
Pages: 7 Sources: 5 Topic: Disease Document #: 12408988

Autism is a disorder that starts early in the childhood and stays until adulthood. It has now been known that many conditions are considered co morbid to autism spectrum disorders. These conditions are variable but some of the most common ones include fragile X syndrome and epilepsy. Furthermore, it is noted that autism most likely affects areas such as communication, social interaction and behavior of the person. Therefore, there is

Autism Treatment Methods

Pages: 5 Sources: 5 Topic: Children Document #: 50002376

Autism has reached epidemic proportions between American children with cases increasing amongst adults and children worldwide. Treatments initially began with helping children improve their social and communication skills. With medications like risperidone and aripiprazole to treat irritability, children with autism were managed short-term. However, these medications only present a temporary fix with symptoms continuing after stopping of medication and symptoms recurring even with higher doses. For there to be a

Autism Spectrum Disorder the Objective

Pages: 4 Sources: 5 Topic: Teaching Document #: 29480932

Stimuli other than explicit instruction are reported to have likely signaled the beginning of a new activity. In the case of the female student, Christie it was related that arranging and ordering was not an escapist activity as it had been for the male participants to avoid responding to instructions. In the case of one of the male students the ordering and arranging was believed to be due to

Autism What Can We Learn

Pages: 5 Sources: -2 Topic: Children Document #: 2700418

In order to foster equitable management of the available resources in the society, it becomes less valuable if the innate members are not responsible. A lesson can be drawn from the family of Rowan over the avenues of responding to the calls of duty. The family of Rowan is aware of the characteristic and developmental characteristic that are found in the society. Therefore, they are very ready to offer

Autism Is a Developmental Disorder As It

Pages: 32 Sources: 100 Topic: Children Document #: 20901641

Autism is a developmental disorder as it is marked with pervasive and severe impairment revolving around areas of development such as communication, imagination, reciprocal interaction and behavior. The diagnostic criteria for autism as incorporated by the DSM IV TR includes symptoms such as impairment in the use of nonverbal behaviors like eye contact, gestures, bodily postures during the normal routine social interaction, the inability to form good peer relationships, delay

Autism the Neural Development of

Pages: 15 Sources: 15 Topic: Teaching Document #: 78785393

In some students, autism is more severe than it is in others, and teachers must learn to anticipate this if they are to be successful in the classroom. The severity of the autism can make the difference between whether students with autism should be included or whether they should be taught separately (Shattuck, et al., 2009). Students cannot make that decision, of course, but the parents and teachers can work