Academia Essays (Examples)

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Academia and Life Through Literacy and Reading
Pages: 15 Words: 4232

Academia and Life Through Literacy and Reading Comprehension
Literacy and reading comprehension are subjects that have been explored for decades. Through these explorations we have discovered that comprehension is an essential component in the ability of a person to succeed in academia and in life.

Comprehension is defined as "the act or action of grasping with the intellect...the capacity for understanding fully."(The Dictionary) Comprehension is important because it allows us to gain knowledge of new concepts; without comprehension it would be impossible to learn anything.

This discourse will present a literary review of the aforementioned topic so that we can understand comprehension and the effect of comprehension on academic success. The literature presented will seek to display this information in a manner that will inform and enlighten.

Reading comprehension covers a broad range of topics. For the purposes of this literary review we will seek to explain what comprehension is and the effect…...


Works Cited

Braud, Kelly, Meche and Walczyk. "Time Limitations Increase Reading Comprehension." Contemporary Educational Psychology. 1999

Comparing the Achievement of Nations and Students. 

Coiro, Julie. "Using Expository Text Patterns to Enhance Comprehension." Suite 101.May 2001. (Online).

Dickson, Shirley V. Kameenui, Edward J., Simmons, Deborah C. "Text Organization and Its Relation to Reading Comprehension: A Synthesis of Research."

Gender Segregation in University Academia
Pages: 1 Words: 433

Gender segregation among university level academia is a continuing issue in the United States. Universities are often seen as among society's most socially progressive institutions, so an analysis of gender segregation among higher educational institutions reveals a great deal about America's attitudes and actions towards gender segregation in the workplace. hile gender segregation is still apparent in the workplace, it is dependent upon a number of factors, including the type of position, the specific institution, and the presence of women executives. Finally, there are important signs that gender segregation is lessening among university level academia.

In general, gender segregation is an important component of discussions about gender inequality. Gender segregation in the workplace is often seen as the root of the relatively higher wages of men in the workplace, limitations on careers, and as the basis for a number of inequalities between the genders (Blackburn and Jarman).

The academic world is…...


Works Cited

Blackburn, Robert M. And Jarman, Jennifer. Occupational Gender Segregation. Social Research pdate. 21 April 2004.

Kulis, Stephen.1997. Gender Segregation among College and University Employees. Sociology f Education, 70, 151-173. 21 April 2004. Available online at: ttp:/ /

C in Academia and in
Pages: 3 Words: 742

C++ has been surpassed in certain areas by other languages, particularly Java and C#, but C++ is considered a core language still because it does not have the bulk of those aforementioned language either; it is ideal to test a program with basic knowledge through C++ as it is today still the most well-rounded and difficult/requiring great knowledge language.

Another positive of C++ is that it draws on very basic concepts that humans can understand, such as the concept of if, then. These concepts are abstract in nature, which have in the past been extremely perplexing to programmers; however since C++ has the very nature of these abstract ideas built into its language, humans have found its language to be far friendlier than its predecessor. Humans have found these positives of C++ to be instrumental in dozens upon dozens of applications; however there are those who critize the language for its…...

Propagation of Academia and the
Pages: 3 Words: 908

I look forward to engaging in research that is practical and (hopefully) oriented towards my surrounding community. Doing so would enable me to not only further the realm of assistance my particular area of study is able to reach, but would also help to aid the pragmatism that academia is ideally founded upon.
Other aspects of the process of academic research that are vital to the fulfillment of this practice include employing a sure methodology that is well grounded in scientific methods. To that extent, research must be in accord with the bevy of knowledge that precedes it. One of the most important aspects of this knowledge, of course, is the methodology that was used to establish many of the principles which constitute the basis of a particular academic subject matter. In this respect, it is not detrimental to be derivative when employing the methodology of previously existent research. Doing…...

Communities and Academia Work Together on Public
Pages: 2 Words: 601

communities and academia work together on public health research?
The article was a formative evaluation of the first 4 years of the Detroit Community-Academic Urban esearch Center (UC), a community-based participatory research partnership that was founded in 1995 with funds from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The goal of the research was to examine the evaluation efforts looking at the UC, and presents the results of those evaluations so that people funding community partnerships can assess those partnership approaches to public health. The evaluations were qualitative, rather than quantitative in nature, though the researchers made efforts to codify the results so that they could be presented in a quantitative manner as well as a qualitative manner. By doing so, they could see, at a glance, how many of the stakeholders mentioned particular parts of the project in a positive way and how many of them mentioned particular parts of…...



