Abortion Debate Essays (Examples)

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Abortion Debate the Topic of
Pages: 3 Words: 1119

Not so, states Sykes, a pro-choice supporter. How can one force, for example, a girl in early teens who has been raped to deliver and have to consider the major decisions of motherhood? Similarly, adds Deam (1997) who had to make a personal decision about her own on this issue, abortion should be an option when it is known that a child has a fatal or chronically debilitating birth defect. "I am forever thankful for the legal choice to end the life of a baby that had no chance. I believe completely that the right should always be there."

Lastly, is the debate concerning restrictions on abortion, as far as the number of months of pregnancy. In 1973, in oe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court declared most existing state abortion laws unconstitutional. The latest major conflict has been over abortions of late-term pregnancies or sometimes called "partial-birth abortion." Those against late-term…...



Deam, J. (1998) "Losing Daniel." Ladies Home Journal. November.

Forsythe, C.D. (1999) "Abortion is not a necessary evil."

Christianity Today, May 24.

Gargaro, C.C. (2000) "My views as a pro-life woman." Retrieved 21, March 2005.  http://www.gargaro.com/abortion.html

Abortion Debate While Legal Aspect
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Even the laws on statute books charge the parents with crimes punishments varying from a few years to death (Need for repealing Hudood Ord stressed, 2003).
In such societies abortion is the only solution of protecting the woman and 'the family name'. Unfortunately, abortion is also illegal in most of these societies. The result is that people have to find sympathetic (and money demanding) private clinics, resort to unsanitary back street abortion clinics (Gabon: Illegal Abortions, 2005) or find women who perform abortion by using antiquated techniques. The result is that thousands of women are rendered infertile or loose their lives in these illegal abortions. These women will surely prefer not to have the sword of the law hanging over their heads too. Legal abortion in such cases in these countries will be considered a blessing. Banning abortion under all situations in developed countries will only help retain these laws…...



Pro-Abortion lobby rejects the religious arguments regarding when the life begins. Their argument is that during most of the development period the fetus is incapable of living outside the womb and cannot be considered as independent being. Pro-life campaigners (as pro-abortionists are often called) emphasize that the pregnant woman is a living being and her suffering or affect of unwanted pregnancy on her life is more important than the interest of a fetus.

Pro-abortionist point out that abortions were taking place when it was illegal, thousands of women were dying in those illegal abortions but the advocators of life did not show any concern for their suffering (U.S. exports anti-abortion policy, 2003). Pro-abortionist point out that most reasonable Americans reject the notion that abortion is wrong in all circumstances. 77% (Legal Abortion: Arguments Pro & Con, 2005) Americans believe that under circumstances abortion is the correct moral choice. Pro-abortionist point

Abortion Debate in 1973 Through the Landmark
Pages: 6 Words: 1752

Abortion Debate
In 1973, through the landmark case of Roe vs. ade, the Supreme Court made first trimester abortions legal in the United States. The decision struck down a host of state anti-abortion statutes and was hailed as a landmark of women's reproductive rights. It also gave birth to a vocal umbrella movement of anti-abortion groups which continue to challenge Roe vs. ade both on moral and legal grounds.

Almost three decades later, the issue of abortion remains the greatest moral flashpoint facing America today. More than any other moral issue, the question of abortion has divided communities, determined the outcome of many elections and incited quiet citizens to become activists.

Perhaps the only point both pro- and anti-abortion activists agree upon is that the battle over abortion rights has caused needless deaths. People who are against abortion, the self-labeled "Pro-Life Movement," point to the 46 million births that are terminated worldwide…...


Works Cited

Alcorn, Randy. Prolife Answers to ProChoice Arguments. Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, 2001

Allan Guttmacher Institute. "Induced Abortions." Facts in Brief. 2002. Alan Guttmacher Institute. 4 December 2002 www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html.

Dlouhy, Jennifer. "House Passes Abortion Bill Despite Democrats Protest over Health, Constitution." CQ Weekly 27 July 2002: 2055.

Eilperin, Juliet. "Unborn Victims Act Wins in House; Foes Call It Attack on Abortion Rights." Washington Post 27 April 2001: A1.

