By Ezra

How to formulate proposals to develop the strategic leadership resource?

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The occurrence of events such as Brexit and Covid has led to notable disruptions in the global supply chain, an unstable labour market, and rising cost of business operations. Consequently, this has exacerbated uncertainty within the business environment. To remain competitive in the uncertain labour market, DGFT sought to enhance its capacity to both attract and retain employees. The establishment of effective leadership at DGFT across various levels has been crucial in fostering a safe working environment and a culture that values inclusivity and diversity. As a result, the organization has seen a significant increase in its ability to both attract and retain employees, even international skilled workers. This development has greatly improved the organization's capacity to successfully navigate the competitive labour market. DGFT relies on external sourcing to manage specific services, resulting in increased operational costs. This dependence is partly driven by the stringent service performance standards set by the government, a backlog of patients from the Covid era, and a shortage of adequately skilled staff to efficiently oversee the services. As a result, the organization has faced setbacks in achieving its strategic goal of conducting financially sustainable operations. Efforts are now underway to provide training for employees and leverage collaborations with other trusts to reduce operational costs.


By PD Tutor#2
Best Answer

Answer #1

Formulating Proposals for Strategic Leadership Resource Development


Developing a strong strategic leadership resource is essential for organizations to navigate complex and dynamic business environments. This resource encompasses the knowledge, skills, and capabilities that enable leaders to effectively define and execute strategic initiatives, drive organizational change, and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. To formulate effective proposals for developing this resource, a comprehensive approach is required.

Needs Assessment

Conduct a thorough analysis of the existing strategic leadership capabilities within the organization.
Identify gaps and areas for improvement through interviews, surveys, and data analysis.
Assess the current and future strategic challenges facing the organization to determine the required level of leadership development.

Objectives and Outcomes

Clearly define the specific objectives and desired outcomes of the strategic leadership resource development initiative.
Align these objectives with the organization's overall strategic goals and talent management strategies.
Quantify outcomes to the extent possible, such as increased leadership effectiveness, enhanced decision-making, and improved organizational performance.

Target Audience

Identify the target audience for the strategic leadership resource development program.
Consider the current and future roles and responsibilities of the participants.
Assess the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives within the target audience.

Program Design

Develop a tailored program that meets the specific needs and objectives identified through the needs assessment.
Incorporate a mix of theoretical knowledge, practical application, and experiential learning opportunities.
Engage subject matter experts, external consultants, and experienced leaders as facilitators and mentors.

Delivery Format

Determine the most appropriate delivery format based on the target audience and program objectives.
Consider options such as in-person workshops, online learning platforms, or blended approaches.
Ensure flexibility and accessibility for participants with different schedules and learning preferences.

Assessment and Evaluation

Establish clear metrics and evaluation mechanisms to track the effectiveness of the strategic leadership resource development program.
Collect feedback from participants, facilitators, and stakeholders throughout the program.
Use the evaluation findings to make necessary adjustments and enhancements to the program on an ongoing basis.


Allocate necessary resources to support the strategic leadership resource development initiative.
This may include funding, staff, training materials, and access to development tools and resources.
Explore partnerships with external organizations, such as universities or professional development providers, to leverage their expertise and resources.


Plan for the sustainability of the strategic leadership resource development program beyond the initial implementation period.
Incorporate the program into the organization's talent management framework and succession planning processes.
Create opportunities for continuous learning and professional development to maintain and enhance leadership capabilities.

Proposal Template

Section 1: Executive Summary

Briefly summarize the proposal's key points and recommendations.

Section 2: Needs Assessment

Describe the results of the needs assessment and identify the specific gaps and areas for improvement.

Section 3: Objectives and Outcomes

State the clear objectives and desired outcomes of the strategic leadership resource development initiative.

Section 4: Target Audience

Define the target audience and justify the selection criteria.

Section 5: Program Design

Outline the program's curriculum, delivery methods, and learning activities.

Section 6: Assessment and Evaluation

Describe the assessment and evaluation mechanisms that will be used to track the program's effectiveness.

Section 7: Resources

Outline the resources required to support the program's implementation and sustainability.

Section 8: Sustainability

Explain the plan for ensuring the program's sustainability beyond the initial implementation period.


By following these guidelines, organizations can formulate well-structured proposals for strategic leadership resource development that effectively address organizational needs, align with overall strategic goals, and foster the development of a highly capable leadership team. This investment in leadership development will ultimately contribute to enhanced organizational performance, innovation, and competitive advantage.

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

Answer #2

I. Introduction
- Provide an overview of why strategic leadership development is important for the organization
- Highlight the benefits of investing in this resource

II. Current State Analysis
- Conduct a thorough assessment of the organization's current leadership capabilities
- Identify gaps and areas for improvement in strategic leadership skills
- Consider feedback from stakeholders and performance evaluations

III. Objectives
- Clearly outline the specific goals and objectives for developing the strategic leadership resource
- Ensure that objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)

IV. Proposed Strategies
- Develop a comprehensive training program focused on strategic leadership skills
- Offer opportunities for leadership coaching and mentorship
- Implement leadership development workshops and seminars
- Provide access to resources and tools for continuous learning and development

V. Implementation Plan
- Identify key milestones and timelines for implementing the proposed strategies
- Allocate resources and budget for the development of the strategic leadership resource
- Assign roles and responsibilities to stakeholders involved in the implementation process

VI. Evaluation
- Establish metrics and benchmarks to measure the success of the strategic leadership development initiative
- Collect feedback from participants and stakeholders on the effectiveness of the program
- Use data-driven insights to make improvements and adjustments as needed

VII. Conclusion
- Summarize the key points of the proposal and reiterate the importance of investing in strategic leadership development
- Emphasize the long-term benefits that the organization will realize from developing this resource

By following this structured format, you can effectively formulate a proposal to develop the strategic leadership resource within your organization.
VIII. Communication Plan
- Develop a communication strategy to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the strategic leadership development initiative
- Communicate the objectives, strategies, and progress updates regularly through various channels such as email updates, team meetings, and internal newsletters

IX. Sustainability plan
- Outline a plan to ensure the sustainability of the strategic leadership resource in the long run
- Consider establishing a leadership development committee to oversee the ongoing development and maintenance of the program
- Evaluate the scalability of the program and identify opportunities for expansion to reach more employees within the organization

X. Continuous Improvement
- Prioritize a culture of continuous improvement within the organization to foster ongoing growth and development of strategic leadership skills
- Encourage feedback from participants and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to the program
- Regularly review and update the training curriculum and resources to align with evolving leadership trends and industry best practices

By incorporating these additional elements into your proposal, you can create a comprehensive plan to develop the strategic leadership resource that is not only effective in the short term but also sustainable and adaptable for long-term success.

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