Criminal Investigation

Pages: 10 Sources: 6 Topic: Criminal Justice Document #: 80967082

Criminal Investigation Investigative Task Force Assuming that legal authority was not an issue, should this investigation be conducted by VPD personnel or a multijurisdictional task force? This investigation should be carried about by VPD personnel as the lead agency and head of a multijurisdictional task force. There are several reasons for this. First, VPD was the first agency to begin investigation of the crimes because the first explosion and damage occurred there.

Criminal Investigations This Text Will

Pages: 4 Sources: 4 Topic: Criminal Justice Document #: 41050254

The formation of a hypothesis in this case could involve the identification of the most likely suspects. It is important to note that hypothesizing as to whom the suspects could be does not necessarily result in the loss of objectivity on the part of the investigator. This is more so the case if the hypothesis is based on an analysis of the motive and/or presence of physical evidence. Data

Criminal Investigations: The Process of

Pages: 3 Sources: 3 Topic: Criminal Justice Document #: 34599912

Such problems usually contribute to numerous difficulties in the successful prosecution of suspects of such cases. In most cases, the ethical problems originate from speedy investigations that are not handled in thorough and professional manner leading to false arrest or the case being thrown out of court. Therefore, there is a huge need for the investigator to adopt various measures that help in reducing ethical problems when investigating the

Criminal Investigation Scenario: Criminal Scene

Pages: 6 Sources: 6 Topic: Criminal Justice Document #: 39868311

As a result, if an illegitimate interrogation or investigation contributes to the identification of physical evidence, the investigation and physical evidence must be excluded from trial. In this case, the interrogation or investigation is excluded on the basis of the exclusionary rule while the physical evidence is excluded on the basis that it's the fruit or product of illegal interrogation. The significance of the exclusionary and the fruit of poisonous

Criminal Investigations Over the Last

Pages: 4 Sources: 4 Topic: Criminal Justice Document #: 82489014

Potential contamination issues with the collection of evidence include: environmental and human factors. Environmental contamination occurs when heat, humidity and related elements will damage any kind of clues that are at the scene of the crime. While human factors, are when investigators, emergency personnel and the family could touch something (effectively contaminating the crime scene). Once this happens, is the point that it is more difficult for investigators to establish

Criminal Investigation Plays a Crucial Role in

Pages: 5 Sources: 5 Topic: Criminal Justice Document #: 18449454

Criminal investigation plays a crucial role in law enforcement in relation to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of criminals. This paper examines the evolution of criminal investigation research in light of the developments that have taken place in this field. A history of the criminal investigation is also discussed as well as a definition of the criminal investigation process. The author also examines how DNA, fingerprinting, and forensic science have