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Thesis Statements : Unsure if my friendships thesis statement is focused enough. Would you give feedback?

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By PD Tutor#2
Best Answer

Thesis Statements #1

Original Thesis Statement:

Friendships are complex and multifaceted relationships that shape our lives in various ways.


While this thesis statement captures the general notion of friendships being complex and influential, it lacks focus and specificity. It fails to provide a clear direction for the research or analysis that will follow.

Recommended Revisions:

To refine your thesis statement, consider narrowing your focus to a specific aspect or dimension of friendships. Here are a few suggestions:

Option 1:

Revised Thesis Statement:

The impact of different communication styles on the formation and maintenance of friendships.


This thesis statement focuses on the role of communication in friendships, exploring how different communication styles can influence friendship dynamics. It provides a specific direction for research on the types of communication styles, their effects on friendship development, and the factors that shape them.

Option 2:

Revised Thesis Statement:

The influence of social media on the nature and quality of friendships.


This thesis statement focuses on the impact of social media on friendships, examining how digital technologies affect communication, social interactions, and the overall dynamics of friendships. It provides a specific scope for research on the potential benefits and challenges of social media use in friendships.

Option 3:

Revised Thesis Statement:

The role of shared experiences in shaping the depth and intimacy of friendships.


This thesis statement focuses on the significance of shared experiences in friendship development, exploring how such experiences contribute to building connections, trust, and intimacy. It provides a specific area for research on the types of shared experiences, their impact on friendship quality, and the factors that influence their occurrence.

Additional Tips for Refining Your Thesis Statement:

Be specific: Identify the particular aspect or dimension of friendships you want to explore.
Use measurable terms: Define the concepts you will examine and how you will measure their effects.
Limit your scope: Avoid making overly broad or general claims. Focus on a manageable area that you can thoroughly research and analyze.
Make it arguable: Present a position or perspective that you will support with evidence and analysis.
Avoid using vague or abstract language: Use clear and concise language that conveys your research focus.

By refining your thesis statement to be more focused, you will provide a clear roadmap for your research and analysis, ensuring that your work has a specific direction and a well-defined argument.

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

Thesis Statements #2

In a descriptive essay on friendships, I will explore the intricacies and nuances of close relationships, discussing the ways in which trust, loyalty, and shared experiences contribute to the development and maintenance of lasting bonds between individuals. The current thesis statement captures the essence of the topic well, but it could benefit from a more focused approach. Consider narrowing down your focus to a specific aspect of friendships that you find most compelling or significant. For example, you could delve deeper into how communication styles impact friendships, or explore the role of conflict resolution in maintaining strong relationships. By honing in on a particular angle, you'll be able to provide a more in-depth analysis and offer a more cohesive argument in your essay.

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