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My topic is cloud computing. Can you help me with an essay topic, essay title, and outline for writing my college paper?

Keyword(s) :    thesis statement security risks


By PD Tutor#1
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Answer #1

Cloud computing is the wave of the future because of the advantages it offers over having storage at each specific location.  However, that does not mean that cloud computing is without some significant challenges.  Any essay focusing on cloud computing needs to make sure and examine both strengths and weaknesses of the model.  In fact, the example outline that we have included takes a strengths and weaknesses approach.

Essay Topics on Cloud Computing

  1. How does cloud computing increase your storage power?
  2. What are the security risks of cloud computing?
  3. Considering security risks and cloud computing in light of terrorist threats against hosts in the wake of the January 6, 2021 insurgency attack on the capitol. 
  4. Can cloud computing save your company money?
  5. How much space can cloud computing save for the average mid-sized business?
  6. Is cloud computing a good choice for individuals, or they choose hard storage options?
  7. What to do with IT infrastructure if a company has moved to the cloud?
  8. How scalable is the cloud? 
  9. Can cloud computing solutions be individualized enough to meet the needs of various businesses?
  10. Does cloud computing encourage collaboration between businesses?

Essay Titles on Cloud Computing

  1. Store More in the Clouds
  2. Cloud Safety
  3. Cloud Computing and Data Security in the Face of Terrorist Threats
  4. Is Cloud Computing a Cash Cow?
  5. Let the Cloud Clear Office Clutter
  6. Personal Data and the Cloud
  7. Outdated Infrastructure and Its Safe Disposal
  8. Super Scalable- The Benefits of Cloud Computing
  9. Customizable Clouds
  10. The Collaborative Cloud

Cloud Computing Essay Outline Example

I. Introduction

A. Strengths

B. Weaknesses

C. Thesis Statement

II. Strengths of Cloud

A. Remote

B. Scalable

C. Collaborative

D. Affordable

E. Space Saving

III. Weaknesses of Cloud

A. More difficult to physically secure

B. Will not come individualized

IV. Conclusion

A. Thesis Statement

B. Weaknesses

C. Strengths

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