1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats, restaurant booths, etc.). 5. To limit obesity and its related problems, a person should eat healthy foods and control portions. Even health foods can make a person obese if he or she is simply eating far too much. Exercise and regular health checkups are also very important. 6. African Americans are more likely to be obese, but obesity is a problem that is seen across all ethnicities in the United States and many other countries. Lower income people are also more likely to be obese, but people who are financially comfortable are not immune from excessive weight gain.