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Essay Titles : What impact does the title of a piece of literature have on the portrayal of abortion?

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By PD Tutor#2
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Essay Titles #1

The Title's Influence on Abortion Portrayal in Literature

The title of a literary work serves as a potent gateway into its thematic landscape, setting the tone and shaping readers' expectations. When the subject matter involves the sensitive and polarizing topic of abortion, the title's influence becomes particularly profound.

Signalling the Taboo

The mere mention of "abortion" in a title can trigger instant reactions, evoking strong emotions and preconceived notions. It can instantly convey the novel's controversial nature, signaling to readers that the work will grapple with complex ethical dilemmas and societal divides. Titles such as "The Abortion" (Ann Oakley), "Abortion: A Woman's Right to Choose" (Marge Piercy), or "The Unborn" (Chuck Palahniuk) immediately establish the narrative's focus and evoke a range of feelings, from empathy to condemnation.

Framing the Narrative

The title also functions as a frame that shapes how the story is told. For instance, titles that foreground the mother's perspective, such as "My Body, My Choice" (Nancy Friday) or "The Mother" (Emma Donoghue), emphasize the protagonist's agency and the personal consequences of the decision. Conversely, titles that emphasize the fetus, such as "The Silent Child" (Kelly Oliver) or "The Baby Thief" (Margaret Forster), highlight the ethical implications of abortion and the potential loss of life.

Establishing the Author's Stance

Through the title, authors can subtly indicate their own position on the issue. Titles that employ emotive language, such as "The Holocaust of the Unborn" (Eric Metaxas) or "The Crime of Abortion" (Dr. Bernard Nathanson), often reflect a pro-life stance. On the other hand, titles that emphasize the mother's rights, such as "The Right to Choose" (Federated Abortion Information Service) or "Unplanned" (Abby Johnson), suggest a pro-choice perspective.

Influencing Reader Response

The title's influence extends beyond setting the tone to shaping readers' interpretations of the text. Readers who encounter a title that aligns with their beliefs may approach the novel with empathy and understanding. Conversely, those who disagree with the stance conveyed in the title may be more critical or dismissive of the narrative.

Highlighting the Complexities

Titles that highlight the complexities of abortion, such as "The Abortionist's Daughter" (Miriam Toews) or "The Bluest Eye" (Toni Morrison), invite readers to grapple with the multifaceted nature of the issue. These titles suggest that abortion is not merely a yes-or-no question but a deeply personal and often agonizing decision.


The title of a literary work plays a crucial role in shaping the portrayal of abortion. It can evoke strong reactions, frame the narrative, establish the author's stance, and influence reader response. By examining the titles of abortion-related novels, we gain insights into the shifting societal attitudes towards this complex and controversial issue. The title serves as a powerful tool that can both challenge and reinforce prevailing beliefs, ultimately inviting readers to engage with the complexities of abortion and its profound implications on individuals and society as a whole.

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By PD Tutor#1
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Essay Titles #2

Sure! Here are ten essay titles on the topic of abortion with proper spacing and format:

1. The Ethical Dilemma: Examining the Controversial Decisions Surrounding Abortion

2. A Woman's Right to Choose: An In-depth Analysis of the Abortion Debate

3. The Legal Landscape: Exploring the Historical and Current Laws on Abortion

4. The Psychological Impact: Investigating the Emotional Consequences of Abortion

5. Circumstances Matter: Evaluating the Moral and Practical Considerations of Abortion in Different Situations

6. Abortion and Religion: A Comparative Study of Different Faith Perspectives

7. The Clash of Rights: Balancing Women's Reproductive Rights with Fetal Personhood

8. Public Opinion and Policy: Assessing the Relationship between Public Attitudes and Abortion Legislation

9. The Intersection of Health and Choice: Analyzing the Medical Aspects of Abortion Procedures

10. A Global Perspective: Comparing Abortion Laws and Practices Across Different Countries.
11. Breaking the Stigma: Challenging Societal Views on Abortion and Women's Rights
12. The Economic Impact: Examining the Financial Burden of Abortion Restrictions and Access
13. The Language of Choice: How Terminology Shapes the Discourse on Abortion
14. Beyond Pro-Life and Pro-Choice: Reimagining the Abortion Debate in a Complex World
15. Abortion Access: Investigating Barriers and Solutions for Women Seeking Reproductive Healthcare
16. Reproductive Justice: Understanding Abortion within the Larger Framework of Women's Rights
17. Abortion and the Media: Analyzing Portrayals of Abortion in News, Entertainment, and Literature
18. Abortion and Social Class: Exploring the Intersection of Economic Status and Reproductive Rights
19. Abortion Narratives: Examining Personal Stories and Perspectives on Abortion Decision-making
20. The Future of Abortion Rights: Looking Ahead to Potential Changes in Legislation and Public Opinion.

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