Abortion Abortion Debate in the United
Pages: 2 Words: 764

Abortion / Abortion Debate
In the United States, an individual's rights are guaranteed by law and the National Constitution. Laws encompass all aspects of the cultural definition and are likely to change over time as the social, political and religious foundations of the culture change. Abortion is a religious issue as well as a medical, social and legal issue. he debate over abortion is centered, naturally, on the moral issues of taking a human life and the consequences of such acts for the individual and social well being of society.

Autonomy and the rights of the individual play a large role in the argument for pro-choice. It is argued that having an abortion is a personal and moral decision, not to be delegated to the state or to be mandated by law. For the most part, Americans seem to feel that the issue of abortion is one where both the personhood…...


The extreme range of emotions that are involved in the debate concerning abortion can be difficult for the woman in a situation where she must choose. In Milwaukee there exists a program where Catholic women who choose to have an abortion can go for counseling, to accept the sacrement and to enter into the process of reconcialiation after the abortion has been performed. A woman must be referred by a priest but any services and all interactions are confidential. While the Cathiolic church is, basically, opposed to abortion, it also teaches that a person may choose to follow their conscience after consideration, study and prayer. The right to autonomy is recognized by the Church in matters of morality when one considers the Church to be a 'guiding influence' rather than an arbiter of the moral. In this instance, disallowing legal abortions is not the issue. Allowing for free choice and providing moral guidance and support is the issue. The alienation felt by a Catholic woman in this situation involves an element of is self-division. The process of reconciliation is between the individual and God but also reconciliation of the self to itself (Matthewes, 1998). Such a program becomes a valuable resource for the health care provider is able to refer a patient for continued care.


Matthewes, Charles T. (1998, Jan). Pluralism, Otherness, and the Augustinian Tradition. Modern Theology, 83-113.

Abortion Debate Social Work
Pages: 6 Words: 1740

Social Work: he Abortion Debate
he controversy surrounding the issue of abortion rights has been in existence since the early decades of the 19th century. Like is the case in many other countries, the pro-life and pro-choice movements are the two opposing sides in the abortion debate in the UK. Members of the pro-life movement hold the view that abortion is not justifiable under any circumstances, particularly because it amounts to murder, and only God has the right to give and take life. he pro-choice profile, however, refutes this claim, arguing that fetuses are not recognized as persons on the legal front, and hence, they are not subject to enjoyment of constitutional rights like other legal persons. his text reviews the evolution of the abortion debate and abortion policies in the UK, and explores the fundamental issues at conflict from the perspective of both sides before giving a set of recommendations…...


The Implications of Existing Laws

Abortion Statistics

The UK, contrary to other developed countries such as the U.S. And Canada, has reported increasing rates of both legal and illegal abortions. A 2013 study by the European Life Network, which sought to assess the prevalence of abortion in England and Wales found that the number of reported abortions rose by 0.1 percentage points and 2.1 percentage points respectively between 2012 and 2013, and

Abortion Debate
Pages: 3 Words: 777

Federal Law Abortion
The highly polarizing subject of abortion is widely and enthusiastically argued throughout the entire United States of America. The context behind the practice appears to be unacceptable to both sides of the debate and a deep rooted and intense feud between pro-lifers and pro-choicers has been established in modern day society. The purpose of this essay is to suggest that the federal government should not take over the field of abortion and leave this decision up to the local governments.

State vs. Federal Laws

The United States was created in a fashion that would prevent tyranny and abuses of power. One way in which to do this was allowing states to create their own laws that were applicable to their own geographical location. For this reason abortion nor any other medical procedure should be governed by such a large and mishandling organization as the federal government.

Enforcing laws are just as…...



Boonstra, H.D. (2007). The heart of the matter: public funding of abortion for poor women in the United States. Guttmacher Policy Review, 10(1), 12-16.

Forsythe, C.D., & Presser, S.B. (2005). Restoring Self-Government on Abortion: A Federalism Amendment. Tex. Rev. L. & Pol., 10, 301.

