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How do I write an essay on upper respiratory tract infection?


By PD Tutor#1
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Answer #1

To begin writing an essay about upper respiratory tract infections, you want to think about the approach you want to take.  Do you want to describe upper respiratory tract infections, discuss causes of these infections, focus on symptoms, or look at different treatment methods?  Perhaps you want to do a combination of those things and write a comprehensive essay on the topic.  Next, you want to consider your audience.  Are you writing a generic essay for a lower-level course in a non-scientific discipline or is your essay for an audience that is familiar with science or healthcare? The more sophisticated your audience, the more specific and detailed your essay should be.

We are providing you with a sample outline for an essay about upper respiratory infections.

I. Introduction

A. What is an upper respiratory tract infection? 

B. Symptoms

C. Causes

D. Treatment

E. Thesis

II. Definition

A. What is the upper respiratory tract

B. Distinct from pneumonia or other infections in the lung

C. Explain infection

D. Can be described by specific parts

1. Rhinitis

2. Sinus infections/ sinusitis

3. Nasopharyngitis

4. Pharyngitis

5. Laryngitis

6. Laryngotracheitis

7. Tracheitis

III. Symptoms

A. Cough

B. Stuffy nose

C. Stuffy sinuses

E. Sneezing

F. Sore throat

G. Possible headache

H. Possible fever

I. Painful swallowing

J. Lack of energy

K. Watery eyes

L. Nasal discharge

IV. Causes

A. Usually viral

1. Cold

2. Flu

B. Sometimes bacterial

C. More common in fall and winter

D. Generally contagious 

1. Airborne

2. Transmitted by touch

V. Treatment

A. Depends on the cause

B. Lots of fluids

C. Rest

D. Decongestants

E. Steroids

F. Antibiotics if bacterial

G. Nasal rinses

VI. Conclusion

A. Restate thesis

B. Definition

C. Symptoms

D. Causes 

E. Treatment

F. Suggestions

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