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Possible Research Topics in pure Management Accounting new developments. For instance on Target costing, Activity Based Costing and Throughput Accounting?


By PD Tutor#1
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Answer #1

Management accounting combines traditional accounting responsibilities with management responsibilities, which allows a company to align budgetary considerations with the people handling the money.  There are a variety of different topics in management accounting that could serve as a good springboard for research, because how it is applied can vary tremendously depending on the size, purpose, and structure of an organization.  Regardless of the approach, it is clear that management accounting has become an important component of the decision-making process in business of all sizes and that the continued evolution of this practice should results in increased profits and less waste, as budgets are honed and refined to focus on what really benefits the company. 

Some potential topics for research in this area include:

The role of regulations in management accounting and how any potential changes currently being discussed could change the field.  (This could be a broadly-based essay, or it could focus on a specific proposed change).

How to plan for economic volatility that could result from external factors.

Accounting and the environment; should short-term financial gains ever take precedence over long-term environmental concerns? 

How does big data impact managerial accounting?

What impact will businesses pushing back against politicians that have advocated against the US government have on managerial accounting for both big and small businesses?

How does competition impact managerial accounting?  Focus specifically on the impact of increasing competition or decreasing competition to create a more concise and detailed essay.

What steps should managerial accountants take in respects to a firm’s financial information if presented with information that there has been a possible data security breach?  Are there steps that apply to this field that do not apply to the company as a whole?

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