Lantz, P., Viruell-Fuentes, E., Israel, B., Softley, D. & Guzman, R. (2001). Can communities and academia work together on public health research? Evaluation results from a community-based participatory research partnership in Detroit. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 78(3), 495-507.

Psychology Insights From Academia to
Pages: 2 Words: 591

Some of the work we read about concerning the Bonobos also ties into this understanding of the brain. Studies of these chimpanzee relatives revealed that new neural pathways are actually created through learning, meaning that there is a measurable physical change effected by learning a new behavior. Coupling this to the knowledge of the brain's adaptability and transformative ability demands a whole new consideration of the literal power of thought.

These concepts, I believe, will remain vital to my work no matter what field I eventually end up in. Knowing the capacity for change in the brain and the sheer stubbornness of it on some occasions struck a resonance wit me that is deeper than simple intellectual understanding. I believe the brain is the organ that makes us fundamentally human, and any deeper understanding of it must also necessarily lead to a deeper understanding of our fellow human beings. Knowing that…...

Daunting Issues in Academia Is and Has
Pages: 3 Words: 1092

daunting issues in academia is and has always been plagiarism. The age of technology, especially with the introduction of the Internet has made a classic issue like plagiarism even more easily accomplished both by those who have full the intent to plagiarize and those who may do it unknowingly. This paper will provide a clear definition of plagiarism, address why students plagiarize and provide a discussion on the differences of intentional vs. unintentional plagiarism. Finally, I will discuss the importance of properly citing sources, direct quoting and paraphrasing.
Plagiarism is simultaneous with fraud. In its simplest form it is the intentional and also the unintentional act of passing off another's work or ideas as your own. Plagiarism includes:

using the works, research and ideas of another and passing off as your own using the creative work (written, oral, artistic or otherwise) without proper credit to the source/creator failure to provide footnotes,…...


Citation Formats A Harvard Guide to Using Sources. (n.d.). Harvard Guide to Using Sources. Retrieved November 2, 2011, from Learning Center: Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism, Guidelines for proper citation, & Help Identifying Plagiarism . (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2011, from 

Purdue OWL: Paraphrase Exercises. (n.d.). Welcome to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). Retrieved November 2, 2011, from

Athletic Trainer Gender Inequality in Academia Gender
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Athletic Trainer Gender Inequality in Academia
Gender Inequality

There appears to be evidence for gender inequality in the profession of academic athletic trainers (ATs). For example, membership in the National Athletic Trainer's Association is 48% female, but at the collegiate level only 1/3 of ATs are women (Kahanov, Loebsack, Masucci, and oberts, 2010, p. 459). To understand the reasons behind this discrepancy the authors of a recent study performed a large survey of female ATs working in or outside of academia (Kahanov, Loebsack, Masucci, and oberts, 2010). The working hypothesis was the following: family obligations contribute to a gender bias in academia for athletic trainers.


Of the 1000 surveys sent out to working female ATs, only 405 responses were useable for the purposes of the study (Kahanov, Loebsack, Masucci, and oberts, 2010, p. 160). Of these, 67.3% worked in an academic setting and 40% were parents of children less than 16 years of…...



Kahanov, Leamor, Loebsack, Alice R., Masucci, Matthew, A., and Roberts, Jeff. (2010). Perspectives on parenthood and working of female athletic trainers in the secondary school and collegiate settings. Journal of Athletic Training, 45, 459-466.

O'Laughlin, Elizabeth and Bischoff, Lisa G. (2005). Balancing parenthood and academia: Work/Family stress as influenced by gender and tenure status. Journal of Family Issues, 26, 79-106.

Sociology and Academia in Frederick
Pages: 9 Words: 2456

..the roles these abilities play in social life;...and the manner in which they are interpreted..., not by experts, but by ordinary people in ordinary activities" (Baynham 285). A combination of the forbidden nature of Douglass's society, in addition to the interpretation of his learning to read by his mistress, his boy teachers, and the Irishman allowed and motivated the young man to pursue literacy.
A unique combination of Douglass's social environment and the psychological effects of that environment lead the former slave to come to negative conclusions about slavery. The more in depth literary works that Douglass was able to read, the more he was able to find fault with the institution of slavery. By using his own social and psychological situation, Douglass was able not only to attain literacy in the sense of being able to read, but also literacy in the sense of being able to understand and draw…...


