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Essay Outlines : What major events contribute to the climax of "A Good Man is Hard to Find", as outlined in the story?

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Essay Outlines #1

I. Introduction
A. Attention-Grabbing Opening Sentence
B. Background Information on "A Good Man is Hard to Find"
C. Thesis Statement

II. Overview and Analysis of Characters
A. The Grandmother
1. Personality Traits and Motivations
2. Significance to the Storyline
B. The Misfit
1. Personality Traits and Motivations
2. Significance to the Storyline
C. Supporting Characters
1. Bailey (Grandmother's son)
2. The Children (John Wesley and June Star)
3. The Mother
4. Red Sammy Butts

III. Plot Summary
A. Exposition
1. Introduction of Characters
2. Grandmother's Manipulations
B. Rising Action
1. Road Trip Details
2. Encounter with the Misfit
C. Climax
1. The Grandmother's Realization
2. The Misfit's Cruelty
D. Falling Action
1. The Family's Demise
2. Final Encounter between the Misfit and the Grandmother

IV. Themes and Motifs Explored in the Story
A. Redemption and Salvation
1. The Grandmother's Desire for Redemption
2. The Misfit's Views on Redemption
B. Moral Decay and the Changing World
1. Symbolic Importance of the Setting
2. The Misfit as a Reflection of Society's Moral Decline
C. Family Dynamics and Relationships
1. The Dysfunctional Relationship within the Family
2. The Role of Family in the Face of Tragedy

V. Symbolism and Imagery
A. The Misfit as a Symbol of Evil
1. Biblical References and Allusions
2. Interpretation of the Misfit's Actions
B. The Grandmother's Hat
1. Symbolic Meaning
2. The Hat's Impacts on the Story's Outcome

VI. Conclusion
A. Restate Thesis Statement
B. Summarize Main Points
C. Concluding Thoughts on the Significance of "A Good Man is Hard to Find"
VII. Major Events Contributing to the Climax

1. The family's encounter with the escaped convicts at The Tower
2. The accidental detour leading the family to their fatal meeting with The Misfit
3. The Grandmother's desperate attempt to save herself by mentioning The Misfit's identity
4. The Misfit's cold-blooded decision to kill the family members one by one

These major events culminate in the emotional and psychological climax of the story, where the true nature of the characters and their beliefs are put to the ultimate test.

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