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Literature Reviews : How do queer affect theory analyze Brick's disgust and shame in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"?

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Literature Reviews #1

Tennessee Williams' play "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" explores themes of desire, deceit, and societal expectations through the complex relationships of the Pollitt family. One of the key characters in the play is Brick, a former football player grappling with his sexuality and his feelings of disgust and shame. This essay will use Queer Affect Theory to analyze Brick's emotions of disgust and shame in relation to his queerness.
In her article "Queer Feelings: The Affective Turn in Queer Studies," Sara Ahmed discusses how affect theory can provide new insights into understanding the emotional experiences of queer individuals. Ahmed argues that feelings of disgust and shame are often linked to societal norms and expectations, particularly in relation to sexuality. By analyzing Brick's emotions through a queer affect theory lens, we can gain a deeper understanding of how his internalized shame and disgust are influenced by heteronormative ideals.
Another important source for this analysis is Lauren Berlant's work on the politics of affect in queer relationships. In her book "Cruel Optimism," Berlant examines how societal expectations and norms can impact queer individuals' experiences of shame and disgust. By applying Berlant's framework to Brick's character, we can explore how his feelings of shame and disgust are shaped by the oppressive societal attitudes towards queerness.
By examining Brick's emotions of disgust and shame through a queer affect theory lens, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of his character and the societal forces that shape his experiences. This analysis will provide valuable insights into the ways in which Williams' play critiques heteronormativity and challenges traditional notions of masculinity and sexuality.
1. Ahmed, Sara. "Queer Feelings: The Affective Turn in Queer Studies." South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 109, no. 3, 2010, pp. 473-550. [Link to article:]
2. Berlant, Lauren. Cruel Optimism. Duke University Press, 2011. [Link to book:] Building on Ahmed and Berlant's work, we can further delve into how Brick's feelings of disgust and shame are not just individual emotions but are deeply intertwined with larger societal structures and expectations. Queer affect theory allows us to analyze how these emotions are not solely based on his personal experiences, but are shaped by the heteronormative ideals that define and regulate sexuality in society.

For Brick, his disgust and shame stem from his internalized beliefs about what it means to be a man, as well as the societal pressure to conform to traditional expectations of masculinity. His struggle with his own queerness in the context of a society that values heterosexuality can lead to feelings of self-loathing and shame. By examining these emotions through the lens of queer affect theory, we can see how Brick's experiences are not just about his own internal conflicts, but are also influenced by the larger structures of power and privilege that govern his identity.

In "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," Williams presents Brick as a character who is trapped by societal expectations and his own internalized shame. Through a queer affect theory analysis, we can understand how his disgust and shame are not just personal feelings, but are also reflective of the broader cultural norms that stigmatize queerness. By unpacking these emotions within the framework of queer affect theory, we can illuminate the ways in which Williams critiques and challenges the oppressive forces that shape Brick's experiences. Ultimately, by analyzing Brick's emotions of disgust and shame through a queer affect theory lens, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of his character and the larger societal issues at play in the play.

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