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Thesis Statements : Stuck crafting a impactful thesis statement on divine command theory. Any pointers?

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By PD Tutor#2
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Thesis Statements #1

Crafting an Impactful Thesis Statement on Divine Command Theory

Divine command theory, a prominent ethical theory, posits that the sole basis for morality lies in the commands of a divine being. This theory holds that actions are inherently right or wrong solely because God wills them to be so. Crafting a thesis statement on divine command theory requires a clear and concise articulation of its central tenets and the main argument or perspective you intend to present.

Steps to Craft an Impactful Thesis Statement

1. State the Central Idea: Begin with a concise statement summarizing the key concept of divine command theory, namely, that morality is grounded in the will of a divine being.

2. Specify Your Argument: Articulate your specific argument or perspective on divine command theory. Will you argue for or against its validity? Will you explore its implications for ethical decision-making? Clearly indicate your stance.

3. Include a Qualifier (Optional): If necessary, use a qualifier to narrow your thesis statement's scope. This can help make your argument more specific and manageable.

4. Maintain Focus: Ensure that your thesis statement remains focused on divine command theory. Avoid including extraneous or irrelevant ideas.

Examples of Thesis Statements

Statement 1: Divine command theory provides a robust and compelling foundation for moral reasoning.

Statement 2: Divine command theory fails to establish a coherent and objective basis for ethics.

Statement 3: While divine command theory offers a simplified approach to ethical decision-making, its reliance on unquestionable authority raises concerns about the autonomy of moral agents.

Detailed Explanation

Statement 1: This thesis statement asserts that divine command theory offers a strong and convincing framework for moral judgment. It presents the theory's position as providing a solid foundation for determining right and wrong.

Statement 2: This thesis statement takes the opposite view, arguing that divine command theory does not effectively establish a consistent and objective ethical basis. It suggests that the theory may lead to arbitrary moral conclusions.

Statement 3: This thesis statement presents a nuanced perspective. It acknowledges the potential simplicity of divine command theory but also raises concerns about its implications for individual moral agency. It suggests that the theory may prioritize obedience over autonomous moral reasoning.

Additional Considerations

Avoid Overgeneralizations: Be mindful not to make sweeping statements that are difficult to support or defend.

Use Precise Language: Employ clear and concise language to ensure your thesis statement is easily understood.

Consider the Context: Take into account the context in which you will present your thesis statement, such as an essay or presentation.

Seek Feedback: Share your thesis statement with others for feedback and constructive criticism. This can help refine your argument and strengthen its impact.


Crafting an impactful thesis statement on divine command theory requires a clear understanding of its core tenets and a well-defined argument or perspective. By following the steps outlined above and considering the additional factors discussed, you can effectively articulate your thesis and engage in meaningful discussions on this complex ethical theory.

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By PD Tutor#1
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Thesis Statements #2

In this argumentative essay, we will critically analyze and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the divine command theory, ultimately arguing that morality should not be solely based on the commands of a divine being. One approach to crafting an impactful thesis statement on divine command theory is to focus on the implications of basing morality on divine commands. You could consider addressing the potential problems and limitations of this theory, such as the challenges of interpreting divine commands, the potential for moral relativism, and the issue of conflicting religious beliefs. By critically examining these aspects, you can make a strong argument for why morality should not be solely dependent on divine commands. This approach allows you to engage with the complexity of the theory and demonstrate a deeper understanding of its implications.

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