Infectious Diseases Worksheet Select two infectious diseases that have gained prominence in the United States in the past five years and complete the worksheet. Include references. Disease description: Anthrax Cause: Bacteria found in spores, food and animals Mode of transmission: Direct contact, consumption, inhalation Symptoms:fever, shivers & shakes, flu-like symptoms, pneumonia Descriptive epidemiologic data (Person, place, or time): its a bacteria that is ingested or comes in contact with the human or animal Demographic data on affected
These germs "are constantly mutating to breach your immune system's defenses" ("Germs" 2007). Once these germs breach the immune system, they multiply, resulting in the second link of spreading infectious diseases. As Germs multiply and breach the immune system, a person becomes sick. The third and final step in the chain of spreading infectious diseases from person to person deals with that sickness. Once a person comes into contact with
Infectious Disease Salmonellosis Salmonellosis, named after pathologist Daniel S. Salmon who first isolated the organism from porcine intestine, was first described in 1880 and cultured in 1884 (Salmonellosis1 pp). Salmonellae are motile, gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, and are common in the gastrointestinal tracts of mammals, reptiles, birds, and insects (Salmonellosis1 pp). Salmonellae are potential enteric pathogens and a leading cause of bacterial food-borne illness (Salmonellosis1 pp). With a single overarching
In a weird way, that's good news" (Caldwell, 2003, p. 29). Conclusion The research showed that Staphylococcus aureus is a particularly challenging pathogen for clinicians seeking to prevent nosocomial infections in their patients. Over time, S. aureus has shown itself capable of mutating into various resistant strains that make treating it much like trying to hit a moving target. Further, the incidence of infections by S. aureus were found to be
HIV and AIDS Content Knowledge for Dental Professionals: HIV Defined and the History of HIV Research Methodology, Statistical Data Analysis and Study Limitations Expected Results THE DIFFERENCES IN THE LEVEL OF HIV AND AIDS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE FOR DENTAL PROFESSIONALS: Infectious diseases, whether hepatitis, flu, herpes, HIV, AIDS, impetigo, encephalitis, measles, Rocky Mountain Fever, or a host of others have plagued mankind for centuries. Without doubt new infectious diseases will appear in the world's population
Human monkeypox can be distinguished from smallpox only by the development of the virus or the presentation of a virus-specific serological test with convalescent serum (Chapter 29: Human Monkeypox and other Poxvirus Infections of Man, n.d). People can acquire monkeypox from a creature with monkeypox if they are bitten or if they handle the creature's blood, body liquids, or its rash. The illness also can go from person to