Absenteeism Essays (Examples)

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Five Alternatives for Dealing With Absenteeism
Pages: 6 Words: 1843

Workplace absenteeism is a major problem costing American businesses hundreds of millions of dollars per year. There are a number of underlying issues that lead to absenteeism rates, and the company that wishes to reduce its absenteeism should design a program that takes these multiple causal factors into account. There are a number of viable alternatives for addressing this issue. The only alternatives that will be examined are those dealing with childcare/eldercare. This is a reasonable approach, as there may not be enough budget to deal with multiple causal factors simultaneously. The two main alternatives are the creation of flextime and the creation of a compressed work week. This report will outline the different alternatives and the final recommendation.

Problem Statement

Workplace absenteeism is a chronic issue that costs American businesses $3,600 per year for hourly workers and $2,650 per year for salaried ones. Productivity declines are especially to blame. Either work…...



Bertera, R. (1990). The effects of workplace health promotion on absenteeism and employment costs in a large industrial population. AJPH. Vol. 80 (9) 1101-1104.

Christensen, K. & Staines, G. (1990). Flextime: A viable solution to work/family conflict? Journal of Family Issues.. Vol. 11 (4) 455-476.

Investopedia (2015). The causes and costs of absenteeism in the workplace. Forbes. Retrieved July 8, 2015 from  http://www.forbes.com/sites/investopedia/2013/07/10/the-causes-and-costs-of-absenteeism-in-the-workplace/ 

Lee, B. & DeVoe, S. (2012). . Flextime and profitability. Industrial Relations. Vol. 51 (2) 298-316

Employee Attitudes Absenteeism
Pages: 5 Words: 1471

employee absenteeism and attitudes. The writer explores the reasons for the absences and some of the ways that a company can promote attendance at work. There were six sources used to complete this paper.
The national economy is sluggish and for businesses to continue moving forward it is imperative that they continue producing at an acceptable rate without incurring many additional costs. One of the chief components to success in this venture is employee attendance. The employee absenteeism can cost the company funds from an already tight budget by way of lost manpower, or hiring temps. Temps generally are not going to be as fast as the employee because they have not been acclimated to the system at the company and if a temp is not brought in the missing employee slows the work schedule regardless of the position the employee holds. The arguments about what causes employee absenteeism abound…...



Author not available, Employee absenteeism hits lowest rate in '90s-survey., Reuters Business Report, 08-26-1997.


SHARON LEM, WORK STRESS RUINING HEALTH., The Toronto Sun, 10-30-2000, pp 8.


Leadership Theories Employee Absenteeism and Conflict Management
Pages: 4 Words: 1424

Business Psychology/consulting/Industrial Psychology
Business Psychology/consulting/industrial Psycholog

Transformational leadership plan is a process moving leadership positions from one person to another or from one generation to another. Two major theories in relation to leadership transition plan are contingency theory and behavioral theory. Contingency theory emphasizes that there is no leadership style, which can stand alone as a proper leadership style. From the internal and external environmental factors, a leader should adapt to any given situation because leading has no redefined path. Behavioral theory emphasizes that great leaders are not born but made. The theory states that any leader can be more effective through teaching, experience, and observation. The theories can be applied in case of a sudden departure, for strategic leadership succession, and a possible planned departure (Ismail & Yusuf, 2011).

Merger transition plan is a process where two or more companies joined such that they can benefit on large capitals, reduce competition, and…...



Bass, M.B. (1990). From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Leaning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics. Volume 18, Issue 3: 19 -- 31

Cohen, A. & Golan R. (2007). Predicting absenteeism and turnover intentions by past absenteeism and work attitudes: An empirical examination of female employees in long-term nursing care facilities. Career Development International, Vol. 12 Iss: 5, pp.416 -- 432

De Dreu, C.K. W & Weingart, L.R. (2003). Task vs. relationship conflict, team performance, and team member satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 88(4), Aug 2003, 741-749. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.88.4.741

Emery, M. (2010). When the Cure is the Cause: the Turnover and Absenteeism Problems. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, Volume 15(1), Article 6: 1-17

Fundamentals of Compensation and the Regulatory Environment
Pages: 4 Words: 1343

Compensation Scenario
Scenario Background -- Jack Parks is the benefit manager for a division of USA Motors. He is concerned about the level of absenteeism and the "paid absence" agreement negotiated a decade ago. The theory was that by giving workers a full week of paid absence against which they could charge personal absence, they would be encouraged to plan ahead and let supervisors know when they might be gone so that staffing could remain consistent. In reality, workers discovered that by not charging off any paid absence days they could receive a full week's pay in June when the company paid unused benefit hours. Workers had, in fact, come to think of it as a bonus that coincided with summer vacations when USA shut down for inventory in the summer. Parks believes that he can control this abuse of a benefit by a series of percentile deductions on future pay…...



