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I must write an article on diabetes since my husband has it, I never wrote an article and dont know how to start one?

Keyword(s) :    diet disease treatments writing


By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

Answer #1

Writing an article may seem intimidating, but if you have written an essay in the past, then you have all of the skills necessary to tackle writing an article.  The first thing to do is familiarize yourself with your topic.  Since your husband has diabetes, you are already familiar with the disease, which gives you an advantage when writing your article.  Unless you are writing a really broad article, you are going to want to differentiate between Type I and Type II diabetes, since their causes and treatments are significantly different. 

The next thing you want to do is determine the focus of your article.  Since your husband has diabetes and it is something you are familiar with, you could write an article about having a spouse with diabetes.  You could discuss how it impacts your daily life in a variety of ways.  Does it change how you grocery shop and cook?  Is your husband compliant with his diet?  If not, do you have conflicts about diet?  Does it impact what insurance choices you make because of deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses, and covered expenses?  Does it change your social life?  Is he insulin dependent or do other medications handle his issues?  You could write a very personal article about being a spouse.

If that would feel too revealing, you could choose to focus on another aspect of diabetes.  Cooking for diabetics and simple changes you can make to reduce the net carb amount in everyday meals is one approach you could take.  Another, scarier, focus would be to examine what happens if diabetics do not get adequate treatment and have blood sugar issues that are long-term.  You could get more medical and focus on diabetes as part of metabolic syndrome.

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