Norrander, B., & Wilcox, C. (1999). Public Opinion and Policymaking in the States: The Case of Post-Roe Abortion Policy. Policy Studies Journal, 27(4), 707-722.

alternative points of view on the abortion debate
Pages: 4 Words: 1299

Introduction Abortion rates have been steadily decreasing in the United States, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still reports over 600,000 legal abortions per year (CDC, 2018). In spite of the landmark Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, abortion remains a contentious public policy issue. The reason why this issue was selected for analysis is because it remains unresolved in public debate and reflects unfortunate schisms in American society. Rather than resort to vitriolic language, it would be more constructive to reach a consensus about abortion policy.
History and Background
Both from medical and legal perspectives the term abortion refers to different procedures used to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy (“Abortion Law and Legal Definition,” 2018, p. 1). Abortions can be medical or clinical. Medical abortions utilize pharmaceutical methods to terminate the pregnancy; a clinical abortion involves the use of specialized tools and procedures such as suction devices to terminate the…...

Abortion Post-Abortion Emotional Distress the
Pages: 4 Words: 1274

Arthur 7)

Probably, one of the most logical statements made by a nonbiased researcher and commentator on the subject of emotional effects of abortion is that;

In spite of psychological problems suffered by a few women after abortion, the existence of post abortion syndrome is doubted by most experts. There is little need to posit a unique disorder in this case, since abortion is not significantly different from any other stressful life experience that might cause trauma in certain people.

Arthur 7)

This trauma can then be dealt with in a logical and constructive manner, befitting any other stressful life event, such as the loss of a partner in a separation, being fired from a job or getting into a car accident. Depression, protracted grief or general feelings of guilt, when they occurs must be treated as a logical outgrowth of life stress not as a special case of social and emotional concern, because…...


Works Cited

Arthur, Joyce. "Psychological Aftereffects of Abortion: The Rest of the Story." The Humanist Mar.-Apr. 1997: 7.

Bullough, Vern L. "The Abortion Debate." Free Inquiry Summer 1996: 16.

Corbett, Maureen R., and Katherine L. Turner. "Essential Elements of Postabortion Care: Origins, Evolution and Future Directions." International Family Planning Perspectives 29.3 (2003): 106.

Irwin, Harry. "Choice: Tone it Down." The Nation 5 Apr. 2004: 23.

Abortion Is a Social Issue
Pages: 10 Words: 2941

In this context the argument is made from a moral and religious point-of-view that the unborn child is alive and that abortion is tantamount to murder. As Bohan (1999) states in the House of Atreus: Abortion as a Human ights Issue, "No society that truly believes in human rights can fail to recognize the right to life of the unborn. Human rights are, by definition, rights, which inhere in one simply by virtue of being a human "(Bohan, 1999, p. 64).

From the religious perspective the main argument against abortion revolves around the view of the religious and spiritual value of human life. In Christianity this refers to the Commandant, "Thou shall not Kill." The sanctity of life applies as well to the unborn child and in many religions life begins at the moment of conception. Form this normative perspective the murder of a human being is seen to be more…...



Abortion is every woman's right. Retrieved March 16, 2009 at http://www.socialistworker.org/2004-1/496/496_06_Abortion.shtml

Abortion Laws Worldwide. Retrieved March 16, 2009 at http://www.womenonwaves.org/set-1020.245-en.html

Baer, J.A. (Ed.). (2002). Historical and Multicultural Encyclopedia of Women's Reproductive Rights in the United States. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Bohan, J.F. (1999). The House of Atreus: Abortion as a Human Rights Issue. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Abortion for the Most Robust Philosophical Debate
Pages: 3 Words: 1082

For the most robust philosophical debate, the morality of abortion should be argued based on both duty-based and rights-based ethical principles. Abortion does in fact point to both duty and rights-based ethics. The duty to care is one example of a moral duty relevant to the abortion debate. Abortion also raises the question of rights. In the case of abortion, the rights belong to several stakeholders but none more salient than the embryo/fetus/potential human being. Because it is scientifically as well as philosophically impossible to delineate any other moment in which a fetus becomes a person, it is logical to presume that the beginning of personhood is conception and not some random or arbitrary point in the gestation period. The rights of the pregnant female are less central to the abortion debate from a philosophical standpoint, because it is the fetus/embryo who stands the chance of being killed. In other…...