Works Cited

Au, Kathryn H. "Social Constructivism and the School Literacy Learning of Students of Diverse Backgrounds." Journal of Literacy Research.30.2 (1998):

Baynham, Mike. "Ethnographics of Literacy: Introduction." Language and Education. 18.4 (2004): 285-290.

Cole, Michael and Sylvia Schribner. "The Psychology of Literacy." 1981. Harvard

University Press. 7 May 2008

Role of the Hybrid Manager
Pages: 9 Words: 2526

Hybrid Manager: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Management
The term hybrid manager is anomalous and somewhat abstract within the world of corporate America today. However more and more as technology impacts the workplace managers are starting to be defined as "hybrid." What exactly is a hybrid manager and how do they serve the world of corporate America? A hybrid manager may be simply defined as a manager that is well versed in technical as well as operational matters within an organization. Perhaps a better term for the hybrid manager is "multidisciplinary" manager, a manager that understands how to manage people and operations but also how to work within the realm of technology.

As technology continues to impact the workforce a trend is emerging where corporations are starting to recognize the need for managers to be technologically savvy as well as operationally savvy. The future looks bright for managers willing to serve a dual…...



NHS. (2003). "The Hybrid Manager." King Square House, Bristol, NHS. Available:

Cetron, M.J. & Davies, O. (March-April, 2003). "Trends shaping the future:

Technological, workplace, management and institutional trends." The Futurist, 37(2):30.

Speak or Write Do You Own the
Pages: 3 Words: 1058

speak or write, do you own the words that you have created? What about the thoughts that preceded those words?
What is originality?

In some sense, we are all 'original authors.' We compose our own ideas in our head and transmit them to the world in speech. Yet, on the other hand, it is just as easy to claim that because our words are the result of a series of subtle cultural influences, there is no 'original' thought. Even the greatest scientific innovations of earlier eras built upon the ideas of people who existed previously. Shakespeare borrowed most of his plots. The notion of someone who exists outside of culture is a fiction. Even the language we speak shapes and limits our conceptions of the world.

However, although originality may be a fiction, it is a necessary fiction. Without copyright laws, authors would have no incentive to create new ideas. The ability…...



"Common knowledge in academic writing." PK6. 26 Oct 2011. Available:

[17 Jan 2013]

Hayes, Niall & Lucas D. Introna. "Cultural Values, Plagiarism and Fairness: When plagiarism gets in the way of learning. Centre for the Study of Technology and Organisation,

Lancaster University Management School. Available:   [17 Jan 2013] 

Suicide Is a Popular Alternative
Pages: 5 Words: 1791

Just because a person does not react the same way to the college experience or to stress as you do does not make them wrong, it simply means they are human and have their own ideas. Do not judge your friends, but try to help them instead.
In conclusion, student suicide is a growing problem in our country today, for a variety of reasons. Students are under more pressure than ever to perform, fit in with peers, and get good grades, and many come from broken or abusive homes, that can add to the pressure and lead to depression and thoughts of death. Finally, some, like the shooter at Virginia Tech, are mentally unbalanced, and have shown signs of suicidal and violent thoughts that could have been acted upon if only they had been recognized. The Washington Post reporters continue, "Because Cho did well in school, his mother did not…...



Caruso, K. (2007). College student suicide. Retrieved 20 Dec. 2007 from Web site: .

Cho, D. & Gardner, a. (2007). An isolated boy in a world of strangers. Retrieved 20 Dec. 2007 from the Washington Web site: .

Davis, J.M., & Brock, S.E. (2002). Chapter 13 Suicide. In Handbook of crisis counseling, intervention, and prevention in the cchools, Sandoval, J. (Ed.) (2nd ed., pp. 273-297). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Duane, E.A., Stewart, C.S., & Bridgeland, W.M. (2003). College student suicidality and family issues. College Student Journal, 37(1), 135+.

CEO Memo U R My Boss VP Xytox
Pages: 3 Words: 1032

CEO Memo
U.. My Boss, VP Xytox Corporation

C.Y. Ay, Manager H Compliance


Potential H Issue

We have a potential Human eousrce situation that needs both documented and attention. I am writing with the relevant facts, as well as a recommended course of action. Please let me know if I may provide more information so we may discuss.

