For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia. Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States. The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on quality initiatives in healthcare. This is because the world has faced its greatest healthcare challenge in a century, and even though the advent of several highly effective vaccines mean that this pandemic may soon be under control, quality initiatives can improve the rollout of vaccine schedules and help improve overall healthcare, not only for the patients who directly benefit from those initiatives, but also for the people that they encounter.
Here are some ideas you could discuss for quality initiatives in healthcare in 2020/2021.