Absenteeism Control Programs. (2005). Performance Development International. Retrieved from:  http://www.pdii.net/hrservices_Absenteeism.aspx 

Kole, M. (January 8, 2010). Trying to Understand Union Mentality. Kole Hard Facts of Life. Retrieved from:  http://kolehardfacts.blogspot.com/2010/01/trying-to-understand-union-mentality.html 

McClenney, M. (1992). A Study of the Relationship Between Absenteeism and Job Satisfaction. Applied Research Projects, Texas State University, 241. Retrieved from:  http://ecommons.txstate.edu/arp/241/ 

Treble, J. And Barmby, T. (2011). Worker Absenteeism and Sick Pay. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Organizational Motivation and Leadership
Pages: 4 Words: 1286

Organizational Motivation and Leadership
The Coca Cola Company

Coca Cola Company is a leading manufacturer and distributor of syrups and non-alcoholic beverages. Coca-Cola being the world-leading brand, markets four of the world's top-five soft drink brands, which include Sprite, Fanta, and diet coke. There is no other brand much recognized as Coca Cola. The company operates in more than 200 nations and has a diversified workforce comprising of more than 200 different nationalities and communication of more than 100 different languages. The company is part of each of the societies they serve all over the world. Operating as a local business partner, they emphasize on the provision of quality in the market place, workplace enhancement, recognizing the environment and strengthening the community (Chance & Chance, 2002).

Coca Cola is the best-known product and the best supplier of soft drinks all over the globe history of the sift drink industry. The product was invented…...



Chance, E. & Chance, P. (2002). Introduction to Educational Leadership & Organizational

Behavior: Theory into Practice. New York: Eye on Education

Fulton, R. & Maddock, R. (2008). Motivation, Emotions, and Leadership: The Silent Side of Management. California: Greenwood Publishing Group

Huston, C. & Marquis, B. (2009). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing:

Attendance Intervention Human Resources Hummel
Pages: 15 Words: 4314

This refers to workers who are absent for reasons that are beyond their control, like sickness or injury. Innocent absenteeism is not culpable which means that it is blameless. In a labor relations circumstance this means that it cannot be remedied or treated by disciplinary actions. The second type is culpable absenteeism. This refers to workers who are absent without permission for reasons which are within their control. To be culpable is to be guilty. In a labor relations circumstance this means that progressive discipline can be used (Guidelines for Absenteeism Control, n.d.).
The kind of absenteeism should be identified and attendance records should be looked at frequently to be sure that a workers sick-leave days are disproportionate compared to other workers. If a supervisor suspects that a worker is exceptionally absent, this can be confirmed by reviewing the attendance records (Yorges, 2011). If all signs show that an employee…...

Posted Perform a Literature Search a Human
Pages: 5 Words: 1433

posted: Perform a literature search a human resource law policy. Some topics absenteeism, work place injury, Americans Disabilities Act 1990. Describe law policy a workplace choosing demonstrate compliance .
Human esource Law Policy -- Absenteeism

The role of the human resource has been gradually increasing throughout the past recent years and this is due to a wide array of changes which impact the business community. One of the most relevant examples in this sense is represented by the shift in global operations in that more and more companies and countries come to generate large GDP proportions from services, rather than industry or agriculture. In such a setting then, the employees represent the intellectual capital of the firm, the creators of value and as such the most important organizational asset (Beckford, 2007).

In order to best deal with the employees, business agents across the world develop and implement several policies aimed at improving…...



Beckford, A., 2007, Tales of people who get it, Tales of People Who Get It (Editor), ISBN 1430315989

2012, Absenteeism and attendance of employees, HR Hero,   accessed on April 24, 2012http://topics.hrhero.com/absenteeism-and-attendance/#last 

Absenteeism law and legal definition, U.S. Legal,   / last accessed on April 24, 2012http://definitions.uslegal.com/a/absenteeism 

Labor and Employment Law
Pages: 7 Words: 1948

decision will need to be made about the future of each one. Each decision will be supported with an analysis of the situation using the relevant legal framework. In general, companies are allowed to terminate employees if the termination is part of a downsizing, which in this case it is. Naturally, however, the issue of severance will be raised, and must be taken into consideration for each of the employees in question. The format will be a discussion of each individual employee, his or her situation, but then the final decision about who to terminate and how will be conducted at the end of the report. The microbrewery is probably a qualified company, with at least 15 employees, or this discussion would not be taking place.
Employee #1 -- Mike illiams. illiams is a member of a protected group, being Asian. His performance has been above the median, which gives…...


