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Literature Reviews : What are the common obstacles faced by working students in literature reviews?

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By PD Tutor#2
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Literature Reviews #1

Common Obstacles Faced by Working Students in Literature Reviews
Working students often face a unique set of challenges when conducting literature reviews, which are essential components of academic research. These obstacles can impact the quality and efficiency of the review process.
1. Time Constraints
One of the biggest challenges for working students is finding the time to conduct a thorough literature review. Balancing work, academic commitments, and personal responsibilities can make it difficult to allocate sufficient time for research. This can result in a rushed or incomplete review, potentially compromising the validity and comprehensiveness of the findings.
2. Accessibility to Resources
Working students may have limited access to research resources, such as university libraries, online databases, and interlibrary loans. This can hinder the ability to locate relevant sources and obtain full-text articles, leading to a narrower scope of literature reviewed. Off-campus students may also face difficulties in accessing library services remotely.
3. Fatigue and Stress
Working long hours and managing multiple responsibilities can lead to fatigue and stress, which can impact the student's ability to critically evaluate and synthesize the literature. Extended periods of work can drain energy and reduce the capacity for effective research and analysis.
4. Prioritization of Work over Study
When work demands become pressing, students may prioritize work over study, sacrificing time that could be dedicated to literature review. This can delay the completion of the review or result in a lower quality of work.
5. Lack of Support
Working students may not have the same level of support as full-time students, such as access to academic advisors or research assistants. This can make it challenging to navigate the literature review process effectively or receive feedback on their work.
Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles
To overcome these obstacles, working students can employ various strategies:
Time Management: Prioritize research tasks and allocate specific time slots for literature review. Utilize weekends or early mornings for research when other commitments are less demanding.
Resourcefulness: Explore alternative sources of research materials, such as free online databases, open access archives, and professional networks.
Stress Management: Engage in self-care practices, such as exercise, meditation, or connecting with friends, to reduce stress levels and improve concentration.
Communication: Communicate with professors or supervisors regarding time constraints and request reasonable accommodations, such as extended deadlines or guidance on prioritizing tasks.
Collaboration: Seek support from classmates, colleagues, or online forums where working students can share resources, discuss research ideas, and provide mutual encouragement.
Broughton, A. E., & Foley, K. (2006). The challenges of combining work, study and caring responsibilities for mature students. Higher Education Quarterly, 60(3), 259-276.
Conway, J. M. (2013). Understanding the special barriers and needs of working students in community colleges: A review of the literature. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 43(1), 67-92.
Gordon, L. L., & Marek, P. (2011). Promoting undergraduate research for nontraditional students through doctoral capstone projects. The American Biology Teacher, 73(2), 83-88.
Laughey, N. (2019). Student experiences of a literature review: A hermeneutic phenomenological study. Nurse Education Today, 74, 174-180.

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

Literature Reviews #2

Working students face a unique set of challenges as they balance the demands of both work and school. These challenges can range from time management issues to financial constraints. In a study conducted by Soria and Horgos (2014), it was found that working students often struggle with finding a balance between work and school, leading to increased stress and decreased academic performance. Additionally, working students may also face financial challenges such as the need to pay for tuition, books, and other school-related expenses while also covering their living expenses.
Another common challenge faced by working students is the lack of access to resources and support services on campus. According to a report by the National Center for Education Statistics (2018), working students may have limited time to take advantage of academic advising, tutoring, and other support services offered by their institutions. This lack of support can hinder their academic success and overall well-being.
Furthermore, working students may also struggle with feelings of isolation and alienation on campus. In a study by Nakabugo, Owino, and Mirembe (2015), it was found that working students often report feeling disconnected from their peers who do not work, leading to social and emotional challenges. This sense of isolation can have a negative impact on their motivation and engagement with their studies.
In conclusion, working students face a myriad of challenges that can impact their academic success and overall well-being. It is important for institutions to recognize and address these challenges in order to support the academic and personal growth of working students.
Soria, K. M., & Horgos, B. (2014). Academic and personal development for academically high-risk students: A comprehensive integrated model. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 16(3), 421-440.
National Center for Education Statistics. (2018). The condition of education 2018. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
Nakabugo, M. G., Owino, J. S., & Mirembe, J. (2015). Challenges faced by part-time undergraduate students and their coping strategies in university education. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5(10), 127-137. One of the common obstacles faced by working students in literature reviews is the lack of time to dedicate to their academic studies. Balancing work commitments with school assignments and readings can be challenging, leading to feelings of overwhelm and stress. This time constraint can also impact their ability to conduct thorough research for their literature reviews.

Another obstacle is the struggle to find relevant and credible sources for their literature reviews. Working students may not have access to academic databases or libraries during their working hours, making it difficult to gather the necessary resources for their literature reviews. This can hinder the quality and depth of their literature review, affecting the overall academic performance.

Additionally, working students may face difficulties in effectively synthesizing information from various sources for their literature reviews. Analyzing and integrating findings from different studies can be complex and time-consuming, especially for students who are juggling multiple responsibilities. This challenge can impact the coherence and clarity of their literature reviews, affecting the overall quality of their academic work.

Overall, working students encounter various obstacles when conducting literature reviews, from time constraints to resource limitations and information synthesis challenges. It is essential for institutions to provide adequate support and resources to help working students navigate these obstacles and succeed in their academic endeavors.

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