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I have two hooks to my essay, one about a quick summary of the book and one that relates to the theme of my book, but I am not sure which would apply?


By PD Tutor#1
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Answer #1

In the book Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, the author describes a Native American child and his family who retreat into the woods in order to avoid the child being taken from them and raised away from the family, which was happening not just to members of their Ojibway nation, but to Native Americans across the country.  The book is a fictional novel, but is based in the historical fact that not only were Native Americans forcibly removed from their ancestral lands throughout North America, but were also subjected to having their children stolen from them and placed in white schools that were specifically designed to strip them of their native culture.

The purpose of an essay hook is to provide an attention-grabbing lure for the reader, not a summary of the essay or even a thesis statement.  Here are some example hooks we might use for the novel Indian Horse:

Watching Saul be ripped from his family may be shocking, but it is only a preview of the betrayal and pain the protagonist experiences throughout the novel.

Given what Saul experienced in his childhood, it is no surprise that he faces constant challenges as an adult; what is surprising is that, regardless of those challenges, he is able to hold on to hope.

The chilling drama of Saul Indian Horse’s childhood haunts the reader long after they finish the book.

The transformative power of sport and the way that sport both transcends race and reinforces racism are deftly displayed in the novel Indian Horse.

Despite the fact that Saul is able to find some significant success in his adult life, the reader cannot help but yearn for justice for Saul, and the thousands of children like him, who had their childhoods stolen by a government that was supposed to protect them.

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