Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming The modern world, while no doubt has provided us with immense luxuries and facilities, it has also come at a cost that our future generation will have to pay. The modernization of our world has meant that our towns and cities expand more and more, and increasingly greater pressure is being put on our planet; this is true, not only in terms of the demands for
Faults in isolating carbon as the main source of dangerous climate change, such as carbon-based life forms depend on the gas, inform us as to best orient are response to environmental changes. Other ways to prevent or reverse global warming include geo-engineering -- or terraforming -- the planet. The basis of this idea posits that the Earth's climate can be manipulated by human technological advents. One tactic being considered is
Greenhouse Gases Increased greenhouse gases will have a significant effect on the earth in the coming 10-20 years. Greenhouse gases are emitted through a number of activities, including the combustion of fossil fuels and from the flatulence of livestock. The gases rise in the atmosphere and form a layer that traps heat into the lower levels of the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect results in a warming of the surface-level air, which
Greenhouse Emissions "The EPA…declared that carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases sent off by cars and many industrialized plants "endanger public health and welfare," setting the stage for regulating them under federal clean air laws," (Writer, 2009). An EPA analysis confirmed that emissions of greenhouse gases are a serious problem. Science points to man-made pollution as a cause of global warming and emissions contribute to climate change. Renewable energy comes from
He further protested that exempting many developing countries from the five percent reduction clause would place many American industries at a disadvantage in the world market. For the past decade, the United States government has tried to lower air pollution levels through legislation. Because car emissions are probably the greatest contributor to air pollution, states like California have initiated strict "zero emission vehicle" policies in 1990. Under this mandate, all
There are several models using the scientific method used to measure and support the concept of global warming. Scientists are measuring items that have remained on Earth for millions of years, such as the ice core samples, but they are also measuring tree rings and other living indicators of the Earth's temperature. Scientist Johansen continues, "By 1998, the Earth had sustained 20 consecutive years above the 1961 to 1990 average