Online Learning What is the future of distance learning (including online learning as well as distance alternatives to internet delivered instruction)? The future of distance learning is often viewed in black and white terms -- that is, that online learning will completely replace face-to-face instruction in the classroom, or that online learning is destructive to the purpose of pedagogy. However, the truth is likely to be between the two extremes. On one
Learning Online vs. Traditional Learning Online learning has become a reality in the past decade and most traditional institutions have come to embrace this method of education. However, arguments remain regarding the effectiveness of online educational opportunities vs. those offered in the more traditional manner. Many possible reasons for this reluctance to fully embrace the technology exist, but the main reason seems to be that people are just not used to this
Online Learning Study Park, J., & Choi, H.J. (2009). Factors influencing adult learners' decision to drop out or persist in online learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 12(4), 207-n/a. Retrieved from Online study has become increasingly popular with adult learners over the last twenty years. Despite the popularity of this learning mode, the dropout rate is significant and thus of concern to institutions and organizations. The purpose of the study
Two weeks after the course, a follow-up survey will be given to assess if they have increased their level of computer knowledge and level of usage in the classroom. Methodology Sample participants for the study will be selected from among elementary school teachers in several local school districts. They will be teachers for grades 1-6 and will be selected by announcing the study and allowing volunteers to sign up. They will
Persistence (also called retention) is defined as remaining enrolled in the institution, presumably until degree attainment or completion. Online courses can help students achieve this, because they provide options for learning that were previously not available to them (Drennan, Kennedy, & Pisarski, 2005). Satisfying and rewarding interactions with the formal and informal academic and social systems of the institution lead to greater integration and persistence (Tinto, 1975). However, teachers of
He asserts that the online environment can be an even richer learning experience than in a traditional setup. It is however important to understand the dynamic that is necessary to achieve this. 6. It is possible that the author is overlooking the fact that the students he interviewed might derive their success not only from the strategies identified, but also from factors such as innate comprehension ability and compatibility with