Works Cited:

Department of Labor. (2012). Employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act. U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved April 21, 2013 from  http://www.dol.gov/olms/regs/compliance/EmployeeRightsPoster11x17_Final.pdf

Organizational Motivation and Leadership in
Pages: 5 Words: 1714

What emerged from the review of the literature, though, was the fact that the agency's top leader recognized that something must be done to address this problem and took substantive action in the form of offered alternative work arrangements for patent office employees in response. The impact of this initiative was shown to be highly positive, with a significant reduction in employee absenteeism as well as other cost savings being realized as a result. Finally, the research was consistent in showing that even the best ideas, though, must be carefully implemented to avoid the perception of undue influence and favoritism in order to succeed.

An introduction to the USPTO. (2009). The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. [Online].

Available: http://www.uspto.gov/web/menu/intro.html.

Article 1, Section 8, United States Constitution.

Fernandez, S. (2005). Developing and testing an integrative framework of public sector leadership: Evidence from the public education arena. Journal of Public Administration

esearch and Theory, 15(2), 197-198.




An introduction to the USPTO. (2009). The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. [Online].

Available:  http://www.uspto.gov/web/menu/intro.html .

Article 1, Section 8, United States Constitution.

Fernandez, S. (2005). Developing and testing an integrative framework of public sector leadership: Evidence from the public education arena. Journal of Public Administration

air traffic
Pages: 102 Words: 28110

air traffic has continued to increase and it now constitutes a considerable proportion of the travelling public. The amount of long-hour flights has increased significantly. Based on the International Civil Aviation authority, air traffic can be anticipated to double amid till 2020. Airline travel, especially over longer distances, makes air travelers vulnerable to numerous facets that will impact their health and well-being. Particularly, the speed with which influenza spreads and mutates, via transportation routes, is the reason why the influenza pandemic is considered to be a huge threat to the human population. Pandemic is a term, which is used for a virus or microbe when it spreads over a large area, in severe cases even the whole world and large number of people start getting affecting by it (CDC, 2009).
In the past 300 years, there have been ten significant influenza pandemics outbreaks that have taken place in this world. The…...



Airports Council International (2009) Airport preparedness guidelines for outbreaks of communicable disease. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2011)http://www.airports.org/aci/aci/file/ACI_Priorities/Health/Airport%20preparedness%20guidelines.pdf

Bouma, G.D. (2002) The research process. 4th edn. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Brigantic, R., Delp, W., Gadgil A., Kulesz, J., Lee, R., Malone, J.D. (2009) U.S. airport entry screening in response to pandemic influenza: Modeling and analysis. Available at:   (Accessed: 28 November 2011)http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B7578-4W2M6SG1&_user=10843&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000000150&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10843&md5=44685b11dd53d74a8ef85a4f03e185f2 

Bush, George W. (2003a). Homeland security presidential directive -- 5: Management of domestic incidents. Available at:   (Accessed: 28 November 2011)http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/02/20030228-9.html 

Corporate Wellness Program Benefits of
Pages: 4 Words: 1728


It is recommended that Sea Island should implement a corporate wellness program in order to gain the advantages that come with the program. These include cost savings on health insurance, increased job satisfaction levels which decrease absenteeism and employee turnover and increase employee productivity. The program should be designed to be culturally sensitive and should be tailored for the workplace environment in the company in order to include all members of the organization despite their background, history or other cultural aspects that can create barriers to participation in the program.


Barton, S.S. (2002). Aspects of the Effect of Substance Use on Health, Wellness and Safety of Employees and Families in Northern emote Work Sites. Social Indicators esearch, 60(1/3), 263-274. doi: 10.2307/27527051

Bates, J. (2012). Benefits of Corporate Wellness etrieved December 12th, 2012, from http://wellnessproposals.com/wellness-articles/benefits-of-corporate-wellness/

Heinen, L., & Darling, H. (2009). Addressing Obesity in the Workplace: The ole of Employers. The Milbank Quarterly, 87(1),…...