The situation revolves around our Director of Marketing esearch, Art Margulis. Margulis has been with our firm for 19 years, providing technical expertise and management in a proactive and responsible manner. He was promoted to direct of the 50-person research group four years ago, and while he has only six direct reports, his management style is such that he regularly interacts with most of the staff.

Two years ago, Margulis recruited Dr. Maria Lopez, a statistical expert. Our company was fortunate to convince Lopez to join as she had numerous high-profile opportunities. Lopez has no staff and reports…...



Dziech, B., Weiner, L. (1990). The Lecherous Professor: Sexual Harassment on Campus. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

Nolo, S. (2012). Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Nolo Law for All. Retrieved


Roberts, B. And Mann, R. (2010). Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Primer. University of Akron. Retrieved from:

Biblical Principles in the Field of Psychology
Pages: 3 Words: 910

Biblical Principles in the Field of Psychology
Biblical Principles in Psychology

Subject Code

This question is still a subject of debate in the academia. One of the two definitions of psychology is through the biblical vantage point and thus using religious material to enrich it would be welcome in the broad sense that psychology finds a place in the biblical arena. Outside this consideration, psychology is generally considered as the subject interested in studying human and animal behavior. Nevertheless, the soul is a very important subject in the study of psychology. First off, psychology attempts to address issues such as the nature of human soul, explores the origin of a soul, and attempts to establish the purpose of man's soul and what might be at the final destiny of a soul.


There have been mixed reactions to whether biblical principles should be used in the field of psychology. For instance, Whitley (2009), in…...



Cosgrove, M. (1979) "Psychology Gone Awry" Grand Rapids: Zondervan

Wayne, J. (2010) "Modern Psychology and the Bible" Available Online:

Valuable Model in Any Way As A Matter
Pages: 2 Words: 587

valuable model in any a, matter of fact I consider them very constricting. This is because one's mind is restrained towards having an essay that has an introduction, a thesis which normally has three points supporting it and a conclusion. This is quite restraining since one has to strictly follow the format of the five paragraph essays. Students are also not supposed to use the pronoun I in this type of essays reason being that one is supposed to make arguments based on the support they have and the support they bring forward should have a point.
Therefore, if one uses I then the essay will sound as if they are the ones who are saying these things which should not be the five paragraph essays one should not include their personal opinions since they do not is required that these essays speak for themselves .One is…...



Lynch, P. (2011).The sixth paragraph: A Re-Vision of the Essay.

Writing an essay on quality initiatives in healthcare in 2020 / 2021 and need help?
Words: 378

For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia.  Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States.  The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on

I need some suggestions for beautiful mind movie essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 415

Certainly! Here are some essay topic ideas for the movie "A Beautiful Mind":

1. Analyzing John Nash's character development throughout the film.
2. Exploring the theme of mental illness and its portrayal in "A Beautiful Mind."
3. Examining the impact of supporting characters on Nash's journey.
4. Discussing the representation of academia and intellectual pursuits in the movie.
5. Critically analyzing the use of visual effects and cinematic techniques to depict Nash's hallucinations.
6. Investigating the social and psychological implications of Nash's decision to conceal his mental illness.
7. Addressing the portrayal of love and relationships in the film, particularly focusing on Nash's marriage with Alicia.
8. Evaluating....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on debates in political theory module. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 561

1. The Role of Emotions in Political Decision Making: Exploring how emotions influence political beliefs and actions, and whether they should be considered in political theory.

2. The Impact of Technology on Political Communication: Analyzing how social media and other digital platforms have changed political discourse and debate in the modern age.

3. Intersectionality in Political Theory: Examining how issues of race, gender, and class intersect in political theory and shape debates on social justice and equality.

4. The Ethics of Political Violence: Discussing the moral implications of using violence as a political tool and when it may be justified.

5. Post-Colonial Perspectives in....

united states navy essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 484

Thesis Statement:

The United States Navy has played a crucial role in shaping the course of history, safeguarding national interests, and upholding global security. Its contributions encompass a wide spectrum of operations, from defending territorial waters to conducting humanitarian missions, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to protecting the nation and its allies.

Arguments/Points to Discuss:

1. Historical Significance:

- Highlight the Navy's origins during the American Revolutionary War, emphasizing its instrumental role in securing independence.
- Discuss the Navy's involvement in major conflicts, including the War of 1812, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, showcasing its adaptability....

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