Works Cited

"Abortion." Philosophy Talk. Retrieved online:  http://www.philosophytalk.org/shows/abortion 

Bouchier-Hayes, Frank. "Philosophers on Abortion and Infanticide." Retrieved online:  http://www.minerva.mic.ul.ie//vol2/bh.html 

Gordon, John-Stewart. "Abortion." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved online:  http://www.iep.utm.edu/abortion/#SH3b 

Thomson, Judith Jarvis. "A Defense of Abortion." Philosophy & Public Affairs. Vol 1, No. 1, Fall 1971. Retrieved online:  http://spot.colorado.edu/~heathwoo/Phil160,Fall02/thomson.htm

Abortion Issue in the United
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Instead, considering the more empirical medical and social considerations at hand, the Supreme Court established the position that stands today.
In spite of this precedent, pro-life groups have mounted powerful, ongoing and determined opposition to this constitutional position. Indeed, the political relevance of abortion can mostly be attributed to this determination, which reflects a belief on the part of the conservative population of the United States that abortion is wrong, that it should be regarded as murder and that the failure of the nation to intervene on the behalf of its unborn children is a fundamental sin. This is a view which has resonated with many Republican office-holders and Christian community leaders in recent years, who have battled aggressively to shift the public perspective to a place of rejection of these values.

However, most of the evidence available to us suggests that abortion is a critical right which must be afforded…...


Works Cited:

California Medical Association (CMA). (1973). Where We Stand -- CMA Position Papers: • Abortion. Western Journal of Medicine, 116(6), 42-59.

Dreaper, J. (2007). Divisions Deep Over Abortion Ban. BBC News. Online at Mecianlhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7041048.stmCalifronia

Abortion Pro Life Not Many
Pages: 15 Words: 4592

"It is not just a Catholic and Protestant Debate"(13).
Some Catholic statements, like the 1968 papal encyclical Humanae Vitae, condemn the practice on grounds of the created order, which is thought to be structured in such a way that all sexual expression must be open to procreation. Other statements, notably various declarations issued from 1969 to 1989 by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) in the U.S. appeal instead to the nature of the human person and the idea that life begins at conception. Abortion must be rejected, such statements argue, because it terminates a human life. Yet a third subgroup can be identified. Statements like the NCCB's well-known 1983 pastoral on peace and the Catholic bishops of France's 1979 declaration do not emphasize the doctrines of creation and human persons but argue against abortion by granting priority to the gospel.

In addition, in the Protestant Church, several statements --…...



Beckwith, F.J. Politically Correct Death: Answering the Arguments for Abortion Rights Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1993.

CPN. "Topics." 6, May 2005.  http://www.cpn.org/topics/families/prolife.html 

Currie, Stephen. Abortion. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2000.

Do No Harm. Coalition of Scientists for Research Ethics. 6, May 2005.  http://www.stemcellresearch.org/

Abortion on Our Communities Abortion Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 638

Abortion on our Communities
Abortion is a controversial issue that has been debated for years without solution. The arguments for and against the issue abound but the cultural, religious, social and personal factors related to abortion are so strong that it becomes impossible to fully satisfy the various groups involved in the debate. While the pro-abortionists claim that the woman has the right to make the choice of giving birth or terminating it the anti-abortionists state that terminating the life of a fetus is murder and giving the right of the decision to one person would cause the downfall of law, value of life and human value as we know it. Yet, giving birth to a child not wanted by the parents creates a whole set of new problems like single parenthood, financial depreciation, child neglect, and urban overcrowding, to name just a few.

Problem Statement:

This research contends that abortion cannot…...

Abortion and the Constitution
Pages: 5 Words: 1511

Changing Abortion Guidlines
Abortion and the constitution

Changing abortion guidelines

Abortion is the deliberate termination of human pregnancy; this process is performed the first 3 weeks of pregnancy. According to oe v. Wade it states that a woman is entitled to personal privacy protection, this is due to the fact that it includes the woman's determination of whether to bear a child or not. The judicial oversight of legislation was increased by the Courts under the privacy line of the cases; consideration was of abortion related laws in all the States of America (Sarah, K. 2010).