Barton, S.S. (2002). Aspects of the Effect of Substance Use on Health, Wellness and Safety of Employees and Families in Northern Remote Work Sites. Social Indicators Research, 60(1/3), 263-274. doi: 10.2307/27527051

Bates, J. (2012). Benefits of Corporate Wellness Retrieved December 12th, 2012, from  http://wellnessproposals.com/wellness-articles/benefits-of-corporate-wellness/ 

Heinen, L., & Darling, H. (2009). Addressing Obesity in the Workplace: The Role of Employers. The Milbank Quarterly, 87(1), 101-122. doi: 10.2307/25474361

Moxley, L.S. (1990). The Development and Impact of an Experimental Student Affairs Employee Wellness Program. Research in Higher Education, 31(2), 211-233. doi: 10.2307/40195940

UK Around 20 000 Students Truant
Pages: 4 Words: 1210

I have found no evidence to suggest that those punitive measures have any long-term impacts on school attendance levels" [C]
In both the authorities under study, the class teachers reported the absence of any induction or CPD training to help them during the transition phase. Thus, this research study has helped in identifying the problem areas and in pointing out the measures needed to redress the situation. In special schools, head teachers expressed a need for more support from LEA and to be included in meetings regarding important policy decisions. Research attests that intervention programs for mentally and physically challenged students are very promising. A recent study by Jackie Micklethwaite at the Swanwick Primary School in Derbyshire showed that INPP exercise programs had a remarkable positive influence on children "the children enjoyed the discipline of performing an exercise routine at the beginning of the morning. It appeared to both calm…...



1) Ken Reid, 'The views of Head Teachers and Teachers on Attendance issues in Primary Schools', Swansea Institute of Higher Education

DfES, "Every Child Counts', Accessed Apr 21st 2007, available at  http://www.dfes.gov.uk/consultations/downloadableDocs/EveryChildMattersNextSteps.pdf 

Jane Bruccoleri, "Primary School Puts End to High Truancy," Accessed Apr 21st 2007, available at  http://www.croydonguardian.co.uk/education/educationnews/display.var.1076255.0.primary_school_puts_end_to_high_truancy.php 

Sally Goddard Blythe, "the INPP School Program," Accessed Apr 21st 2007, available at http://ngfl.northumberland.gov.uk/sla/CPD%20SLA%2006-07/Behaviour%20Support/INPP%20School%20Programme.htm

Motivation at Work Application in the Case
Pages: 3 Words: 970

Motivation at Work Application
In the case study, Making of Hotplates, Workers seems to be having jobs which are extremely specialized. Each task is balanced for three minutes per each station making the work to be extremely monotonous to the workers making them to become unhappy, Because of unhappiness of workers at the workplace; these would have resulted in poor morale as well as low motivation. Motivation in the workplace is a form of force that makes the employees to do things which will result to high production by having an inspiration of completing the tasks allocated. When there is motivation in organization, the employees try to put more effort to increase the output standard (Whiteley, 2002). This paper analyzes the importance of motivation to the workers in the workplace and problems that result when there is low motivation.

Changes in the workplace accounting for increase in productivity and decrease in controllable…...



Rush, H.M. (2008). Job design for motivation; [experiments in job enlargement and job enrichment,. New York: Conference Board.

Stack, L. (2010). Super competent the six keys to perform at your productive best. New York:


Whiteley, P. (2002). Motivation. London: Capstone Pub.

Improving Organizational Performance Simulation Summary Improving Organizational
Pages: 4 Words: 1216

Improving Organizational Performance Simulation Summary
Improving organizational performance

One of the challenges that organizations are faced with is performance improvement. For the organization to grow and survive it would need to depend on the commitment and passion of its employees. Airdevils is a professional stunts company based in Salt Lake City. The company was founded by Celsey Evans who was later joined by four of her colleagues. The company soon expanded and currently has 115 employees. The company's daring and dramatic stunts have won it many awards and loyal customers. ecently, some of the loyal customers have been expressing dissatisfaction in regards to the stunts, and some key employees have resigned. The employees have been expressing their dissatisfaction on an internet blog.

The first phase of the simulation was problem identification. This involved researching why the job satisfaction was too low within the organization. After analyzing the blogs, comments, and JDI overview it…...



Bernstein, D.A., Penner, L.A., Clarke-Stewart, A., & Roy, E.J. (2007). Psychology. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Mynatt, C.R., & Doherty, M.E. (2001). Understanding Human Behavior. Columbus, Ohio: Allyn and Bacon.

Nijstad, B.A. (2009). Group Performance. Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SB: Taylor & Francis.

