public institutions are finding themselves having to make harsher and harsher budget cuts. Teaching positions are minimized, class sizes are increased, and fees are rising to nearly unaffordable regions. The English Department at a certain university or high school may drop from twenty-five professors to a dozen or so. It is the harsh reality of living in an era of economic downturn. However, even as the college school would lose more and more financial assistance from the government, athletic programs at schools continue to expand and provide more and more incentives for prospective recruits. This is symptomatic of a flawed philosophy in college institutions: the ability to perform athletic skills has more importance than the ability to think. This perspective not only jades the graduating classes but teaches the wrong principles for when a student needs to learn to…...


Works Cited:

Larimore, David (2007). "Non-Economic Societal Impacts of Intercollegiate Athletics." The

Sport Journal. United States Sports Academy.

Meier, K.J., Eller, W.S., Marchbanks III, M.P., Robinson, S., Polinard, J.L., Wrinkle, R.D.

(2004). "A Lingering Question of Priorities: Athletic Budgets and Academic Performance Revisited. Review of Policy Research," 21(6), 799 -- 807. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier.

I need some suggestions for ethical issues essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 721

Topic 1: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Workplace

Key Issues:
The potential for AI to automate jobs and displace human workers, leading to unemployment and economic insecurity.
AI's impact on workplace privacy and surveillance, with AI-powered monitoring systems potentially infringing on workers' rights.
The need for ethical guidelines and regulations governing the development and use of AI in the workplace, to ensure fairness and protect workers' rights.

Topic 2: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Human Enhancement

Key Issues:
The potential benefits of genetic engineering, such as curing diseases, improving cognitive abilities, and extending lifespan.
The ethical....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Distance Learning?
Words: 318

1. The benefits and drawbacks of distance learning compared to traditional classroom education
2. The impact of distance learning on student performance and engagement
3. The role of technology in facilitating distance learning and its implications for education
4. The challenges and opportunities of implementing distance learning programs in different educational settings
5. The effectiveness of online learning platforms and resources for distance learning
6. The role of teachers and instructors in supporting and guiding distance learning students
7. The importance of student motivation and self-discipline in distance learning
8. The future of distance learning and its potential evolution in response to technological advancements
9. The accessibility and....

What key components are essential for creating a concise yet impactful short formal essay?
Words: 465

1. Clear and focused thesis statement: A concise essay should have a clear thesis statement that states the main argument or idea that will be discussed in the essay. This thesis statement should be specific and direct, giving the reader a clear understanding of what to expect from the essay.

2. Well-organized structure: A short formal essay should have a clear and logical structure that guides the reader through the argument or discussion. This structure typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs that develop the thesis statement, and a conclusion that sums up the main points and reinforces the thesis.

3. Strong evidence....

How can generative AI in higher education address risks and challenges effectively in essay conclusions?
Words: 314

In conclusion, the use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in higher education offers numerous benefits, such as enhancing learning experiences, assisting with research, and improving evaluation methods. However, ethical concerns surrounding plagiarism, content quality, and academic integrity remain. Educators' lack of knowledge and reluctance to adopt AI as a teaching tool, coupled with students' perceptions of technological innovations, can influence the successful integration of GenAI into the learning process. Further study and development are needed to effectively incorporate GenAI and address ethical concerns, while maximizing its potential to enhance learning outcomes in higher education. To effectively address risks and challenges related....

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