How you write your outline for your essay on how online learning is impacting teens depends on the structure of your essay. Most academic essays are done in the same manner, with an introductory paragraph, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The default length for a basic academic essay is five paragraphs, but the outline we are providing is for a six-paragraph essay because we think you should define online learning and explain why people are using it and then look at the educational, social, and mental impacts of online learning.
Online Learning Essay Outline: Impact on Teens
I. Introduction
A. Define online learning
B. Educational impact
C. Social impact
D. Mental impact
E. Thesis
II. Define online learning
A. Learning done primarily online
B. Reasons for online learning
C. COVID-19 and online learning
III. Educational impact
A. Depends on the student
1. Age
2. Motivation
3. Access to in-home resources
4. Learning level
B. Some students do better in an online environment
C. Many kids struggling in an online environment
IV. Social impact
A. Removes kids from peer groups
B. Can reduce bullying
C. Socialization can be replaced in other ways
1. Established online schools offer social opportunities for kids
2. Scheduled playgroups
3. Extracurricular activities
D. Pandemic has changed the social impact
1. Reduced ability for in-person interactions out of school
2. Even non-peer socialization (like family get togethers) is impacted
V. Mental impact
A. Stressors
1. Loneliness and isolation
2. Increased workload
3. Physical stressors
4. Lack of instructional support
5. May lack appropriate equipment
6. May lack sufficient internet access
7. Distractions
B. Fewer intervention opportunities for at-risk teens
1. Hunger
2. Child abuse
3. LGBTQ+ kids in hostile home environments
4. Suicidal kids
VI. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis
B. Mental impact
C. Social impact
D. Educational impact