Spector, P.E. (2008). Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Management Project in the Health Care Organization
Pages: 8 Words: 2486

Management Project in the Health Care Organization Setting
This study describes the implementation of a syndromic surveillance system. The syndromic surveillance system collects and analyzes prediagnostic and nonclinical disease indicators, drawing on preexisting electronic data that can be found in systems such as electronic health records, school absenteeism records and pharmacy systems. The systems are utilized to identify specific symptoms within a population that may indicate a public health event or emergency such as signaling an outbreak of an infectious disease. school absenteeism records and pharmacy systems. The systems are utilized to identify specific symptoms within a population that may indicate a public health event or emergency such as signaling an outbreak of an infectious disease.

Informatics Management Project In The Health Care Organization Setting

Part One - Introduction

The objective of this study is to describe the implementation of a syndromic surveillance system. Syndromic surveillance systems collect and analyze prediagnostic and nonclinical…...



Buckeridge, DL, et al. (2005) An Evaluation Model for Syndromic Surveillance: Assessing the Performance of Temporal Algorithm. Vol. 54 MMWR Supplement.

Chen, H, Zeng, D, Ping, Y and Ping Y (2010) Infectious Disease Informatics; Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Biodefense. Springer Medical 2010. Retrieved from:  http://books.google.com/books?id=5BdCfSxtNJMC&dq=syndromic+surveillance+system:+state+of+the+art&source=gbs_navlinks_s 

Hurt-Mullen, K and Coberly, J. (2005) Syndromic Surveillance on the Epidemiologist's Desktop: Making Sense of Much Data. MMWR Supplement 26 Aug 2005. Retrieved from:  http://www.cdc.gov/MMWR/preview/mmwrhtml/su5401a22.htm 

Public Meaningful Use (2013) Arkansas Department of Public Health. Retrieved from: http://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/programsServices/MeaningfulUse/Pages/default.aspx

Could you support me in crafting a thesis statement about the Absenteeism of secondary school students in Jamaica ?
Words: 148

The thesis statement for an expository essay on absenteeism of secondary school students in Jamaica could be: "This essay will explore the reasons behind high absenteeism rates among secondary school students in Jamaica, analyzing the socioeconomic factors, educational policies, and cultural influences that contribute to this phenomenon and proposing potential solutions to address the issue." Additional factors that could be explored in the essay include the impact of family dynamics, student motivation, and the availability of resources in schools. By delving into these various aspects, the thesis statement sets the stage for a comprehensive analysis of the absenteeism problem in Jamaican....

Could you support me in crafting a thesis statement about the Absenteeism of secondary school students in Jamaica ?
Words: 387

Thesis Statement:

Absenteeism among secondary school students in Jamaica is a multifaceted problem with significant consequences, influenced by both individual and systemic factors, and requires comprehensive interventions to effectively address the underlying causes and improve student attendance rates.



Define absenteeism and establish its prevalence in Jamaican secondary schools.
Highlight the detrimental impact of absenteeism on student academic achievement, social development, and future prospects.

Body Paragraph 1: Individual Factors Contributing to Absenteeism

Explore personal factors influencing student attendance, such as:
Health issues (physical and mental)
Family circumstances (e.g., poverty, lack of parental support)
Motivation and interest in school
Peer pressure and social distractions

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Should men get more paternity leave?
Words: 370

Outline for an Essay on Should Men Get More Paternity Leave?

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote that highlights the importance of paternity leave.
Thesis statement: State the main argument that men should be entitled to more paternity leave.

II. Section 1: Importance of Paternity Leave for Fathers

Discuss the benefits of paternity leave for fathers:
Improved bonding with the newborn
Reduced stress and anxiety
Increased involvement in childcare
Provide evidence from research and studies to support these claims.

III. Section 2: Benefits of Paternity Leave for Families

Highlight the positive impact paternity leave has on families:
Enhanced child....

can you help me with introductory paragraph to introduce the factors affecting students productivity such as procrastination external distractions mental health authoritarian parenting internet addiction constant parental migration classroom environment lack of study habits and chronic absenteeism?
Words: 178

Certainly! Here is an introductory paragraph to introduce the factors affecting students' productivity:

Students face numerous challenges that can hinder their productivity in school. Factors such as procrastination, external distractions, mental health issues, authoritarian parenting, internet addiction, constant parental migration, classroom environment, lack of effective study habits, and chronic absenteeism all play a role in influencing a student's ability to focus and perform well academically. It is important to address these factors in order to help students reach their full potential and achieve academic success.
Understanding the various factors that can impact student productivity is crucial in addressing the barriers that students....

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