Looking at the historical review of medical and legal views concerning abortion, the Courts found out that the modern prohibitions were not in line with the recent vintage thus lacking historical foundation that would have played a fundamental role of preserving them constitutional review (Edward, L. 2002). The Courts also discovered that the word person was in the…...



Edward, Lazarus. The Lingering Problems with Roe v. Wade, 2002. Retrieved on May 20, 2014  http://writ.corporate.findlaw.com/lazarus/20021003.html 

Sarah Kliff, Remember Roe!, NEW SWEE K. MAGAZINE, 2010. Retrieved on May 20, 2014  http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2010/04/15/remember-roe.html

Pages: 4 Words: 1218

The term 'abortion' is used to denote a practice of purposeful pregnancy termination to ensure a child isn't born. This social issue revolves around the aspect of personhood. Almost everybody is of the view that every individual has his/her own unique moral status; hence, depriving any individual of his/her life, except in some extreme situations, is a grave sin. A pro-lifer contends that this principle is applicable to abortion as well, since a fetus is, in essence, a person (thus the word "pro-life"). Meanwhile, a majority of pro-choicers contend that it is only at an advanced developmental stage (i.e., during birth or shortly before it) that a fetus may be identified as a person. The chief, hotly-contested issue with regard to this subject -- fetuses' moral status -- has remained the same since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act in the UK. Arguments for Abortion

Ethical theorist, Judith J. Thomson's 1971…...

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Abortion?
Words: 196

1. The moral and ethical implications of abortion
2. The impact of abortion on women's rights and autonomy
3. The role of religion in shaping public opinion on abortion
4. The effects of abortion restrictions on women's access to healthcare
5. The history of abortion laws in the United States
6. The debate over fetal personhood and when life begins
7. The psychological impact of abortion on women
8. The intersection of race, class, and access to abortion services
9. The role of healthcare providers in the abortion debate
10. The future of abortion rights in America
11. The portrayal of abortion in popular culture and media
12. The economic implications....

What impact does the title of a piece of literature have on the portrayal of abortion?
Words: 280

Sure! Here are ten essay titles on the topic of abortion with proper spacing and format:

1. The Ethical Dilemma: Examining the Controversial Decisions Surrounding Abortion

2. A Woman's Right to Choose: An In-depth Analysis of the Abortion Debate

3. The Legal Landscape: Exploring the Historical and Current Laws on Abortion

4. The Psychological Impact: Investigating the Emotional Consequences of Abortion

5. Circumstances Matter: Evaluating the Moral and Practical Considerations of Abortion in Different Situations

6. Abortion and Religion: A Comparative Study of Different Faith Perspectives

7. The Clash of Rights: Balancing Women's Reproductive Rights with Fetal Personhood

8. Public Opinion and Policy: Assessing the Relationship between Public....

Can you provide a brief outline of the main arguments for and against abortion?
Words: 480

Arguments For Abortion

Bodily Autonomy: Pro-choice advocates argue that individuals have the fundamental right to make decisions about their own bodies, including whether or not to continue a pregnancy. They believe that forced childbirth violates this right and can have severe physical and psychological consequences for the person carrying the pregnancy.

Reproductive Health: Pro-choice advocates emphasize that abortion is essential for maintaining reproductive health. They argue that access to safe and legal abortion allows individuals to prevent unwanted pregnancies, control their fertility, and make choices that are in their best interest.

Socioeconomic Factors: Pro-choice advocates recognize that socioeconomic factors can....

How do moral convictions shape individuals\' perspectives on the controversial topic of abortion?
Words: 383

Moral convictions play a significant role in shaping individuals' perspectives on abortion. People with strong beliefs in the sanctity of life may view abortion as morally wrong, as they see it as the taking of an innocent life. On the other hand, individuals who prioritize bodily autonomy and women's rights may believe that a woman has the right to make decisions about her own body, including the choice to have an abortion.

These moral convictions can influence how individuals perceive the issue of abortion in a variety of ways. For example, someone who believes that life begins at conception may see....

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